Queuing Requests / Async Processing?

Oct 28, 2010

I'm putting together a web app that will process time consuming jobs in the background.so for example 100 users are on the site 20 of them submit jobs to the server. these 20 jobs get added to a list and the background worker pickes them up one by one. I want to be able to have up to 10 background workers doing the tasks.

for scaleability the job list is likely to be a database table, however at the proof of concept stage I will probably use an application variable (stack of some sort) with a GUID to identify each job.

So I *think* what I need is ....

a single background worker process that starts when the web app starts.This process monitors the stack / job list. It dynamically creates a worker process for the first item, removes the job from the stack and increments the thread count.If there is a second job it creates another thread (up to 10) and increments the thread counter.When each thread finishes it closes itself and decrements the thread count.
If I move to the database table job list would it be better to have ASP.Net add jobs and a windows service do the processing?

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AJAX :: WebMethod Is Fast On Local But Works Slowly In Processing Requests On Server

Aug 28, 2012

I am using the following Web method.. its work fast on local host , but on Domain hosted server .. its works odd , i;e; some time its work fast about (1-3 sec) and some take about 10-14 sec to process..  how do i make it work properly and fast..
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public static string DisplayMessage(string name, string price,string obj, string id)
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["eshopConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
//Creating Delay""


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Queuing Using The Database Or MSMQ?

Mar 23, 2010

A part of the application I'm working on is an swf that shows a test with some 80 questions. Each question is saved in SQL Server through WebORB and ASP.NET. If a candidate finishes the test, the session needs to be validated. The problem is that sometimes 350 candidates finish their test at the same moment, and the CPU on the web server and SQL Server explodes (350 validations concurrently).Now, how should I implement queuing here? In the database, there's a table that has a record for each session. One column holds the status. 1 is finished, 2 is validated.

I could implement queuing in two ways (as I see it, maybe you have other propositions):A process that checks the table for records with status 1. If it finds one, it validates the session. So, sessions are validated one after one.
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Can this be done? Do I start it in a different thread? How can I start the exe in that thread and just leave it to do its work?

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Multiple Async Postbacks At The Same Time?

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Is this working as expected? My understanding was with AJAX postbacks, the event handlers for the buttons trigger simultaneously.

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How To Handle Errors During Async Postbacks

Jan 5, 2010

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AJAX :: Async Call Without Results?

Feb 23, 2011

I want to make an async call to the server when an achor tag is clicked and then have the browser advance to the href without waiting for the async call to return a result. I am using System.Web.UI.ICallbackEventHandler. My server code is not executing. The server code only executes if the GetCallbackEventReference call specifies a clientscript value which means the page has to wait before advancing. What am i doing wrong?

My client code is:

<script type="text/javascript">
function ReceiveServerData(arg, context) {
function DoAsyncTask(arg)
CallServer(arg, '');
return false;

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.net - Async HttpWebRequest With No Wait From Within A Web Application?

Feb 1, 2010

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MVC :: Client Scripts Not Running After Async Postback?

Feb 28, 2010

I have a MVC view, say,:


somepartialview calls other partial views, that also contains client javascript. This loads and works fine, the javascript-based effects (vertical ticker, horizontal ticker) work fine as well.

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Ajax.ActionLink("LinkText", "SetIcons", new { id = l.ID }, new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "ajaxdiv" })
Namely, an <a> element which upon click changes the content of <div id="ajaxdiv"> using a 'SetIcons' controller:


But this works only partially: the page gets refreshed with the new HTML content, but the scripts that worked before the async postback do not run anymore. How do I get them to work?

I think that I am looking for the MVC alternative of the WebForms' ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript

OSDBDataContext db = new OSDBDataContext();

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C# - Best Practice To Handle Exception In The Async Call?

Nov 11, 2010

For example, I am using wenclient.DownloadfileAsync to download a file asynchronously.

In the DownloadFileCompleted event handler, I can check if I have any exception or not by using AsyncCompletedEventArgs.Error property.

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I am wondering how to handle this kind of exeception? How to pass this exception back to the
calling thread?

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Architecture :: Async Controls In Large Page?

Apr 4, 2010

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MVC :: How To Validate The View Model From An Async Page

Apr 26, 2010

Like this?


I'm looking for the best way to do this!

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Modal Loading Popup On Async Postback?

Sep 9, 2010

I have a web application that does some complicated data retrieval tasks and so I am trying to show a modal dialog box with a loading message when the tasks begins. I am using ASP.Net 3.5, the jQeury popup I am using is bPopup.

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so the $("#<%=lDiv.ClientID %>").openPopup(); opens up my loading modal and then the server starts doing its thing. When the server finishes though how would I then close the dialog box?

I just need to call one line of code like $("#<%=lDiv.ClientID %>").closePopup();

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How To Get The Id Of Updatepanel That Triggered The Async Postback On Serverside

Sep 16, 2010

I know about Always vs. Conditional, I just need to know exactly which update panel's data needs to be refreshed (not taken from app tier cache) on the serverside.

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AJAX :: Nested Updatepanels And Async Postbacks?

Mar 23, 2011

I'm trying to get something like this to work


What I'm looking for is to disable the submit button if any of the inner updatepanels are in postback mode. I would also like some way to block that particular panel. I guess for the outer updatepanel, updatemode should be set to conditional, and usechildrenastriggers should be false. What's really bugging me is how to block the panel while a postback is occurring.

In all my tests thus far, the outer updatepanel's updateprogress is triggered, which blocks the whole page.

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AJAX :: Events Don't Fire In Async Postbacks

Feb 16, 2010

So I have a page with an UpdatePanel and some controls in there. When I explicitly type/copy+paste the page's address into the address bar, let VS navigate there for me, or follow a link to the page, all of the AJAX works fine. But if I refresh this page, the JS on the page initiates the async postback, but the appropriate event is never called on the server (although Page_Load is) and the client never recieves the markup sent back by the server. This issue seems to be limited to Firefox 3.6 (Gecko build 1/15/2010)(doesn't happen in IE8). I have yet to try on other versions of Firefox.

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How Can Control Focus Be Maintained Across Async Postbacks

Aug 3, 2010

I have a page setup like so:


I know lastFocused is getting a value and RestoreFocus is running, but whenever it runs the value of lastFocused is null.

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Ajax - Telerik Rad Combo And Async Postbacks In C#?

Jul 26, 2010

I have a very typical set up, an ajax update panel is updated when a drop list of offices changes. Each form could have it's own values, for instance each store will have it's own list of employees. Here is where the fun begins. The form can be changed by the drop down (new office) or validated and submitted.

On drop down change, I create a new instance of the same rad combo, bind it to the current data, confirm that the correct data is bound. Then on the return trip I see selected the default user from the previous user. This is a composite control, and firebug shows me that the value for the "text box" that simulates the combo still has the old value. I'm suspecting onViewStateLoaded, but turning viewstate off for the Telerik didn't . II don;t need it anyway, cuz I have to put the selected value in another hidden to make a cross page post on submit.

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