Use Of Writing Method As Webmethod In Cs File?

Dec 1, 2010

1.What is the use of writing method as webmethod in cs file

2.what is the use of calling webmethods through javascript file.

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WCF / ASMX :: Calling A Class Method On Webmethod?

Dec 10, 2010

i wrote a webmethod on webservice. it will do adding product to shoppingbasket. But it doesn't work. i used a class and its method in this webservice method. error is about it. my code are below:


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C# - Calling Method On Master Page From WebMethod

Aug 4, 2010

, imagine a Master page that implements IFooMaster with a method

ShowFancyMessagePopupTheBusinessCantLiveWithout(string message);

I am in a page that inherits this master page. Upon a checkbox being unchecekd, I want to show a message to the user that if they save it, they can't re-check the checkbox without some admin action.

I've been given feedback that I can't just use an alert('message'); in javascript because they want the consistent look of these messages.

Next, I tried to make an ajax call via PageMethods (as that's what everything else in this codebase uses) to show a message. My problem lies in this method being static.

public static void ShowSuperImportantMessage()
((IFooMaster)Master).ShowFancyMessagePopupTheBusinessCantLiveWithout("If you uncheck that thing, you can't recheck it.");

Since ShowSuperImportantMessage() is static, I can't access Master from within. The method on the master page looks more or less like this:

public void ShowFancyMessagePopupTheBusinessCantLiveWithout(string message)
lblGenericMessage.Text = message;
mpeGenericMessage is an ajaxtoolkit:ModalPopupExtender.

upGenericMessage is an update panel.The other 2 are obvious.

Can I do some jQuery kung-fu to show that stuff? I tried, but the solution complained that the controls I tried to refer to by ClientID didn't resolve since they were on the Master page.

quick edit: Before anyone tells me the architecture is a problem, or I shouldn't have put such a thing on a master page, or w/e...

I know the situation is not ideal, but I this is inherited code, and I can't drop it all and rewrite half of their web stack.

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Jquery Ajax With WebMethod In Public Method Call

Mar 25, 2010

Aspx Page:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#btnn").click(function() {
type: "POST",
url: "TestPage.aspx/emp",
data: "{}",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: function(msg) {
public void grdload()
GridView1.DataSource = GetEmployee("Select * from Employee");
public static void emp()
TestPage re = new TestPage();

I Can't Gridview Data Load ? How To Make GridView Data Load?

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AJAX :: Write A Wrapper Method Around The WebMethod When Using PageMethods?

Jan 19, 2011

I am using with WebMethods to show data to the customer and save data entered by the customer.

My current framework uses javascript to create an xml with all of the values of all the html elements in de "div" (or other element). This xml is converted to a string and send to the webserver using PageMethods.

When I receive this xml (as a string), I parse it with my own XmlDataParser which does some security checks.

I need to parse the xml to an XmlDataParser in every PageMethod I use, and I also need to catch different exceptions (like exceptions that are thrown when data is validated) to show them to the user (=> The reason why is explained in one of my previous posts: [URL]

I wonder if it is possible to write a wrapper around the WebMethod, so I can parse the xml to the XmlDataParser in this wrapper, and pass it on to the code behind, and process exceptions that occur in the code behind?

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Return Data In HTML Pattern From Method / Webmethod?

Jul 19, 2010

In my website I need to return data obtained from DB by adding html tags to it from a server side method,just like a webmethod returns jsonified data. I am having trouble understanding if a webmethod can serve the purpose(i.e., htmlifying the data).If not how do I acheive it?

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Jquery - Unknown Web Method Exception When Calling Shared WebMethod

Jul 1, 2010

I'm trying to implement a view tracking web service on my website. I'm using JavaScript because I want to exclude any search bots from my tracked views. The problem is I'm getting a "Unknown web method" error when I try to use jQuery to post to the web service I've created.

$(document).ready(function() {

type: "POST", [code]...

The error is an ASP .NET error: Unknown web method TrackItemView. Parameter name: methodName.I've done this hundreds of times (seemingly), but I just can't see what I'm missing. I'm sure it's something small...

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Web Forms :: Reading And Writing Data Using POST Method

Aug 24, 2010

I have a web page (Provider) that creates an XML file to be send to the Requester in this fashion:

1. A Requester page needs to send an XML file to the provider page
2. Provider will read the XML file to authenticate the request
3. Provider will Create an xml file with some data.
4. Provider will send the xml file back to the Requester.

Can anyone provide sample code for both the Requestor page (step 1) and the Provider page (steps 2 & 3)

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AJAX :: Is It Possible To Call A Custom Method Or Class Before Accessing Webmethod From PageMethods

Jan 19, 2010

is it possible to call a custom method or class before accessing webmethod from pageMethods ?

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Custom HTTPModule - How To Tell When Writing Last Block Of HTML In Write Method

Jul 2, 2010

I have written an Http Module that hooks onto the Response.Filter property of the current request and does various replacements within the HTML before it is sent to the client.All the work is done in the Write method which is overriding Write in the base class Stream.

The Write method is called multiple times for a single response - the HTML seems to be written to the output stream in chunks. My problem is that I don't have an efficient & reliable way of telling if the current chunk is the last chunk (for why I want to know this see below). The only way I have come up with is to check if the chunk contains a closing html tag - but this is not very efficient or reliable.

The reason this is needed is that the module must add the "Refresh" HTTP header to the response, but only if the HTML fulfills certain conditions (and there are certain conditions that mean the header must not be added). So, only when the last chunk has been seen does the code know if the header can be added or not. So, I either need a test for the last chunk, or on each call to Write I add the header if the current block of HTML passes the test (if it has not already been added) or remove the header if the current block of HTML fails the test (if it has already been added).

So, is there a better way to test for the last chuck OR is there a way to test for a particular header being in the response and delete it (there doesn't seem to be a way to do this - only to append headers)?

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Web Forms :: Deleting List Item / File - Writing New File With Remaining Items

Dec 23, 2010

Spent ages trying to get this right but am struggling now. I have a list box and textbox, I can happily enter Email addresses into the textbox which are saved into a text file and populated in a list box. I want to be able to select a list item and delete it, along with it's record in my text file. I was going to do it by on the delete list item / button click, it delete's the text file and then writes and a new one with the remaining list items in the list box. Unfortunately it's re-writing the file but either not including the remaining list items. Here's some examples of what I've changed and what populates the text file:

StreamWriter1.WriteLine(Addresses.Items); - System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItemCollection
StreamWriter1.WriteLine(Addresses.Text); - A blank line?!?

The code is below. The reason I wouldn't allow the user to delete the first list item is because I thought the code was working ok but for some reason putting in a blank line to start with, and if I deleted the line it'd delete all file content. No, I don't know why I thought that either.


where I've gone wrong? I've not actually slept since I woke up at 8am yesterday. It's now 11am... today.

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AJAX :: ASPX WebMethod Not Running The WebService Webmethod Returning The Page?

May 19, 2010

I have a service that works great on my development box. It uses JQuery to hit my web service, and then the JSON results are sent back.

The web service is located on our basePage.cs. We didn't want to put out an external WebService for this. Our on beta box something different is happening.

The web page seems to be trying to call the web method correctly - the JSON data is being sent... but the server doesn't seem to know it's a webmethod. here's my service function (it's in our basepage.cs which inherits from Page).


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WCF / ASMX :: Passing File To Webmethod?

Mar 23, 2011

I have some javascript that calls different web methods likeso


That's all fine & dandy but now i need to call a web method and pass it a file!

This is my current JS code


Now it jumps straight away to OnUploadFailed without ever going to the webmethod

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Writing To A File At Runtime

May 17, 2010

I am trying to write some lines at runtime to a text file using streamwriter, but i have to allow only 100 lines to be written to that file, if 101 line is supposed to be written to that file than first line of the file must get discarded/deleted and file must allow writing the 101 line so the file will actually always contain only 100 lines.

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Writing Xml To Memory Instead Of A File?

Feb 18, 2010

Is there a way to write xml directly to an object that can represent it in memory and use that with XPath instead of an .xml file?

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Web Forms :: Download File Using Web Service WebMethod

Sep 3, 2013

Download pdf file using webmothed without error. Can't download  file .. what error ..

[WebMethod]    public static  string usernamecheck(string name, string amount, string floder, string getfile) { 
string path = "PrintPDF.pdf"; HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";        HttpContext.Current.Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + path);  
// HttpContext.Current.Response.WriteFile(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(path));       
return ""; }

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Writing Mp4 File From Request.InputStream?

May 28, 2010

I have a page posting data to me via HTTP POST. What i want is write posted data into mp4 video format file. Here my code how to write that file:

string strFilePath = "D:\Video.mp4";
using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(strFilePath, FileMode.Create))
byte[] bytes = new byte[Request.InputStream.Length];
Request.InputStream.Read(bytes, 0, (int)Request.InputStream.Length);
fs.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

My problem is that i got the file, but it's corrupt when playback. Is there any problem with my stream or i missing some decode for mp4 file?

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Web Forms :: Writing To Log File On First Pageload?

Oct 27, 2010

Based on this piece of code, I want to do exactly like this demonstration. However, correct me if I'm wrong but if two or more users somehow simultaneously access the web page at the same precise nanosecond in time, then wouldn't we have a race condition? So is this piece of code valid? How would I correct this to make it thread safe?


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Writing To A File Which Can Be Password Protected?

Mar 10, 2011

i have table data which i am currently writing to an excel file, but i need to be able to securely password protect the file. Ive been told excel passwords are easy to break, so is there another file type which i can dynamically write to and password protect for emailing elsewhere (and requiring receiver to type password in to access it)?

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Catch Method And Log File - Which One Is The Best Method To Handle Error In Web Based Project

Nov 9, 2010

I have seen 2 methods to handle error in project. One is using try catch in every method and another is using custom page and error log file .I know both method. Which one is the best method?

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Web Forms :: Rollback From File Reading / Writing

Mar 9, 2011

I am using more than one files to read and write to the server. Suppose during writing or reading any of files gets error the already stored files need to be rollback or removed from storing.So that the user agin try to write without error. Simply the all of the files need to be stored into the server without error, of error occurs to any of file none of files need to be read/write

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Writing .txt File When There Is Large Amount Of Data?

Jul 22, 2010

i have write data from db to .txt file,where db have large amount data,i need to wite data into file, if some error occure, then reInitiated that file and write data again without stop process.that is Continuous calling same process

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Web Forms :: Writing A File (doc) To Different Server On The Network?

May 18, 2010

I am trying to create and write a file on a remote server using the below code:


but i am running into issues and getting errors. Below are some tries i have given. My IIS settings are 'Anonymous Access' checked and also 'Integrated windows authentication' checked.

a. As i understand site would run using ASPNET account, i tried giving full permission to ASPNET account to the folder on the remote server (where i want to drop the file). But i am getting this error - "Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password"

b. The other thing i tried is giving full permissions to 'Everyone' to the remote server folder. But i get the same error as above. But when in my web.config i enable impersonation by using:

then the error goes away and everything works fine as expected. The file gets dropped to the network share.

why the scenario (a) doesn't work because that should work as if i give ASPNET account full access to the folder, and my website is running under the same account, then it should work.

Also, in the scenario (b), i believe it is using my domain account, as the impersonation is true without specifying any username and password and also the remote server folder has Everyone access to full control.
BUT, as a security breach, i cannot use Everyone account to the remote folder. In that case, how can i make this working.

I was also thinking if i can use the virtual directory as the path to the remote folder, something like but dont know how can i use this approach. Can someone pls share some sample code and the configuration.

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Web Forms :: Writing Bitmap File On Server?

Oct 19, 2010

I'm making an application which takes image from user upload it to server and then perform any image processing like to convert to gray or invert etc.

My problem is this when i did the process on image to gray it or invert then how to write this new file on server or is there any other way so that i would be able to show this (new) image to user and make it downloadable?

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Calling Jquery Ajax To Consume WebMethod From External Js File?

Mar 8, 2011

type: "POST",
url: "Default.aspx/GetAge",
data: "{}",[code]...

Right now it reports the following error: "Cannot locate the resource". I figure that I am specifying the url incorrectly. This javascript is in an external file located in the same directory as Default.aspx .

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