Use Two Meta - Resourcekey In Single Control Is It Possible?
Apr 8, 2010I want to use two meta:resourcekey in single control is it possible?
for example
"< asp:LinkButton meta:resourcekey="ImageUrlKey1" meta:resourcekey="ToolTipKey1" >"
I want to use two meta:resourcekey in single control is it possible?
for example
"< asp:LinkButton meta:resourcekey="ImageUrlKey1" meta:resourcekey="ToolTipKey1" >"
I have 2 question :
1 -Please consider this simple Label control :
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Label"
I just want to find out the key that set to "meta:resourcekry" of this control . I mean , I'm trying to find out this key value : " Label1Resource2" in c# code
2 -I've written some custom controls and composit controls , when I try to use "Generate Local Resource" tool in VS ,VS doesn't participate my custom control's public properties in action and doesn't create any entry for their public properties.For example I have a simple RequiredFieldValidator control based on RequiredFieldValidator and I've added a simple public property named "ErrorSentence"(for example) , I like VS create [myCtl_ResourceKey].ErrorSentence as an entry in .resx files
how can I tell VS to this ?my first problem , comes from here , I'm trying to find my controls "meta:resourcekey" value to be able to read correct resource value with "GetLocalResourceObject([myCtl_ResourceKey].ErrorSentence)"
create db driven meta keywords/description. I would store these records in a database, xml format i presume; since it would be per culture.How would i go about doing this?
View 4 RepliesI have aspx application then i added <META HTTP-EQUIV="CACHE-CONTROL" CONTENT="NO-CACHE"> to the head and after that all controlls ID where shift up by 1 ctl03_lHeading -> is now ctl04_lHeading
View 1 RepliesI'm quite new to and developing my first website. I've created a Master Page Webform, and several other webforms based on that. The trouble is that the Master Page webform's meta tags (description, keywords and author) is rendered for all web pages. Is there a way in the web-form's Page_Load() event to set this tag? I tried to set it using response.write(), but it added this tag at the beginning of the document, not inside the <head> tag where it is supposed to be? Do any of you know how to write this inside the <head> tag? [URL]
View 4 RepliesI want use meta tag in my page that read keyword from database
I set this code in my product.aspx page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand("select Keyword1 + ',' + Keyword2 + ',' +Keyword3 from House_info where BehCode=1115", _cn);
SqlDataReader _dr = _cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (_dr.Read())
[Code] ....
It worked correctly and show my keywords from database and show it in my product.aspx metatag
I have two other page
index.aspx and store.aspx in index.aspx i have 1button and 1 TextBox when user type their BEHCODE(columns name in users table) in TextBox it go to store.aspx page and show that users information on store.aspx
Now i want set meta tag in store.aspx page and i want fill store.aspx meta tag from my users table in data base
This is index.aspx
protected void ImageButton3_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) {
string data = Server.UrlEncode(txtNumeric.Text);
SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand("traidname", _cn);
_cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
_cmd.Parameters.Add("@BehCode", data);
[Code] ....
Here when i run website this error occur
The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks (i.e. <% ... %>).
In this line
I use this code too
<script type="text/javascript">
$("input[id$=btnButton]").live("click", function () {
return confirm("Do you want to submit?");
But it didn't worked this problem just happen here when i used meta tag code in other page it worked correctly . Why this happen?
I know this is a very debated topic, and usually when you are thinking about this as a solution you might want to rethink your UI logic.
I know I can pass validation using ClientScriptManager.RegisterForEventValidation. But, I'd really like to know. Is it possible to remove event validation for a single control? Is there a way work around for this?
I'm modifying a DropDownList, from the client side after it's rendered.
i try to create dynamic control and have a single event handler to ease the fireevent how do i do it?also can i declare a single event handler to parent control and be use by child control of the same type
in example:
creating htmlanchor name aa
aa.Control.Add(any anchor)
after adding the control
declare the event handler
We need to upload multiple files using ASP.Net in one go. One option is to use the ASP.Net FileUpload control but it seems that it can't upload multiple files in one go. Any other option or ASP.Net FileUpload control can do multiple uploads in one go with some tuning?
View 2 RepliesBefore I get to the question, let me give a bit of background. I'm trying to develop a custom caching mechanism that I can apply to custom built user controls. (Please be aware that I know that there are some built in caching mechanism in .NET) Depending on certain flags set declaratively in the mark-up the control should load a cached version of its previously rendered content or execute normally (and if certain flags are set it should generate a cache of its content for next time it loads). I would like to be able to pass certain flags declaratively in the mark-up and being able to check their value at Page Init and, depending on the flag value, determine whether the control should load a cached version or not.
<uc:MyUC ID="N1" runat="server"
CacheProp='<%# SomeEnum.A | SomeEnum.B |SomeEnum.C %>'
PropA='<%# this.SomePropA %>'
PropB='<%# (this.SomePropB %>'
PropC='<%# this.SomePropC %>'
The problem that I'm facing is that as far as I'm aware I can only get the value of the properties declaratively assigned in the mark-up if I called the DataBind(). However I'm faced with two problems: Firstly calling this.DataBind() from within MyUC will trigger the binding of all its child controls which would defeat the purpose of the cache; also all user controls have been built so that they will not call DataBind() before the LoadComplete event has fired, so to make sure that the parent controls they live in has done its initialisation and has computed the properties that are declaratively passed to the child user control (ie PropA, PropB, PropC).And now the question: is there a way to bind the CacheProp property so to retrieve its value without data binding all other properties and without triggering the data binding of all its child controls?
When designing an ASP.NET user control my standard way for creating say a details view would be to create a property of the desired type on my page and would set the property in the page load based on the supplied query parameter. I feel I'm probably doing more work then necessary. If I could encase my view inside a container then I could merely have it databound and thus make everything declarative.My question is what would be the lightweight container/controls that would be appropriate for databinding a single object?As a second question, how can I handle invalid query strings with this method?
View 1 RepliesI have a stored procedure that returns 3 tables within the single recordset it returns. If I set a SqlDataSource to get data from this procedure, it works, but it only returns the first table. I want to have a GridView display the data from the 2nd or 3rd table using a SqlDataSource, but I can't figure out how to specify a particular table.
While there are some posts discussing this out there, I can't get a definitive answer about whether or not this is even possible (?). In a worst-case scenario, I can create another SP that only returns the 3rd table - but that creates a little maintenance headache that I would prefer to avoid.
For context: First of all, I am new to LINQ, as I have been using SubSonic for quite some time now.
I have two tables, Users, and Affiliates. They both have a very typical schema. The FK that joins them is the UserId field, which is in the Affiliates table. I want to create a LINQ query that pulls the Username from the Users table using the AffiliateId value. The AffiliateId is a primary key of the Affiliates table.
I have tried to accomplish this using many variations of the following code:
In the above query, I expect to get a single row result set. However, I instead receive the entire table of results.
How can I make this work? I have yet to see an example or article out there to do what I am trying to do.
I have huge excel files that I have to open from web browser. It takes several minutes to load huge file. Is it possible to open a single worksheet (single tab) at a time from excel file that contains many worksheets? I have to do this using C# / MVC
View 5 RepliesI am trying something apart of my boundries, is there any way to disable a single intem in dropdownlist or stop the ddl change event for a single item.
View 2 RepliesI got 15 tabs and 15 user controls assigned to each tab.All are loading at once which id delaying the process.
I want to load one user control on selection of a tab in tab container.
How can i use single sign on.. Am having vs2012. I downloaded identity and access control. And I created an application for local sts... all the other options are asking money for getting space in cloud. Need creating an application other than local sts as i need to implement it for two different domains..
View 1 RepliesI am using visual stuido 2010 and vb. I am trying to direct users to one of three different pages upon sign in, depending on their role. Basically I have three roles: administrators, dealers, and customers And three respective destination page urls: admin/default.aspx, dealer/default.aspx, and customers/default.aspx. Everything I can find in the forums is in C. So far I have nothing, so I guess I'm asking someone to write the whole sub for me. I wish I was more proficient, but I'm working on it.
View 4 RepliesI have a user control that contains an image of a product along with some product details.
If the product image is landscape, I want to render the control one way, and if the product image is portrait, I want to render the control a second way.
Example HTML Layouts (drastically simplified):
Right now, both layouts are rendered. How can I conditionally render one layout and not the other?
i want to create a slide show of user selected images, i want to give user an option where he can upload multiple images with single fileupload control,
View 8 RepliesAnyone came across a date & time control? I'm looking for one that allows user to select a date (dd/MM/yyyy) and time (hh:mm) into a single textbox.
View 1 RepliesI had implemented FileUpload code. In which for every particular Id, it creates Folder/Directory (if not exist) on Page _load.Then inside that particular Id's folder it will upload single or multiple files.
<asp:Label ID="LFileUpload" runat="server" Text="Upload File"></asp:Label>
<asp:FileUpload ID="FileUpload1" runat="server" Width="300px" AllowMultiple="true"/>
<asp:Button ID="btnUpload" runat="server" Text="Upload" OnClick="UploadFile" ValidationGroup="none"/>
<asp:Label ID="LMsg" runat="server" Text="" Visible="false"></asp:Label>
i am trying to bind image column from database to a control (tried with gridview) to show images in one single row showing 3 images at a time with a scroll bar...can anyone let me know if there is any way of doing this with javascript but not with jquery??
View 7 RepliesIs there CSS Meta Framefork for ASP.NET? Something like LESS or xCSS.
View 1 RepliesI am having a very hard time in consuming a very simple web user control that I have built using a Web Application project in VS 2010. The user control works fine as long as the consuming aspx page is in the same project. But after deploying the project using Web Deployment Project into a single assembly I am not able to use it correctly from another aspx page which is in a stand-alone project. The error I see is a null reference exception. Here are the steps that I am following:
1 Create a web user control named WebUserControl_Label using a web application project. This control works fine when used in an webform in the same project.
This is the ASCX of my user control :
<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="WebUserControl_Label.ascx.cs" Inherits="TestWebAppWithCustomControl.WebUserControl_Label" ClassName="TestWebAppWithCustomControl.Controls" %>
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" ></asp:Label>
This is the code behind:
namespace TestWebAppWithCustomControl
public partial class WebUserControl_Label : System.Web.UI.UserControl
private string _labelText;
public string LabelText
Label1.Text = value;
return Label1.Text;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
2. Create a single assembly for the user control above using a Web Deployment project. The name of the assemby is TestWebAppWithCustomControl.
3. Create a webform in another web application project to use WebUserControl_Label user control. This project has TestWebAppWithCustomControl.dll added as a referemce.
This is how I am using the custom control above in an aspx page:
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="ConsumeTestWebAppUserControl._Default" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="TestWebAppWithCustomControl" Namespace="TestWebAppWithCustomControl" TagPrefix="GBS" %>
<head runat="server">
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<GBS:WebUserControl_Label Id="label1" runat="server" LabelText="This is custom label" />
The problem is that .NET throws a Null Reference Exception when its trying to set the label text via the LabelText property. It looks like that the label control that lives inside the WebUserControl_Label user control is not getting instantiated and is always null.
I have found a few articles online that talk about creating such distributable user controls using ASP.NET website projects. But if possible I would like to stick with the web application project because of the benefits it brings.