Want To Create A Assign.aspx Page?
Mar 8, 2011
i am coding back-end of website. i have 3 categories. and 10 sub-categories.
i want to create a assign.aspx page, where users can dynamically assign(or link) sub-categories to category. i am not clear of how to do this
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May 20, 2010
Every time I create a new aspx page and add some new photos and text, after I finish, I have to update page title, Web.sitemap, Sitemap.xml to feed search engines, static sitemap.aspx page, add photos to proper folders, update database to display feeds etc, and I have to remember to upload all new files including links to any new pdfs....This routine eats my time and drives me crazy.
I was wondering if there is such interface, where you need to create only 1 aspx page, for example "Articles" which can populate Texts, photos etc into pre-defined sections, but at the same time it displays with different URL's, so there is a permanent link to it. After you finish it creates a title automatically, based on article title, populates Web.sitemap - does all the dirty work. Similar to how blog engines, Joomla and Drupal work.
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Feb 5, 2011
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The controls are defined by user in run time.
Based on that i want to create aspx page.
Else its enough if i am able to generate basic structure of aspx page.(i.e The basic firm which generates when we add new webform in visual studio)Later i can develop with it.
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style="text-align:right"> <a
"start_page.aspx">Home Page</a>
"">Default Page</a>
"http://licensemon.enp.ril.com/">License Monitoring</a> <br
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Mar 12, 2010
Hardware involved:
SQL Server 2000
Microsoft Server 2003 with IIS6 [code]...
The goal, from internal department (user) perspective:A department wants to "upload" an excel spreadsheet of data (product, term, rate, etc) to SQL (this will be from the internal network). The data is then saved to a webpage location for that department to view and approve. Once "approved," this data is displayed on the live web servers (public-facing website which is two load balancing servers).
The .NET application/SQL Server can send an email to the department reminding them to upload the latest rates (each weekday morning, then each Thursday afternoon) if rates have not yet been "approved."
From the development perspective, this is my general idea, but I may be wrong.There are three spreadsheets, each with one tab. The first spreadsheet is uploaded, and the .NET application puts it in a SQL table. I then need to display this table of data on a .aspx page for the department to approve before the .aspx page is pushed to the live web servers.
First, I need an interface for this department to upload Excel files. I need this application to save the data to SQL and display it in a .aspx page so that the department can look it over and approve it. The department needs a way to "approve" the page, and this action will push the data to the live web servers. Will this involve SQL data transformation services?
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Jun 22, 2010
I've created a very simple website with two roles, "administrator" and "employees". I've also added users using asp.net configuration wizard for both. My concern, however, is that going ahead it will not possible to use the wizard to add new roles, assign them or alter them once the site is online. I won't be the administrator and so I need to find a way for the administrator to add new roles and assign them to users from a remote connection. Where can I find some information on creating such forms?
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Dec 1, 2010
i want to write aspx page html from aspx.cs page on page load..
i hav already used div.innerHtml...
i want to write below code in aspx page from aspx.cs page
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