Usage Of .net Server Controls In .net Mvc?

Dec 22, 2010

usage of server controls in mvc. The question is like can we use server controls in the mvc? If server controls cannot be used in mvc is it a limitation of mvc model? If it is a limitation then how to use more number of controls(like server controls)

I have a question in the controller like, controller defines controllerActions. If the controller action method is non-action method, then how to call that nonaction method?I have one more question like, usage of HTTPPost in mivc?can we have a button click action without a HTTPPost attribute to my controlleraction method?

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But,i am assigned for web part.we are using like this.first,we create get set
properties for person data

public class Person
public int personID {get;set;}
public string personName {get;set;}
public string nric {get;set;}

and then after login,we put data in that class and we use RedirectToAction method like this,

return RedirectToAction("profile","person",new { personID = Person.personID});

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Feb 25, 2010

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HttpModule with hooked AddOnPreRequestHandlerExecuteAsync events.

I do not want to use the XPathDocument unless there are no other possible optimizations. It would take some complicated code to get all the XML together without the ability to write to the XmlDocument. There is additional XML that does not come from the web service that must also be added to the document.

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What Is Normal Memory Usage Of A Mvc Website

Feb 16, 2011

I have really tried to Google it but only articles about how to troubleshoot memory issues come up. Before I start to troubleshoot, I would like to know if my web site's memory usage is really abnormal or not.

So it is an mvc 2 website that runs on IIS 7.5 in production. I guess normal memory usage depends upon traffic, so here are the numbers of an average day:

300 unique visitor
400 visits
3000 page views

I would be really happy to get some idea how much is the normal memory usage for this traffic. Also I would be curious to know how memory usage normally increases with traffic growth.

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Correct Usage Of Response.Write() In C#?

Jan 3, 2011

I am trying to force a download of an XML file when the user visits a page.

This is the code I am using

public partial class GenerateTemplate : LayoutsPageBase
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Going about generating my XML
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=template.xml");

I am facing a problem that my download window hangs indefinitely, without ever completing the download/Open of the file.

What am I doing wrong? Am I not disposing any objects or closing any connections here?

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