Security :: How To Redirect The User Automatically To Login Page After Session Expiration

Mar 10, 2010

How i redirect the page to Login page automatically if session Expires .

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Similar Messages:

User Controls :: Validate Session Set After Login And Redirect User Back To Login Page If It Is NULL

Apr 26, 2013

I have made a web page in which there is login screen when user login it goes next page but my problem is if i directly enter the url of that page it open. I want it should not open unless the user log in... 

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Security :: Logout From Session And Redirect To Login Page

Jan 26, 2010

I have an option in my website to logout from session and redirect to login page. So I get redirected and if I try to login again it seems like it tries to redirect me to login page over and over, until I click some page in menu and login and it does works. so, doesn't the login control always redirect to same DestinationPageUrl? here the logout code:


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Security :: Redirect To Login Page After Session Timeout?

Nov 22, 2010

i would like to redirect user to login page after defining session timeout

how to redirect the user to my login.aspx and how to set session time out within web.config

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State Management :: Redirect User To Login Page If Session Is Null?

Sep 7, 2010

i have 2 page,

1.login.aspx --- 2.welcome.aspx

in my login.aspx im storing username into sesssion as below:

Session["usernm"] = txtUsername.Text;
in my welcome.aspx page
in page_load event
if (Session["usernm"]==null)

here if i manulally paste the url ( http://localhost:4125/Loginado/welcome.aspx) it should go to login.aspx for user credentials

but its going directly to welcome.aspx page.

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Security :: Page Redirect When User Login?

Mar 24, 2010

I got a role call "Staff", staff registration is done by admin so when creating a new staff only need their name, user name, password and e-mail. After registering, i wan to redirect the staff to the creating profile page to input their contact number and self-description which is a must for later use. For first time login staff, how do i compare and see if the contact and description profile is empty or not? If it is empty, then redirect to the create profile page, else just go to staff page.

I trying to do like making each different role redirect to their own page once they had login. For now when the user login they will remain in the same page showing the login template. How do i do that?


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Security :: How To Automatically Send User To Login Page When FormsAuthenticationTicket Expires

Feb 13, 2010

I'm using Forms authentication in my application but I'm not using the Membership that's built into .NET.

How do I automatically send user to login page when his/her FormsAuthenticationTicket expires? I just don't want a user log in and leave a page on their computer screen long after their session has expired. I'd like to make sure that as soon as the user's
FormsAuthenticationTicket has expired, I send them to login page.

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Security :: Redirect User To Login Page And Back

Nov 19, 2010

How would I go about to solve this:

When the user clicks a button and the user has been inactive for too long (session is gone), then redirect the user to the login page and back to the current page after logging in?

Is there a built in solution to this or do I have to do it manually? If so, how?

View 10 Replies

Security :: Authenticating User After Logout And Redirect To Login Page

Dec 20, 2010

In my web application when I start my webpage from Visual Studio the URL to my ligin page looks like this:


And when logging out, the following are executed:


Question: I need to have the return URL set to Default.aspx as it is when logging in the first time. Does anyone know how I can achieve that?

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Security :: How To Redirect User To An Error Page From Login Control Upon Entering Wrong Username

Mar 1, 2011

I wanted to know how to add the feature- that user should be redirected to an error page where the error will be display, upon entery wrong username/password when trying to login through an login control?

1. how to redirect the user to an error page upon entering wrong username/password (from a login control which is placed on master page)?

2. how to pass the error to the error page so it can be displayed there?

View 28 Replies

Security :: Login Page And Maintaining User Through Out The Session

Apr 12, 2010

Once user enter credentials i want his name to be appear on top.User should be maintained through out the pages of website until he choose to sign out.And also diff users will have diff access to some parts of website, like only manager can delete the content.

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Security :: Create Session On Login And Redirect From Other Applications

Sep 29, 2010

I have created custom a MembershipProvider, SessionIDManager, and SessionStateStore since I need to use custom legacy sessions and logins.. When the Application is ran, it runs the GetSessionID in the SessionIDManager(which is correct) The problem then is if there is no session meaning the GetSessionID method returns null, it tries to create a new session using CreateSessionID.. I want it to redirect to the login application(another application). We only create and store session information for logged in users and the "session id numbers" come from a file that is pre-populated with "session id numbers"(I didnt design this and its out of my control).. So its not feasable to give everyone who visits the site one of the "session id" numbers. I also need for users with an "invalid" session(when checked through Validate()) to be redirected to the login page.

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Security :: When Use Clicks On Logout Button The Current Session Is Closed And User Is Redirected To A Login.aspx Page?

May 4, 2010

I have written custom code for login and logout...When use clicks on logout button the current session is closed and user is redirected to a login.aspx page...The problem is that when a user click a back button on internet explorer it the previous page he was navigating is shown to him...(altough he cant perform any operation as session is null and their is condition in page load that if session is null user should be redirected to login page)May i have to clear cache of client ??

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Security :: Catch A Failed Login Attempt (Windows Auth) And Redirect To A Forms Login Page?

May 26, 2010

I need to create an application with Forms Authentication and/or Windows Authentication. If the application is set to use mixed authentication (Forms + Windows Auth) and the user don't have a Windows user account, the login will fail and he must be redirected to a forms login page. How can I do this?

Are there any different way to provide mixed authentication?

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Security :: Redirect User After Login?

Jul 6, 2010

Ok, I have been trying with this for many days now and read countless posts on this subject but I still cannot get it working.

I have created 2 roles and memberships one for admin and one for users, as you can guess I want to direct admins to a admin page and users to a user page. When a user logs on, it works fine, whether it's an admin or user, but they both present the home page, default.aspx

I know you have to have a redirecturl, to direct the user to the relevant page, either admin or user, but where and which webconfig would you put this in? I have seen in some post that you need a protected void or a role line in a webconfig file, but I have tried both these and countless other bits of code in different webconfig files. Before you ask about validation, I know this works as the user can log in, but just wont go to the relevant page.

Directorty structue I have is as follows:

Account folder contains - ChangePassword.aspx, ChangePasswordSuccess.aspx, Login.aspx, Register.aspx, Web.config

Webconfig contains


Admin folder contains - default.aspx, Web.config

webconfig contains


Registered folder contains - default.aspx, Web.config

webconfig contains


View 17 Replies

Security :: Want To Redirect User Based On The Login ID?

Jan 26, 2010

i am using membership. when users arrive at my sight they can enter user name and password.

I then want to redirect them to a page called "MyAccountPage.aspx" which is unique to them. could someone post the c sharp code that I can use to capture the Unique Id of the user is it best to then pass this as a parameter to a control on the aspx page that displays data for that user. am I correct in thinking that I need a UserId column in my data table as well.

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Web Forms :: How To Login And Redirect To Same Page And Use The Session

Jun 18, 2010

I have 1 master page and Home.aspx page. Home.aspx page is using the master page.. In master page i have two textbox and and menu control and button. Textbox are used for login and password. by default Home.aspx opens.....Now when user login then i check the user exist of not in my master page codebehind and then redirect to Home.aspx but this time i want the textbox and button not to be visible. In master page i used session to store the login is true or not and the usertype and then redirect to Home.aspx. but i am not able to use the session.

View 15 Replies

User Controls :: Automatically Reset User Session Without Showing Any Message When Using Master Page

May 7, 2015

URL.... Still there will be need of url in ajax method if i put javascript in site.master.cs . As what i have understood from  that mysite.master.cs will be like this :

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
try {
if (Session["Prefix"].ToString().Trim() == "sys_admin") {
UserNameMasterLabel.Text = Session["UserName"].ToString().Trim() + " (ADMIN)";


And site.master will be like this :

And I have to put next method in DailyLog.aspx page ? like this

System.Web.Services.WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
public static int RefreshSession() {
HttpContext.Current.Session["Name"] = "BSD";
Configuration config = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("~/Web.Config");
SessionStateSection section = (SessionStateSection)config.GetSection("system.web/sessionState");
int timeout = (int)section.Timeout.TotalMinutes * 1000 * 60;
return timeout;

But I have several pages in my website , by doing the above story will it work for Builder.aspx ? or any other page rather than dailylog.aspx ?

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Security :: Getting The Login Function To Redirect Depending On The User Logging In?

Oct 27, 2010

I am currently using the built in ASP login function... the destinationpageurl of that login function locates to "loginhome.aspx" for all users... but for one specific user ("Admin") it needs to link to "adminhome.aspx"... just wondering whats the best way to do this? Can I change the destinationpageurl of the login function depending on the user or creating an admin role so "If membershiprole = 'Admin' redirect to 'adminhome.aspx' End If" or can I just add some code behind the login function so "If User.login.Name = 'Admin' Then destinationpageurl = 'adminhome.aspx' End If" think I have already tried this on the login1_authenticate event but it didn't work

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Security :: Login Control OnClick Redirect If User IsLockedOut VB?

Aug 4, 2010

how to redirect a user to another page if they lock their account by trying to log in multiple times with the wrong password?

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User Controls :: How To Redirect To Login Page If User Directly Visits Page In MVC

Jun 11, 2013

i am developing one application in mvc my problem is after login it will redirect to some page if i copy url and paste it in another browser its showing error in application but i need to display home page? 

how to solve this ?

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Way To Redirect To The Login Page When The Session Time Out And When A Ajax Call Is Made

Apr 4, 2011

I am having problem in session time out in with Ajax Call.Once the session times out,when a control calls asynchrous this is notredirecting to login page.(I am using forms Authentication)In the same page if i try to redirect(in Preinit) to login page if session expired..the login page appears with the previous page(because of the ajax call).Please let me know the way to redirect to the login page when the session time out and when a ajax call is made.

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Web Forms :: Redirect To A Login Page When Will Exception Or Session Expaires Occurs?

Nov 9, 2010

from the web .config file i want to redirect to a login page when will exception or session expaires occurs so how to do that one?

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Web Forms :: On Logout Redirect User To Login Page If User Clicks Back Button Of The Browser

Jul 9, 2010

after user loggs out if he clicks the browsers back button then users had to be redirected to login page

doenst matter how many time the user clicks on back button take him to login page

how to achieve this let me know

View 6 Replies

State Management :: How To Detect Session Time Out And Redirect To Login Page In .net Website

Jan 8, 2010

I have one website in which there is one page along with one ascx as registered into it. In the ascx where user can add some order details and click on "Make Payment" button, then there are following 2 cases...Case I: If user was not logged in, then a modal popup will open which has login ascx with 2 buttons Register & Login. In this case user either Login or Register and continue with "Make Payment".

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