Page_Load With Ajax - Difference Between Using And Unusing Ajax ?

Aug 10, 2010

When I use Ajax I notice thar the event Page_Load is Triggers every time I clicked on a button in UpdatePanel...

So what's the difference between using and Unusing Ajax ?

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Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender
ByVal e


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now the task is to show a popup window, much like the standard Windows login panel, to warn the user that caps lock is on. I've used a ValidatorCalloutExtender alongside other controls in my site, but can't figure out how to use the test for whether the capslock is on:


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Make AJAX Redirects - Page_Load Methods In .aspx And In An .ascx ?

Jan 5, 2010

Ok, this is a bit different scenario. I guess I would have to think about doing it this way sort of with MVC anyway if we were actually using MVC...but we're not at the moment.So I've got and .aspx page. In that .aspx page is a user control (.ascx). And in that user control is a custom control (.cs).

The custom control has a repeater in it. So I'm showing a list of items on that .aspx through the .ascx's custom control. For each item in the repeater is a button. It's just a hyperlink, just a regular on my page When you click that button, it redirects to whatever page you're on. Since the custom control never knows what your parent .aspx page is, I'm doing a redirect to the self .aspx by doing a Response.Redirect(Request.Path). So that way it always redirects to whatever .aspx is using that user control and custom control.

So after it redirects to self, I check the querystring in the page_load of whatever .aspx is using it. If the value is true, then I handle it however the .aspx wants to. In this case when it's true, I call a method in the code behind of my .aspx that handles the action for the button. For example lets say that button was "Add to Shopping Cart", the .aspx handles that action and calls a AddToCart method in the .aspx.cs.

I'm not using an ASP.NET control for the actual hyperlink and button because I just don't need it and in my particular case I'm using a user control and a custom server control.For this instance, I had some issue where I didn't wnat to use an ASP.NET control...I forget why but the point is, no this is what it is.

So with that, I'm trying to figure out how I can apply some AJAX here call to call that method instead. I still need to somehow redirect again back to the same page like I'm doing...I'm doing the redirect in that method after all the logic at the end. I am redirecting again back to the same page, because I need my Page_Load methods in my .aspx and also in an .ascx to still fire off after that method is completed.So I am not sure where to start on this. Let me go through this once again:

Custom control has a repeater in it and in the repeater, each item has a standard HTML hyperlink (non ASP.NET control) which wraps a standard image tag (image is a button)User control contains the custom control The .aspx page contains the user control User clicks the butt on and hyperlink redirects them to the parent .aspx page that is using this custom it callsResponse.Redirect(Request.Path)

In the code-behind of this .aspx, in my page_load I check a querystring flag to see if I performed that action..meaning user clicked that button. For example one of the querystring params is "AddItem" and another querystring param is "itemID". If movedItem is true, then I fire off a method called MoveItem(int itemID) Method MoveItem is called Method MoveItem redirects again back to this same .aspx using Response.Redirect(Request.Path).. this is so that the page load is hit again as well as my .ascx page load is hit. Because in both those page loads, I rebind a repeater so I can show the latest state of the lists. I call a method in my .aspx page_load which rebinds a grid and then page_load in my .ascx also calls another method which rebinds some other list

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Mar 30, 2010

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Mar 7, 2011

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Apr 8, 2010

I have Doubt in Ajax Control Kit.

In ajax we have controls Like,Tabcontainer,TextBox Watermark,Toggle Button,Password Strength etc..., and same Functionality/Controls also there in Jquery.. and Jquery does this in client side itself and what's the use of having the control in Ajax Control ToolKit(Server Control).. and what is main Difference?I think Jquery more efffective than Ajax Control

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AJAX :: Calculate Date Difference Between Two Dates When Using Calendar Extender?

May 7, 2015

I want to calculate the total number of days from two "asp:Textbox" with datepicker. The result should be placed in the third "asp:TextBox"

the format of the calendar date is: dd/mm/yyyy. for example: 18/01/2015 and 21/01/2015

How to implement this in C#?

<asp:TextBox ID="txtDate1" runat="server" ></asp:TextBox>
<cc1:CalendarExtender ID="CalendarExtender1" runat="server" TargetControlID="txtDate1" PopupButtonID="imgPopup1" Format="dd/MM/yyyy" />
<asp:TextBox ID="txtDate2" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<cc1:CalendarExtender ID="CalendarExtender2" runat="server" TargetControlID="txtDate2" PopupButtonID="imgPopup2" Format="dd/MM/yyyy" />
<asp:TextBox ID="txtTotalDays" runat="server" ReadOnly = "true"></asp:TextBox>

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