Data Controls :: Display Multiple Google Maps In GridView Repeater Or DataList Controls

Nov 24, 2013

I have a requirement to show the GoogleMap in DataList/Repeater for each row. I have the Latitude and longitude, address for each row in table. Below code works fine. but i am not able to show the map with each row of DataList.

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="GoogleMap.aspx.cs" Inherits="GoogleMap" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no" />


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Data Controls :: Display Locations In GridView And Google Maps

Apr 10, 2014

There is 1 ASP.NET checkBox, 1 Button, 1 Gridview in my web page with GeoMap.Requirement is:When I check the "CheckBox", and click on "Button", ALL the locations(Latitude, Longitude also saved in DB) saved in DB should show inside "GeoMap" as well as in "GridView".I had done it using "DropDown" (showing particular location NOT ALL) but finding difficulty using "CheckBox" (to show ALL location at once)...

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I could able to get datakeyname value but unable to trigger map with infowindow.

$("#lstLocations td").live("mouseover", function () {
google.maps.event.trigger(google_markers[$(this).parent()[0].rowIndex - 1], 'click');
$("#lstLocations td").live("mouseover", function () {


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If all rows has lat and lng then below code is working fine. But my grid has no coordinates for some rows like for 20 rows there are only 2 rows has coordinates(lat and lng) in this case this code is not working. And i have paging if i go to next page for this its taking again previous 1st rowindex and showing infowindow on the map.

$("[Id*=GridView1] td").live("click", function () {
google.maps.event.trigger(google_markers[$(this).parent()[0].rowIndex - 1], 'click');
$("[Id*=GridView1] td").live("click", function () {

[Code] ....

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I had a problem with my site in the past couple days and have almost recovered, but now I'm stuck on some code that has an Auto-Complete feature, which allows a user to type a name of a pub into a TetxBox, and based on the returned names, the user can click one and see that name in the GridView (just below the TextBox). The GridView was set up so that there was an href that the user could click on and that would open a window and the user would see the pub in Google Maps. The code below works just fine for the Auto-Complete and the GridView.


Here is the end of the working code. Somehow I need to use the code below to make
the GridView have a href to allow a user to click and see the pub in Google


The code above worked fine before, but I'm not sure how it was incorporated into the GridView, and since I had a problem with my site a few days ago, I haven't been able to figure out this part.I'd sincerely appreciate any help in getting this up and running again.

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Mar 3, 2011

I have a DataList control setup with a Repeater inside it. It's displaying Ranks just fine, but the problem is I don't know how to make it start over with each DataList.

Right now, if there are two rows in the PointsCat table, it creates two DataLists (new DataList for each ID) and populates the Repeater with the person's rank, name and points from the Points table. The CatID in the Points table is a number equal to an ID in the PointsCat table (to tell which DataList's Repeater to display the data in). This code currently just orders ALL the entries from my database table, so the first Repeater in the first DataList may end with a ranking of 4 (4th), the first item in the next DataList's Repeater starts with a rank of 5...instead of starting over with 1.

So my current page may show something like this (notice the rank didn't start over in the second category):

Points Category 1 Points Category 2
1 John Doe 400 4 Janet Doe 275
2 John Smith 390 5 Johnny Smith 270
3 Jane Smith 380

My SqlDataAdapter line is below. I need it to start over the ranking for each CatID. Is it possible to do that within this line?


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<asp:Label ID="lblsize" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("size")%>' />

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Oct 15, 2013


i am getting multiple marker from database (like places visit) . But on same page i have to get a single marker(represent the current position)

my query to get sing marker is 

DataTable dt = this.GetData("select top 1 * from LocationDB ORDER BY Locationid DESC");
rptMarkers.DataSource = dt;

i get only multiple marke in the first div and in othe div its empty (to show current position).

how can i show two different map on one page.

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Apr 10, 2014

Maps using only in Client side validation (Not using Asp.Net)

1) It must get the longitude and latitude from CSV file and it must be a fileupload and loads dynamically using Jquery.

2) Multiple markers showing different location.

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May 7, 2015

I am using multiple maker in google maps but I have requied all marker infowindow is always open. How I can do it? my code for multiple marker is - 

window.onload = function () {
var mapOptions = {
center: new google.maps.LatLng(markers[0].lat, markers[0].lng),


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Forms Data Controls :: Multiple Items In Gridview Or Datalist?

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I have a webform that functions as a kind of a timesheet. The way it works now is that a user selects a project from a dropdownlist, the enters a date and the amount of hours worked. After that the user selects the link button "register" and the worked hours are registered and the result will be shown in a datalist (for each project a new one). Is there some possible way to show a user in advance all the projects he is authorized for in a datalist or so, so he can fill out the hours for all the projects at once? Now the selection for a project from the dropdownlist is a problem for some users cause they have a lot if projects and it is quit a workload on the manor now.

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I have a repeater to show the data and has another repeater for google map.My map will show 10 markers .Now i need to highlight the first marker when hovering the first result in the repeater and so on Here is my code...

<div id="dvMap">
<script type="text/javascript">


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Feb 12, 2014

I'm making a site that has a map in it and can search places and will locate the place.

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Social Networking :: Display Google Maps From Database On Button Click

May 7, 2015

I have a problem with displaying maps in page load the map is displayed, but when I want to execute the code on a button click the map is not displayed

Function javascript
function AfficherMap() {
// alert("ssss");
var mapOptions = {
center: new google.maps.LatLng(markers[0].lat, markers[0].lng),
zoom: 10,

[Code] .....

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Aug 18, 2015

The page is not redirecting to another tab...the address is opening in the current tab itself but i want the address of google map to be redirected in another code is

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string address;


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Social Networking :: Google Maps API Display Markers - Find Shortest Path Using TSP

Jul 25, 2013

i want to include google maps API into my ASP.NET page and allows users to input the locations(few places) they are going to visit. When the user inserts the location, the google maps API will mark these locations. It means in the maps it will mark the places. some red bubble to indicated the places is marked.

for example,i list a few checkboxes beside the check boxes will have a places'name. when the checkbox is checked, Google maps will make markers on these location. How to do this?

IF after the places is marked in google maps, i want to get some information from google maps (such as the coordinates of the all the marked place). Then,  use google maps to run some code behind to find the shortest path using Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) algorithm.

After that,generate the proper sequences of the places ( which place to go first, and which place to go last). is it possible to be done?

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