AJAX :: WebMethod Is Fast On Local But Works Slowly In Processing Requests On Server

Aug 28, 2012

I am using the following Web method.. its work fast on local host , but on Domain hosted server .. its works odd , i;e; some time its work fast about (1-3 sec) and some take about 10-14 sec to process..  how do i make it work properly and fast..
here is my code 

public static string DisplayMessage(string name, string price,string obj, string id)
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["eshopConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
//Creating Delay""


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URL....I used above code to send Confirmation-email but below error happen..The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.5.1 Authentication Required. Learn more at...An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. System.Net.Mail. Smtp Exception: The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.5.1 Authentication Required. Learn more atSource Error: 

Line 87: smtp.Credentials = NetworkCred;
Line 88: smtp.Port = 587;
Line 89: smtp.Send(mm);
Line 90: }
Line 91:

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Save Editor.Content To Xml Works On Local Machine But Not On Server?

Mar 25, 2010

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Dim docInfo.Load(Server.MapPath(xmlInfoFilePath))
docInfo As
New System.Xml.XmlDocument()
Dim ndInfo As System.Xml.XmlNode
ndInfo = docInfo.SelectSingleNode("/info/business[@user='" & User.Identity.Name &
If ndInfo IsNot
Nothing Then
ndInfo.Attributes("description").Value = Editor.Content
End If
docInfo = Nothing

This button click generate an error on server side. I guess the problem Editor.Content have hidden tags, the server refuse to accept, but what is real problem.

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Jan 4, 2010

I am having a webmethod that returns some data.I'm using jquery to call that function with its Content type specified as XML.The problem is that it is working on local machine but not on server.The code i'm using is:

var arrInputs = pnl.getElementsByTagName("input");
str = arrInputs[0].value;

Ajaxfinish is defined afterwards and it works fine on local.Is there some more settings i need to do to make it executable

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Queuing Requests / Async Processing?

Oct 28, 2010

I'm putting together a web app that will process time consuming jobs in the background.so for example 100 users are on the site 20 of them submit jobs to the server. these 20 jobs get added to a list and the background worker pickes them up one by one. I want to be able to have up to 10 background workers doing the tasks.

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So I *think* what I need is ....

a single background worker process that starts when the web app starts.This process monitors the stack / job list. It dynamically creates a worker process for the first item, removes the job from the stack and increments the thread count.If there is a second job it creates another thread (up to 10) and increments the thread counter.When each thread finishes it closes itself and decrements the thread count.
If I move to the database table job list would it be better to have ASP.Net add jobs and a windows service do the processing?

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May 19, 2010

I have a service that works great on my development box. It uses JQuery to hit my web service, and then the JSON results are sent back.

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The web page seems to be trying to call the web method correctly - the JSON data is being sent... but the server doesn't seem to know it's a webmethod. here's my service function (it's in our basepage.cs which inherits from Page).


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Dec 25, 2010

I havea ReportViewer linked to a Report1.rdlcIn the .aspx I have a datasourcelike this: Select * from DataOne of the field is called CityNow this report renders nicely without error.Ok then I want to create a Report Parameter.Finally it leads to error like thisAn error occurred during local report processing.he definition of the report 'Main Report' is invalid.A Value expression used for the report parameter 'City' refers to a field. Fields cannot be used in report parameter expressions

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Web Forms :: Error Occurred During Local Report Processing

May 15, 2012

An error occurred during local report processing.

The definition of the report 'Main Report' is invalid.

The Value expression for the textbox ‘Fullname’ uses an aggregate expression without a scope. A scope is required for all aggregates used outside of a data region unless the report contains exactly one data set.

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Nov 16, 2010

When I use the following in a webmethod:

string mysqlsPath = Server.MapPath("applog.txt");
command.CommandText = "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '" + mysqlsPath + "' INTO TABLE numbers FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '

I get Error LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE ---> Could not find file

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An error occured during local report processing.

An error has occured during report processing.

Qery execution failed for dataset 'ds_testtablosu'

Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "MMDB"

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Ajax - 4 Update Panels Create 4 Different HTTP Requests To The Server?

Mar 16, 2011

I use four different update panels, that use the same timer as trigger.

1) Will the 4 update panels create 4 different HTTP requests to the server?
2) I'm using 4 different panels as the controls are located in different parts of the page, is there a way of putting them in the same update panel?
3) Is this a good coding practice?

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Jan 27, 2011

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AJAX :: Update Page Portion After Some Processing Completed At Server?

Feb 23, 2010

I have devloped a dashboard, which contains different sections. Each section shows a certain user control. some user controls shows graphs and grids and some information after some calculations. Some of these controls take times (10 seconds) to load, that's why whole page take a remarkable time to load.

I wana display skelton of page and some of controls, not taking much time, and display some processing sign on controls taking time more than 5 seconds. and refresh contents of these controls after processing at server done.

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AJAX :: Web Page Loading Slowly Due To Control Toolkit Controls

Jun 16, 2015

i have used some Ajax control toolkit in my web project. but the problem is that my web pages are loading very slowly because of ajax control toolkit, when i remove this web pages are working very fine and fast. I am using vs 2012 and framework 4.5..

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AJAX :: Method Error 500 (code WORKS On Dev Server, FAILS On Prod. Server) / How To Fix It

Nov 8, 2010

Locally I have the cascading dropdown which loads countries in a cascading dropdown working.

But as soon as I place the code on the hosting server, Firebug shows me an:

500 Internal Server Error - [URL]

The cascading dropdown just shows "[Method error 500]"


local configuration:

Windows 7

server configuration:

Windows Server 2008

So it almost MUST be something on my hosting server! :s I dont know what to configure though...


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