Read Prt File With Sample Data?
Mar 16, 2010
Is there any way to read the prt file with sample data like that and seperate headers and take the data from the file. Sample prt file data - Sample.prt Item Sub Group :..............................
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Feb 25, 2011
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So the output will be like CompanyID : 070 Symbol :90 .
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I am reading data from Excel file using oledbdataadapter and binding to gridview.Every thing working fine.but if the cell is having some text along with bar sysmol ( | ) [Ex : 12345 | 789123] that cell data is not reading from excel file.All fileds in excel sheet is text format only.Some times it's reading correctly & some times it not reading(empty).Is there any problem with bar symbol ( | )
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Dec 10, 2010
Mr requirement is i am uploading a .txt file and read that .txt file and bind that data to ASP.NET Gridview control. My .txt file is look like below:
% Compressor type: GT12 C224(38) 55 Trim 0.38 A/R
% Turbine type: GT12 T202(35.5) 72 Trim 0.39 A/R
% Initial data file name:20050669-02.cdt
% Polar inertia: [kg.m2]
% Comment:DATA REDUCTION CODE REV 2.04 RELEASE 03-OCT-2004 (REFERENCE: REPORT 99-0145. REPORT 03-0901. TI-056)
% P reference: 100000Pa - T reference: 298 K
% RPM KG/S T-T ----
115030.5714 0.0170 1.3398 0.5698
115030.5714 0.0239 1.3209 0.6155
115030.5714 0.0291 1.3020 0.6282
115030.5714 0.0339 1.2822 0.6377
115030.5714 0.0380 1.2576 0.6209
115030.5714 0.0416 1.2311 0.5955
134956.4286 0.0405 1.4045 0.6852
How to read this file and bind data to gridview control.
Right now i am using the following code but it stores whole data in a single column and a single row but i need it in four columns named NC, WC, PRC,ETAC and it's values in respected columns.
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
String ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.FileName).ToUpper();
if (ext == ".TXT")
String content = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(FileUpload1.FileBytes);
String[] ar = content.Split(';');
GridView1.DataSource = ar;
how to get data in four columns in Gridview as a tabular format. I am using technologies Visual Studio 2005, ASP.NET 2.0,C#.NET 2.0 and Windows Xp Operating system.
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ID Name Contact No Address
XYZ xxxxxxx ASDFG
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OleDbConnection con = new OleDbConnection("PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=" + Server.MapPath("App_Data/data.mdb") + ";");
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Jul 25, 2013
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Jan 24, 2010
I've an XML file stored in App_Data which is only used to read some configuration on startup. When I attempt to open it within my code, I get an Access to the path ... is denied message.
I'm having trouble understanding why, and how to solve it. I guess in theory I should alter the permissions on the file (and directory), but this hasn't changed anything.
To give a bit more background:1. Its a file bundled with the project, so the setup created by VS2008 writes it to the correct place during install. I didn't think I'd need to do anything unusual post install such that the ASP.NET application would have access.
2. When I've tried publishing this locally, I've not had any problems. - This is only on a test Windows 2003 server.
3. I've ran a simple page to understand the effective user of IIS - It is NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE. I tried granting "Full Access" to this user to this file, and still it doesn't work.The code to open it is simple:
FileStream fs = new FileStream(Server.mapPath(s), FileMode.Open);
Where s is defined as '~/App_Data/myfile.xml
I've even copied and pasted the full path & filename (from the exception) and tried "dir" on it, and it is indeed present (to get around a typo for example).I've also tried running aspnet_regiis.exe /s
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Jul 31, 2010
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Is it possible to get ASP.NET to write the data to a temporary file on the hard drive as it is recieved rather than reading into RAM?
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Jan 4, 2013
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i need add one key value in web.config and that values read in page and to bind that value to gridview?
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I have a file pdf, in file pdf of me has a table with many columns. How to Fill data from file pdf to columns of file Excel?I want fill data from file table of file pdf to file excel following format of file pdf.
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Mar 28, 2013
I want read excel file in button event using with c#..
And the excel file content to be displaying into any control or same excel file to show..
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