Web Forms :: Bind DataTable Values To Label?
Jan 24, 2012
I need to display the softwares expired validating it with current date.....
but when i fill the dataset and displaying the data in a label.
suppose i have retrieved 3 softwares but i have already put 10 labels to show first 10 expired softwares
iam getting a error on 4th label as it is empty so wat condition should i mention to overcome this problem...
my sample code----
Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("select distinct productname from productinfo where expirydate > ='" + localdate + "' ", conn) Dim dalogin As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(cmd) Dim dtlogin As DataSet = New DataSet() dalogin.Fill(dtlogin) If (dtlogin.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0) Then lblexpiry1.Text = dtlogin.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item(0) If dtlogin.Tables(0).Rows(1).Item(0) Is Nothing Then td1.InnerHtml = "" Else Label1.Text = dtlogin.Tables(0).Rows(1).Item(0) End If If dtlogin.Tables(0).Rows(2).Item(0) Is Nothing Then td1.InnerHtml = "" Else Label2.Text = dtlogin.Tables(0).Rows(2).Item(0) End If If dtlogin.Tables(0).Rows(3).Item(0) Is Nothing Then td1.InnerHtml = "" Else Label3.Text = dtlogin.Tables(0).Rows(3).Item(0) End If Label4.Text = dtlogin.Tables(0).Rows(4).Item(0) Label5.Text = dtlogin.Tables(0).Rows(5).Item(0) Label6.Text = dtlogin.Tables(0).Rows(6).Item(0) Label7.Text = dtlogin.Tables(0).Rows(7).Item(0) Label8.Text = dtlogin.Tables(0).Rows(8).Item(0) Label9.Text = dtlogin.Tables(0).Rows(9).Item(0) End If
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address name number
bangalore seker 987585
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987585 same kanna sholud be displayed.
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<A HREF="page_url">Remark(s)</A>
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<A HREF="page_url;Remark(s)</A>
How to correct this?
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<asp:label id="label1" runat="server" SkinID="profilepropertylabel" Text='<%BIND ("Firstname") & BIND("Lastname") %>' />
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Sep 24, 2010
I need a bit of help with a scenario. I am working on a web application that requires huge amounts of data to be Added, Deleted, and Updated. The data entry forms are divided into logical groups through Multiviews. All the information is saved when the mighty Finish button is pressed. The current setup (previous developer) does not allow me to use transactions. Therefore, if I am to save a new Courier to the database, I need to add his/her Distance and Rate info. In addition, I need to add his/her Banned Areas info (Area Name, Post Code).This is where it gets interesting. Obviously, the DistamceAndRate table and the BannedArea table in my SQL Server will have the CourierID as a foreign key. Since I'm going to save the Courier as well as the Rates and Areas info in one go, I cannot have the newly created CourierID before. Therefore, I cannot bind my Grids for Distance + Rates and Banned Areas directly to database.What I am doing is creating two DataTables and managing them in Viewstate through properties as follow:
So, on page load, the DataTables are initialized with a blank schema. Here are the attempted CRUD implementations (Distance and Rate only):
I am having issues when I am canceling a new entry and when I am editing a new entry. In addition, for Distance and Rates, Rate is acting as unique (cannot be repeated) and attempting to control that is also giving me a headache. I end up creating blank rows.And here's the ASPX cut-out:
Hope to get an answer soon.Also, off-topic, I'm using LINQ here. In order to save a Courier and his/her extra details, I first save his/her address to DB. Then I take the ID of the address and save the courier. now the courier ID is avaliable and i start filling extra tables related with the courier table. If something goes wrong, I have to manually delete created rows. LINQ uses transaction internally but only until a SubmitChanges() call. I'm forced to save each entity so I keep calling SubmitChanges().I tried manual transaction but after saving the address inside a transaction, the Address.OID (Address table's mapped prime-key) had a 0. attempting to use this newly added address while saving Courier in the same transaction threw an exception. If there is a way to get the primary key for entities created in a transaction that is yet to be commited, please mention that'll as well.
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Aug 4, 2010
In the following question, I am using C# and ASP.NET 3.5:
I am having a problem with a gift certificate program which requires a way to have the user retrieve a unique validation code consisting of the first 9 digits of a random GUID and the date and time. I have a page that has a button which creates these labels perfectly, but I can't figure out how to bind them to the certificate being validated.
This is the page described above:
I am open to calling another page called via a hyperlink like so:
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Feb 3, 2010
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<asp:GridView ID="gvs" AllowPaging="false" DataKeyNames="_Id" AllowSorting="true" AutoGenerateColumns="false" runat="server">
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Aug 4, 2010
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<asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("TitluAnunt") %>'></asp:Label>
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Aug 22, 2012
these are my table in database
HOuse_p Table
now in house.aspx page i have label
i want when users click item in index.aspx or click item from menubar in house.aspx (they bind from different table) in label show the name of item(related to users selected from index.aspx or house.aspx)
if they click item from index.aspx it show name column from House_menu tabel .
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Nov 10, 2010
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Apr 3, 2010
how to bind the value to gridview
i have a datatable
DataTable dtBindGrid = new DataTable();
dtBindGrid = serviceobj.SelectExamTimeTable(txtSchoolName.Text, txtBranchName.Text, txtClass.Text, txtExamName.Text);
foreach (DataRow row in dtBindGrid.Rows)
this datatable will return me some values like day,date,time,duration,subject,..
here im getting each value in string bec to convert the Time as 9.00am or 9.00pm
DatedTime = Convert.ToDateTime(row["Time"].ToString());
strgettime = DatedTime.ToString("t");
.... how to bind this converted value to my gridview.
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Apr 21, 2010
I need to set the "Text" property of a label inside a gridview using, I know how to set the label using static value and I also know how to set the label using the "Bind" keyword but I want to do both, something like this:
So the output will be something like:
Book Name: The Story of My Life
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Feb 27, 2011
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Label1.??? = Repository.Instance.ReturnScore(ddlPlayer1.ToString(), ddlPlayer2.ToString());
ReturnScore is giving me the value as DataTable. How should I get the value in it?
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Feb 8, 2011
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Jan 31, 2011
My DataTable is programatically generated, and contains objects of type JobInstance in the cells.
When I bind this DataTable to an ASP GridView, it only displays the first column. But if I remove the "typeof(Job)" when creating the column (the line with // !!!), the GridView displays all the columns by showing the result of JobInstance.ToString() in the cells. However, I have no access to the underlying JobInstance object, only the string values that are being displayed.
I need access to the JobInstance object when displaying the GridView (for example in the OnRowDataBound), because I want to access the fields inside JobInstance for each cell to determine formatting options, and add other links in each cell.
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Sep 6, 2010
i'm using asp.net MVC 2.0 , now i want to use a grid view in my applicationbut i don't want to use the third party control. my data contained in a datatable. so i want to bind this datatable with the gridview.
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