How To Localize WebParts Attributes Within The PropertyEditorPart

Oct 19, 2010

Is there any way to localize the text displayed within the PropertyEditorPart?

WebDisplayName("To Date: "),[code]....

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<SERVER NAME="A3" ID="3" Parent="XYZ"></SERVER>
<SERVER NAME="A5" Parent="abc" value="10"></SERVER>

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I'm working with a client that wants the URLs in our web application to be in French. I'm an English developer and we also have English clients. This is an interesting problem is there something int the ASP.NET MVC Framework that would enable me to do this?

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Specific EXAMPLE English URL

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public class TestModel
[Display(ResourceType = typeof(Localization.Labels))][code]...seem to work. Localizing the Required Attribute works as expected:

[Required(ErrorMessageResourceName = "Test", ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(Localization.Labels))]

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I'm just getting started using Resharper with VS-2008, and one of the 'errors' it gave me was to localize a Label's text in the code-behind. I've worked with Localization before to Localize a website from english into french, but I don't understand what the benefit is to localizing beside that usage.

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Sep 2, 2010

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Localization :: How To Localize Static Text

Jul 7, 2010

Below is static text in some aspx file.How to localize static text in have to use frameowrk 4.0 and vs 2010.There is lot of static text in <p> or <br> tag.?can you explain me how to localize this static text using app_local resource file.I tried with literal and localize control but can anyone explain me how to convert following text.


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Jul 1, 2010

[DisplayName("my date")]
public DateTime? DateReg { get; set; }

so if the user is going to pass in an invalid datetime value he will get this message "The value '02.07.201022' is not valid for my date."

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MVC :: Localize The Text Of DisplayName Attribute?

Jan 14, 2010

i would localize the text of DisplayName attribute: i know that at the moment is not possible (i hope that the next version of mvc will do it automatically) so i tried to search how to do it and i found this link:


but i didn't understand how to finish the lookup function.

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Feb 2, 2010

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Globalize/Localize Excel Reports Using Spreadsheet?

May 28, 2010

My company has new customers in Brazil and we realized that our excel reports are not working when our Brazilian customers tried to open the reports in their Brazilian versions of excel.

For excel output we use spreadsheet gear in our web application. Our excel worksheets are fairly simple. Mostly outputted text/numbers/dates, a couple of formulas (sum, if) and formatting on the currency and dates.

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_-[$R$-416] * #.##0,00_-;-[$R$-416] * #.##0,00_-;_-[$R$-416] * "-"??_-;_-@_-

And this formatted the regular cells but the formulas still failed to show a value. Instead they showed a 0 value.

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I need to be able to out excel reports that can format dates/currencies and apply simple formulas (IF, Sum) for other excel cultures.

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Jan 10, 2010

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How To Localize HeaderText In GridView Or Validation Controls

Jun 6, 2010

I cannot figure out why HeaderText or validation controls always fallback to default culture - even though rest of the controls are in correct culture.

I have a GridView with HeaderText specified in this way>

<asp:BoundField DataField="totalSales" HeaderText="<%$ Resources:Strings,TotalSales %>" />

In the same way I have validation controls and they can't be localized.

Only this syntax does work: <%= Resources.Strings.Payments %>

I set different culture in Master page using this statement in Page_Init

Me.Page.Culture = "pl-PL"
Me.Page.UICulture = "pl-PL"

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Localization :: How To Localize Or Globalize Static Text

Jul 8, 2010

How to Localize or globalize static text within <br> ,<span>,<strong> ,<p> using app_local resource file and can you even explain me how to localize

numeric value within <span> or <strong > text.I have some even some text like <strong>1</strong>

Here is some sample text:


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How To Localize A Non Embedded Javascript File With Resource

Sep 3, 2010

I have a question about javascript. In my project, there are embedded and non-embedded javascript codes. And i did localization of the embedded codes like below and it works.

strings : {
year: '<%=GetGlobalResourceObject("Resource", "YEAR") %>'

But, this method does not work for non-embedded javascript codes. How can i do localization for them?

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How To Localize The Controller Names And Actions In MVC Application

Nov 24, 2010

I'd like to fully localize my ASP.NET MVC application, and while there are many articles that deal with the various pitfalls of ASP.NET MVC localization, none of them deals with an aspect that I want to deal with, and that is the localization of URLs, including the controller names and actions.

I would like a way to specify the strings that should appear instead of the controller name and action name in the URL, for example in a resource file.

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How to implement all controls to localize languages in a Web Page??

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.net - Possible To Localize The AppSettings Information In Web.config File?

Apr 6, 2010

I have something like this in mind:

<add key="ConfigName" value="configuration" culture="1033" />
<add key="ConfigName" value="konfiguracja" culture="1045" />


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Localization :: Localize META Tags From Code Behind?

Aug 3, 2010

I understand how to localize controls like buttons etc. I'm wondering how to accomplish the same thing with META tags.We use the following code to set META tags from code behind:

Title = AppConfig.CompanyName +
" | [some prose that is specific to the page";
// Build META tags


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