Restrict The Generics To Take Only Value Types?

Jul 12, 2010

I had asked with one question in the interview regarding generics

How can we restricts the one generic method to take only the value types.It should not be able to take reference types.

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<ObjectDataSource properties="blahblahblah">
<asp:Parameter />

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void MyMethod();

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I tried so much working with this to get distinct Words and their count. I'm using ASP.NET 2.0. And i also googled so much.

1)Ex(String): The DOTNET is Very Cool! The Best.

2) Capture all the sequences like Space, FullStop, Question Mark, Exclamation, Apostrophe, New Line....(May be with RegEx?)

3)Split Words According to the above sequences

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Desired O/P:
The - 2
Is - 1
Very - 1
Cool - 1
Best - 1

This is my Sample Code for your Ref.


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Class SomeClass
Public Property info As InfoControl(Of WebControl, ITextControl)
End Class

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AddressLine1<br />
AddressLine2<br />
Suburb State Postcode

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Jun 29, 2010

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How to write expression to handle both items ?

ListViewItems.DataSource = f.Items.Select(t => t.value1, t.value2[0]);

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