How To Return Value Of Session

Apr 14, 2010

I'm sure I had no problem with doing this before. I have a querystring in the session and I want to write it to a string to return on the page? Conversion from type 'HttpValueCollection' to type 'String' is not valid. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.InvalidCastException: Conversion from type 'HttpValueCollection' to type 'String' is not valid.

Source Error:


Line 12:If Session IsNot Nothing ThenLine

13:Dim sessioncontents = Session("querystring")Line

14:querystring = sessioncontentsLine

15:End IfLine

16:If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString("propertyId"))

Source File: C:UsersAdministratorDocumentsVisual Studio 2008WebSitesWebSite4PropertyDetails.aspx.vb Line:

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Does Static Reference To HttpContext.Current.Session Return Same Session For All Users

Feb 4, 2011

Is there room for issue in the following code in terms of multiple users of the same web application? I mean, I know that a purely static string will be shared across all sessions for a single ASP.NET application, but since this explicitly refers to the Current.Session, even though it is static it seems like it would always refer to the session instance of the "current user." But an error is happening that could be explained by everyone sharing the current value of Mode and thus the most recent change overwriting everyone else's mode value. (As a background: This string is in a Helpers class that is used throughout the application. I do not want to make references to Session["Mode"] throughout the application and do not want to have to pass Session["Mode"] in every method call from an aspx.cs page.)

public static string Mode
var value = HttpContext.Current.Session["Mode"];
return (value ?? string.Empty).ToString();
HttpContext.Current.Session["Mode"] = value;

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<WebMethod()> _
Public Function CustomerSearch(ByVal lastName As String, ByVal firstName As String, ByVal companyName As String, ByVal city As String, ByVal state As String, ByVal email As String) As XmlDocument
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public string Example()

[here I want to assign a value to the return var and continue this block until the end] = "TempStr"; [code].....

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protected void ibtApprove_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)

string otherAffiliateName = txtRequestedAffiliate.Text;
int inActiveAffiliates = new BLRating().InActiveAAffiliateChecking(otherAffiliateName);
if (inActiveAffiliates > 0)


This is the code i i wiil stay back on Confirm 'no' click?

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Sep 14, 2010

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1) checking at the page level that the value is valid not 0 when its not expected to be 0, not a zero-length string when its expected to have a length

2) have code at the page level that sets the values if the values have not been set as when the Session timeout, ideally putting the code in a class derived from Page and then deriving all of my pages from the new class so that the code does not have to be repeated in every page


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Feb 25, 2016

I want the code for showing popup dialog box , to show the time remaining for session closing because of in-activity. and 2 buttons for allowing to stay or to signout.

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C# - Store Class Properties In Session And Use Of Session Handler - Is It Good Design

Jul 27, 2010

I have a class called EditMapUtilities. Here are some class properties that I want to persist:

public class EditMapUtlities
public static Boolean isInitialEditMapPageLoad
get { return SessionHandler.isInitialEditMapPageLoad; }
set { SessionHandler.isInitialEditMapPageLoad = value; }

Here is my SessionHandler Class following the pattern from this post Static Session Class and Multiple Users:
using System.Web.SessionState;

public static class SessionHandler
private static HttpSessionState currentSession
if (HttpContext.Current.Session == null)
throw new Exception("Session is not available in the current context.");
return HttpContext.Current.Session;
//A boolean type session variable
private static string _isInitialEditMapPageLoad = "EditMapInitialPageLoad";
public static bool isInitialEditMapPageLoad
if (currentSession[_isInitialEditMapPageLoad] == null)
return true;
return (Boolean)currentSession[_isInitialEditMapPageLoad];
currentSession[_isInitialEditMapPageLoad] = value;

I am still learning OOAD. I want to keep relevant properties with relevant classes. I also want to keep all Session stored variables in one place for ease of maintenance and to encapsulate the session keys and calls. I feel like my design is too coupled though. How can I make it more loosely coupled? Is my editMapUtilities class too tightly coupled to the SessionHandler class? How would you do it better?

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Latest Logon Session Is Retained And The User Is Automatically Signed Out From The Other Session

Feb 1, 2011

Let suppose, I am building an website which has login scenario in it. I want to provide a certain functionality to the website that if the user is already login on computer 1 and now try to login on computer 2, so he will be allowed to remain login on computer 2, while automatically logout him from computer 1. I also know that http is a stateless medium, so whenever user interact with computer 1 and try to interact with the page, it will get noticed at that time.

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Oct 11, 2010

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Nov 11, 2010

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In Global Page:


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May 3, 2010

which place(exact folder) the session & session id will be stored?

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State Management :: Session - User Closes Browser, The Session Does Not Get Killed?

Jul 15, 2010

I have a website live in

now if user closes browser. the session does not get killed.

I spoke with friend and he said that cannot be done as sessions are on server.

but i see banking website who kills session when browser is closed.

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State Management :: Session Variable Persisting Even After Abandoning A Session - Closing Browser Windows

Aug 5, 2010

I have been spending a better part of a week trying to track down why I am not able to clear all session variables in a web app (vs 2010, What I have tracked it down to is that when I remove or abandon sessions that my html pages or codebehind access, it works, but for some reason in any of my class files where I use "Public Shared strConnection as String = HttpContext.Current.Session("strConnection").ToString" to access a session variable, it finds the old one and not the current one. I have to wait for it to time out, go in again, and it will find the new one.

I do not use Linq, and there is only one place in the whole web app that I place the connection string in a variable whcih is when a person logs in. It points them to the correct database. The sqlconnection is set for all of my listviews in Page_Init to make sure that they aren't using any session variable that they create on their own. Interestingly enough that if I use debug to go in each time, exit debug, enter debug again trying to access a different database, it works correct each time. I assume that debug is correctly killing the session variable for the classes for me.

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Session Value Was Destroyed Once Page Reopen / How To Keep Session Value In 20 Minutes As Default

Jan 26, 2011

There are two pages in my app, A and B.A is login page from which user ID was saved in a session. Once user login, B is open and user ID will display in B. When user submitted an order successfully at page B, page B will reopen but user ID was missed. How to fix it to keep session value in 20 minutes as default?
I check IIS, session time out time is 60 minutes.

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Create A Copy Of An Object In Session To Update Without Updating Session?

Jul 20, 2010

I am confused about how to reference objects in session, how to update, and copy.

if I create
MyObject obj = new Object ();
Session["object"] = obj;
MyObject temp = (MyObject)Session["object"];

If i change something on temp, will the object in session be updated? do i need to follow changes with Session["object"] = temp?

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State Management :: Session Gets Lost When Set Session Response.cookie

Jan 25, 2011

I need to make my session cookie as secure but whenever i check user authentication and after that i am trying to set cookie to true then my session lost my user information and so it always redirect login page. I am settings user to HttpContext.Current.Session["user"] and check every time, is user is valid and if valid then move ahead. but before that i make my session cookie as true.


but after that i observe that somehow "Session_Start" event gets called.

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State Management :: How To Manage Session Data Outside The Session Object

Oct 7, 2010

I want to be able to persist data across a session but do this outside of the built-in session state object. Why is a long story that I will not go into here. I just need to know where I can put data other than in the session object that will persist across the specific session.

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