Robust Server Side Dynamic Form Engine For .NET?

Jun 20, 2010

I've recently implemented a simple dynamic forms engine that uses dynamically loaded ASP.NET controls in concert with an EAV schema to handle the variable nature of the data model. The business was sufficiently satisfied with the end product for a time, but is now clamoring for much more complex dynamic forms:Field visibility is tied to the values of other form fieldsList of drop down possible values tied to the state of other form fields Enforcement of various business rules across the for

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Server Side Javascript Engine For IIS?

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I am looking for a solution similar to Aptana's Jaxer where I can execute javascript server side

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Control Server Side Event Is Not Firing If We Set Client Side Events?

Aug 27, 2010

I have created dynamic control with both server and client side events.. if i set client side event server side event is not firing.. I have created the link button which will validate and do some necessary actions.. Validation is working but click event of link button is not firing .. if we remove the client side event , server side event is firing.. how to avoid this.. I want both events..

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What Is Difference Between Server Side Submitting And Client Side Submitting A Form

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Can any one explain with an example.

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Web Forms :: Server To Client Side Dynamic Data

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On my main page, prices are written for different products On another page, i change price of product which is listed on main page I want this change to be affected on main page instantly without postback Ajax Timer control is not a good method for checking value again and again.

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Run Server Side Function On Dynamic HTML Control?

Jul 28, 2010

I am trying to create an HTML button that can use a C# server side delete function. since I don't know how many results I will have at the page, the control is created dynamically when the end user searches for current Messages:

CmsContactUsContent += string.Format("
"<input type='image' value='delete' id='del{8}' runat='server' onClick='DeleteItem' img src='/MaromyDotNet/img/AdminIcons/note.png' style='width:16px;'/>" +
"</div>" +
"<div style='clear:both'></div></div>", message.ContactMessageId);

There is a Class called ContactMessage and I'd like at each iteraion to allow the user to delete the current message through this function:

public void DeleteItem(object sender, EventArgs e)
int idToDelete = 41;

However, the event does not fire.

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A Page Can Have Only One Server-side Form Tag?

May 26, 2010

I am using master page and when i run this page it show error message which is mention below: a page can have only one server-side form taghow can i solve or fix this problem.

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Php - Server Side Script Necessary To Process Form?

Mar 16, 2010

Is a server side script necessary to send a form to email? For example, suppose I want to submit this form. Is it only possible with php etc. or it can be done with javascript only?

<TITLE>HTML form tutorial example</TITLE>
<H1>HTML form tutorial example</H1>
<INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" NAME="submit" VALUE="Sign Me Up!">

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Web Forms :: A Page Can Have Only One Server-side Form Tag Error ?

Dec 19, 2010

I'm very much a newbie to ASP.Net and am getting the "a page can only have one server-side form tag" error. I have searched the internet for clues, but my understanding (or lack of) means I can't adapt other peoples solutions to resolve my problem.My master page has the following code:

<%@ Master Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="MasterPage.master.cs" Inherits="MasterPage" %>

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Server Side Xforms Form Validation And Integration

Mar 22, 2010

I have recently been investigating methods of creating web-based forms for an ASP.NET web application that can be edited and managed at runtime. For example an administrator might wish to add a new validation rule or a new set of fields.

The holy grail would provide a means of specifying a form along with (potentially very complex) arbitrary validation rules, and allocation of data sources for each field. The specification would then be used to update the deployed form in the web application which would then validate submissions both on the client side and on the server side.

My investigations led me to Xforms and a number of technologies that support it. One solution appears to be IBM Lotus Forms, but this requires a very large investment in terms of infrastructure, which makes it infeasible, although the forms designer may be useful as a stand-alone tool for creating the forms. I have also discounted browser plug-ins as the form must be publicly visible and cross-browser compliant.

I have noticed that there are numerous javascript libraries that provide client side implementations given an Xforms schema. These would provide a partial solution but server side validation is still a requirement.

Another option seems to involve the use of server side solutions such as the Java application Orbeon. Orbeon provides a tool for specifying the forms (although not as rich as Lotus Forms Designer), but the most interesting point is that it can translate an XForms schema into an XHTML form complete with validation. The fact that it is written in Java is not a big problem if it is possible to integrate with the existing ASP.NET application.

So my question is whether anyone has done this before. It sounds like a problem that should have been solved but is inherently very complex. It seems possible to use an off-the-shelf tool to design the form and export it to an Xforms schema and xhtml form, and it seems possible to take that xforms schema and form and publish it using a client side library. What seems to be difficult is providing a means of validating the form submission on the server side and integrating the process nicely with .NET (although it seems the .NET community doesn't involve themselves with XForms; please correct me if I'm wrong on this count).

I would be more than happy if a product provided something simple like a web service that could validate a submission against a schema. Maybe Orbeon does this but I'd be grateful if somebody in the know could point me in the right direction before I research it further.

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Web Forms :: Error: A Page Can Have Only One Server-side Form Tag?

Jan 20, 2010

I m getting this error......

HttpException (0x80004005): A page can have only one server-side Form tag.

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Web Forms :: Submitting A Form On Server Side Using The Action Attribute Url?

Mar 7, 2010

I have a webpage with a form below -

<form action='' method='post' name='frm'>

I have a button that does a postback to server then back to client and finally to the action attribute of the form element.When the page post back to the client the onload <script>document.frm.submit()</script> finally submits the form to the action attribute of the form.I would like to eliminate the unnessasay post back to the client.Below is the code the runs on the server.

If Page.IsPostBack =
Then [code]....

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JQuery :: Submitting Form With JSON To Server Side Script

Jan 22, 2011

I was wondering if there is an easy way to submit a form or a collection of fields with jquery and json to a C# server-side script. I was thinking of a script that retrieves all data from elements with an attribute called 'form' (yes, we just add a new attribute to for example a textbox or textarea). Thus, the script searches for all form attributes with form='myform' and then submits the data as an form object. In server-side code we know how to deal with the data. Does someone has such a script? Or can I inspire someone to develop such a script? (I have the idea, not the skills) ..also, sessionstate needs to be available (cookie).

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Alternatives To ASCX User Control Without Server Side Form?

May 5, 2010

I've got an ASP.NET 3.5 Web Forms application in which a large chunk of code needs to be duplicated between a few different pages. Sounds like the ideal candidate for a user-control right? Problem is, this cannot be contained within a <form runat="server"> because it contains a client-side form of it's own. There are no runat=server controls or postbacks or anything that really need that webform - think of it just as a chunk of HTML with a few basic <% %> tags. I'd just want to set a property on the control when it's loaded, so that it knows what to output. This is purely an exercise to make the code easier to maintain.Before I resort to using an oldskool <!--#include-->, is there some better way of doing this?

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State Management :: Server-side Detection Of A Changed Form?

Mar 7, 2010

I've searched high and low for a efficient and reusable way to detect, on a postback/server-side, if any input controls on a form have been changed and I haven't found anything other than client-side solutions such as DirtyUpdatePanelExtender. I've come to the conclusion that it must be either really simple or really complicated.Ultimately what I want to do is to perform a database update, or not, depending on whether or not the user has changed any input controls on the form. The only thing I've come up with so far is to save the original values as Viewstate variables and then compare them with the Request values on a postback, but that seems far from ideal.

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Php - Make Server Side Form Validation Compatible With Screen Reader?

Feb 23, 2010

if screen reader fill any content wrong then how to give info (if javascript is disabled) to user to go that field any fill the correct value. with jvascript we can show javascript alert but if js is disabled then? I need solution for 20 and PHP both.

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Web Forms :: Attaching A Dynamically Created Checkbox To The Server Side Form?

Jul 29, 2010

I am trying to allow for multiple selection check boxes that are created dynamically.

The Following code is written for each row in the dataTable (I print it as HTML code)

<input type='checkbox' name='multiCheck' id='chk{1}' value='{1}' runat='server'/>

however, on the server side (after postback) I can't read them from the Request Object. How do I "mark" them so I can read them at the postback?

protected void DeleteSelection_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
int multiIdsToDelete = Request.Form["multiCheck"]; <-- In the Future will be added to an array so I can do the delete for each row selected.

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POST Form Server-side - Redirect The User To This Blank Page?

Jun 11, 2010

Currently whenever I need to send a request to a payment-gateway, for example, I redirect my page to another page on my website which has a form with several hidden fields. I then pre-populate the values of these fields server-side, and specify in the body tag something like 'onload="form.submit();"'

However, I'm wondering, rather than redirecting to this page, is there anyway that all this data can be collected and POSTed to the payment-gateway server-side?This will cut out the need to redirect the user to this blank page, and make everything a bit more tidy.

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.Net Blog Engine For A Web Form Under A Master Page?

May 14, 2010

I have a pretty slick website and I wanted to add a simple blog system to it, without too much work. I've looked into a few blog systems, but none of them seem to be simple almost control like systems.

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Jquery Submit Form Not Calling Button Click Event At Server Side?

Mar 15, 2011

i am using and following code to submit form on enter key press it is working but only refreshing same page and not calling button click event in server side code and without saving data it is comming back to same form, even without the jquery code again same thing happening don't know why but in some forms enter key press working fine and saving data without even following jquery code.

$(function() {
$("form input").keypress(function (e) {
if ((e.which && e.which == 13) || (e.keyCode && e.keyCode == 13)) {

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MVC :: The Form Is Submitted, The Server Side Validation Trips And I'm Told The Entry Is Invalid?

Jun 27, 2010

I've got my validation wired up through my Service layer, and my Birthdate property looks like this.


The client side validation works properly if I input something like `12/12/1990` but when the form is submitted, the server side validation trips and I'm told the entry is invalid. I'm using the jQuery-UI Datepicker to input the date, however when I disable the datepicker, the problem persists.Am I missing something here? I thought the client side and server side would be the same thing.If I remove


Then the form submits. It's obviously something to do with the Regex.

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Web Forms :: How To Build A Robust Photo Gallery

May 18, 2010

Can anybody recommend how I can build / add a robust photo gallery into my ASP.NET site? I would like the photo gallery to display images based on the results from a database search. I have already built a page with a datagrid which displays a set of results retrieved from a search. Now I would like to turn these database results into a gallery!

I have already looked at [URL] and a few other sites, but am not getting very far. If you consider the above to be a good example, I am currently stuck on several aspects of this project which I would be very grateful for assistance on.

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Web Forms :: Get Panels Side By Side + Create A Windows Form In .aspx File... With Using Ajax Control

Aug 26, 2010

I have one big panel called Panel1. Withine Panel1 I have Panel2 and Panel3. WHen I drag the panels into Panel1, Panel2 is on top of Panel3. How can I get them side by side?..

another is how can i create a windows form in .aspx file... with using ajax control or coollet..

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Web Forms :: Reopening Registration Form Modal Dialog On Failed Registration From Server Side

May 5, 2013

I have following Modal Dialog (popup) using only CSS3 in my asp page for user registration:

<%-- Modal PopUp starts here--%>
<div id="openModal" class="modalDialog">
<div><a href="#close" title="Close" class="close" onclick="DisableAllPopUpTxt()">X</a>


<a href="#openModal" id="DialogLink" style="color: #FFFFFF; font-weight: bold">Register</a>

Now the problem is:

As this is registration form, I want server side validation of existing email id .If user entered email id already exist in DB I want to reopen the above modal dialog (automatically) with an error massage Email ID already exist.

I m not able to reopen that dialog box.

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Sharepoint2010 - Sharepoint + Website - Encountering "A Page Can Have Only One Server - Side Form Tag" Error

Apr 21, 2010

I have an ASP.NET Web Site hosted in the _layouts folder of a SP2010 site. One of the pages contains a server-side form and works fine until I try to set its master page to a Sharepoint master page (specifically a modified v4.master) to achieve a consistent look & feel. I've placed my original page content within <asp:content> tags but it now throws an "A page can have only one server-side Form tag" error. I know that ASP.NET pages can only contain a single server-side form but what walkarounds can I use to stop Sharepoint from throwing this error?

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