How To Check If A String Str1 Has At Least One Of Such Symbols

Jan 24, 2010

Quesion 1:

How to check if a string str1 has at least one of such symbols: ~#$%^&*()[]{}@

Is it possible to solve this quesion using Regex? Any smarter way than this:

If InStr (str1,"~") or InStr (str1,"#") or Then End If

Question 2:

How to check if a string str1 consists of any combination of such symbols without any other symbol: ~#$%^&*()[]{}@

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"No Symbols Loaded For The Current Document" C# Project

Mar 30, 2011

I hate VS and this symbolic gibberish that never seem to have same solution (if it once was logic) twice. The screendump below says what it says.

As soon as I F5/Start the web project, the breakpoint going yellow. This ONLY affect the aspx.cs file that being changed. The other aspx.cs files can have breakpoints.

When I do rebuild/build all DLL and PDB files are created just fine. They have same compile time and are in same directory. Module-Windows i VS says the symbols are loaded perfectly. Well, yeah, try bite me!

I can tell, all symbolic is working just fine, until I was about doing changes inside those aspx.cs files (which was some time ago since last time). If I reset back the file, the breakpoint are working. If I try to make changes in another file, the problem appears there.

It simply appears like that the symbolic file generator don't understand changes maded in aspx.cs files..

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.net - Parse Both Symbols . And , As Decimal Digits Delimiter?

May 5, 2010

I'm writing a banking system and my customer wants support both Russian and American numeric standards in decimal digits delimiter. Respectively . and ,.Now only , works properly. Perhaps because of web server's OS format (Russian is set).String like 2000.00 throws a FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.How to fix that? I have next two ideas:

protected void FormView1_ItemInserting(object sender, FormViewInsertEventArgs e)
var txtAmount = (TextBox)((FormView)sender).FindControl("txtAmount"));


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Visual Studio :: Debug Symbols Not Loaded Into Any Project

Oct 28, 2010

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"The breakpoint will not currently be hit. The source code is different from the original version."

However, the compile is successful, moreover the changes in the code can be seen in the debug mode as well (e.g. if i add it works as expected), but I'm unable to debug the project.

This happens to my Silverlight, WPF, WP7 solutions, Web Applications, so everything important. The most annoying thing is that I even reinstalled Visual Studio, the whole .NET Framework 4 Client Profile, but nothing changed.

I don't want to reinstall the whole OS, but this way i'm unable to work:/

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Jan 30, 2011

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How To Embed Maths Symbols And Equations In Ajax Editor

Apr 15, 2010

I am trying to embed Maths Symbols and Equations in Ajax Editor. or provide some solution to implement maths symbols and equations in my application using rich textbox or some controls/plugins.

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