MVC :: Read Values From A Multiple Selection Dropdownlist
Jun 3, 2010
I have two ListBox in my ascx file, I fill them with some data (no problem here), I make them multiple and increase the size, below is my code.
I use some jQuery code to exchange element between them (Here too, no problem). My problem begin when I post my form, I'm unable to get the data from the DropDownList with attribute multiple or size. I tried in my controler to add a FormCollection parameter, I can see every element in my form except those select tag with more options than id and name. I tested to put a manual select tag in my code with only an id and a name then add size and multiple attribute, when there is only id and name I can get the value but when there are more I can't get my select tag in the FormCollection
Also I need to get all the value in the ListBoxand not only the ones who were selected. I have been searching answer for 2 fays now... Without success, I only find resource on how to show ListBoxbut not how to get values from them in mvc web site and I don't find any resources who talk about multiple selection ListBox, I think I'm a bad searcher but....
I am not able to find the projects related to working with excel sheets by using ClosedXML to refer. I have an excel book which contains two sheets.
In sheet 01: In column A: In B: In C:
Student name01 Student's phone number blabla
Student name02 Student's phone number blabla
Student name03 Student's phone number blabla
In sheet 02: In column A: In B: In C:
course name01 computerscience blabla
course name02 dhfsthshbstgs blabla
course name03 garsfghsefrgs blabla
now, I would like to see in two comboboxes (all the words/text presented in the column A) from two sheets, the student name and course name and then I want select any student name and course name of my choice. Afterwards, when I click on a button, my program should display the students phone number and the course name (from column B from both sheets) and related things present in the Column C D E.. of the selected things in combobox in a label or a in a textbox.
PS: I solved the following problem: I can select student name in one combobox and print the the corresponding data from the only one column B (but I worked only with one sheet). It is bit complicated for me to continue with two sheets.
Now my datasource has where clause depends on the selection of a dropdownlist that contains selection of one of the items plsu and option ALL.
This only caters for all or, one item
I need to make it
All, or, 2,3, or 4.. selection and the datasource is then refreshed. What control I should use and it seems the SQL need to modified into "IN" statement, am I wrong ?
I have 3 cascading dropdownlists. Everything works OK EXCEPT whenever I change the selection in the dropdownlist, the old values from the previous selection are added to the new values (specifically DropDownList id=InstructorList and CourseNumberList)
ASPX page, <asp:AccessDataSource id="CourseNameSource" Runat="Server" DataFile="r:angel_file_storageCourses.mdb" SelectCommand="SELECT DISTINCT CourseField FROM (SELECT Mid(CourseField, 1, 4) AS CourseField FROM Course_Load) ORDER BY CourseField"/>
I have EntityDataSource for DetailsView which is in Edit mode by default (showin Update, Cancel link buttons).
This datasource also has foreign key called PecID. If I change the value in textbox bound to PecID, it works fine. Entering IDs is not very user friendly, so I add dropdownlist and new datasource.
When I select new value from dropDownList and press update the DropDownList's selection is restored to original (previous) value. Other values in textboxes are saved as expected.
After few hours of trying to figure out what is going on, I got lucky. I figure out that it is important the order of TextBox and DropDownList in field template.
This is the working order (textbox before DropDownList)
I have one database in which student enroll no with his sem is stored . I want that if i enter stud enroll no then in dropdown list all the sem related to that stud should come. My database
Stud enroll no sem1 sem2 sem3 sem4
1 July 2013 Jan 2014 July 2014 Jan 2015 2 Feb 2013 Aug 2014 Feb 2014 Aug 2015 3 July 2012 Jan 2013 July 2013 Jan 2014
I am having two dropdownlist in my project,one dropdownlist for empid, another dropdownlist for month, if the user select the empid, the values are retrieved in the textbox.
In the second dropdownlist, if the user select the month in the dropdownlist it will display the leave details, its all working fine, if the user again select the first dropdownlist that means empid, I want to show the second dropdownlist as select month, how can do this.....
I have a dropdownlist on my page with dates such as 1/1/2013, 2/1/2013, etc.
Then there is a second ddl.
If the date in ddl #1 is before 1/10/2013 I want to enable ddl #2. If the date in ddl #1 is on or after 1/10/2013 I want to either disable ddl #2 or hide it (whichever's easier).
Disabling ddl #2 based on the selected date is a new requirement so I am enhancing the existing code. Obviously I want to do this without a postback, but I don't know what is the best way. I am trying to understand what an AsyncPostBackTrigger is because this is the existing code:
I am using the cascading dropdownlist controls from the Ajax toolkit. I have everything working perfectly and all of my select changes work. I have 3 related select boxes that all work great for single item select. What I need is for my last dropdownlist to allow for the selection of multiple items. I have tried adding the 'multiple' attribute to the final dropdown list and it allows the selection of multiple items but I cannot get the items when I post back, just a single item.
I have 2 dropdownlist, one is to dropdown department, and another dropdown staffnames. the secong dropdownlist will based on the selection of department as each department has different staffs i have 2 tables department and staff in my database , in my department table i have departmentid as PK and departmentname, in my staff table i have staffname and departmentid as FK. So my ques is how am i going to populate staffname in the dropdownlist according to the selection of department.
I have one table which contains branch codes(primary key), Branch name and bank name columns. I have 3 dropdownlist boxes. the first dropdownlist is for the branch codes. When i select the a branch code i need the second dropdownlist box to populate with the appropriate branch name and the third dropdownlist box to populate the bank name at the same time.
Is it possible to have one table like mine and acheive this, if so how do i go about doing this?
I did read up on this but only came across ones with 3 tables.
I have a list box that I want to allow the users to select up to 4 items from. I set the selection property to multiple, but for the life of me it won't allow multiple selection. If I pre-select 4 items, they show up as all selected when the page loads, but as soon as I select another, it clears all of them and then only allows one at a time. if I check the source code for the page, the property is set to multiple (see below).
I have a TextBox1 and a Search button in my application with this following code: protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Redirect("~\searchpage.aspx?PatientNRIC=" + TextBox1.Text); }
Which means, if the user type ONLY IC NO:S1234567D, then when click it will show the patient detailview. So I now I'm doing almost the same thing but now I have a TextBox2 and a DropDownList1. Inside DropDownList1, I have "Name", "IC No", "Test_Date". So for an example, I type "S1234567D" in the textbox1, and I choose "IC No" in DropDownList1 it should redirect me to a page of the S1234567D's patient detailview. How could I do my code?
i want the code to disable default selection in dropdownlist in and also on selection of a particular data field the values are displayed in the txtbox below.the dropdown should be filled with system related data like eg c:drive, d ... etc dynamically at run time.
I have a page that searches and displays records. Users enter a record number and then select the type of record to display from a dropdownlist control. They then edit some data on the page, and the app does some calculations based on the type of record that is selected from the drop down. How do i get to successfully pass the value from the dropdownlist to the method that does the calculation to ensure that the right formula is used? Here is the code that I currently have.
then the code behind to do the calculation looks like this...
After stepping through the code, i noticed that when it gets to the "foreach" block, the value selected by the ddlRecordType dropdownlist is always the default which is "select one" and not any of the other selections that might have been selected.How do I get this to work, so that it can maintain the value selected from the dropdown and used in the code behind?
I have an EditTask View for editing the following properties for a Task that I am modeling.
[Task Name] [Project Name] [Assigned Employee]
Task Name and Project Name are just simple text boxes.
I want Assigned Employee to be a selection from all the available Employee's currently in the database. Dropdownlist is not really an ideal option because there could be hundreds if not more possible employees.
I'm thinking a link to show a select employee grid listing in either a popup or another page where filtering can take place (b/c employee has other properties such as Dept) and the selection is made and the EditTask view is updated would be ideal but not sure. I'm new to ASP.NET MVC so I'm a little lost on where to start to implement this.
What is the best way to handle this UI scenario in MVC?