How To Add Mathematical Formula Editor To Website

Dec 13, 2010

Any open source javascript mathematical formula editor to recommend? I want to add mathematical formula editor to my web site, so that when people submit message using text box, they can insert related mathematical formula.

BTW: I am using VSTS 2010 + C# + .Net 4.0 + ASP.Net + IIS 7.0, any such controls provided by MSFT?

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{records.entrance_date} >= {?entrance_date} and {records.entrance_date} <= {?entrance_date2}

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Converting Strings For Mathematical Calculations?

Jul 15, 2010

I'm new to .NET and converting and proper way to convert strings to other values. Specifically, here is a situation I'm facing:

I'm returning two values from a datasource as strings. One values is a representation of a span of time, and another is a count of how many attempts to access a system took place within the span of time.

Given these parameters (for example):

Span of time: 00:01:00
Attempts: 13

I'd like to calculate a third value that shows how many seconds each attempt to connect took place during that span of time. This involves converting the time span to seconds and then dividing by attempts. Where I am getting lost is with the conversion of types. I know the span of time needs to be converted to a date, reduced to seconds, then converted to a number to be divided by the attempts field, also converted to a number.

I've been playing around with code segments like this all morning to no avail:

Dim thisTime As String = "00:01:00"
Dim thisAttempts As String = "13"
Label1.Text = thisTime
Label2.Text = thisAttempts
Label3.Text = Math.Round(Integer.Parse(Convert.ToDateTime(Label1.Text)) / Integer.Parse(Label2.Text), 2)

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Jan 14, 2011

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Student Name: Pencil #

John 10

Sarah 12

Linus 19

But while rendering the view i want to calculate the Percentage of pencils one student possesses out of the total. (John would have 10% of the total 100 pencils)

How would i just perform this basic math operation, and encode the result into the view. I know i need to store the 100, and divide by each count of pencils for each student within the foreach loop. but i keep getting 0. This seems very elementary i know.. Help would be very appreciated. Google seems to have nothing for me.

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AJAX :: Display HTML Editor Created Text Outside Of The Editor?

Jan 26, 2010

I have an Editor control on my page and the user can go in use it hit save and that all works.

In another part of the page I have a simple dropdown to select a note and view it. When you push view it loads the text which was entered in via the editor control.

If the user used an order or unordered list. The text shows up but not the list part.

So if they did this:

ThisAnd this

What is displaying is

And This

Without the bullets. Same for the numbers.

I have it going to a literal control which should render the html, but it doesn't.

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Jan 12, 2011

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VS 2008 -txtDevAreaAcrg 80 According To The Formula?

Mar 21, 2010

I hve two textboxes named TxtRelinquished,txtDevAreaAcrg.On form load in txtDevAreaAcrg suppose 100 is dere.& TxtRelinquished is empty.

Now the user runs the form,suppose in TxtRelinquished types 2,den i want in txtDevAreaAcrg = 98 is dere(txtDevAreaAcrg -TxtRelinquished).

Now suppose the user types 0 after 2,its 20 den in txtDevAreaAcrg = 78 is dere.

But I want dat in txtDevAreaAcrg 80 is to there according to the formula.How to do that??I think so Keyup event is not the right way to use i my case!Code:

function GetAcreage_Amt()
var _TxtRelinquished = document.getElementById('<%= TxtRelinquished.ClientID %>');

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Formula To Display All Combination Output?

Aug 22, 2010

i am now think of how to get all the output for all the combination


given : 1234

output = 1234,1243,2143......and so on.....all 24 possible output

if given : 123

output = all 12 output

if given 12345 , all 120 output...

can someone provide me the algorithm or formula for that ?

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'Dim arrDec() As String

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Web Forms :: Working Out A Formula From A Form?

Mar 16, 2010

I am new to .net having come from a PHP background.I'm making a small website at the moment in .NET. On one page I have a form with a few fields:

1st value (let's call it A)
2nd value (let's call it B)
3rd value (let's call it C)
4th value (let's call it D)

When the user clicks the submit button, it needs to work out the formula:


What is the easiest way to achieve this in .NET? Is it best to use a 'code-behind' model and have the calculations done on another page then displayed on the next webpage?

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How To Give Formula Fields In Crystal Reports

Mar 7, 2011

in my project iam providing users to send sms acrooss admin panel the admin have a feature to check the usersent sms details on the basis of userid.. when admin selects the userid then corresponding send sms details are details are displaying.. my requirement is generating the crystal report for that table..the users are displaying from one table and sent sms details are displaying detaials from another table.. how to generatye crystal report for that..and how to give formula fields in crystal reports

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Crystal Reports :: How To Indent Text Within A Formula

Sep 3, 2010

I'm doing a report that includes blocks of text. The block of text that is inserted into the report is determined using a formula.

I want to indent the first line (similar to writing a letter) of the text. Can anyone let me know how to program this into the formula. I'm looking for something similar to the Bold (<b>), underline (<u>), or hard return (<BR>) codes that are used with HTML format.

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