I just want to find out the key that set to "meta:resourcekry" of this control . I mean , I'm trying to find out this key value : " Label1Resource2" in c# code
2 -I've written some custom controls and composit controls , when I try to use "Generate Local Resource" tool in VS ,VS doesn't participate my custom control's public properties in action and doesn't create any entry for their public properties.For example I have a simple RequiredFieldValidator control based on asp.net RequiredFieldValidator and I've added a simple public property named "ErrorSentence"(for example) , I like VS create [myCtl_ResourceKey].ErrorSentence as an entry in .resx files
how can I tell VS to this ?my first problem , comes from here , I'm trying to find my controls "meta:resourcekey" value to be able to read correct resource value with "GetLocalResourceObject([myCtl_ResourceKey].ErrorSentence)"
If i've the button outside an update panel (basically i'm using RadAjaxPanel by Telerik) it is working fine. But when the button is inside an ajax panel, even if i click OK for deleting the records the server side code is not called.
I'm missing a the code browser when I create pages that have the code not placed in a seperate file. For pages with .asp.vb files I get the browser correctly.
I think it's called a code browser but just in case it's not I mean the dropdown that shows Page Events, Buttons and other controls that can be selected along with their events.
How do I turn on those dropdowns for pages with code behind that uses <script> tags in the actual .aspx page?
Included (Showing page events just under the tab):
Can the select command of a SqlDataSource be given by code in the code behind file. Also by calling the SqlDataSource.Select can the select statement be executed?
I have an asp.net button, that when clicked calls a code behind function. The function does some evaluation, and then I want to call javascript from within this asp.net function.
I want to bind an ObjectDataSource to a property in my asp page and I want to do it in the page's aspx code, not in code-behind. I've already done it in code-behind, as follows:
I'd prefer to get rid of the ugly code-behind and just do this in mark-up. Something like [Code]....
This gives me a run-time error: Cannot create an object of type 'System.Object' from its string representation 'SelectedBook' for the 'DataSource' property.Is there a way of doing this declaratively and not in code-behind? Further, what if what I want is to actually use a child property of the property in question? For example, if my Book object has a ReaderComments collection, can I databind to it decaratively in the aspx mark-up?
anyone use/ know of any library or website with code snippets or samples with many of the mundane boilerplate code and/ or functions like data access, data scrubbing, recursive routines...
preferably c# since most of .net in the real world is c#. VB is ok too.
depending on the No. of the photos the code will be duplicated in the loop
Then I will display the result of the loop in label or in a textarea to let the user copy it any where
The problem is that while compiling my code it considers the HTML code as a part of the behind file and gives errors on the single quote, the double quote and on the parentheses
I have a page with a Textbox, a Button and a Label control. On Button_Click event , I store the value of Textbox in a variable called S using code behind.
I want to show the value of S in the Lable control using inline code but not using the code behind. ?
After insert a grid or any other tool into an aspx page it generates enough code for that tool(for ex.): <dx:ASPxGridView ID=ASPxGridView1 runat="server"></dx:ASPxGridView>...
But,after adding any property to this control (like Show group Panel) it generates more than 3000 lines of code in aspx page () and after adding any other tool the code is increasing in a enormous way...
How can I reduce the code, maybe there is a property(settings) in DevExpress option...
On my test machine (Windows XP with IIS 5), I set up a virtual directory just for this ASP.NET 2.0 solution and everything works great. All my code is separated nicely and it just works.However, when we deployed this solution to our Windows Server 2003 development environment, we noticed that the code only compiled when all of the code was dropped directly into the .asmx file, meaning that the solution didn't work with code-behind. We can't figure out why this is happening.
One thing that's different about our setup in our development environment is that instead of creating a separate virual directory just for this solution, we dropped it into an existing directory that runs a classic ASP application. So here we have a folder with an ASP.NET 2.0 application within a directory that contains a classic ASP application. Granted, everything in the ASP.NET 2.0 application works if all of the code is within the .asmx file and not in code-behind, but we'd really like to know why it's not recognizing the code-behind files and compiling it correctly.
I have a web app that needs to do two things at the same time. After a user clicks a button on the site, a javascript function needs to execute and while thats working I need the server side code for the button click to execute without waiting on the client side to finish.
To be more specific, the client side function takes about 23 seconds to complete, and while that is running the server side code promts the user for printing a document. So I need the javascript to run "in the background".
I have a WCF 3.5 service with JSON and a aspx page consuming it by using ASP.NET Ajax Library
I was able to call service succesfully.In the aspx page I wrote my Java code directly and then I wanted to modify my JS function but it is always picking the old JS function code
I even restarted the machine no change, looked up on the internet, msdn and I have Default pool with Integration mode
I'm using CRv9 and want to make use of Google Charts API for generating QR code on fly (in asp .net) and display it in the Crystal Report in a PDF format.I have spent the whole day looking for solution with no luck. The way we output the report is we use .rpt file, feed it with data and use Response.OutputStream to feed to browser. No CrystalReportViewer control hence CSS solution is not an option.
Now, I got as far as added an OLE Object from file with Link, which I would be overwriting every time the new QR code is generated. I apreciate that CR requires it to be a bitmap, so I was planning to download and convert the google's generated PNG file to BMP, that's not an issue. The problem is that Image in the report does not update after I replace the file. Meaning, it displays the original image, which was added as an OLE Object.
If I open this report in CR designer, the image gets refresh/updated and I'd have to save changes to the report to see this new image next time I generate a PDF file.The question is really how to achieve a dynamic image in Crystal Reports 9? Remember, Picture object did not have a Graphic Location property until vXI, so I cannot use that.
Manipulations with DataSets is not an option either as we're not giving report a datasource, instead we just map the fields with FormulaFieldDefinitions.
sample qr code url: https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=150x150&cht=qr&chl=Hello%20world&choe=UTF-8
I have been asked to support a legacy app and I can't get access to the code behind files. I need to add a new feature that gets a list of items from the database on page_load, what way would adding an "in-page" page_load affect the compiled page_load?
I have a gridview that when users click an asp:Button a confirmation box needs to appear. Inside that confirmation box, I want to include information from the gridview (DataKeyValues) that I can use in the codebehind to customize the confirmation message that pops up.