How To Get C# Return Dropdown List To Return Value As Int
Jun 8, 2010
How to get return drop down list to return value as int
I want to pass the value to a stored procedure as an integer. But the default appears to be as a string which is not what the store procedure is expecting.
Is there a good way to return the list values as ints?
I suspect I can you set the value on the change selection event, is there another way?
I have a dropdownlist and a save button on my form.All i want to do is return the value in the dropdown and show it on a textbox in the same form.I am new the mvc by the way
I have an update function in my data layer which is defined as:
public int UpdateRBTable(parameters ...) This calls a SQL Server Stored Procedure to perform an update function on the database.
The process does its job for updating the table. However, the stored procedure has a return value (which indicates how many rows were updated), but this return value is not returned to the application. The application always shows that a zero was returned from the stored procedure.
Can my WebMethod return an XmlDocument as return type?
When I try to consume the web service I'm still not getting XML. It appears as though a reference to the method is being returned rather than say a string containing XML.
<WebMethod()> _ Public Function CustomerSearch(ByVal lastName As String, ByVal firstName As String, ByVal companyName As String, ByVal city As String, ByVal state As String, ByVal email As String) As XmlDocument ' Create XML doc Dim doc As XmlDocument = New XmlDocument() ' some more code Return doc End Function
public List<Customer> GetCustomers() { PR1Entities dc = new PR1Entities(); var q = (from x in dc.Customers select x).ToList(); return q; } (customer is a entity object)
Then I generate the proxy when I add the service.. and in the it say
public wcf1.ServiceReference1.Customer[] GetCustomers() { return base.Channel.GetCustomers(); }
ASP.NET 3.5 C# I am joining two tables using Linq. Table names are MapAssets and ExitPoint. In Database they are related with 'has a relationship'
I am writing a function in my BLL to return the joined table
public List<ExitPoints> GetExitPointDetailsByProjectID(int iProjectID) { ctx = new CoreDBDataContext(); var exitPointDetails = from ma in ctx.MapAssets join ep in ctx.ExitPoints on ma.MapAssetID equals ep.MapAssetID where ma.ProjectID == iProjectID select new { //would like to have data from both tables here ctx.MapAssets, ctx.ExitPoints }; return exitPointDetails.ToList(); }
This obviuosly doesn't work. And I dont know what to return at all. All constraint I have for the return is to be able to be bound to a gridview. is this the correct way? Or else whats the correct way?
I am trying to retrieve C# List method in JavaScript by referring Send-and-receive-JavaScript-Array-to-Web-Service-Web-Method-using-ASP.Net-AJAX ..My Code as below
<script type = "text/javascript"> function GetAllSVGData() { PageMethods.GetSvgElements(OnSuccessSVGElements); } function OnSuccessSVGElements(response) {
My problem is JavaScript function OnSuccessSVGElements is not firing. When I put breakpoints in it is working fine in C#. C# Method Working But Alerts in javascript not working.
Say I have a table Comments with these columns: Id, Comment, Category, CreatedDate, CommenterIdI want to get the top 5 categories from the Comments table (based on the count of each category in that table). How can I do this in linq, to return either List or IQueryable?
I have a gridview with paging. So for instance, I'm on say the page number 10, and I open the form details on a specific record_id (link). After I update/submit the form, it returns to page number 10. But, if I go to another page, for instance page 5, and submit the form, it returns to page 10.
I've tried some things, for instance history.back(), but it returns to the first page I went to, in this case page number 10 (or whatever the first page I go to).
I have a cascading dropdown. After the dropdown is populated(it is in another file) i would like to return back to the original form where the control is placed. is there anyway of doing it
I have an approve button.on clicking on this button it should show that an inactive value is present .Onclicking yes conformation it should save the data or else clicking on no conformation should return false; how i will do that?After alert it always submit the data.Â
string otherAffiliateName = txtRequestedAffiliate.Text; int inActiveAffiliates = new BLRating().InActiveAAffiliateChecking(otherAffiliateName); if (inActiveAffiliates > 0)
This is the code i i wiil stay back on Confirm 'no' click?
I am stuck at this point "Displaying a dropdown list of Categories with a --None -- Option. I want the gridview control to display 2 dropdown list one in read-only mode and the other in edit mode. When a record is in read-only mode, the dropdownlist's enabled property will be set to false."When it's on a read-only mode, it doesn't display the selected Category. it shows but the "No Category". When i click on edit to edit or change category, it doesn't display the selected category.
The example is given below( I am reading the book Sams Teach yourself ASP.NET 2.0 by Scott Mitchell. page 628)
<asp:Label ID="UserIdValue" runat="server" Visible="False"></asp:Label> <asp:SqlDataSource ID="picturesDataSource" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [Pictures] WHERE ([UserId] = @UserId) ORDER BY [UploadedOn] DESC" DeleteCommand="DELETE FROM [Pictures] WHERE [PictureID] = @PictureID" InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [Pictures] ([UserId], [CategoryID], [Title], [Description], [UploadedOn]) VALUES (@UserId, @CategoryID, @Title, @Description, @UploadedOn)" UpdateCommand="UPDATE [Pictures] SET [UserId] = @UserId, [CategoryID] = @CategoryID, [Title] = @Title, [Description] = @Description, [UploadedOn] = @UploadedOn WHERE [PictureID] = @PictureID"> <DeleteParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="PictureID" Type="Int32" /> </DeleteParameters> <InsertParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="UserId" /> <asp:Parameter Name="CategoryID" Type="Int32" /> <asp:Parameter Name="Title" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="Description" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="UploadedOn" Type="DateTime" /> </InsertParameters> <SelectParameters> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="UserIdValue" Name="UserId" PropertyName="Text"/> </SelectParameters> <UpdateParameters> <asp:Parameter Name="UserId"/> <asp:Parameter Name="CategoryID" Type="Int32" /> <asp:Parameter Name="Title" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="Description" Type="String" /> <asp:Parameter Name="UploadedOn" Type="DateTime" /> <asp:Parameter Name="PictureID" Type="Int32" /> </UpdateParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource> <br /> <asp:SqlDataSource ID="categoriesDataSource" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT [CategoryID], [Name] FROM [Categories] WHERE ([UserId] = @UserId)"> <SelectParameters> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="UserIdValue" Name="UserId" PropertyName="Text" /> </SelectParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource> <br /> <asp:SqlDataSource ID="maxPictureIDDataSource" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT MAX(PictureID) FROM Pictures WHERE UserId = @UserId"> <SelectParameters> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="UserIdValue" Name="UserId" PropertyName="Text" /> </SelectParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource> <br /> <asp:Label ID="cannotUploadImageMessage" runat="server" Text="The photo could not be added to your album either because you did not specify a file to upload or the file specified was not a JPEG image with the file extension .JPG"></asp:Label> <br /> <asp:DetailsView ID="dvPictureInsert" runat="server" DataSourceID="PicturesDataSource" Height="50px" Width="125px" AutoGenerateRows="False" CellPadding="4" DataKeyNames="PictureID" DefaultMode="Insert" ForeColor="#333333" GridLines="None"> <AlternatingRowStyle BackColor="White" /> <CommandRowStyle BackColor="#D1DDF1" Font-Bold="True" /> <EditRowStyle BackColor="#2461BF" /> <FieldHeaderStyle BackColor="#DEE8F5" Font-Bold="True" /> <Fields> <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Picture"> <InsertItemTemplate> <asp:FileUpload ID="imageUpload" runat="server" /> <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator3" runat="server" ControlToValidate="imageUpload" Display="Dynamic" ErrorMessage="There was no file selected" ValidationGroup="PictureAdd"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator> </InsertItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateField> <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Category" SortExpression="CategoryID"> <EditItemTemplate> <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("CategoryID") %>'></asp:TextBox> </EditItemTemplate> <InsertItemTemplate> <asp:DropDownList ID="pictureCategory" DataSourceID="categoriesDataSource" runat="server" DataTextField="Name" DataValueField="CategoryID" SelectedValue='<%# Bind("CategoryID") %>' Visible='<%# Bind("CategoryID") %>' AppendDataBoundItems="True"> <asp:ListItem Selected="True" Value="">-- Select Category --</asp:ListItem> </asp:DropDownList> </InsertItemTemplate> <ItemTemplate> <asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("CategoryID") %>'></asp:Label> </ItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateField> <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Title" SortExpression="Title"> <EditItemTemplate> <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox2" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Title") %>'></asp:TextBox> </EditItemTemplate> <InsertItemTemplate> <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Title") %>'></asp:TextBox> <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator1" runat="server" ControlToValidate="TextBox1" Display="Dynamic" ErrorMessage="you must provide a name for the title" ValidationGroup="PictureAdd"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator> </InsertItemTemplate> <ItemTemplate> <asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Title") %>'></asp:Label> </ItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateField> <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Description" SortExpression="Description"> <EditItemTemplate> <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox3" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Description") %>'></asp:TextBox> </EditItemTemplate> <InsertItemTemplate> <asp:TextBox ID="TextBox2" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Description") %>'
I need to list a group of users, their group name is (IRS Group) to a list group. how to do this. I'm very new to and dont have much knowlegde about acctive directory.
I have 2 drop down lists.I have a very simple dropdown list #1 that diplays a title and holds an id value which is a GUID.I know it is getting this value and sending this value as I tested sending it to a label.I have the dropdown list #1 to autopostback to dropdown list #2 that "Is supposed to get" another title and value based on the GUID value of the first dropdown list. for some reason it wont return anything. I have done 100's of these but never based off a guid value.I assume the value needs to be converted to guid before selecting it in the second dropdown list.How can I do this? or is there something I am missing?
I'm sure I had no problem with doing this before. I have a querystring in the session and I want to write it to a string to return on the page? Conversion from type 'HttpValueCollection' to type 'String' is not valid. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.InvalidCastException: Conversion from type 'HttpValueCollection' to type 'String' is not valid.
Simply put, I'd like someone to be able to click a link, and get a one-time-use pdf. We have the library to create PDF files, so that's not an issue.
We could generate a link to an aspx page, have that page generate the pdf, save the pdf to the filesystem, and then Response.Redirect to the saved pdf. Then we'd somehow have to keep track of and clean up the PDF file.
Since we don't ever need to keep this data, what I'd like to do instead, if possible, is to have the aspx page generate the pdf, and serve it directly back as a response to the original request. Is this possible?
(In our case, we're using C#, and we want to serve a pdf back, but it seems like any solution would probably work for various .NET languages and returned filetypes.)