Web Service For Each Of Them, Where Each Web Service Contains Only One Function?

Oct 5, 2010

Consider 3 modules/classes in an ASP.NET Webforms application.I need a web service for each of them, where each web service contains only one function.Should I group them into one web service class, or should I keep the one web service for each class?

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Not Able To Execute Web Service Function Remotely When Site Hosted Even Web Service Ip Addresss Is...

Jan 5, 2011

I have asp.net 2.0 site which is calling web services hosted on another server. When i have an xml file from where web service ip for eg. www.mysite/webservice1/myservice.asmx is given. When i call the same server from developer machine using local networkit works fine.But the same is when hosted remotely and from client end when services is called reading xml fiile from client machine it given a message 'remote server not connecting'.

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Asp Font Size And Service Function?

Jun 22, 2010

i've the following code in aspx page

<asp:Label ID="CittaLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Citta") %>' Font-Size='<%# ReturnFontSize(Eval("Big")) %>'/>

and this is my code behind service function

Protected Function ReturnFontSize(ByVal Big As Boolean) As FontUnit
If Big Then
ReturnFontSize = FontSize.Medium
ReturnFontSize = FontSize.Small
End If
End Function

But i get always a font very very small. So my question is : for changing "Font-Size" proprety of a control, from code behind, which return type i have to use, assuming that FontUnit not work?

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WCF / ASMX :: Service Function Getting Called Twice?

Aug 27, 2010

Service Function Getting Called Twice?

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Calling .NET Web Service Function Via GET Method With JQuery

Apr 26, 2010

I'm trying to call web service function via GET method using jQuery, but having a problem. This is a web service code:

[WebService(Namespace = "http://something.com/samples")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)] [Code]....

And I get an error because of this (error handler is called).

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AJAX :: How To Define Custom Web Service Function For AutoCompleteExtender

Jun 5, 2010

I have defined a web service function for AutoCompleteExtender, but in addition to the two parameters passed "prefixText" and "count" i want to pass another parameter for a label in that function. So, how to define that ?

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C# - Why Does Silverlight Reference To Wcf Service Blow Up When Add Method To The Wcf Service That Returns Generic List

Aug 17, 2010

I have built a WCF Service that is being consumed by a Silverlight app. At first I created one method that was very simple:

public String SfTest()
return "SF Test";

No poblem. My silverlight app references my service and displays "SF Test" in a textbox. Now I add a method to my wcf service like this:

public List<String> GetTest()
List<String> list = new List<string>();
String a = "a";
String b = "b";
return list;

I update the reference to the service in my Silverlight app and the using statement in my xaml cs page throws an error like the service doesn't even exist although it is there. I am assuming the problem has to do with datatypes or serialization or something like that but it is driving me up the wall. Why can't I consume a simple generic list in my Silverlight app through the WCF service.

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VS 2010 - Web Service Runs Locally But When Deployed Has Error Could Not Create Type Service

May 24, 2012

I developed a web service in VS2010 on my local machine, wrote a consumer of it also locally, and that all works.

I copied the dll and the asmx file to our server, and I am getting an error when I try to invoke it from a browser (also still on the server machine) to make sure it correctly exposes its web methods, but it is not, it is saying "Could not create type 'Service'". That error comes from this line:

Line 1: <%@ WebService Language="C#" CodeBehind="~/App_Code/WarrantyDuplicate.cs" Class="Service" %>
There other web services in the same folder on the server that all work fine so I don't believe it's an IIS setup thing.

This is my first web service in C# and when I created it in VS I did think it odd that the code behind file went into App_Code (as you can see from the line in the asmx file) and is just named dot-cs rather than asmx-dot-cs. But since it worked fine locally, I wasn't sure that mattered.

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Architecture :: WCF Service Be Used To Receive Data As Needed From A Remote Sender Or Service?

Feb 25, 2011

I am not sure which approach I should use. I have a web application that needs to get/receive data from a third party application that is in a secure remote network. The data needs to be secure during transport. The data layers cannot be exposed and the databases will not talk to each other. The data will be received from remote application on demand, or will get at scheduled intervals.

I have looked at WCF, but not sure if this will work. Can a WCF service be used to receive data as needed from a remote sender or service? Is this a secure way of doing it? I have also looked at SFTP using some XML/XSLT, but I don't think this is the right way to go. In addition, some data may be transported from my web application to the remote application (mostly reports at first). What protocols are used to transfer data between HIPAA compliant applications?

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Security :: Login Contols And A Web Service - Web Service To Do The Membership Authentication And Authorization?

Jan 23, 2010

I am writing two ASP.NET apps. One is a web service that provides xml data and the other is a web client that will use the service to display and manipulate data. I would like for the web service to do the membership authentication and authorization. Is there any way to simply point the login controls in my client application to the web service instead of to a database. I assume I would have to provide the necesarry methods in my web service interface, which would then use the membership provider database I created and pass the results back through to the client.

Is this possible? I have seen many articles on security provisioin from a web service but none has really been what I am looking for. I was hoping that, since my service and my client are both written in ASP.NET, there might be some built functionality that would benefit me.

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Architecture :: DAL As Web Service - Adding A Service Reference To Project And Then Using The EF4 Context And Writing LINQ Queries Against The DB?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm currently trying to work out the best way to build this web application, which will then be intergrated on other systems, such as WinForms, Intranets etc.

We hope to include the usual layers i.e. DAL, BLL, BOL and UI but I have been experimenting with Entity Framework 4 and WCF Data Services and managed to get something in place where I was using WCF as a gateway to EF4.

i.e. Adding a Service Reference to my project and then using the EF4 context and writing LINQ queries against the DB


Now with the current setup I would still need to write a DAL Class Library, that interacts with the Data Service, because as I said WCF Data Services only seems to be a gateway, I can't see where to put the code (above) in the Data Service and then how I could these methods.

My questions are: 1. How do I develop a WCF Data Service in such a way to allow this behaviour - I know how I could do it using ASMX web service, something like [Code]....

2. If I am to use WCF Data Services, how is serialization handled (if at all) - again I know how to do something in ASMX web services

3. Again, If I am to use WCF, how do I add Security and only allow my applications to access the web service - for obvious reasons

4. Would it be possible / logical to also include the Business Logic Layer into the web service?

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WCF / ASMX :: Running A Web Service User Service / Domain Account?

Mar 28, 2011

Is it possible to run a web service as a particular user/service account in the same way a Windows service can?I have a service account used for connecting to the DB and want to run the webservice under this account as the users using the webservice won't have DB access.The way I see to do it is to include the Impersonate option in the Web.config file, but is there any better way to do this?

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WCF / ASMX :: Create An Instance Of Web Service Without Adding Web Service Reference?

Mar 17, 2011

How to create an instance of web service without adding web service reference? How to identify the server address/name where the web service is hosted from C# code?

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Unable To Pass User Credentials From WCF Web Service To ASMX Web Service

May 25, 2010

My WCF Client calls my WCF Service which then calls ASMX Web Service. The problem is i have configured my wcf client and wcf service to windows credentials type but when wcf service calls asmx service the user credentials (default windowsidentity) is not passed to asmx service.

In WCF Service i am able to get user identity by using : Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.Name;
WCF Service - i have disabled anonymous access and enabled windows authentication. ASMX Web Service - i have disabled anonymous access and enabled windows authentication.
WCF Service Config

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Is Url Of Web Service Fixed, When Reference For Web Service Is Implemented In Class Library

Feb 9, 2011

<Application architecture>I'm developing ASP.NET Web Application by Visual Studio 2008.(.Net Framework Version = 2.0)I put followin two projetcs in the solution.a. Class library which implements all the buisiness logic for application.
(I'll call it "ClassLib" in the followin sentence)b. ASP.NET Web applicatoin which presents UI.(I'll call it "WebApp")ClassLib uses Web Service which located on other server. So, I set web reference in it. Method for url settings for this web reference is "Dynamic".

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Possible To Call An Web Service On Private Corporate Network From Web Service Located In Dmz

May 18, 2010

whether its possible to call an web service on a private corporate network from a web service located in a dmz?

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WCF / ASMX :: How To Call Web Service Hosted In Window Service And Having End Point Over Tcp

Aug 4, 2010

i have created a normal web service and i want to host it outside IIS. one idea i got is to use window service as hosting environment. i have created a web service and hosted it window service and its window service is running now.would anybody please let me know that how can i call web service hosted in window service binded over soap.tcp. here is my sample code.


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WCF / ASMX :: Develop A Web Service That Handle Another Web Service's Event (C#.Net 3.5 Framework)?

May 26, 2010

I want to develop a web service that handle another web service's event. (C#.Net 3.5 framework)

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JavaScript - AJAX Enabled WCF Service Function To Redirect To A New Window?

Apr 1, 2011

Scenario : I am going to access external web service [ExternalWS] using AJAX. So obviously, need to create local proxy service [LocalProxyWS] first, which in turn will access the external web service. Now, the external service webmethod [Process] basically redirects the current page on our site to their site, does some work and then return back to our site.

What I want : I want that when the user clicks the button ('Process') on our site, it should open a new window and then starts executing the request on the new window, so that I can have the page on my website to be displayed permanently (which will poll a request every 15 seconds to the external service (via local proxy) for the status).

Local Proxy service which calls external service is as follows..

[ServiceContract(Namespace = "LocalProxy")]
[AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)]
public class LocalProxyToExternalService
public void InitiateTransaction(string amount)

Basically, I am opening a new window from the button click and then want to process the new request in that new window, so that I can show the status to the user from the current page on my website So far, it opens the new window, but doesn't transfer the request on to that, but I get an error message in firebug as follows...

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VS 2013 - Call Web Service Function Within (Code Behind) Using AJAX On Page

Dec 4, 2014

I am trying to call a web service function within my own ASP.net (code behind) using AJAX on the page.

Once i push the button to execute the JS/AJAX/codebehind - I got an error.

POST http://************/admin/Admin.aspx/getDBInformation 500 (Internal Server Error)

This is my code below that I am currently using:

<WebMethod> _
Public Shared Function getDBInformation() As String
Return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dbInfo, System.Xml.Formatting.Indented)
End Function
End Class

The code behind looks like this:

Imports System.DirectoryServices
Imports System.Security.Principal
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Web.Services
Imports Newtonsoft.Json

[Code] ......

How can I correct this issue so that I am able to call **loadDBData()** without that 500 error?

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WCF / ASMX :: Create Simple Web Service In VS2010, NOT WCF Service?

Aug 30, 2010

How to create simple web service in VS2010 Professional (trial version). There is no template to do this. I am not trying to create WCF service here.

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WCF / ASMX :: How To Convert Existing Web Service To Framework 3.5 Service

Sep 20, 2010

I have running existing web service in framework 2.0, but i want to convert all my service to framework 3.5 WCF Service..

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Can't Get WCF Service's Operations List With Web Service Studio Client

Jan 21, 2011

I've created a simple WCF service hosted by ASP.NET web site:


I can add references to this service as to WCF service, as to WebService.WcfTestClient application successfully recognized service and its methods.

But "Web Service Studio" [URL] can't get a list of operations... Why? How to diagnose/resolve that?

P.S. I work under VS 2008 using .NET 3.5

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WCF / ASMX :: Add Service As Service Reference To VB6 Winforms Application

Feb 7, 2011

How do I add the WCF service built using VS2010 as a service reference to a Winforms app which is written in VB6?

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WCF / ASMX :: "Service Error - Web Service Failure

Feb 2, 2011

I am keep getting an error that "Service Error : wbsTest failed" where wbsTest is my webservice.

The error comes up frequently enough for the user - normally reproducible within a minute or so of working with an application.

A bit of background: An user is a remote user accessing application hosted on our servers over https. He is software firewalled and his connection isn't the fastest but it is responsive enough. When errors do not present themselves, page loads are fairly quick.

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