Best Way To Dummy A Post To See The Return?

Mar 10, 2010

I have a webpage that allows another page on the site to send it a file. For some reason this page is not working and I cant see why I think its to do with the file but how do I test this? Is there a but of software that I can pump the url and upload a file to send to this url? How does this work is it the content header?

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See the function im using to send the ajax post below:


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<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat=server><contenttemplate><triggers><asyntrigger ID= "Submit"> /> /> />
<asp:updateprogress ID="Progress1" unat=server AssociatedUpdatePanelID="UpdatePanel1"><Progresstemplate>Progress.... />/>
<asp:button ID= "Submit" runat=server >

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public int UpdateRBTable(parameters ...) This calls a SQL Server Stored Procedure to perform an update function on the database.

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Can WebMethod Return An XmlDocument As Return Type

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<WebMethod()> _
Public Function CustomerSearch(ByVal lastName As String, ByVal firstName As String, ByVal companyName As String, ByVal city As String, ByVal state As String, ByVal email As String) As XmlDocument
' Create XML doc
Dim doc As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument()
' some more code
Return doc
End Function

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public string Example()

[here I want to assign a value to the return var and continue this block until the end] = "TempStr"; [code].....

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Mar 16, 2011

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<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
$('button').click(function () {
var x = $('textarea').val();
$('#test1').append('<div id="test">' + x + '</div>');
return false;
<textarea style="border: 0" cols="77" rows="2">.......

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C# - Using A Timer Post Back, Which Controller To Use That Doesn't Post Back To Server?

Jul 14, 2010

Being new to ASP.NET I have run into trouble building my own Whack-a-mole program. I think my problem comes from using Buttons, which by themselves send post backs to the server, making the software unusable. The looks are in place, making new buttons show up in the grid, in different places by random. However, when a button is pushed - the score doesn't change (which I feel is strange).

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Note to self: This technique shouldn't be used in a public application since it put too much unwanted pressure on the web server.


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protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(PostBack && !Refresh)
//Do Something

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Data Controls :: Alert Return False On Confirm True And Return True On Confirm False On Value Exists

Mar 26, 2016

I have an approve button.on clicking on this button it should show that an inactive value is present .Onclicking yes conformation it should save the data or else clicking on no conformation should return false; how i will do that?After alert it always submit the data. 

protected void ibtApprove_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)

string otherAffiliateName = txtRequestedAffiliate.Text;
int inActiveAffiliates = new BLRating().InActiveAAffiliateChecking(otherAffiliateName);
if (inActiveAffiliates > 0)


This is the code i i wiil stay back on Confirm 'no' click?

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The page is "POST", but isPostback is false[Code]....


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html.beginform("controller", "action",

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How To Return Value Of Session

Apr 14, 2010

I'm sure I had no problem with doing this before. I have a querystring in the session and I want to write it to a string to return on the page? Conversion from type 'HttpValueCollection' to type 'String' is not valid. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.InvalidCastException: Conversion from type 'HttpValueCollection' to type 'String' is not valid.

Source Error:


Line 12:If Session IsNot Nothing ThenLine

13:Dim sessioncontents = Session("querystring")Line

14:querystring = sessioncontentsLine

15:End IfLine

16:If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString("propertyId"))

Source File: C:UsersAdministratorDocumentsVisual Studio 2008WebSitesWebSite4PropertyDetails.aspx.vb Line:

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