C# - Special Symbols Cannot Be Stored In SQL Server From Asp.net 3.5

Jan 19, 2010

I have created a website in ASP.NET 3.5 that takes some input in text format and saves it in a SQL Server 2005 database.

The database field is varcahar(50).

But I can't do it if data in text box contains special symbols like <,>,#,@,.

It generates a client script error showing security error.

For scripting I am using JavaScript.

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Understanding Special Symbols In .aspx?

Jun 24, 2010

Special symbols are a real pain to learn about because you can't Google for them (try doing a Google search for "<%#" and you's get nothing).

I've been a programmer for many years, and I'm trying to get my head around ASP.net, and especially the "special symbols"; what they mean, where to find out more information about them. Because they're impossible to search for, it'd be wonderful if there were special resources in place to help newbies learn about these.

Specifically, I'm looking for detailed instructions on the porpose for, and use, of the following constructs:

<%@ %>
<%$ %>
<%# %>
<%= %>

What is expected in each, what is allowable in each, and what "gotchas" would a newbie have to be careful for when employing each.

For example, I want to do some coding in a <%# %> block, like:

Text="<%# if (Eval("InUse")) {Eval("ProductName")} else {"Not In Use"} %>"
-- would this be allowable, and if not, what are reasonable alternatives?

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Web Forms :: Symbols After Postback (no Server Error) ?

Aug 5, 2010

I get following code (no server error, no html tags nothing... what I am copy pasting is FULL source code).


This goes on in several lines, no eed to repeat it all. There are no html tags, no server error... nothing. It happens on 3 pages, and only common things they have is a texbox TextMode="Multiline"... on first 2 it helped if that text area was empty or without any strange characters.But on 3rd one, I am simply raising postback from a checkbox to display or hide a corresponding textbox... so no data is being sent nothing..... I am totally baffled with this...

Edit: This happens on 2 IIS server (my local machine and other remote IIS that I use) but Cassini actually gives me a message error!

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HTML Directive Symbols <%# Or <%= Etc For Executing Code On The Server Side?

Feb 8, 2011

Was trying to reference this the other day, and I've heard them called several things.They are intrinsically hard to google for. Does this syntax have a proper name?

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SQL Server :: How To Write Storeprocedure Update Special Character In Sql Server 2005

Oct 12, 2010

I am using Sql Server 2005,My table structure is below.

Create Table ComentTable(id int,coments varchar(4000))

insert into ComentTable values(1,'sanjay I don%27t Know Tamil Language')

insert into ComentTable values(1,'sanjay I don%27t Know Kanar Language')

how to write storeprocedure update coments column replace %27 to '

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Passing Special Character In Parameter To SQL Server Reporting

Jan 11, 2011

When i try to pass this string "- !@#$%^&*()_+|}{:"?><<>?/.,';[]`" as a parameter to SQL Server Reporting it crashes. Here is code sample

ReportParameter[] ReportParams = new ReportParameter[1] { new ReportParameter("Name", HERE-COMES-SPECIALSTRING)

IS there any way to pass special character safely like in SP's we use @ sign for parameter name

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SQL Server :: Select Special Characters From The Table Column Value?

Dec 29, 2010

I want to select the list of messagetext from the messages table where the message text contains any of the Carriage Return Characters?? (Eg: /r/n) what are the other Carriage Returns characters and how can i filter those from the message text?

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SQL Server :: Special Characters In A SQL Datasource Update Query

Jul 22, 2010

I am having problems with the following update query that is part of an SQL Datasource. This query was automatically generated by VS2008 and I have formatted it so that it is easier to read.

UPDATE tblowner
SET altownerid = @AltOwnerID,
name = @Name,
address = @Address,
phyadd = @PhyAdd,
phone = @Phone,
fax = @Fax,
cellphone = @CellPhone,
email = @Email,
COMMENT = @Comment,
attention = @Attention,
contact = @Contact,
ownerdesc = @OwnerDesc,
taxid = @TaxID,
financialcontact = @FinancialContact,
fyenddate = @FYEndDate,
firstname = @FirstName,
lastname = @LastName,
stampinit = @StampInit,
stampdate = @StampDate,
zipid = @ZIPID,
[ZIP+4] = @N'@[ZIP+4]'
WHERE ( ownerid = @original_OwnerID )

Everything works but the [ZIP+4] field which does not update. I believe that VS2008 added the square brackets around the field name because of the plus character that it contains. If I change the ZIP+4 variable name to [ZIP+4] = @ZIP4 it still does not work. This brings up another question, I have never understood where these update queries are getting their data from.

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SQL Server :: Special Insert Constraint Rule For Two Columns?

Oct 19, 2010

I have a SQL Server 2000 table with 7 columns and would like to add a constraint that prevents a row being added with the same value for both Col2 and Col3.

So, for example, if Col2 = 205 and Col3 = 5, then the constraint should prevent inserting another row with the values for Col2 = 205 and Col3 = 5.

The following is an example of what I would like to prevent:

Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5 Col6
1 205 5 1 1 1
2 205 5 0 0 0

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Architecture :: Fetch Data From Sql In Very Special Format And Display In Some Special Format?

Feb 18, 2010

I have search application and in my search application there are some premium clients and other free clients.Now whenever any user search at that time i wants to fetch 70% data free and 30% data of premium client and also i wants to search data in the manner of on each page 3 premium client and rest of free users and if click on next page then once again 3 premium client and rest free clients.

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SQL Server :: Transpose A Column In To Rows Based On Special Character

Dec 29, 2010

i have table a with fourcolumns and more which need not be considered i would like the fourth column which has a special charcater ^ within it to act as row seperator such tht the values of 1,2,3 are comon for ALL THE ROWS BASED ON THE SPECIAL CHARACTER.

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DataSource Controls :: SQL Server 2005 + 4.0 + Html Saving Special Characters

Sep 24, 2010

how do I go about inserting into a database special characters such as the uppercase O, umlaut Ö Please understand that I have been able to insert the special character from inside MMS by putting an N in front of the value but when I run the SQL file from inside an ASP.net 4.0 page it comes up as a diamond with a question mark in it

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SQL Server :: How To Create Stored Procedure In Sql Server 2005 And How To Use That Stored Procedure

Oct 1, 2010

I have created stored procedure and student database and also asp.net application for asp.net page but it could not found stored procedure what is the mistake actually I don't no

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Breakpoint Symbols Sub Folders Win 7 64?

Apr 15, 2010

I recently upgraded to Windows 7 64 on my development machine. I am trying to setup my development environment. I have discovered something strange. When trying to set breakpoints in my ASP.Net application the breakpoints will only work if they are in the root folder. My ASP.Net project has various sub folders and any breakpoints in code that is stored in the sub folders turns yellow when debugging starts and states breakpoints will be missed.

I have deleted the temporary folder in c:windowsmicrosoft.netframework .... etc. etc. etc. I have checked the folder permissions in the root and all sub folders (they are the same). I have deleted and rebuilt the subfolders. I have right clicked VS2008 and said to run as administrator. Nothing seems to fix it. I can debug root level code behind pages but anything stored in a subfolder will not debug.

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How To Use Mathematical Symbols In Application

Jan 10, 2011

IS it possible to use mathematical symbols in asp.net application.

I am developing a online assessment web application. In that I need to use mathematical sysmbols as question and the user also should be able to use that symbols.

Is it possible? Is any other third party editor is required?

Can I store that symbols into MS SQL database?

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SQL Server :: Have A Stored Procedure Execute Another Stored Procedure During Time Period?

Jan 28, 2011

I could probably figure this out if I tried to, but I have been working so long on code, I'm a little fried

I have a stored procedure, and I want to execute another stored procedure during a time period of lets say 1/1/2011 to 12/31/2011

How Would I accomplish this?

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How To Check If A String Str1 Has At Least One Of Such Symbols

Jan 24, 2010

Quesion 1:

How to check if a string str1 has at least one of such symbols: ~#$%^&*()[]{}@

Is it possible to solve this quesion using Regex? Any smarter way than this:

If InStr (str1,"~") or InStr (str1,"#") or Then End If

Question 2:

How to check if a string str1 consists of any combination of such symbols without any other symbol: ~#$%^&*()[]{}@

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VS 2008 Unable To Debug / Symbols Not Loaded?

Feb 25, 2011

I had an issue when I began working on my project, see this thread where I couldn't debug my DLL's. All I had to do to solve it, though it took me forevever to find this, was to hit F5. This doesn't make much sense since they are DLLs and I get a message that I can't run them directly, but whatever, it works. The output is generated as debuggable and I can copy it to my deployment directory and run and hit BPs (I attach to aspnet_wp).

My VS solution is four projects, all are DLLs, and one is called directly by my web application and it calls the others. There are two I am interested in debugging as I am enhancing them.

Maybe I jinxed myself, but I was actually musing recently that if I never figured out why I couldn't debug I'd never have progressed as much as I had in my task. Yesterday I backed up my project to a zip file - source and DLL's - because I was starting on a new piece. The only thing I did to the solution after that was move a module from App_LocalResources to App_Code, then I moved it back. And I added some code. When I tried to set BP's the next time I ran, I got "symbols not loaded". I haven't been able to debug since. I tried restoring the zip file since yesterday I could debug, but I didn't hit BPs there either. I will be researching this the rest of the day, I am sure, but I thought I would ask for specific since maybe I can tell you something that will you to know what I did wrong or you can throw out a question that will trigger to me what I am doing wrong. This is really not how I wanted to be spending a Friday.

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Web Forms :: Add Math Symbols To Label Text

Dec 4, 2010

I have to display math symbols in the label text for checkbox. I have created the symbol in MSWord but dont know how is can do that in the website.Is there anyway I can do that.

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.net - RegularExpressionValidator.ValidationExpression To Force Length In 10 Or 12 Symbols?

Feb 25, 2010

RegularExpressionValidator.ValidationExpression="d{10}" means only digits - 10 max.

RegularExpressionValidator.ValidationExpression="d{10,12}" means only digits - 10, 11 or 12.

How to force strictly 10 or 12 symbols?

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"No Symbols Loaded For The Current Document" C# Project

Mar 30, 2011

I hate VS and this symbolic gibberish that never seem to have same solution (if it once was logic) twice. The screendump below says what it says.

As soon as I F5/Start the web project, the breakpoint going yellow. This ONLY affect the aspx.cs file that being changed. The other aspx.cs files can have breakpoints.

When I do rebuild/build all DLL and PDB files are created just fine. They have same compile time and are in same directory. Module-Windows i VS says the symbols are loaded perfectly. Well, yeah, try bite me!

I can tell, all symbolic is working just fine, until I was about doing changes inside those aspx.cs files (which was some time ago since last time). If I reset back the file, the breakpoint are working. If I try to make changes in another file, the problem appears there.

It simply appears like that the symbolic file generator don't understand changes maded in aspx.cs files..

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.net - Parse Both Symbols . And , As Decimal Digits Delimiter?

May 5, 2010

I'm writing a banking system and my customer wants support both Russian and American numeric standards in decimal digits delimiter. Respectively . and ,.Now only , works properly. Perhaps because of web server's OS format (Russian is set).String like 2000.00 throws a FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.How to fix that? I have next two ideas:

protected void FormView1_ItemInserting(object sender, FormViewInsertEventArgs e)
var txtAmount = (TextBox)((FormView)sender).FindControl("txtAmount"));


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Visual Studio :: Debug Symbols Not Loaded Into Any Project

Oct 28, 2010

Some days ago all of my projects started working crazily - I'm using VS 2010, .NET 4.0, Silverlight 4 SDK, WP7 SDK. The previously compiled code parts can be debugged as they should be, but as soon as I make any change to the observed .cs file all symbols are ignored.

"The breakpoint will not currently be hit. The source code is different from the original version."

However, the compile is successful, moreover the changes in the code can be seen in the debug mode as well (e.g. if i add messagebox.show(...) it works as expected), but I'm unable to debug the project.

This happens to my Silverlight, WPF, WP7 solutions, Web Applications, so everything important. The most annoying thing is that I even reinstalled Visual Studio, the whole .NET Framework 4 Client Profile, but nothing changed.

I don't want to reinstall the whole OS, but this way i'm unable to work:/

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Web Forms :: Parse Html - Display Symbols In Textbox

Jan 30, 2011

i want to display these symbols in a textbox [URL] ok say i want to display a square root symbol I need to parse html command txt1.text=" html command square root symbol is " & &#8730; 'this needs to be parsed

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How To Embed Maths Symbols And Equations In Ajax Editor

Apr 15, 2010

I am trying to embed Maths Symbols and Equations in Ajax Editor. or provide some solution to implement maths symbols and equations in my application using rich textbox or some controls/plugins.

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