Configuration :: HTTP 404 Error On Visual Studio Project?

Jan 30, 2011

So I have visual studio solution, it contains several projects, It was done by other. one of them is web application. others are data access and business logic C# projects.

When I open solution and want to view web pages from web application I get error

Server Error in '/WebApp' Application.
HTTP Error 404 - Not Found.
Version Information: ASP.NET Development Server

I tried to change startup options including startup page and so on but it doesn't show any page...

Authorization is forms...

I also tried to change paths in web config

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Similar Messages:

Visual Studio :: Configuration Tool Won't Run In VWD2010 / HTTP Error 404 - Not Found

Apr 28, 2010

My project works under VWD2010 but when I click the Configuration tools at Solution Explorer, nothing happens unlike under VWD2008.

The configuration developement port is running and accessing it only gets me this error, [:(]

Server Error in '/asp.netwebadminfiles' Application.

HTTP Error 404 - Not Found.

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Configuration :: Error To Add Database To A Project In Visual Studio Via App_Data Folder

Oct 5, 2010

I am trying to add a new database via the App_Data Folder and I receive an error described below.When I attempt to add ANY TYPE OF SQL SERVER DATABASE through the App_Data folder I receive this error "Connections to SQL Server Files (*.mdf) require SQL Server Express 2008 to function properly. Please verify the installation of the component or download
from the URl."

I can create a db via SQL Server Mgmt Studio, it connects fine, and I can see tables.

Visual Studio- Server Explorer connects fine to the Database, I can see the tables.

Im running XP SP3 w/ Visual Studio 2010 and SQL Server 2008 R2 Developer. I had previously removed SQL Server Express.

Why cant I access the database within my project, when Im able to connect to this fine within Visual Studio Server Explorer?

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Visual Studio :: Connect To Web Project Using Http?

May 30, 2010

I have just installed Visual Studio 2010, and I have an 2008 R2 web server, to wich I would like to connect directly through http.

What should I install/setup to get it working?

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Visual Studio :: Conversion From 2005 Project To 2008/2010 Project Error?

Jul 17, 2010

I have downloaded a project from the internet called the SMS Source example. I wanted to open this project in VS2010, so a conversion wizard has popped up prompting for the conversion. But it has errors in converting.

Error msg:

Conversion Report - SMSSend.csproj:
Error converting project file. MSB0001: Internal MSBuild Error: Missing resource 'MissingAttribute'

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C# - Migrating From Website Project To Web Application Project In Visual Studio 2010 Causing All Controls To Throw Error?

Mar 29, 2011

I recently updated my VS2010 website project from .NET 3.5 to 4.0. Everything was working fine in the website project. Today I decided to migrate the website to a web application project as I have learned this is the best way to work in .NET. I split out all my class files into a separate class library and copied all my other content into my new project. Then I updated all the references and web.config.

When I build the class library, everything works great. The problem is happening when I try to build/debug the web application project. It is acting like all the controls are missing and it is also throwing a bunch of compile errors about the public properties I have in my master pages.

Control errors: "The name 'INSERT CONTROL NAME HERE' does not exist in the current context"

Master page errors:'System.Web.UI.MasterPage' does not contain a definition....

It is giving these errors for every single control and master page property in my entire solution.I notice when I add a new web.form to this project, it also adds a filename.aspx.designer.cs file in addition to the .aspx and .aspx.cs file. My existing files do not have these extra files since they were created in a different .NET version.

UPDATE: It seems I was missing the step where I need to right click on the new application folder and select "Convert to web application". I just did that and it seems to be a little bit better...

Now it is choking on Literals that are inside single quotes:

<div class='<asp:Literal ID="CssClassLiteral" runat="server"></asp:Literal>'>

It doesn't see this literal when it does the conversion... Is the above valid code or should I implement that functionality another way?

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Visual Studio :: HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error

Apr 12, 2010

I have just installed IIS manager version 6.1 build 7600 and visual studio 2010 (latest additions of both).

I have followed all the instructions and given the correct permisions ect for IIS to work with my directory. I have a helloworld website that has worked via the localhost server many times, but almost hourly something happens to the settings in IIS and it starts throwing errors.

The current error copied below. Basically I am wondering a few things...

1. Why does my IIS constantly do something so that it works one minute and then it wont the next (this is with an identical helloworld.htm file so I know it is not something I am doing with the file that is messing it up).

HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error

Calling LoadLibraryEx on ISAPI filter "C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv4.0.30128aspnet_filter.dll" failed
IIS Web Core [code]......

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Configuration :: Using A Web App Project With Visual Studio?

Nov 18, 2010

I created my site using a web app project with Visual Studio.NET 2008 and I would like to publish all the site using the precompilation mode. How can I do that?

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Configuration :: Loading A Visual Studio Project?

Oct 5, 2010

We developed a big website and now we are maintaining it, which is continuously growing, Now project size is nearly 1.GB. Majority of files are Images and PDF and Docs etc.

My Question is, i want to load the VS solution with minimal files, .NET Stuff only (Master pages, UserControls, Js etc). Is there any way to unpin a complete folder? I can not see any option to pin unpin folder in VS 2010 or VS 2008

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Visual Studio :: HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error?

Nov 19, 2010

I am facing a problem ' HTTP/1.1 500 Intenal Server Error' while I want to create a new project of Visual Studio .NET.

It's running on VS 2003 which is quite old now rather than VS 2010 already came out.

I've tried to re-installed the aspnet account by running 'aspnet_regiis -i' and then reset the iis, and the result is nothing

I also tried to reinstall the IIS and VS 2003. And currently I'm still facing the same problem.

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Configuration :: Visual Studio 2005 Web Deployment Project Add-In?

Feb 12, 2011

According to this website, I can go to Visual Studio 2005 Web Deployment Projects, and download the add-in, but I am not finding what I need. I have searched other sites for the add-in as well, but with no luck. where I can download the add-in?

If not, can someone provide documentation on how to properly deploy an ASP Web application? I have tried on my own, but I am apparently doing something incorrectly or incompletely, as I have several different problems with my current deployment. So I am looking to start over with the help of this add-in or by following more detailed documentation.

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Visual Studio 2005 - How To Prevent Project Configuration

Apr 12, 2010

I am using visual studio 2005 (and team explorer 2005) with tfs 2008. I have installed both Visual Studio 2005 SP1 and VS80sp1-KB932544-X86-ENU.exe.

I perform the following steps:

Select Project->ASP.NET Configuration within Visual Studio 2005. Within Visual Studio 2005, attempt to perform either a check-in or a checkout.

The following happens:

The local server started by Visual Studio starts closing itself. I suspect it is crashing; the systray icons are not properly disposed of. It then reopens itself. It does this over and over again, maybe once every second or two. The TFS progress meter doesn't even budge, it just sits there. Canceling out of the checkout does not work; it says it is cancelling and does nothing.

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Configuration :: Visual Studio Web Setup Project - Deploy Outside Of Web Root (wwwroot)?

Aug 2, 2010

It is possible to create a Visual Studio Web Setup Project that deploy my files outside wwwroot folder and set IIS virtual directory to this folder?

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Upgraded Project To Visual Studio 2010, But Now Get MVC Error

Nov 9, 2010

I have an mvc 1.0 project. I upgraded the project and solution to Visual Studio 2010. However, I do not want to use mvc 2.0. My app compiles under mvc 1.0. All my references are to 1.0. I have copy local true and i am referencing mvc 1.0 from a lib folder, not the GAC.However I keep getting this error:

No parameterless constructor defined for this object.

Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.MissingMethodException: No parameterless constructor defined for this object.

Source Error:An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request. Information regarding the origin and location of the exception can be identified using the exception stack trace below.

Stack Trace:[MissingMethodException: No parameterless constructor defined for this object.]
System.RuntimeTypeHandle.CreateInstance(RuntimeType type, Boolean publicOnly, Boolean noCheck, Boolean& canBeCached, RuntimeMethodHandle& ctor, Boolean& bNeedSecurityCheck) +0

Its like it wants to keep using mvc 2.0, because its complaining about that GetControllerInstance method. This project works fine in vs 2008.

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Visual Studio :: How To Convert Whole Visual Studio 2008 Web Site Project To Visual Studio 2010

Aug 14, 2010

is it possible to convert whole visual studio 2008 web site project to visual studio 2010 web site project

my current project references

i have a very annoying iis problem

iis server stops working until app pool is recycled

i am hoping that new visual studio (net framework 4.0) may solve this very annoying unsolveable problem

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Visual Studio :: .NET 3.5 Project In VS 2010, Error With Creating Properties

Apr 28, 2010

Creating a .NET 3.5 website in 2010, and when I attempt to create public properties for a user control I whipped up it is giving me inline error:Visual Basic 9 does not support auto-implemented properties. I can, however, type GET on the next line 2010 populates the property just like it used to. However, when I expose a control property it craps out with a null reference error at runtime.

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Visual Studio :: Web Developer Error "Unable To Start The Program 'http://localhost:1098/NTTC'?

Sep 29, 2010

Every time I click the start Debugging button on the toolbar, or select it from the menu, I get the message:

"Unable to start the program 'http://localhost:1098/NTTC'.

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Visual Studio :: Error While Trying To Run Project : Unable To Start Debugging On The Web Server

Aug 2, 2010

When debug a project, then error message show:

"Error while trying to run project : Unable to start debugging on the web server. The project is not configured to be debugged."

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Visual Studio :: Error After Adding Silverlight To MVC2 Project With LINQ?

Jul 25, 2010

I have an MVC 2 web application which uses models auto-generated by LINQ. When I add a Silverlight project to my solution, generating a new strongly-typed View fails with the message:

Compiling transformation: The type or namespace name 'Data' does not exist in the namespace 'System' (are you missing an assembly reference?). I understand this is most likely because Silverlight does not access the System.Data namespace (at least, I can't add the reference to my Silverlight app). However, it's not really important - I'm just trying to generate an .aspx View at this stage, not a Silverlight View.

Is there any way to get this template generation to work, or do I have to create my Silverlight project outside the solution and build it separately? I was kind of hoping to take advtage of WCF RIA and some of the other goodies one gets from including the Silverlight app within the main solution... anybody got a fix?

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Visual Studio :: Error While Trying To Run Project Message And Debugging Web Site In VS.NET 2003

Jul 13, 2010

I am having a simple web site created using VS.NET 2003 using .NET Framework 1.1 The web site project builds properply. When I hit F5 (to debug) it displays "Error while trying to run project" message. I am able to debug console and windows service applications. Recently I installed VS.NET 2010 (.NET Framework 4.0). I think prior to this it was working fin. ENV: Windows XP and IIS 5.1

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Visual Studio :: Can't Launch New Project Or Solution Of Any Type - Error Message

Jan 7, 2010

I cannot get beyond the following error message when trying to load any new project or soultion of any type:

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Visual Studio :: Browsing The Website Error - An Error Occurred During The Processing Of A Configuration File

Jun 9, 2010

I have a website on visual studio 2008 on my local machine. When I run through the debugger I get the following error, however when I browse the same website through the IIS manager (running IIS7.5), I can browse it. What do I need to fix to run it through debugger? The website is set as an application.


Configuration Error


An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.


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Visual Studio :: Opening Visual Studio 2008 Project In Visual Studio 2010?

May 21, 2010

Anyone know if I can maintain a VS 2008 (.net 3.5) project by using the VS 2010 IDE ?

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Visual Studio - What Is Best Option In Visual Studio 2010 To Sync Project Files Between Home & Work Computers

Feb 14, 2011

Im working on a website project with Visual Studio 2010 from 2 different computers (home & work).
In Dreamweaver Im used to FTP to upload/download files to/from a webserver to syncronice my files on the current computer Im working on.What is best option in Visual Studio 2010 to sync project files between home & work computers? I have seen there is a built in FTP, but seems only it can upload files, limited functionality?

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Visual Studio :: Web Project Converted From 2005 To 2010 Gets Dynamic Compile Error On The @Page Directive?

Jan 12, 2011

As that title says my aspx page shows a compile error on the @Page directive that says "ASP.NET runtime error: Cannot load file or Assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.BatchParser' or one of it's dependencies". The project compiles with our error and it runs with no problem. The only real problem that this causes it that the intellisense for anything other than simple HTML is broken so I can't type asp:Controlname and have intellisense show me a the list of items or properties in a control. I get a green squiggly line under all the asp tags saying "Unrecognized tag prefix or device filter 'asp'". This project doesn't directly use SQL SMO but it does reference a project that does. However, I removed that reference and the problem still doesn't go away. I have installed on my development machine the full SQL client and for both SQL 2005 and 2008 (including the SDK) from the Developer editions of both versions. This was not a problem on VS2005 and the project compiles without error in VS2010 too.

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