Web Forms :: How To Separate Applications And Master Layouts

Feb 18, 2010

What would be a suitable way to share a Master layout and css/image resources across seperate websites applications on the same server.

Primarily, an update to the Master layout application must not require all the other applications to be rolled out again, they must seemlessly update.

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.net - Two Web Applications In The Same Solution - How Can I Keep Them Separate?

Mar 22, 2010

I have two web applications in the same solution.They both use different membership/profile and role providers.They are named differently. When I run the solution, and visit one website, and login everything is fine.I then go to the other website, it thinks I am already logged in and the profile provider tries to load profile properties that do not exist.How can I keep them separate, so when I try to log in on one site, it doesn't think I'm still logged in on the other.

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Web Forms :: Use A Single Master Page For Numerous Web Applications?

Jan 14, 2011

I maintain a local government website and we have 3 developers and each one develops various web applications. Each web application has it's own directory structure under a folder called "Apps". There may also be another level of folders under the Apps folder. My trial approach at the moment is to have a folder called "Apps/Common/Master" which contain the MyMaster.master page. I have another folder called "Apps/Test/MasterTest" which I have setup a project to use the Master file in the Apps/Common/Master folder. I looked at some information about sharing Master Pages in the MSDN documentation and it mentioned creating a virtual directory and I tried creating a virtual directory "Apps/Test/Master" which points to "Apps/Common/Master" but from Visual Studio it doesn't show up and so when I try to reference the Master Page it can't find it.

My goal is to have a single Master page that we all use that we maintain in a single place and any changes to the single Master Page will be reflected in all of the applications that reference that master page. I don't want to copy the Master page to each project because then modifying the original master page won't update the copies.

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Forms Data Controls :: Listview Master Detail On Separate Pages?

Nov 14, 2010

I made my own master-detail pages using a listview. Rather than url, I use a listview event to set a session variable and response.redirect to the detail page, which on Page Load, loads the data from the database using the session variable, where it can then be edited. The details page is basically just text boxes and dropdownlists, but I used some third party controls and it all looks really sharp.

Here is the corner I pained myself into. Several dependent dropdowns on the master page filter the main listview. If I go back to the master page using response.redirect, the user would have to use the dropdowns again just to get back to where they were before they went to the details page. This is just not going to work.

To further complicate things, I wanted the master page to have paging on it. So if a back button reloads the page, they would have to set the dropdowns again, and page through the data again if needed. Egads.

The closest I have come to working is using a javascript back back button, but this fails after some postbacks on the details page (that are needed). And of course, the master page isn't refreshed when you go back to it (but I could probably live with that).

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Web Forms :: How To Share Master Pages / Ascx Files Across Applications

Nov 11, 2010

We are developing a framework which will be shared accross applications. What is the best way to share master pages, user controls accross applications by preventing other developers to modify the master pages and the user controls ?

Is the following way suitable one ? Embedding masterpages and the user controls in a dll and using VirtualPathProvider to load the master pages and user controls dynamically.

But in this approach developers can not view the design. Is there any other way to convert master pages and user controls to a different format as developers can able to view design?

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How To Use Sharepoint Master Page In A Separate Application As Parent Master Page

Sep 29, 2010

Is it possible to inherit a sharepoint master page(as a parent) in another application's master page which will be treated as child (i.e. after integrating that standalone application with the sharepoint application)? I am totally new to Sharepoint..

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How To Display Master-Child Relation In Two Separate Grids

Jun 27, 2010

How to display Master-Child relation in two separate grids.


Products table: (Master table with productid as primary key)
Productid, ProdDesc

Item table: (Child table with productid as foreign key)
ItemId, ItemDesc, Productid

On selecting a row in Master, all rows related to that productsid should get displayed in the child grid. We need to link the two events.

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Web Forms :: Creating Layouts With Templates And Dynamic Content?

Jan 7, 2011

i am working on a project in which i have to create newsletters. We wish to give user functionality of editing the complete layout ( drag and drop if possible) I am able to achieve drag and drop with web parts but can't customise them much like adding richtext box and saving multiple copies of same page with different layouts. I then wish to enable user to send the html only part of page which contains dynamic layout.

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Jun 14, 2010

My application requirement is, there should be different Layout themes (not only colors but also controls can be at different location), which user can easily change. How I can do that?

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Jan 14, 2010

I have access to two seperate databases (mySQL) located on two servers. I need to get the data, link the tables on a key field and display the results in a datagrid. My challenge is that if the search criteria changes for the display it affects rows returned from on table and should thus automatically affect the linked table and resulting data returned.

what the best approach would be to achieving this? So far I have set up a dataset with a dataadapter and table for each connection and then linked the tables in the dataset. The problem that I'm having is getting the linked resultsets to work.

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Jun 24, 2010

What I'm tryin to achieve now is to apply a different layout dependingon which user is logged. However, I cannot do any of this kind of conditional logic in the page itself. What I was thinking was an action filter that tests the current user, and if they are logged in applies one layout to the view and if they are not applies a different layout to the view.

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Different Layouts Within 1 Site?

Feb 9, 2011

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What we need is 2 different layouts on the site. Can I easily have two layouts with different master pages on the same site?

What's the best way to do that?

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Create Table Less Layouts?

May 19, 2010

I am a .Net developer with almost 4 years of experience. Until now I have been using tables for creating layouts of my websites and I am quite experienced with this technique. I have been trying to design table less (CSS based) designs for the past few months and I have acquired a lot of knowledge about CSS. However, I feel that if the design is very complex or needs out of the box thinking than I am unable to create such layouts. I have read many books and seen many videos but most of them will create layouts of designs that are fairly straight forward and not too complex. Can anyone guide me to a complete book or training that can satisfy my needs and also teach me the thought process behind implementing CSS layouts.

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Drag And Drop UI Layouts Using JQuery

Feb 17, 2011

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I also learnt that jQuery approach is preffered, but I would like to know how can I create such zones in my application and also save these zones per user (in the D so that when the new request comes for that user their preferred layout is displayed? I basically want to know if there are some tutorials on creating persistable drag and drop zones using jQuery.

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MVC :: Cannot Define Section When Using Nested Layouts

Nov 15, 2010

Is this a defect with Razor nested layouts?

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MVC :: Separate Login Page From Master Page?

Mar 27, 2011

i am using mvc3 and razor view engine,

when i request login page, the page views in master page. i do not want to this. because i am making an admin page so the page must be free from master page.

i will design a new page for login that included username and password inputs.

aspx view engine includes Page Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage but razor view does not include

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Asp - Implementing Layouts In Multi Tenant Site

Mar 10, 2010

I'm after a bit of advice on how to handle a multi tenant site in ASP.NET from a UI perspective. What I want to be able to offer is a choice of layouts to the client i.e.

Layout 1: Navigation horizontal at the top. Search results in a table in the middle. Some text at the bottom.

Layout 2: Navigation vertical on the left. Some text in the middle. Search results at the bottom

Layout 3, Layout 4, Layout x etc...

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WCF / ASMX :: Building Services To Work With Web Applications And Console Applications?

Jun 7, 2010

I've been worked with web services so far, and I'm interested in expanding my services to console applications as well so I started digging up with WCF but I'm conserned that I won't be able to use the HttpContext collection that I've been used to do with web services one important thing which is to generate a random value from HttpContext.Current.Request.ServerVariables["ALL_HTTP"] that I need to reckon if it's the same or at least near what machine that is calling my service. How can I overcome this problem?

I need to know what machine is calling to count the number of attempts to login into my system for example. So must do it inside of the svc code otherwise if I let the client inform what ip address or what computer he is using, anyone could forge this argument and surpass by another machine. May be I'm approaching this matter wrongly. And I should count the number of attempts per state session, but how is it done?

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Apr 28, 2010

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MVC :: How To Separate Project Into Separate Layers

Feb 2, 2010

I am beginner to ASP.NET MVC.

We are doing project in Asp.Net MVC and Nhibernate.

How to seperate my project in to layers ? how to design classes ?

should i followany patterns ? repository patterns ?

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Configuration :: Deploying Web Applications With Sub Web Applications?

Apr 22, 2010

Our corporate intranet is designed so that each web application is a child application in the primary application.. Everything has worked fine with Visual Studio 2008 and even in 2010 running the website locally works great, the output directory for the child apps is ..in and the ProjectName.dll copies to that directory.. When I do a publish however it does not and I have to manually copy the dll from the bin folder in the project folder to the parent bin folder, this isn't hard of course but more of a pain in the butt each time I need to publish something. I made sure the output directory is correct for both debug and release yet on publish is just copies it to the child bin and not the parent bin as needed.

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Web Forms :: Use Master Page Which Is Placed Outside The Folder / Error ~/Mymaster.master"?

Mar 20, 2010

I have a page inside my folder ( say Admin Folder , Page1.aspx ) and I want to use the Master Page which is placed Outside the folder.

with Intellisense I am getting like this ~/Mymaster.master", but at run time it is throwing an error.

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Web Forms :: Changes In Master Page Does Not Apply To Nested Master Pages

Aug 4, 2010

I got a Master page and nested master pages in the subfolders.

Top Level Master page

Second Level Master page inherited Top Level Master page

Third Level Master page inherited Second Level Master page

However, changes (i.e. new images & alt. name) that I made in the Top level master page did not apply to the second or third levels.My webpage has a correct front page but not in the sections. How can i correct this ?

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Web Forms :: The Master Page File '....submaster.master' Is Not Valid.

Feb 2, 2010

I am working on masterPage/sub masterpages, all worked fine until this morning.When I open a .aspx which uses masterpages, in the design view it shows the error message..

I've checked both master pages several times, all tags are matched and visual stuido itself doesn't indicate any errors. Also in debug mode the html page is generated without any problems..

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