Dynamically Add Different User Controls?

Oct 18, 2010

I'm working on a website that will allow instructors to report on the academic progress of students in their classes. I've got the website set up two primary pages: one with a user control that displays the classes (a GridView of basic class info with a child GridView in a template field that displays student names and checkboxes to select them -- called MiniStudents), and another with a user control that displays the selected students -- called FullStudents.

Although improbable, it's possible that an instructor could have the same student in two separate classes. I've already accounted for this in the current page setup -- the combination of student ID and class ID (class IDs change each quarter, for those thinking this will be an issue) form a unique key within the database. Recently, one of my users asked if I could break records out by classes on the page, so that instructors would be able easily recognize which class they're operating in.

So, my question is this: is it possible for me to dynamically add a column to the end of the class user control that would allow me to switch out MiniStudents for FullStudents?

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Similar Messages:

How To Dynamically Add User Controls Within A User Control

Jul 21, 2010

I want to create a user control that will again contain a user control that will be dynamically generated and can be repeated N times with respect to data present in data table.

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Dynamically Updating User Controls?

Feb 20, 2010

i'm using ASP.NET 3.5 with c#. my problem is that i have created a user control and want to dynamically add mulitple instances of these controls to the web form.when a user adds data to one of the user controls i then need to carry out some calcaulations, change the current user control data and then alter all the other user controls to different values(ignoring the one just changed). i then need to alter some of the controls on the main page outside of any user control.i've no real idea how to do this. i've thought about exposing an event in the user control to pass values up to the page. the page then carries out the processing to non 'user-control' controls then drills down to each user control in turn(all user controls are in a placeholder control). but that would be a pain retrieving all the HTML element id's etc....hope that wasn't abit rambling lol.

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Dynamically Layout User Controls On A Page?

Feb 25, 2010

I am working on a page where user controls are dynamically added to the page and refreshed with a timer in an updatepanel.

Since I already coded dynamic user control loading into the page, I would also like to implement *some* form of dynamic layout method for those controls. I was thinking coordinate values.

I have used Top and Left properties on panels before to achieve this functionality in my windows forms applications but since this is a web application things are different.

I realize I can do the whole "absolute positioning layout model" override in Visual Studio but as far as I know this only benefits me at design time. Is there a way to programatically trigger that behavior?

I looked at the silverlight Canvas and how you can pass offset values in with your controls. Something like that would be great, but this isn't Silverlight, lol. I also considered a web method to return globs of html tags to fill the area between these controls.

This is a page that would be reused over and over from client to client so this is why I would like to get this dynamic layout working. It would save me much effort later on.

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Web Forms :: How To Dynamically Create User Controls

Aug 25, 2010

how to create user control dynamically in a web form ?When i am creating server controls of user controls are not instantiated and it is not getting initialized .when i am tyying to initialize its properties error occurs tha object instance not created .

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Adding User Controls

Sep 5, 2010

I am new to ASP.NET And I am have THE hardest time understanding how to work with forms in ASP.NET. Here's what I am doing:

Dynamically add User Controls to a PlaceHolder based on some int value (which currently is passed in a HiddenField).Fire an event if the WebControls inside of the User Control change, then handle that event in the Main Page (i.e. save the input to DB)When the user clicks the "Next/Continue" button, the next controls for the next page are loaded. And I guess maybe I just can't seem to get how things work in ASP.NET, because I am really struggling with the general idea of how ASP.NET flows.

Should I be dynamically loading the controls in Page_Init, or Page_Load? Or should I load the controls when the buttonclick event is fired?Do I have to add the axCtrl.OnDataChange += new EventHandler(HandleAxControlDataChange); line on Page_Load? Or should I put this in When I first load the UserControl, I need to initialize some WebControls within the UserContorl. Is there a way to know if I have loaded new user controls into my placeholder? I can't use Page.IsPostback, because after the first page, every page is a postback from the buttonclick.

Here's what I have:


Here's the markup from my ASPX file...


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Positioning Dynamically Created User Controls

Jun 17, 2010

I have a set of dinamically created User Controls on the page. They are pretty small 170X120 px in size, but when the page is displayed, they are all one under the other. All styling is default, which means they should be positioned in normal flow. Is there any way to place them next to each other. This is not a problem when I dinamically create for standard controls, like a button or an image. Why the user control is different. This is the markup behind the control:


and this is how I create them:


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Web Forms :: Load User Controls Dynamically?

Jul 19, 2010

i want to be able to load user controls and populate them with data from a sql database at runtime based on a status field in my database but im struggling to do this.

my default page.aspx holds the user controls (acts like a container). at the moment i had referenced all the user controls to load up when the page was loaded so:


i then created a procedure which reads from the database the "status field". so if the status field is "pending" then i want the uc:GRLOLApproval control to show up but im not sure where to put this code or how to do it. i want to be abel to load the control at runtime and run this code. in my default.aspx.cs code i have done the following in the page load:

i tried to reference te user control in my default.aspx page by doing: protected GRLOLApproval GRLOLApp; but it wouldnt recognise it because it not been reference in the source file.how do i reference it so that i can read the data from my database and write to the fields in uc:Collectionrequest. (I have exposed the properties in the uc:CollectionRequest that i want to access btw) have been working on this for days now and just cant seem to load the user control or access any properties.

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Dynamically Clear All Controls In User Control?

May 19, 2010

Is it possible to dynamically (and generically) clear the state of all of a user control's child controls? (e.g., all of its TextBoxes, DropDrownLists, RadioButtons, DataGrids, Repeaters, etc -- basically anything that has ViewState)

I'm trying to avoid doing something like this:

foreach (Control c in myUserControl.Controls)
if (c is TextBox)
TextBox tb = (TextBox)c;


...but obviously that doesn't exist. Is there any easy way to accomplish this dynamically/generically?

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Custom Server Controls :: Loading Web User Controls Dynamically On Postback

Mar 2, 2010

First, I would like to apologize, the search on the site wasn't working, so I don't know if I'm missing an existing post or not.

I have a web page that uses a master page file. I am using a third party control from Component One(TabStrip), the tabs are rendered as links on the final page. When a tab(link) is clicked, I need to load the appropriate web user control associated with that tab. Each web user control has its own post backs and methods. I know that I can load the controls on the "SelectionChanged" event of the TabStrip control, but then any postback created by the web user control that is loaded causes the page to refresh and the control was never loaded in viewstate. So, I tried to put my procedure of loading the web user control into the page_init method. This would work, if I could read which link was clicked on from within the page_init method. I tried using a javascript function to run "onclick" of the tabs and within it setting the value of a hidden control. I have verified that the javascript works and that the hidden control's value is getting set correctly. When I get into the page_init method, the value of the hidden control is not readable.

I'm tying to understand the page lifecycle to the fullest, but I don't see what I'm missing here. I know that I need to load the web user controls in the page_init method in order to persist the page as a whole, but how can I get which tab(link) was clicked to know which control should be loaded?

View 5 Replies

How To Give User Controls Unique IDs When Added Dynamically

Jan 30, 2010

I have a user control, which is added dynamically, but I have noticed that when it is on the page and viewing the source that none of the controls within have been given unique ids. How do I give my user control and the controls within unique ids in order that I can use them in my events?

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Accessing Value From The Controls Within A Dynamically Loaded Web User Control?

Jul 31, 2010

I have created a web user control (MemberDetails.ascx) which is loaded dynamically on a page (Member.aspx) for my website. The control has some TextBoxes. I want to store the values inputted by a user in these TextBoxes to a database on the click event of a button that is on the Member.aspx page (i.e. not a part of user control).

I'll use a small code for example.

Member.ascx page:


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Iframe Versus Dynamically Loading Web User Controls

Apr 16, 2010

I need some on techniques to perform page redirect in asp.net. Which one is more recommended to use in asp.net?

Dynamically changed the src of the Iframe to difference aspx.


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Web Forms :: Dynamically Creating Instances Of Web User Controls?

Nov 1, 2010

It seems when I try to dynamically create multiple instances of a User Control, I get an Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object error on any ASP control that I'm using in that User Control

Here's the class where I'm creating them.


Am I able to successfully refer to a panel on the page that I'm calling this routine from simply by ByVal ... As Panel, or should I use HttpContext?

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Web Forms :: Adding User Controls To A Page Dynamically

Feb 6, 2010

I need to set some attributes on user controls that I'm dynamically adding to a page placeholder. Is this possible?


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Dynamically Loading User Controls In C# Web Application Rather Than Website

Dec 27, 2010

I am trying to create my own website management framework similar to DNN/SiteFinity (only a mucho cut down version).

One of the big (but common) features is to be able to dynamically add user controls to provide additional functionality.

I would prefer to use a pre-compiled .NET "Web Application" over a dynamically compiled "Website".

What are the implications of using LoadControl method to dynamically add a user control for a pre-compiled web applications with specific regard to:

Session (preume I am using the stateserver)What happens to all the other users - will they be logged out?
Application pool recycling due to changes to some compilation??

I am not sure I have ever dynamically added a user control to a pre-compiled web applications as I have mainly been using "Websites" so I am making a large presumption that it will work because if the website is pre-compiled, does this mean the dynamically added user control will be dynamically compiled as required even though the site is pre-compiled?


I also forgot to mention that the user controls will be outside of the application directory and so won't be published during web deploy - they will be uploaded via another website.

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C# - Send Parameters Into Dynamically Loaded User Controls

Sep 19, 2010

I load the content of some User Controls into my page with the use of jQuery. So I have this function that extracts the content from my User Control, and it works like a charm.

public string GetObjectHtml(string pathToControl)
// Create instance of the page control
Page page = new Page();
// Create instance of the user control
UserControl userControl = (UserControl)page.LoadControl(pathToControl);
//Disabled ViewState- If required
userControl.EnableViewState = false;
//Form control is mandatory on page control to process User Controls
HtmlForm form = new HtmlForm();
//Add user control to the form
//Add form to the page
//Write the control Html to text writer
StringWriter textWriter = new StringWriter();
//execute page on server
HttpContext.Current.Server.Execute(page, textWriter, false);
// Clean up code and return html
string html = CleanHtml(textWriter.ToString());
return html;

But I would really like to send in some parameters into my User Control when I create it. Is this possible, and how can i do that?

I can see that LoadControl() can take some parameters with object[] parameters but im really not sure on how to use it.

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Web Forms :: Dynamically Loading Different Numbers Of User Controls?

Nov 15, 2010

The web page I am trying to (slowly) build should allow users to add whichever user controls they want on their page, and order them whichever way they like. This is saved in a database.

So each user could have a different number of controls on the page.

This is the design code, at the minute the user controls are fixed and are not loaded dynamically. They user controls are stored in 'blocks' which look like widgets on the page and can be dragged about to different columns. For each user the layout is stored in the DB i.e. which blocks are in column 1 and which blocks in column 2 etc.

How could I change this so that it can create a 'block' div for each user control returned from the database and put the user control in that block and in the right column?


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How To Handle Events In Dynamically Added User Controls

Sep 27, 2011

I am trying figure out how I handle events in a dynamically added user control. Basically I can add user controls dynamically to my form (I am then storing them in an ArrayList in a Session variable that I use to reload them on my Page_Load). Each control has a button on it. However, whenever I click the button, the event never fires (code is never reached). I assume it has something to do with the control being dynamic, and when I click a button, it goes out of scope, and when I reload it something is lose in the event handling.

Here's my code for adding a user control:

Protected Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim alContact As New ArrayList
If Not IsPostBack Then
' Dummy controls for testing
Dim oContact As New ASP.ContactControl

[Code] ....

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VS 2010 / Get Dynamically Created User Controls In Code-behind?

Jan 31, 2012

I dynamically build up a table of dates/hours worked by a user.

Last row, for each date (column) contains a little user control where the user can enter some text.

The user control work with some jQuery/UI and I will end up with each control have a date and reason set in hidden controls.

How do I get hold of these controls only when the user click a button in the code-behind? (silly question I know, but I'm not used to how webforms does its' thing)

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Web Forms :: Persist Dynamically Added User Controls Between Postbacks?

May 6, 2010

I have a C# web application that dynamically adds user controls to the default page for whatever "mode" the application is in. The problem is that it is not persisting these across postbacks. How do I persist these across postbacks and keep the content of the controls that are in the user control?

For instance, say I have a user control that creates a new tour record. The user clicks on the Tour item from the menu on the default page, it dynamically loads the tours user control. The user then fills out the form in the tours user control and clicks save. This is where the problem happens. When the postback occurs, the web application has no idea that the new tours user control was ever loaded. So, no save takes place because the Save button's click event never even gets fired.

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Web Forms :: How To Create Controls Dynamically Based On User Input

Apr 20, 2010

could u tell me add controls to a page base on user inputs,

i know the basic of creating a button dynamically but here I have to to add few controls based on user input and how to identify event for each dynamically create control.

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Usercontrols - Wiring Events On Dynamically-loaded User Controls?

Mar 14, 2011

For a "dashboard" module I need to dynamically load user controls based on criteria as the user enters the page (role, etc). The problem is that the events are not being fired at all from the controls

As I understand it I need to load the controls in the OnPreInit method of the dashboard page, however I cannot get a reference to the Placeholder control at this point of initialization (i.e. I get a NullReferenceException); trying to load the Placeholder dynamically via Page.FindControl gives me, ironically, a StackOverflowException.

I've tried loading the controls in PreRender and OnInit as well but the events in the controls are not wired up properly and will not fire.

The code is basically this:


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Web Forms :: Adding User Controls Dynamically To Aspx Page

May 24, 2010

Adding user controls dynamically to aspx page


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Web Forms :: Dynamically Creating Table With Embedded User Controls?

Oct 27, 2010

I am dynamically creating initial rows and cells in a asp:table on Page Load, whose cells need to have embedded user controls.

I have an Add Row button, where in, whenever I click I need to add rows to existing table and also persist viewstate of the user controls already added earlier to cells during initialization.

When I click on Add button, the controls disappear. how to recreate tables with their embedded user controls and populate the viewstate.

This is the basic piece of code I have currently and I am stuck -


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