ODBC To SQL Server Appending?
Jul 21, 2010
I am working on an asp webform that pulls from an ODBC datasource then puts the data in an sql server. Once the data is in the sql server several queries pull data from it to provide information for a report.
This is an example of what I am talking about private void ODBCpdEmployeeAb()
{ [code].....
The first part gets the data from the ODBC connection and the next part stores it in an sql server table.
I have set the primary keys on my SQL server tables already but it just loads an error page now when the app runs due to duplicate id's
Is there a way to append the most recent data from the ODBC table to the sql server ?
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Jul 15, 2010
I am working on an asp webform that pulls from an ODBC datasource then puts the data in an sql server. Once the data is in the sql server several queries pull data from it to provide information for a report.
This is an example of what I am talking about
void ODBCpdEmployeeAb()
DataTable dt =
The first part gets the data from the ODBC connection and the next part stores it in an sql server table. The problem is I have these methods in the page load event of the webform so everytime it loads it just puts the exact same data in the sql server table which would then provide incorrect information on the report.
Is there a way to append the most recent data from the ODBC table to the sql server ?
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Jan 12, 2011
my webserver is in the DMZ. The Database in the intranet. For connection from webserver to database the following entry is made in the odbc connection "TCPIP BCAST=NO;HOST=Intranet.Firma.local,Intranet_Spiegel.Firma.local,Intranet_Arbiter.Firma.local;PORT=2639}"
how to get this options in the connection strings working, or how i must modify the entitiy framework connection string to use the odbc entry?
<add name="KA_Entities" connectionString="metadata=res://*/Models.KA_Model.csdl|res://*/Models.KA_Model.ssdl|res://*/Models.KA_Model.msl;provider=iAnywhere.Data.SQLAnywhere;provider connection string="UserID=user;Password=password;DataSourceName=Databasename""
providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
<add name="KAPortal" connectionString="UserID=user;Password=password;DataSourceName=Databasename" providerName="iAnywhere.Data.SQLAnywhere" />
I tried to use odbcfor the entity framework, but the Wizard always add the right .NET Provider and not the odbc
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Sep 2, 2010
I have been developing my ASP.NET web pages to access the SQL database locally on my personal computer while using a "SqlConnection", but to access my SQL database on a host server, I must use a "OdbcConnection". I am mostly using LINQ to access data with a DataClassesDataContext, but sometimes I must use ADO with SqlConnection and SqlCommand. What must I do to convert my C# code in order to access data with ODBC 3.51?
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Dec 9, 2010
I have created a CSV file on the server and want to send it to the user using the following code:
Dim strPhysicalPath As String
strPhysicalPath = Server.MapPath( "CSV/" & PathVirtual)
Dim objFileInfo As System.IO.FileInfo = New System.IO.FileInfo(strPhysicalPath)
Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & objFileInfo.Name)
Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", objFileInfo.Length.ToString())
This seems to work fine except when the downloaded file is viewed in Excell the html code behind the page from which it came is also appended to the file. Does anyone have any idea why it does this?
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System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR [HY000] [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10048)ERROR [HY000] [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (10048)
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Mar 15, 2011
And in js i simply change src attr of the image :
$.get("my-url", function (url) {
img.attr("src", url); // getting C: emplabla.jpg
Cant figure out to make it work! Source is not a valid path for image
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Mar 8, 2011
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...user does something...now the link string says
Nick > Jeff
...user does something...now the link string says
Nick > Jeff > Charlie
and so on.
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+ s).
this.pages[this.page] =
this.pages[this.page] + s +
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Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(Page), "showVideo", sScript, true);
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Jan 21, 2010
I want query like this
declare @stateQuery as nvarchar(200)
if @stateid is null
set @stateQuery=''
if @stateid is not null
set @stateQuery='and tbl_city.stateid ='+cast(@stateid as nvarchar(10))
set @length=(select top 1 len(dbo.Tbl_city.cityName) FROM dbo.tbl_city INNER JOIN tbl_cityinfonew ON dbo.tbl_city.cityId = tbl_cityinfonew.cityId where (tbl_cityinfonew.language =@language )+cast( @stateQuery as nvarchar(100)) order by tbl_cityinfonew.createdate desc)
I don't want to use the exec @string.
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Jul 21, 2010
When appending parameters to an ADODB.Command should the parameters add to the command text. When I get to the point where it sends to the database the command text of the adodb.command is "{ call PKG_WORKPLAN.ADD_PROJECT(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) }"
I then get a ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error ORA-06512: at line 1 error. I think i may be getting it from the question mark.
Also is there any way to what sql is inserted if that isn't it.
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sbJavaAlert.Append("alert( "" + msg + "" );");
I can't stand appending a concatenated string. Isn't that the purpose of using a stringbuilder? This is another developer's code and I am adding onto another part of it, but I want to change this too. Or should I just let still waters lie, as the saying goes?
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Feb 11, 2011
I am developing a simple rating system for my employer's profile based web-app. Here is my problem:
The actual page is domain.com/review.aspx?user=username, but I use the url-rewrite module in IIS to use domain.com/username/review The page contains a repeater control that displays reviews for that username, as well as a form for people to create new reviewsWhen the form is submitted, asp.net re-appends the (hidden) querystring to the url on postback.The post-back url is now domian.com/username/review?user=username&review, causing the page to break if refreshed.
Is there any way to keep asp.net from re-appending the querystrings that are actually already present, but re-written with IIS
Live link <- submit a review, and then refresh the page (edit) by clicking in the address bar! Beautiful yellow error message.
C# code:
protected void submitReview(object sender, EventArgs e)
int starRating = txtStarRating.Text == "" ? 0 : Int32.Parse(txtStarRating.Text);
testimonials.addNew(Int32.Parse(txtHiddenUid.Text), reviewContent.Text, reviewerName.Text, true, starRating);
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Nov 9, 2010
I've got 2 DropDownList controls. The 2nd one is dependant upon the choice of the first.
This bit is working... sort of
When I make a selection in DDL1 I get the right list of items in DDL 2, but if I were to change DDL1, I get a further list of items appended to DDL2
It just keeps stacking up the list items.
I've got AppendDataboundItems to True, because I need a blank as the first item in order to use the SelectedItemChange event.
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Jan 12, 2010
I have 40 Drop Down Lists that I want to fill using an XML file. Based on what is in the XML file i will add an item to a specific Drop down list. I don't want to manually loop thorugh each control by name. the ids for all of the controls start with DDLSession and then they have a suffix such as A2 or B4. What I want to do in the C# Code is ads items dynamically to the control like this:
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Nov 1, 2010
I'm new to asp.net. I have an exercise about datagridview.
Basically it's like this, I created a sql database in visual studio, added some tables and records. I added a gridview to my page and change the datasource to 1 of my tables. It displays every thing fine.
Now my exercise is, I need to add a new record to that table from a textbox control and button submit, and display in gridview after page reload.
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
View 5 Replies
Oct 27, 2010
1) I have a HyperLink on a master page:
<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink4" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/icons/NewProductsButton.jpg" NavigateUrl="http://www.ABC/DefaultNewProducts.aspx" >New Products</asp:HyperLink>
2) I have a content page TextBox with data equated in the C# code behind:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
tbxCategoryID.Text = CategoryCode;
... sample data "Furniture1135" for TextBox.
3) I need the MasterPage HyperLink4 navigateURL to be
How can I pass the TextBox value appended with the querystring tag "?CAT+" to the MasterPage HyperLink?
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Jun 10, 2010
I have developed an application which has a database [access] and i have a gridview which showsthe records from the database. Now i want the grid view to be updated with some additional recordswith out removing the exesting records.
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Sep 21, 2010
I fear this has been beaten to death, but I'm still struggling with the problem of reading Excel files in my ASP.NET application that has recently been ported to Server 2008 and 64-bit.Many posts I find point to the existence of 64-bit Microsoft drivers here:here and here. My concern is the warnings I'm also reading about these not intended "As a replacement for the Jet OLEDB Provider in server-side applications" possibly for thread-safe reasons? This IS a server-side application and while Excel uploads aren't hundreds-of-times-a-day ocurrances, they will be done by customers.I know there are also commercial libraries available and while I'm opening to considering them I do worry about the 'revision chase' and not getting burned by them going belly-up (it has happened to us before).
View 2 Replies
Jun 22, 2010
Actually used to use Sql server, for that I add parameters like this
that works fine. but while using MSaccess and the datatype for of some table is Memo than how could I use parameter for that i am using System.Data.Odbc. cos here it is easy to do SqlDbType.Nvarcha cos there is shows Nvarchar but not Memo
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