AJAX :: UpdatePanel Add Value To DropDownList?

Mar 17, 2010

I have a page with an UpdatePanel wich inside has a dropdownlist control. Everything on the page is created dynamically on Page_Init.

DropDownList items are taken from the database with a Select based on some table.

I want to click a button inside the drop down list that inserts a new row in the table that dropdownlist control is based on, and then, on another postback I want the item to appear in the dropdownlist and select it.

On the first button click I insert my row. Ok. On the second button click (I just want to do a postback), in Page_Init I check that the dropdownlist control contains the item I have inserted, and it is there. But in Page_Load event of the same postback I want to set the value selected to be the new value,
but now the drop down list doesn't contain the item anymore!.

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AJAX :: Updatepanel And Dropdownlist In A Masterpage?

Apr 26, 2010

firstly,i am going nuts with this problem. here it is:

i have a masterpage that contains a dynamically populated dropdownlist. i have autopostback =true and an onselectedindexchanged function. users user the dd to choose from a list of accounts that are available to them to edit/view. this portion works great. users pick an option and it postsback with the correct item. the item chosen gets set in the users profile so it defaults to it next time they log in.

now the problem arises on certain pages that use this masterpage. the child page has a timer, an updatepanel, and a gridview inside the updatepanel. the timer tick event fires and calls databind for the gridview. this all works great---EXCEPT, if the timer ticks while i am looking through items in the dropdownlist, the gridview updates, but also THE ONSELECTEDINDEXCHANGED event fires for the dd, even though i haven't actually clicked the dd to change it. just clicked it to make the dropdown active to
see its items. once the timer ticks, it automatically selects the dd item that i happen to be on... it is as if the updatepanel is causing a full page refresh.

i can use the timer_tick event to set label values, and it works like an update panel should....only updating the content inside the updatepanel. it is only when i am trying to choose an item from the dd in the masterpage that a full postback occurs. this creates a problem, because whatever item in the dd i happen to be on when the timer ticks is the one that gets selected. the selectedindexchaged event is supposed to call a full postback, but not the updatepanelupdate caused from the timer tick. my dropdownlist in masterpage


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AJAX :: Dropdownlist Not Working In UpdatePanel?

Feb 11, 2011

my code is very simple. I have one updatepanel, it has one lable and one dropdownlist. everytime, dropdownlist index changed. Label shows selected value. if you select any options besides the first one, it works. if you go back to the first option, then event will not get fired. spending hrs searching on google, couldn't find anything useful.

here's my code


codebehind part:


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AJAX :: FindControl DropDownList In GridView Into UpdatePanel?

Mar 4, 2011

i have a gridview in updatepanel in this case:


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AJAX :: Dropdownlist Postback Cause AsyncFileUpload Broken (both In UpdatePanel)?

Apr 9, 2010

I have dropdownlist autopostback and AsyncFileUpload both inside UpdatePanel After I selected Item in dropdownlist to postback,AsyncFileUpload is changed it's size and it can't upload After Dropdownlist postback

This is my code


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AJAX :: Make DropDownList Change Values In UpdatePanel?

May 19, 2010

i have a DropDownList, which is inside an UpdatePanel. Now my problem is that, for example, lets say there are 3 item, Item1, Item2, Item3.

Now Item1 is the default, and i have code in codebehind that gets the value of the selected DropDownList, so for example, my code:

string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["PokemonPlanetConnectionStrings"].ConnectionString;
string insertSql = "UPDATE Items SET ItemSelect = @ItemSelect";
using (SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
SqlCommand HubInsert = new SqlCommand(insertSql, myConnection);
HubInsert.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ItemSelect", DropDown1.SelectedValue.ToString());

Now the problem is that, once it is in an update panel, when you change the list to another item, so for example, i changed the list to "Item2", it will still be showing the first value of "Item1", i could have used Autopostback to get what i need, but then i wouldnt see the point in using update panel, since i dont want my page to flick.

Is there a way, or code to write that whenever the value of the DropDownList is changed, and i click my button, it will actually get the currently selected value, and not the virst default value,

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AJAX :: Implementing Cascading Dropdownlist Using Updatepanel And Updateprogress Only?

Jun 16, 2010

at last project i need to deploy cascading dropdownlist without using web serive or cascadingDropDownList Extender

i try to do this using updatepanel :D this work , but at many times that apear my computer and my internet Explorer as busy and hang and i can not do any thing untill populate the second dropdownlist :(

is there any way to avoid that and to view a wait message until populate the second dropdownlist , i mean is there a sample code for doing that

here is my code


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AJAX :: Pointing A Jquery Selector Towards A Dropdownlist Inside An UpdatePanel?

Dec 25, 2010

I'm pointing a jquery selector towards a dropdownlist inside an UpdatePanel. It interacts just fine with the $("#<%= DropDownList1.ClientID %>").change("Do something");

but, when the Dropdownlist postsbacks (it needs to do it, and that's why it's inside the updatepanel) my script suddently stops to work.

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AJAX :: Dropdownlist Selectedindex Changed Will Not Fire And Update Gridview In UpdatePanel?

Oct 6, 2010

I'm trying to do a similar thing -- I have a long form and in part of it, I have an updatepanel.

Inside the updatepanel I have:5 dropdowns (using the CascadingDropdown functionality)One AddProduct ButtonGrid or Repeater (haven't set it up yet)

I want the following to happen:I have the AddProduct Button disabled initially, but I want it to be enabled once the 5th dropdown is selected (so OnSelectedIndexChanged).If they click the AddProduct button, I want it to populate a Grid or Repeater.So far I am just trying to show what the selection was in a label... but nothing happens. I have an OnSelectedIndexChanged function for the last dropdown, so it enables the button, but that doesn't appear to get called. Previously, before disabling the button, I tried updating the label on button click -- and nothing there either.

It just seems like, because they are in the updatepanel, those callbacks never happen. I also do have UpdateMode = Conditional and I have both items in the triggers list.

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AJAX :: DropDownList Inside Updatepanel Disappears For A Second And Reappears On Click Of Any Button...

Mar 30, 2010

In Visual Studio 2008 ,in my application page 'TEST.aspx' have an 'Ajax TabContainer' inside update panel , and Tab Panel "Product Group Identification" containes textboxes ,DropDownlist and button like 'Save' and 'Cancel' , on clcik of 'save' or 'cancel' buttons only dropdownList Disappears for a second and reappears this is due to Update panel.

Below you can find my sample code


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AJAX :: DropDownList Inside UpdatePanel Not Updating TextBox In SelectedIndexChanged Event

Oct 26, 2013

I have 1dropdownlist and 1 textbox in my page

I want when I select item from DropDownList in textbox write"Correct" so I wrote below code

protected void DDLclass_SIC(object sender, EventArgs e)
Txtsub1.Text = "Correct";

but it didn't worked when I select Item from DDL in textbox didn't wirte "Correct"

How I can do it?

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AJAX :: Maintain Selection Of JQuery MultiSelect DropDownList Inside UpdatePanel

Dec 23, 2015

I have used jquery plugin for multiselect dropdown from the [URL] .... and when I submit the page It show nothing selected when post back from server What should I do ?

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AJAX :: Assign PostBack Trigger For LinkButton And DropDownList Inside DataList Within UpdatePanel?

May 7, 2015

I have a UpdatePanel which is having a Datalist inside it , and in datalist i have a country dropdownlist whose autopostback = true , now it is causing postback which i want to trigger , but i am unable to set it as AsyncPostBackTrigger inside update panel because update panel won't find the dropdownlist as it is in datalist.

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AJAX :: JQuery MultiSelect DropDownList With CheckBoxes Not Working After UpdatePanel Partial PostBack?

May 7, 2015

In my previous question mentioned below.

My previous question mentioned


Now i am having two dropdown one is asp dropdownlist and 2ND is MultiSelect-DropDownList-with-CheckBoxes. 2nd dropdown is populating on selected value of first.On page load it works fine. Now, on change of value in dropdown, selected index change 2nd dropdown (MultiSelect-DropDownList-with-CheckBoxes) fills but i see a list box instead of dropdown.

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AJAX :: Cannot Bind Dropdownlist Inside From Button Click Inside Updatepanel

Sep 24, 2010

I have a gridview inside UpdatePanel.

Inside gridview there is a dropdownlist and a button on each row. On button click I am opening a panel through Modal popup extneder.

Inside that pop up there is again a dropdownlist. I am adding an item into this dropdownlist based on the selection from the dropdown inside gridview.

like ddl.items.insert(0,'xyz');

But first time this inserted item is not getting reflected in the dropdownlist. But after one postback this item is getting reflected.

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AJAX :: Updatepanel Control / Drag Updatepanel On Asp Page It Is Not Resizable?

Mar 11, 2010

I am currently using a asp.net 2.0 with visual studio 2005.

I am trying to build a web application using ajax.

but when I drag the ajax updatepanel on asp.net page it is not resizable,so how should i put other controls on it?

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AJAX :: TabContainer And UpdatePanel - Embed An UpdatePanel In Order To Update Each Tab?

Oct 14, 2010

i am using a TabContainer and at each TabPanel i have embed an UpdatePanel in order to update each tab alone.

this is my code:


the problem is that it makes several seconds to update each tab (the same time for every tab) and i asume that this is happening because it updates all the TabContainer and not the selected Tab.

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AJAX :: UpdatePanel Doesn't Update Another UpdatePanel?

Jan 20, 2011

I have two updatepanels on my site (upanProfileSearch and upanMemberList). When I hit the button in the upanProfileSearch it should bind the Data Items in the gridview in upanMemberList and here make a RowFilter on the text in upanProfileSearch. When I make a run to curser, I can see, it happens. It makes a RowFilter. but it doesn't update the gridview. Can anyone tell me why it doesn't update? I have UpdateMode="Always" and RenderMode="inline" on both UpdatePanels.



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AJAX :: How To Change UpdatePanel Content From Another UpdatePanel

Jun 23, 2010

I have a dropdownlist, that causes a postback. On the SelectedIndexChanged event, is it possible to force a placeholder that is within a different UpdatePanel to change it's visibility?

For example, when the SelectedItem.Value of DropDownList1 is "1" then show Placeholder1, otherwise hide it.

What I am most interested in is how to configure the UpdatePanels to allow this.

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AJAX :: How To Implement Updatepanel Functionality Without Updatepanel

Nov 11, 2010

How to implement updatepanel functionality without updatepanel?

I am tring to use XMLHttpRequest but I am getting problem while redering a usercontrol containing postback controls in response of an Ajax request.

Here is my code




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AJAX :: How To Trigger Updatepanel Postback From Another Updatepanel

Mar 4, 2011

I have a web user control with one updatepanel (pnlUpdate_2), some controls and one apply button. I display the web user control as a modalpopup in my default page. In my default page i have an updatepanel (pnlUpdate_1) with a gridview and I modify that gridview with the apply button of the web user control. The web user control is for made a custom search of the gridview data. I have a problem with both updatepanels. If I set the updatemode as always in one of them (pnlUpdate_1) and the other as conditional (pnlUpdate_2), the pnlUpdate_1 make a postback in the pnlUpdate_2; I'm not an expert on this but I think that's why the pnlUpdate_2 disappear and reappear after postback of some controls in that updatepanel (not the apply button, it close the modal after postback). I try all the combinations and the problem persists. So I put both updatepanels as conditional and in some way it works; now the problem is that when I click the apply button in pnlUpdate_2 to modify the gridview in pnlUpdate_1 the pnlUpdate_1 not made the postback I get the pnlUpdate_2 postback when I use some control inside the pnlUpdate_1.

How can I postback the pnlUpdate1 from pnlUpdate_2 with the apply button?

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Way To Get UpdatePanel That Contains Multiple Dropdownlist

Aug 31, 2010

I have an AJAX UpdatePanel that contains multiple dropdownlists, a button, and an ASP Panel (which contains dropdownlists and textboxes). On button_click I want to enable the ASP panel, but it is not enabling. The ddls all work fine, I just can't enable/disable any controls within the update panel or the asp panel itself.I tried UpdateMode = Always I tried UpdateMode = Conditional where ddls and button were triggers I tried adding UpdatePanel.Update() to the button_click I tried using visible instead of enabled (ASP Panel) Nothing is working. Side Note: this is all within a step on the ASP Wizard

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C# - How To Set SelectedValue Of DropDownList Inside UpdatePanel

Apr 1, 2011

I've got a set of cascading dropdowns, but I want the default selectedvalue to be there when when page loads though.Right now, my dropdownlist is defaulting to the first value in the DDL.
(ASP.NET C#) and the code (issue is with the "DDL_Assignment" dropdown).


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DropDownList Value Not Changing With UpdatePanel And ModalPopupExtender?

Apr 5, 2010

I have an asp.net webpage with an modalpopupextender inside of an updatepanel. When I click Ok on the popup, I can get the textbox values from the popup just fine, but the DropDownLists have the old/default value, not the new value I have selected for them.

All the controls on the popup are set to enableviewstate = true, and autopostback = false (I just want to make the trip to the server when I click the ok button, not every time I change the value of the popups).

Here is the relevant code


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DropdownList Reset In Updatepanel On Submit Button?

Oct 7, 2010

I have a dropdown list which is in updatepanel. I have to fill that dropdown on a client event through javascript which calls __dopostback of the updatepanel and calls its load event.

Problem is that when i submit the form updatepanel_Load event also execute again and it again reset the DropDownLIst which causes the loss of selectedValue in Dropdown.

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel3" runat="server" OnLoad="UpdatePanel3_Load" UpdateMode="Conditional">


<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlItems" runat="server" CssClass="dropdown">


On page Load this dropdown is Empty .... no funtion to fill it.Now the problem is when ever I Fill the Dropdown throught Load of UPatepanel, that UPdatepanel Load event also execute when I submit my page. Actually the solution of javascript is due to a table and on Selection of the table row item it Fills the DropDownList from __dopostback of my updatepanel.

I have button which opens a popup window and that popup window contains a table, when client select some item from that table and close that popup window then I fill my dropdown (in parent or opener page through Ajax, Updatepanel's Load) as further selction option. so dropdown databind is dependent on that tables input.

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