ADO.NET :: Adding 2 Additional Fields To SQLBulkCopy?

Mar 9, 2011

I'm successfully using SqlBulkCopy to import spreadsheet data.

I am trying to add 2 additional fields,'UserID' and the specific 'employerID' whom they're logged in as.

Both these ID's are on the page. However how do I tag them on to my column mappings statement?

These ID's aren't on the spreadsheet but I need to know whose imported the data and from where

The columnMappings structure:


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C# - Adding Additional Fields To The Login Feature?

Mar 21, 2011

I have a application that i am creating in i need to be able to update a new column in the table users which is set up automatic with a project. I am trying to add a address line to the code

This is code that i have so far

TextBox address1TextBox =
TextBox userNameTextBox =

how i would even update this column in the user table that i have.

how i could update the address line1 table in the database that comes with a visual studio 2010 project.

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C# - Adding Additional Input Fields Dynamically (similar To SO Careers)?

Jan 12, 2011

Similar to the "add more experience" functionality in [URL], I want to provide a "Add another location" link which should display an additional row of a set of 4 dropdowns (country, state, city, region). I'm actually using the CascadingDropDown jQuery Plugin for ASP.NET MVC [URL] for my location dropdown functionality, but I need to give the user the ability to add multiple locations. What would be the easiest way to handle this in ASP.NET MVC and jQuery?

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Using Createuserwizard Control Adding Additional Fields To Create A User Registration Form

Mar 17, 2010

I want to create a user registration form, I used the CreateUserWizard control, and i intend to add more filed with the wizard interface, the fields were firstname,lastname, telephone all these with the textBox control and sex-male or female with a radioButton control, and upload photo with the FileUpload control.

After a successfull submit to the sql database, i should be able to retrieve all this informtion inluding the photo uploaded in another aspx page using any of the data control in y toolbox and resizein the photo to be 100/100 pixel size. pls could you write out the code (step by step details) to follow to implement all this in my 3.5 c# website. I have already created a table in my database, using userId as my ForeignKey.

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Using SqlBulkCopy To Restore Tables From Xml Backups/Timeout Expired With SqlBulkCopy

Dec 26, 2010

I'm using SqlBulkCopy to restore tables from xml backups. One of the table backup is ~200MB large and has a lot of records.

I'm having error:

Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.

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Security :: Best Way To Add Additional Fields To CreateUserWizard

Sep 21, 2010

I'm using the ASP.NET Membership system to add new users to my site. It's working fine. But I'd like to force the user to enter additional required information (on a different aspx page) before they can successfully complete the registration process. What is the easiest way to direct and force the user to complete a different page of fields (stored in SQL in columns located on the same table as the basic membership fields) as a condition of completing the registration process?

In searching different sites, I see additional properties and templates like Wizard Steps, Continue button, Finish button---but I'm not clear as to which of these (perhaps none of them?) will allow me to accomplish this goal.

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Custom Role Provider - Additional Fields - Represent Multi - Layered Security Model

Apr 4, 2011

There are multiple roles. (Role A, Role B etc) There are multiple input/output fields. (Field A, Field B etc) There are multiple permission levels controlling access to each field. (Read, Direct Edit, Edit With Approval, None) Each role has its own permissions to fields. (Role A has Read Permission to Field A; Role B has Direct Edit permission to Field A etc) Every role can be assigned to users and they are assigned by Geographic information. (User A is assigned to Role A for Continent: Europe - Country: Germany; User B is assigned to Role A for Continent: Europe - Country: France; User A is assigned to Role B for Continent: Europe - Country: France etc) Users can have multiple roles User identity is coming from Windows Authentication.

is it possible to represent this type of kind of multi-layered security model using ASP.NET internal membership/role providers? If so, what should my starting point be? Creating only custom role provider with custom methods and fields be enough?

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JQuery :: Adding Additional Code To JTemplate?

Oct 27, 2010

I have following function to apply the jTemplate, I was wondering if there a way to append an additional HTML around this code

function Success(data, status) {

like adding a table, ul and ui tag etc, I tried append without any success:

function Success(data, status) {

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Security :: Using Membership And Adding Additional Information - Creating BO?

May 18, 2010

I would like to know simple thing, If i'm adding additional information to UserProfile such as: Country, PhoneNumber etc'.. So, I added a Table In my DB (which also Got all Membership Provider tables...)

UserProfile, and added Stored Procedures for it for Insert / Update... I would like to know, If I need to create in Business Object a Class for Profile Only? (Cause the User is managed Already by the Membership Provider) And Create for it Also in Business Logic -> ProfileManager with Methods that will use the Stored Procedures to Update and Insert Details? Do I need to do it like this? Or there is another way? What's the right way doing it?

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C# - Forms Authentication Adding Additional Information Alongwith ReturnUrl?

Oct 12, 2010

With Forms Authentication when the app needs to redirect to sign-in page is there an event or any extensibility point that will let me do additional work to the request before it redirects to the sign-in page?

I would like to send additional information in the query string that could vary such that it wouldn't work to just statically embed that in the link in the loginUrl node in the web.config.

Edit: For clarification, I want to intercept the request prior to being redirected TO the login page.


<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms loginUrl="http://the/interwebs/login.aspx" timeout="2880"
enableCrossAppRedirects="true" />

And prior the user being redirected to http://the/interwebs/login.aspx I would like to be able to pack in query values so the url could end up something like http://the/interwebs/login.aspx?Action=Refresh

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GridView Adding Additional Rows In Row Data Bound Event

Nov 1, 2012

I have a gridview that I bind on Page Load event.In the rowdatabound event I want to add a row to the gridview and bind it based on the value of the current record.The row is not being added. Is there a way to bind the extra row in the rowdatabound event?

Private Sub grdDocuments_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs) Handles grdDocuments.RowDataBound
If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then
Dim dt As DataTable
Dim dv As DataView = grdDocuments.DataSource


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Can Manage Without Adding An Additional Label For The Valid State(by Setting The Visibility: True/false)

Jun 14, 2010

I have a validator that check an input.

i what that the validator displayed "valid" if the value is valid, and "invalid" if the value is hasnt passed the validation.

can manage without adding an additional label for the valid state(by setting the visibility: true/false)?

does the validator control has am alternative value, or i have to override it?

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Access :: Insert Not Working - Adding Additional Parameters To Insert From DetailsView

Jul 13, 2010

Getting the message that ObjectDataSource ... count not find a non-generic method ... that has parameters ... The parameter list is fine until I get to the very end and it list the two data fields that are in my DetailsView. Using the ASP Tutorial #17 (Examining the Events Associated with Inserting, Updating, and Deleting) and the Exploring the Data Modification - specifically the one showing the INSERT of the Product Name and UnitPrice. ASPX page is pretty simple and attempting something similar, two fields to insert a new record - update the other fields later.

Full Error Message follows along with ASPX and the AsignaturasBLL.cs. Interesting thing is that when I swap the two fields in the DetailView, then the last two fields in the error message are swapped. In the error message I bolded these two fields.


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Architecture :: Adding Data Fields On The Fly?

Feb 10, 2010

I have a web app that is tracking basic medical provider demographica information (name, address, phone). If our client requests us to include gender and DOB as the fields tracked, can this be done on the fly without compiling and publishing my web app?

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Custom CreateUserWizard Adding 2 Fields At The Same Time?

Feb 23, 2011

I am attempting to customise the CreateUserWizard by following it in my book, but when I come to reference them in code behind I get an error saying 'FieldName is not declared' for each field i'm adding, they are present in the page with the correct ID's, am I doing something wrong?I am only trying to add a firstName and lastName field to the bottom of the CreateUserWizard and remove the need to a security question.

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Adding New Fields To Create User Wizard?

Dec 9, 2010

i m trying to add new field named mobile in my create user wizard control for that in my web.config i add

enabled ="true">properties>add
name ="Mobile"
type ="string"/>properties>profile>

in my create user wizard using edit template i add one textbox named 'txtmobile'

nd in my cs i write

ProfileCommon p = (ProfileCommon)ProfileCommon.Create(CreateUserWizard2.UserName,
TextBox txtM = ((TextBox)CreateUserWizard2.CreateUserStep.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("txtMobile"));
p.Mobile = txtM.Text;
//p.Mobile = ((TextBox)CreateUserWizard2.CreateUserStep.ContentTemplateContainer.FindControl("txtMobile")).Text;

but it throws the error of 'object reference' nd also let me know how to store that field in db?

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Security :: Adding Fields To The Register User?

Jul 16, 2010

I'm using VS 2010 and have a default Register User page. I want to add a few more fields to the default user name, passwor, email.These fields need to be saved to a different table than the apsnet_Users table. I figured I could do this in the CreatedUser event but don't know how to access the text box controls I added - for example First name, last name and so on.

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Adding Fields After User Presses A Button?

Jun 29, 2010

I'm just starting out with ASP.NET and I'm not sure how to go about the following:users have to input a part number into a text field. Sometimes they only have to input 1 part number, sometimes 50. I want to have 1 text field where they input the first part number, and if they have another one, they press a "more" button. Then, a new text field appears right beneath the first one. IF they have more part numbers, they just press the more button again... Is there a way to do this? If so, can someone give me any tips or hints on how to approach this?

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Security :: Adding Data Fields To The Aspnet_membership?

Jan 26, 2011

I added new profile in the webconfig file. Also added extra fields in CreateUserWizard.

Web config:

<authentication mode="Forms" />
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.0" />
<pages theme="Theme1" />
<profile enabled="true">
<add name="Country" type="string"/>

Cs code:

public void CreateUserWizard1_CreatedUser(object sender, EventArgs e)
Profile.Country = Text1.Text;
//also tried doing:
ProfileCommon p = (ProfileCommon)ProfileCommon.Create(CreateUserWizard1.UserName, true);
p.Country = Text1.Text;

The Profile/ProfileCommon gives me an error "missing assembly/Profile doesn't exsit"

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C# - Dynamically Adding Text Fields On C# 2008 Page?

Feb 24, 2010

My C# web app requires the user to enter automobile information. The user can add information for one auto, or more (max 20).

My page has these text fields: Car Number, Car Make, Car Year, Mileage, VIN I have a button that allows the user to "Add More Cars" is to allow the user to add more than one car.

When the user clicks "Add More Cars", how can I dynamically display the text boxes, and keep track of how many cars the user has added (in order to load them to an array and write to database)

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Adding Fields?

Feb 24, 2011

are below all 3 points the same?


<asp:button ....>

</boundfield> [code].....

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DataSource Controls :: Adding 2 Fields Together And Inserting Into A Database?

Jul 6, 2010

I have an SQL datasource that successfully enters customer details into a table. What it includes is the persons address. First of all we add the persons address, then we add the persons name to that address in a seperate physical procedure. i.e. on a different form.

What I need to do is try and stop users entering the same address twice. The way I have thought of doing this is by making a string field called AddressIdentity and have this contain the door number and the postcode of the address with all the spaces stripped out. Then when adding the address, it checks if this exists before adding it. However I cannot work out how to put the 2 fields together without using the codebehind file, which I don't mind doing if I need to, but I'm sure its avoidable.

Here is my code - I have only included the relevant parts:

InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [tbl_shop_client_addresses] ([FlatNo], [Address1], [Address2], [Town], [County], [Postcode],
[Country], [Telephone], [DoorNo]) VALUES (@FlatNo, @Address1, @Address2, @Town, @County, @Postcode, @Country, @Telephone, @DoorNo)"

So how do I do it? I was trying:

InsertCommand="INSERT INTO [tbl_shop_client_addresses] ([FlatNo], [Address1], [Address2], [Town], [County], [Postcode],
[Country], [Telephone], [DoorNo], [AddressIdentity]) VALUES (@FlatNo, @Address1, @Address2, @Town, @County, @Postcode, @Country, @Telephone, @DoorNo, @Postcode + @DoorNo)"

but of course AddressIdentity is a string. Do I use ' ' marks with an & sign? Or can't I do this?? Maybe I need to use the codebehind anyway to see if the field exists before inserting it?

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DataSource Controls :: Adding An Id Field Based On Other Fields

May 16, 2010

ive a DB in access with a single table and no primary key, actually i dont need a primary key but i can consider a date field plus another to make an index. however i want to add a counter field based on every change of date field, for instance ill have many records of 20/May and all must have the same id then when the date is different, the next group of records with that new date must show 2 etc.. is it a quick way to update my database?

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Adding Fields In Crytal Report Select Expert?

Jul 14, 2010

i am uisng 2.0 built in crystal report .i already have the connection made and some fileds already on the report. i need to add few more fields to the the existing set of fields from database in the server explorer i have the field that i need but i am not able to drag drop on the crystal do i add the field from datatable to crystal report

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Adding Multiple Fields Dynamically By Clicking Button Or Link

Mar 23, 2011

my requirement is i want to add education details having three fields

1) name of school
2)name of city

some persons will studied only in one school . some in 2 . aome in 3. how to add dynamically .and after that i want to show the data to admin .if there is 2 means i want to display 2 school informa

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