Use Elrte Editor Inside Website?

Jan 30, 2011

how can I use elrte Editor inside website?(any example)

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WebMatrix :: Rich Text Editor / Use the AjaxToolkit Html Editor or Another 3rd Party Editor?

Jul 16, 2010

I went through the documentation and looked at the pages but could not find a RichTextEditor.

Is there one built into WebMatrix or can I just use the AjaxToolkit Html Editor or another 3rd party editor?

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AJAX :: UpdatePanel Not Working When Html Editor Is Inside

Feb 2, 2011

Really the title explains it. When i have an HTML Editor (from the AJAX Control Toolkit) inside an UpdatePanel, i get the error message: "Microsoft JScript runtime error: Invalid set operation on read-only property"

I was looking online and it appears it's because the editor uses javascript - is there any workaround for this?

My markup is pretty straight forward:

Sending reply...</center>

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AJAX :: HTML Editor Inside Grid As Editing Option

Jul 11, 2010

Is there anyway i can place a HTML Editor inside the gridview´s edit template? I tried this on the top:

<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit.HTMLEditor"
TagPrefix="cc1" %>

And my template field for the text (which was suppose to be with HTML):


I tried to place the HTML Editor inside the Gridview and it didnt work.

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AJAX :: Html Editor Inside A FormView Loses The Layout (css Mistake?)

Mar 5, 2010

This is my mistake: If I put an AJAX Editor INSIDE a FormView it loses the layout (I see all the icons button disordered and the Editor without background). If I simultaneously put an Editor inside a FormView and externally in the page both works fine and I see both in the right way. I repeat: with another Editor in the page the Editor inside the FormView works fine!!

I think it may depend on the css, so I have tried to modify the "DesignPanelCssPath" and the "DocumentCssPath" of the Editor inside the FormView, but nothing has changed.

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Capture The Markdown From A WMD - Editor Server Side In Website?

Jan 17, 2010

I'm using an asp:TextBox as the wmd-input. As the user clicks the submit button I wan't to capture the markdown at server side as the Text property of my asp:TextBox control. However, instead of the expected markdown, my TextBox at server-side contains the HTML formatted version of the markdown: <h1>testing</h1>

How do I get the pure markdown? PS: At client side I see markdown on the asp:TextBox. It's not clear for me when it's getting converted to HTML before post-back.

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AJAX :: Using Multiple TinyMCE Rich TextBox Editor Inside UpdatePanel Across Partial PostBack

May 7, 2015

I saw article [URL] .... that is working fine 

I have a page with multiple textbox multiline 

When I apply your code for three textbox then it show only one editor and remain same as simple textbox and if i click on button it flickering ...
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" TextMode="MultiLine"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:HiddenField ID="HiddenField1" runat="server" />

[Code] ....

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AJAX :: Display HTML Editor Created Text Outside Of The Editor?

Jan 26, 2010

I have an Editor control on my page and the user can go in use it hit save and that all works.

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If the user used an order or unordered list. The text shows up but not the list part.

So if they did this:

ThisAnd this

What is displaying is

And This

Without the bullets. Same for the numbers.

I have it going to a literal control which should render the html, but it doesn't.

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Cute Editor Replacement - Editor Text Boxes In Different Forms

May 18, 2010

I am building an site in which I need to have editor text boxes in different forms. I am planning to buy cute editor license but just want to check whether there are any alternatives available in open source.

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Aug 20, 2010

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My question is where do I find the DesignPanel.pre.js ?

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Web Forms :: Custom Editor Zone Of Html Editor

Sep 6, 2010

i need to create a html editor for use to every page to update the web page content. By right, the html editor only can seen by administrator. So , i should create a custom web part/user control to update different table of database or create a custom editor zone better? how can we do it just like the share point html editor web part?

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Feb 14, 2011

there is any free Rick Text Editor server control available for web, note that I am not asking about DHTML controls like FreeTextBox and similar.

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AJAX :: HTML Editor - Change The Output Generation Properties Of The HTML Editor?

Jun 22, 2010

I was wondering if there was an easy way to change the output generation properties of the HTML editor.

I need to change it from the current XHTML standard (spans, etc) to legacy styles; <b>, <u>, <i>, etc.

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C# Website Inside Webforms Application?

Aug 24, 2010

We've inherited this ASP.NET website. We've already converted it to a web application for different reasons that doesn't matter right now.

But there are 2 folders with 2 .aspx pages inside that does some really ugly stuff (creates a new aspx file with its corresponding code behind and save it inside one of those folders).

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root/websit1 this a website

i will make another one inside the first one


and both it have webconfig file and site map. if remove webconfig from seconde websites is work fine but if i leave it show error this msg


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Is it possibe to write to an Access database in the App_Data folder of a website that lives on a local server using Microsoft Access? And also connect and read with ASP.Net?The internet connection is "Read Only".

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