.net - Show Hierarchical Data In A Dropdownlist?
Mar 21, 2010
I have a table in SQL Server 2005.
I want to show all domain name in a dropdownlist maintaing the same hierarchy. i.e
I need to append '--' according to the domain level. Is it possible using a sql query. or alternatively can I have any other control to show this data.
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May 8, 2012
I have 2 Dropdownlist and 1 datalist in my page I bind my datalist from DB that show some product when pageload.
I have 2 Table in my Database
1-Customer Table
Column Behcode is same in these table with this column I can see which products are for customer
In my first DDL show city name in second DDL show Shoppingcenter data
I want when user click on City dropdownlist and after that select her Shopping center it show product from product table that have that value from customer table.
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Aug 13, 2010
I just finished making a change to an ASP.NET Ajax screen from a few years back. It was harder than expected to build and maintain. On this change, I estimated 12 hours and spent 4 days. Granted I also did extensive refactoring to simplify the code. This is actually some pretty fun code, but I wonder if there was a better route for the original implementation than the one I took. To start, here's a screenshot:
The Problem So obviously this is an editable tree of data. The data behaves very differently at each level -- very different sorting/collision rules and so on. My solution is actually performant and provides an adequate user experience, but it's nearly 2,000 lines of code spanning 11 classes, which is more than I envisioned going in. I'm curious if you've solved similiar problems and if you were able to find a simpler solution. It looks pretty straightforward at a glance, maybe that means I did something right. But there is some real complexity here -- obviously you can add and remove items at three different levels, and everything sorts similiar to a netflix queue, but with quirks. It also has to detect collisions on the various entities (in the image, if you changed day 5 to day 1, it would have to figure out which one is actually day one and move the other one).
The biggest problem was keeping track of the state, since users don't want to commit changes to the database as they work. I thought it might be possible to use the actual controls (nested repeaters in this case) to represent this interim state, but that ended up being a dead end due to complexities related to the underlying data. The Solution To solve this, I created a full blown XML representation of all the data, which was actually great in some ways since I was able to use LINQ to do a lot of heavy lifting around sorting and querying. Still, there is a lot of code in here related to syncing up the xml to the html and so on, and I had to make a pretty hefty abstraction on top of the xml to make it easy for me to work with it in code. In case you're interested, I am currently persisting the XML to session state so that it will survive across callbacks, but eventually that should go into the database.
One colleague told me it would be better to use Flex or maybe Silveright for something like this, and I think that might be true since those are both much more stateful, although Silverlight was not ready for prime time back when this started, and I don't know Flex. Maybe using a temp table instead of xml would have been superior in some way. I'm looking to learn and improve -- what have your experiences been with this type of problem?
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May 24, 2010
I have data coming from two tables with a foreign key relationship - one User table containing users of the web application, and one Page table containing details about pages visited by each user.I would like to be able to view these data in a gridview or the like on a page. It's easy enough to just show the User table data like so (I'm using the Entity Framework and LINQ):
But how can I show the Page details? I'm not bent on any particular way of showing it, but the only idea I've been able to come up with is to have a dropdown list for each user in a column. But I can't figure out how to get the page data into such a dropdown list. The tables are associated with the primary/foreign key UserID.The closest I've come to finding something similar to this is this for Linq2SQL: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2007/07/16/linq-to-sql-part-5-binding-ui-using-the-asp-linqdatasource-control.aspx , and this using more traditional data access: ttp://www.highoncoding.com/Articles/169_DropDownList_Inside_GridView__Method_1_.aspx . Either way, regardless of data access technology, I can't relate these solutions to my example and get it to work
View 5 Replies
Jun 24, 2010
when i change page from page1 to page 2 I remember Dropdownlist in session
now when i go back to page1 I set the Dropdowlist the way what it was before i left page1
Everything its remember but when i load the page with my Dropdownlist again. The selectedindex shows default value in the control Dropdownlist.But it does remmeber old selectedindex.I got it wired with Gridwiew and gridwiew show Data by remmeber old selectedindex. Well generally I like to remember selectedindex when i go to a differente page and when i go back have it set in the control dropdownlist the way when i left the page
View 10 Replies
Mar 15, 2010
I'm looking at building a facility which allows querying for data with hierarchical filtering. I have a few ideas how I'm going to go about it but was wondering if there are any recommendations or suggestions that might be more efficient.
As an example imagine that a user is searching for a job. The job areas would be as follows.
1: Scotland
2: --- West Central
3: ------ Glasgow
4: ------ Etc
5: --- North East
6: ------ Ayrshire
7: ------ Etc
A user can search specific (i.e. Glasgow) or in a larger area (i.e. Scotland).
The two approaches I am considering are:
keep a note of children in the database for each record (i.e. cat 1 would have 2, 3, 4 in its children field) and query against that record with a SELECT * FROM Jobs WHERE Category IN Areas.childrenField.
Use a recursive function to find all results who have a relation to the selected area.
The problems I see from both are:
Holding this data in the db will mean having to keep track of all changes to structure.
Recursion is slow and inefficent.
I'm using C# ASP.NET with MSSQL 2005 DB.
View 5 Replies
May 7, 2010
I have three level hierarchical data. using the statement below i managed to display two level data. I need to extend it to one more level.
Current hierachy is Modules-->Documents
I need to extend it as Packages-->Modules-->Documents
var data = (from m in DataContext.SysModules join d in DataContext.SysDocuments on m.ModuleID equals d.ModuleID into tempDocs from SysDocument in tempDocs.DefaultIfEmpty()
group SysDocument by m).ToList();
View 2 Replies
May 28, 2010
I have some field in datadase which is filled through checkboxlist , only selected checkbox has save to fields otherwise they remain blank: My problem is I want to show only filled value in label text using ";" , but when i am going to display it id display like:
View 4 Replies
Sep 30, 2010
This code works.
How to dropwnlist 2 data show? ID and FirstName?
And if I click on the information displayed in Label1.text, data from the LastName column.
View 4 Replies
Jan 19, 2010
how to display hierarchical data in checkboxlist
View 6 Replies
Dec 14, 2010
I'm building an asp.net mvc app, I want to build up an hierarchical structure, is IHierarchicalEnumerable and IHierarchyData the best way to implement a hierarchical structure?
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Aug 20, 2010
in dropdownlist show the all PatientName and save the PatientID . how to show the PatientName in DataGrid.
PatientID, PatientName are Foreign Keys. In DataBase on Save the the PatientID my requiredment is PatientName show in DataGrid based on PatientID.
View 1 Replies
Mar 29, 2010
When a user updates a record via detailsview in table 1 (TA), I need to display child records which are in table 2 (SG) and their child records which are in table 3 (SC). I tried to use DataList inside another DataList but I cannot filter the table 3 records based on returned values of table 2. I am also using TableAdapters and added a relation for table 3 to table 2 via both primary keys of table 2. I selected to create Both Relation and Foreign Key Constraint and Cascade as Accep/Reject Rule.
For my select statement on table 2, I filter it via WHERE (SGPrimaryKeyCd = :SGPrimaryKeyCd) AND (SGPrimaryKeyDate = :SGPrimaryKeyDate) and return the correct records based on values entered by the user.
For my select statement on table 3, I tried using a WHERE clause but didn't work. Without a Where clause I get all the records, of course. I thought relation would take care of filtering.
View 2 Replies
Dec 28, 2010
This maybe simple thign to you but I need to display data in below hierarchical format. I am using ASP.NET, VB.NET.
- Product1
- Product2
- Product3
- Product4
There will be only 1 root node (Company) in my case. And it will have 1 or more child nodes. These child nodes will not have any further child, ie they are leaf nodes.
How to display this data in this format using ASP.NET & VB.NET?
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Mar 27, 2010
I want to display child rows in the datagrid after the + sign is selected (like grouping & outlining in excel). This is automatic in infragistic grids but when i did in asp (no more infragistics) it doesnt work. here is my code (very simple stuff)
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server">
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
ds.Tables[0].TableName = "tblCategories";
ds.Tables[1].TableName = "tblProducts";
DataRelation rel = new DataRelation("relation", ds.Tables[0].Columns["CategoryID"], ds.Tables[1].Columns["CategoryID"]);
GridView1.DataSource = ds;
View 3 Replies
Jul 21, 2010
I'm in the process of developing a survey system. The tables / fields that are related to my question are:
My issues with this way were:
1) The Data Adaptors receive ALL the records from their correspondent tables. Not a good practice, I believe.
2) If, at some point, the survey had no categories, questions or choices under its child records, an error occurs when the page tries to build the Data Relation. With the work flow I had in mind for the system, this is bound to happen becuase all the Data entry pages (Add Category, Add Question, Add Choice) will be displaying the newly-created survey in a similar fashion (at which point, the survey will have no child records and so an error would occur)
View 3 Replies
Jul 16, 2010
I have an emergency request that I need to sort it out very quickly as I did not notice it early :(.
I have a dropdownlist, the contnet in the gridview (sqldatasource connection) changes based on the value the user slects, say I have play1, play2 from the dropdownlist, I would like to show column1, column2 and column3 with user selects play1; show column4, column5, and clomn6 when use selects play2; the datatable actually includes all 6 columns.
I understand that I need to use something like RowCreated event, and I need to set up condition based on the dropdownlist value, but I dont really know how to.
View 3 Replies
Jun 3, 2010
I want to retrieve data from various column,which may some have blank value, so my problem is i want to retrieve only filled column(not any blank column) from multiple column.. I am doing this (given below) but it didn't return anything...
Column Name Value
Restaurant Restaurant
Spa Spa
Fitness_Center_Gym Fitness_Center_Gym
OleDbCommand cmd1 = new OleDbCommand("select nID Restaurant+''+Spa+''+Parking+''+Bar_Pub+''+Fitness_Center_Gym AS Facility from add_property where ncity='" + DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text + "'", con);
DropDownList2.DataValueField = "nID";
DropDownList2.DataTextField = "Facility";
View 9 Replies
Oct 13, 2010
I am placing a dropdown list in the footer of a DataGrid like this:
In my code behind file, in the myDDL_OnLoad event handler, I call to the database, populate a SqlDataReader, and set the DDL's datasource to that datareader. I define what data columns should be used for the DataValueField and DataTextField of the dropdownlist. Then I call the DropDownList's DataBind() method. Everything works without error. But, when the dropdownlist is displayed, it has blank lines in it.
By that, I mean if 8 records are loaded into the dropdownlist, it will expand to a size appropriate for 8 rows but, it will be empty. there is no text in it.
Has anyone seen this type of behavior before? This dropdownlist is in the footer of a dynamically loaded ajax update panel so, it is difficult to see the source code to see what values are in the html element rendered to represent the dropdown.
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Nov 2, 2010
in the gridview,have an AutoGenerateEditButton,when user click on edit buttoncolumn A will show out dropdownlist (Y/N) to select then it able to update to the database.can i do like when user selected "Y" in the dropdownlist column B can automatically update also. based on the selected value.Y - agree,N- disagree user selected Y in column A column B automatically input text "agree"i dont know how to google about this issue.
View 25 Replies
Feb 10, 2011
i have a web page, with some filters using dropdownlist, and when i select items from these dropdownlist, a gridview appear showing data from a sql server. The idea is that when i select an item, from the first or second drop down list, in a textbox appear for example the name of the item i choose from the dropdownlist.
I use only VB and not C#.
View 5 Replies
Sep 9, 2010
I'm trying to understand how to build a self referencing model for hierachical data. Eventually i will be creating a category tree.
I don't anything in tables yet. After I have the structure nailed down then I will create the tables. My existing Object is defined like this:
public class Categories
View 1 Replies
May 20, 2010
I want to learn how to show html in a situation of a tabular format to One To Manyto make me understand I have the categories and subcategories for each category I wish we were all subcategories.I tried with a DataList, but the categories repeated for each subcategoryIs there a way to do it. For example in asp.net mvc I wrote everything in aspx page
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Dec 13, 2010
how to create hierarchical grid using c#
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Mar 30, 2010
i am created a Template for showing dropdownlist when i used the Template by this code
<%= Html.Editor("ItemStatusID", "ItemStatusList")%>
i did see a text box no dropdownlist this is my Template
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