Use The Values From A Calendar And Dropdownlist?

Nov 30, 2010

I have one Calendar, and two DropDownLists. I want to get the selected date from the calendar, the time chosen from the first DropDownList and combine them to one smallDateTime to insert into my database and then do the same with the same date and the time chosen from the second DropDownList. I want the smallDateTime to look like this for example: '2010-12-01 14:00:00'. My code below doesn't work but I think it can give you an idea of what I want to accomplish. I get an error message on this line of code:


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Data Controls :: Using DropDownList In Gridview And Bind Values In DropDownList

Oct 9, 2012

Using  dropdown in gridview and bind the values in dropdown then based on dropdown display the value in another column.

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Bind Database Values To A Calendar?

Mar 26, 2010

how to bind database values to a calendar. What i am trying to do is the following. i've got a stored procedure in an sql server database which checks if a backup is done correctly or not with some other information in different collumns. There is one column with the end date and one column with the status of the backup.

what i am trying to do is to bind the calendar so that when the backup finished on lets say 27 th of march and it ended correctly or not i want to see in my calendar on the 27th of march the status information. how is the best way to approach this.

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Web Forms :: Link Dropdownlist With Calendar Control

Jan 12, 2011

(Using 3.5) I am trying to link dropdownlis selectedIndexChange event with calendar, so once a user chooses an item from dropdownlist,, selected dates in the calendar changes accordingly: here is the code:


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Calendar Gives A 404 But /Calendar/Index Shows The Calendar Page With The Current Month?

Nov 24, 2010

I've got two websites. One is a copy of the other, I even went ahead and remade a copy of the original a second time hoping it would alleviate the issue I'm having but it didn't.

On both pages I have a calendar so the route is

Csharp Code:


The issue is on the original site /Calendar works. It shows the Calendar page with the current month. On the copy site /Calendar gives a 404 but /Calendar/Index shows the Calendar page with the current month.

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Using Checkbox From The Calendar Control - Able To Access The Values

Feb 26, 2011

I am implementing a leave system using the calender control. Something like below :- Following is the markup :-

<asp:Calendar ID="Calendar1" runat="server" ondayrender="Calendar1_DayRender"
<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server">
<asp:ListItem Value="vacation" Text="Vacation" />
<asp:ListItem Value="sick" Text="Sick" />
<asp:ListItem Value="training" Text="Training" />
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Save" onclick="Button1_Click" />
Following is the code-behind :-
protected void Calendar1_DayRender(object sender, DayRenderEventArgs e)
if (!e.Day.IsOtherMonth && !e.Day.IsWeekend)
CheckBoxList list = new CheckBoxList();
list.Items.Add(new ListItem("Half day"));
list.Items.Add(new ListItem("Full day"));

However, I am not able to access the the checkbox values neither in the button_click event nor in the DayRender event? Is there a better way to implement this?

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Web Forms :: How To Get Dates From Db To Calendar Using Dropdownlist SelectedIndexChanged Event

Jan 11, 2011

I want to get dates from Database to a calendar > on a dropdownlist Selection.. This is what i was doing on page load


I tried using it in dropdownlist SelectedIndexChanged but something is not right! here is the rest of the code for dayrendar event and


What should i do ?

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Web Forms :: Popup Calendar Initialize Textbox & Dropdownlist

Feb 16, 2011

I have a problem on ASP.NET webpage for data input form. My form contains a TEXTFIELD(txtDateEntry) and a Dropdownlist (ddlRegistration).
dllRegistration should be populate its data base on date in txtDateEntry. I have added an image(imgCalendar) next to extfield(txtDateEntry) and attach javascript to load a Popup Calenday. In my page load(Register.aspx) I have added the script as below:

this.imgCalendar.Attributes["onclick"] ="'../CalendarPopup.aspx?textbox=txtDateEntry','cal','width=250,height=225,left=270,top=180')";
and on CalendarPopup.aspx:
protected void calDate_SelectionChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
string strScript = "<script language='javascript'>window.opener.document.forms(0)." + control.Value + ".value = '";
strScript += calDate.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString();
strScript += "';self.close()";
strScript += "</" + "script>";
ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(),"anything", strScript);

My purpose now is that when user click on the calender and select a date, the dropdown list ddlRegistration will initial its data base on the date where calender is being selected. How could I do to reach this requirement?

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Web Forms :: Bring Values From Database And Show In Calendar?

Jan 24, 2010

I want to bring values from Database and show in Calendar. Similar to Event Calendar.

It's like Just a normal calendar but with custom data should display on each day cell from Database with dropdownmenu of months and year.

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AJAX :: Bring Values From Database And Show In Calendar?

Jan 20, 2010

I want to bring values from Database and show in Calendar. Similar to Event Calendar.

It's like Just a normal Ajax calendar but with custom data from Database on each date .

View 9 Replies

DataSource Controls :: How To Create A Query With Values From Calendar Control

Jan 18, 2010

What I want to do is create a parameterized query in the code behind with the parameters being values from the calendar control

I'm trying to modify the select command already declared in the sqldatasource so I think it should be something like

SqlDataSource2.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM Activities WHERE StartDate>@StartDate AND StartDate<@StartDate2"

but the main problem I am having is how to declare the value of @StartDate, I thought it would be simply calendarID.selecteddate but this doesn't seem to be right, I've tried different variations I've found in similar threads but can't get it right

I'm not sure if grouping my results is complicating matters but when I hard code dates in it works Ok so I don't think so

the code I was trying to get working is

Dim theFilter as String = "WHERE StartDate>@StartDate and StartDate<@StartDate2"
SqlDataSource2.SelectCommand= "SELECT DATENAME(month, StartDate) AS Expr1, YEAR(StartDate) AS Expr2, SUM(CGUPreSchool) AS Expr3, SUM(CGUPrimary) AS Expr4, SUM(CGUSecondary) AS Expr5, SUM(CGUYouth) AS Expr6, SUM(CGUAdult) AS Expr7 FROM Activities WHERE " & theFilter &
" GROUP BY YEAR(StartDate), DATENAME(month, StartDate)"

I am trying to build the filter part dynamically you see but can't get this right

View 3 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Handle Null Values Being Assigned To A Calendar Control?

Nov 13, 2010

I've got a detailsview control on a page. The table that it interacts with has a DateTime column in it. This column is nullable, and a lot of the records have null for that value. In the EditItemTemplate I've got a calendar control. When I try to put the DetailsView into edit mode, I get the following error message:

System.InvalidCastException was unhandled by user code
Message=Specified cast is not valid.
at ASP.entries_aspx.__DataBinding__control44(Object sender, EventArgs e) in c:inetpubwwwrootMediaLibraryEntries.aspx:line 103
at System.Web.UI.Control.DataBind(Boolean raiseOnDataBinding)
at System.Web.UI.Control.DataBindChildren()

I am convinced that the problem is the null values in the DateTime column of the table. I've done some web searches on this, and some have suggested placing some dummy values into that column, but that seems more like a kludge, rather than a solution. How do I keep nulls in the table, and yet not have that preceeding error come up when a user tries to edit the selected record?

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AJAX :: AJAX Calendar Extender - Make Calendar Disappear When Another Calendar Opens?

Nov 17, 2010

I am using Framework 2.0, ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 and Visual Studio 2005.I am using 2 Ajax Calendar Extender in my page. I am using a text box and html image control and setting the TargetControlID to the test box id and the PopupButtonID to the image control name. When i click the first image the calendar pops up and without choosing a date if i click the second image the second calendar control opens on top of the first calendar control. Is there any way i can make the previous one disappear without choosing a date leaving the calendar control associated with the last image clicked.

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Way To Bind Values With Dropdownlist

Apr 28, 2010

binding values with dropdownlist.i have one dropdownlist name,dropdowndiagnosticcategory..i have made one function bind_category() for binding the category values.The code for binding the values with dropdownlist is as under,here

private void bind_category()
string s = "Data Source=LAB1-40;Initial Catalog=MNSDaignosticCenter;Integrated Security=True";
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(s);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand

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MVC :: Getting Values From String Into A DropDownList?

Apr 14, 2010

I have a string that contains comma separated values that I want to get into a DropDownList on a View.


"Valve, Body, Handle, Cover, None" I'd like each value in that string to appear as a selection choice in a DropDownList, with the KeyValue 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc (corresponding the the index location within the string.

Valve = 1
Body = 2
Cover = 4
None = 5

View 5 Replies

MVC :: How To Bind Values To Dropdownlist

Aug 25, 2010

I'm using MVC 2.0, my controller coding is,


i need to bind this value to the drpdown list in the aspx page.


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How To Add Values To Dropdownlist Box From Textbox

May 20, 2010

I have List items = new List();

and UI i have a textbox I am entring and ListItem..

when I enter the value in textbox I need to add values to the listitem..?

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MVC :: Dropdownlist Multi Values

Jan 12, 2011

i have a dropdownlist for a class named person and person properties are PersonID, Name, Age.

public class Person
public string PersonID { get; set; } [code]....

can i list Age in same dropdownlist?

View 4 Replies

DropDownList In A DetailsView = How To Preserve The Values That Are Already In

Jan 13, 2010

I really have a big problem(stuck) with two dropdownlists inside a detailsview.I have 4 detailsview : DdlRt,DdlRt2,ddlMobv1,ddlMobv2. Basically what happens here is that DdlRt2 gets populated when DdlRt is selected and ddlMobv2 gets populated when a specific value from ddlMobv1 is selected.

In code posted above the detailsview has a "Update" command and the problem is when the update command is executed the data is successfully posted to the db BUT! THE VALUES from DdlRt2 and ddlMobv2 dissapear! And I can't insert any more Items. The only Item that stays in these two dropdownlists is the default "Select Department" item which is't set in codebehind but is set in .aspx.....I can't figure what I'm doing wrong here It must be something with databinding & events.

So my question is "Why can't I insert any more items to these two dropdownlists after the "Update" command on the DetailsView is set or how can I preserve the values that are already in"?

<asp:DetailsView ID="DetailsView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateRows="False" DataSourceID="odsRegister"
DefaultMode="Edit" Height="50px" Width="125px" > [code]....

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C# 2 ComboBox DropDownList Showing Same Values?

Mar 10, 2010

In my code I have 2 ComboBox DropDownLists, created by the code below. The problem is that when the value of the DropDownlist get changed, the other one value also changes.

public class Translate
public string CountryName { get; set; }
public string CountryCode { get; set; }
IList<Translate> languages = new List<Translate>();
languages.Add(new Translate("Select", ""));
languages.Add(new Translate("English", "en"));
languages.Add(new Translate("French", "fr"));
languages.Add(new Translate("Spain", "es"));
ddlFrom.DataSource = languages;
ddlFrom.DisplayMember = "CountryName";
ddlFrom.ValueMember = "CountryCode";
ddlTo.DataSource = languages;
ddlTo.DisplayMember = "CountryName";
ddlTo.ValueMember = "CountryCode";

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Web Forms :: Distinct Values In DropdownList?

Jul 15, 2010

i'm binding data to ddl from database.i'm selecting one column from database table to bind.In that column there may be items with same name.but when selecting in ddl there must be no same values.

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Web Forms :: Swap Two DropDownList Values

Jan 18, 2014

How to swap ddl's selected value on buton click.E.g User has Selected One from ddl1 and three from ddl2 then when the user clicks the Button the values should be swapped.

User Selected


One Three

After Swap button click

 DD1 DD2

Three One

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddl1" runat="server">


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Web Forms :: Calendar Is Removing The Programmed Selected Dates Upon Selecting A New Date On The Calendar

Jan 14, 2011

When a user selects an item from dropdownlist ,, certain dates (from DB) gets selected on Calendar automatically with the color pink >> This is working FINE The problem happens after that, when i want to select any other date >> the dates which were selected automatically before (that came from DB) get deselected !! I want them to stay selected, so i know which are the dates that already saved in DB ! So, the calendar is removing the programmed selected dates upon selecting a new date on the calendar object.

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MVC :: Read Values From A Multiple Selection Dropdownlist

Jun 3, 2010

I have two ListBox in my ascx file, I fill them with some data (no problem here), I make them multiple and increase the size, below is my code.


I use some jQuery code to exchange element between them (Here too, no problem). My problem begin when I post my form, I'm unable to get the data from the DropDownList with attribute multiple or size. I tried in my controler to add a FormCollection parameter, I can see every element in my form except those select tag with more options than id and name. I tested to put a manual select tag in my code with only an id and a name then add size and multiple attribute, when there is only id and name I can get the value but when there are more I can't get my select tag in the FormCollection

Also I need to get all the value in the ListBoxand not only the ones who were selected. I have been searching answer for 2 fays now... Without success, I only find resource on how to show ListBoxbut not how to get values from them in mvc web site and I don't find any resources who talk about multiple selection ListBox, I think I'm a bad searcher but....

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MVC :: Filter Table In Listview Using Values From A Dropdownlist

Sep 15, 2010

I want to filter the table in my Listview (mvc2) using values from a dropdownlist shown at the top of the page. The values in the list are hard coded. Next to the dropdownlist I got a "Filter" button that calls the filter method on the controller / How can I pass the selected value from the list to the controller? for now I'm using a classic asp:dropdownlist


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