Limit The File Size That Can Be Uploaded Using FileUploda Control?

Jan 8, 2010

I want to limit the file size that can be uploaded using FileUploda Control,How to do dat?


protected void UploadBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (FileUpLoad1.HasFile)

FileUpLoad1.SaveAs(@"C: emp" + FileUpLoad1.FileName);
Label1.Text = "File Uploaded: " + FileUpLoad1.FileName ;
Label1.Text = "No File Uploaded.";

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Web Forms :: How To Increase File Size Limit For FileUpload Control

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If I want to increase the upload size which part of should I edit in the code below:

<httpRuntime executionTimeout="240" maxRequestLength="20480" />
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0"/> </system.web>

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Web Forms :: Display Generic Error Page When Uploaded File Exceeds Limit

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if (contenttype != String.Empty) {
if (File.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/Folder/'" + Txt.Text + "'/") + filename)) {
LMsg.Visible = true;
LMsg.ForeColor = Color.Red;
LMsg.Text = "File name '" + filename + "' already exist. Please change the File name to save this file";

[Code] ....

File upload control allows maximum file size is 4MB. If file size increase to 4MB it shows error page like "the page can not displayed".

I want to increase the size of uploaded files to max 10 MB not more than that. If file size increase to 10MB, it should show message.

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. Limit WebClient DownloadFile Maximum File Size?

Apr 11, 2010

In my asp .net project, my main page receives URL as a parameter I need to download internally and then process it. I know that I can use WebClient's DownloadFile method however I want to avoid malicious user from giving a url to a huge file, which will unnecessary traffic from my server. In order to avoid this, I'm looking for a solution to set maximum file size that DownloadFile will download.

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Configuration :: Handling File Size Exceeded Maximum Limit?

Dec 1, 2010

I have set up the maxRequestLength :-


Then I found this solution online to handle the error if someone tries to upload file bigger than 10 MB


This works great on my local machine but when I try to run it from Production server , It still shows me the "Internet Expolrer cannot display webpage". I just want to display a nice message to user when He tries to upload file larger than 10 MB.

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How To Calculate The File Size Of Uploaded File

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I need to calculate the file size of uploaded file in order to catch System.Web.HttpException: Maximum request length exceeded.

This is my code


I changed the file size in web.config.

<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="10240" />

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AJAX :: PageMethods Results Size Limit / Is There A Setting In The Web.config Somewhere To Handle Pagemethod Buffer Size

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Is there a buffer limit or limit on the size or results returned from a pagemethod and if so, where can this be set or changed?

Is there a setting in the web.config somewhere to handle pagemethod buffer size?

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How to get the full path of the file that is selected using the fileuploader.

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AJAX :: Limit Accordionpane Size?

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Getting URL Of Uploaded File By FileUpload Control?

Dec 3, 2010

i'me developing an ASP.NET application and it includes a FileUpload control, an object to show content of a format and a button to do functions. I want that when I upload the file, it will be shown in the object and for this reason i want to know the method to get the URL of the uploaded file.

This is the code:


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What Is The 'hidden' Limit On File Name Length When Using A FileUpload Control

Nov 16, 2010

I have a FileUpload control, and when I select the file


(which I can create in Windows with no problem), it is saying that it does not have a file when I postback.

It works fine for smaller file names. What's going on?

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Way To Increase The Maximum 10 GB Size Limit Of SQL Express

Jan 12, 2011

is there a way to increase the maximum 10 GB size limit of SQL Express?

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Is There A Limit On The Size Of A Http Argument Value In A HttpWebRequest

Apr 4, 2011

I am testing out a few different public RESTful APIs each differing in http argument value name, but in concept all work similarly. However none of the companies are connected so it must be something on my end.

Within .NET I get the following error when trying to obtain the HttpWebResponse:
Message: "The server committed a protocol violation. Section=ResponseStatusLine"
Status: ServerProtocolViolation {11}
Using Fiddler, I am finding that the headers coming back are non-existent and this is the cause of the issue (not even present and improperly formatted):
HTTP/1.0 200 This buggy server did not return headers
The parameter I am sending in is a lengthy text news article. I have stripped ALL puntuation, characters, etc just to make sure nothing wans interferring. I build the text out using a StringBuilder and then create the URI like below:
Dim sb As New StringBuilder
sb.Append("&apiKey=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode("123456789"))
sb.Append("&inputText=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Me.MyTestText))
Dim ApiHttpWebRequest As HttpWebRequest = CType(WebRequest.Create(New Uri(BaseRequestURL + sb.ToString.Trim())), HttpWebRequest)
Dim ApiHttpWebResponse As HttpWebResponse = CType(ApiHttpWebRequest.GetResponse(), HttpWebResponse)

This code DOES work with most text I send it. The interesting thing I am finding is that if I shorten the text I am sending then it works! I can't figure out exactly the threashold or breaking point. The stringbuilders values expand after the HttpUtility.UrlEncode function is run against it. However the text in size is only about 5-8 kilobytes in size and well below any size limitations set forth by the 'httpWebRequest' .config settings as laid out in the MSDN or by that of any of the APIs I am using (for example 1 limit is 150 kilobytes of text). I even tried setting all of those values to "-1" in the web.config which means: "A value of -1 indicates that no size limit will be imposed on the response headers."

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Delete Uploaded File By FileUpload Control?

Dec 5, 2010

i'm developing an application written in C#, and it uses a FileUpload control but i want to add some lines which the user can delete the file that has uploaded to the server. How can i do that?

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Compress Uploaded File Using Upload Control?

Mar 4, 2011

How to Compress uploaded file using upload control and send the file to our directory...(C#)

I want to send file up to 600MB

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.net - Web Config Size Limit Exceeded Under IIS7 0x80070032?

Oct 19, 2010

I have a web.config file which is quite large in my current solution running on IIS7.

It's working perfect on my dev server however I encounter the error 0x80070032 "Config Error Cannot read configuration file because it exceeds the maximum file size"

My current solution uses a very large web.config file. The architecture of my CMS application requires a large number of configuration settings.

Is there some way to extend this size limit or can I split the web.config file down into smaller files?

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C# - Assign File To Be Uploaded Path To FileUpload Control After Postback

Mar 16, 2011

i hv postback event executing after i am trying to upload a file to server to ask for conformation by the user. after postback fileupload control gets cleared and i am not able to get its value after postback. controls viewstateEnabled property is true. How do i assign a file path to fileupload control after postback.

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<path> Is Denied When Using The FileUpload Control To Save The Uploaded File?

Apr 21, 2010

I am running Windows Server 2008 Datacenter, ASP.NET 4, IIS 7 and getting the error :Access to the path <path> is denied when using the FileUpload control to save the uploaded file to this directory.I have given the directory in question full access to Network Service but that makes no difference.I have even given the directory full access to Everyone but it still gives the same error.Totally baffled by it

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Web Forms :: Files Uploaded Via The File Upload Control Get Virus Scanned If Antivirus Is Running?

Jun 29, 2010

We are going to start accepting resumes online but I need to know if the uploaded files will be virus scanned before I park them into the database. I thought this would be a server thing but the server admin and the security guy both said they didn't know. We already have a firewall and antivirus software, I just want to know how things work with native ASP.Net controls and not a product to try.

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File Upload Control Size

Sep 28, 2011

Is there any way to change the look of the FileUpload control, in particular I just want to make the input field bigger but nothing obvious seemed to work.

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Web Forms :: Have A File Upload Control Page And Have Specified A Max Size Of 1G In Web?

Feb 19, 2010

I have a file upload control i my page and have specified a max size of 1G in web.config file:



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Web Forms :: FileUpload Control - Handling Max File Size And Its Errors?

Mar 3, 2010

Using C# .NET 3.5 with VS 2008.

I've been playing with the FileUpload control for an upcoming project where the user is allowed to upload up to five files at once, but each file can only be 5MB in size. Simple enough all I would need to do is add in the httpRuntime element to the web.config and up the file size and timeout.


what I'm really getting at is there a better way to trap if the file size is too large before processing while using the FileUpload control. I would like to be able to keep the user on the same page but update a label control.

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