ADO.NET :: EF 4.0 Not Displaying Changes Made Directly From SQL Server

Oct 23, 2010

I have an aspx application using Entity Framework 4.0 and SQL Server 2008. Everything works fine. It's an internal application, so we developed a basic backend for routine maintenance. Some minor data updates are done directly into the SQL Server using SQL Management Studio... the problem is those changes are not reflected in the application! Only after reseting the web service or the server, the new data is displayed.

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Similar Messages:

SQL Server :: Displaying Data/work In Code Or Directly Return The Required Data

Dec 21, 2010

I am using VB.NET & SQL Server. My sproc returns something like this which I need to display on my web page as below:

sproc returns:

ClientNumber ClientName Product
100SON Sony TV
100SON Sony DVD Player
100SON Sony Cell Phone
200KEN Kenmoore Microwave
200KEN Kenmoore Dryer

Now based on these data, I need to display some information like below on label in the web page:

100SON - Sony - TV, DVD Player, Cell Phone
200KEN - Kenmoore - Microwave, Dryer

I need you advice on this.What would be the best way to do this?

(1) I can work further on this data in code to generate the required data or

(2) I can work further in the sproc itself to directly return the required data

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Forms Data Controls :: Directly Reading And Displaying Excel Or CSV File Using Asp Web Controls?

Oct 19, 2010

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The Login Is Made Automatically By The Name Of Mssql Server Connection ?

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Configuration :: What Changes Must Be Made To Web.config File For Uploading To Hosing Server

Mar 1, 2011

I created my application using binded to MySQL database and every thing is working fine.

I used connection strings and normal connections defined in the code as mysqlconnection.

I uploaded all pages and database to the webserver, but the data is not accessed.

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Access Sql Server Without Directly Permission In Domain?

Apr 15, 2010

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Can Edit An Office Document Directly From SQL Server

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I would like to build a Shared Documents Library in ASP .Net and SQL Server but I have a problem, the customer wants to open the documents (stored in SQL Server) in Office UI and when save it, the document should be saved directly in database like SharePoint Server.

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Can't Send SMS Directly As Web Server - Doesn't Allow To Browsing Other Sites

Feb 13, 2011

Session("CellNo") = New List(Of String)() From { _
"CellNo1", _
"CellNo2" _
Session("SMSMess") = New List(Of String)() From { _
"Messagetext1", _
"Messagetext2" _
' Popup window.
' Generate many iframes to send SMS.
Dim CellNo As List(Of String) = DirectCast(Session("CellNo"), List(Of String))
Dim SMSMess As List(Of String) = DirectCast(Session("SMSMess"), List(Of String))
For i As Integer = 0 To CellNo.Count - 1
Dim url As String = [URL]
?usr=USERID&pwd=PASSHERE&sndr=SENDERID&ph=" & CellNo(i).Trim() & "&text=" & SMSMess(i).Trim() & "&rpt=1"
Response.Write("<iframe frameborder=""0"" height=""1px"" width=""1px"" src=""" & url & """ />") Next

I'm using above Code to send SMS. For some reason I can't send SMS Directly as my web server doesn't allow to browsing other sites. But above code sending only 1 SMS.

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Copying/transferring Files Directly From Client To Ftp Server?

Mar 5, 2010

is there any way to copy/transfer files directly from client to ftp server through my web application? user will select files through fileupload control.

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SQL Server :: Delete Entry Directly In Any Aspnet_* Table?

Jul 29, 2010

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DataSource Controls :: Saving A File From FileUpload Directly To SQL Server

Jun 7, 2010

I have a table with a varbinary(MAX) column. I want to use the FileUpload control to save the file directly there by a stored procedure. How do you do it without using SaveAs to create a temporary file first?

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Configuration :: View .aspx Pages Directly On The Server (localhost)?

Apr 22, 2010

I have hosted my project in the remote server. i pasted all the dlls & all the necessary files into inetpub->wwwroot ->httpdocs->(pasted all files). In the server we have .net framework 3.5 and IIS 6.0

Now I just want to check whether my files are running locally on the server. So I did the following. Just opened the IIS, made the httpdocs folder as a virtual directory. And then I clicked the httpdocs.It displayed all the files it has in the right side pane. Then I right clicked the default.aspx and then I clicked browse. Now the browser opened with the URL http://localhost/httpdocs/default.aspx. But I could not able to see the aspx page.It just shows "The page is not found"

But when I tried the same steps for opening a .html page it works fine (http://localhost/httpdocs/test.html) I can able to view the html pages.

Whether I need to configure anything on the IIS.... What should I do to view the .aspx files

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IIS Configuration :: How To Protect Files And Folders On Server So That No One Can Access Directly

Mar 14, 2014

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Mobiles :: Connecting To Localhost And Also Directly To SQL Server 2005 From A Mobile Device

Jan 23, 2010

Is it possible to connect to SQL Server 2005 ( not SQL Server 2005 CE) from a mobile device?

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C# - Save The Generated Pdf Directly To The Server Directory Folder Without User Prompt?

Nov 23, 2010

A friend of mine gave me this task so I can learn advance programming a little bit easier. I am currently doing convertion of an html page to pdf using itext sharp and email the pdf as an attachement. My idea is to save the pdf first to the server machine in the folder name ToBeEmailedPDF folder before using it as an email attachment. The thing that bothers me is that this dialog as what you can see in the picture shows up using the code that I have below.


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Forms Data Controls :: Directly Send PDF Mail From Microsoft Report Or Automatically Save PDF On Server?

Feb 22, 2010

it's possible to directly send a PDF mail from microsoft report, or automatically save PDF report on server.

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Displaying Tables On New Server

May 1, 2012

I have created an ASP web program on one server, when I move over to another server, all of the tables turn into lists, which is causing some problems. Below is my code on the original server

HTML Code:
class="right-col" /></div>

<span id="FFBFPrimaryLabel" class="left-col">Does your organization consider xxx?*</span>
<table id="RadioFFBFPrimary" class="right-col-radio" border="0">
<td><input id="RadioFFBFPrimary_0" type="radio" name="RadioFFBFPrimary" value="Yes" /><label for="RadioFFBFPrimary_0">Yes</label></td>


Basically I need to know how to prevent my code from changing my tables to lists, as you can see has happened above when i copied directory over to new server.

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SQL Server :: Truncate URL While Displaying Data?

Dec 3, 2010

I have a column([URL]) in my Table ([Titles]) it has url's with different lengths, I want to display the URL (only till start of the query string ) in Gridview from this column

Eg: -- is the original one in DB and i want output to be like ( only till the ?). I know how to do this via C# code but I am drawing blank on how to do this in a query or Stored Proc.

it has url's with different lengths, I want to display the URL (only till start of the query string ) in Gridview from this column

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Web Forms :: Displaying Image From SQL Server?

Jan 3, 2011

I have a database which has a 'image' column. (Binary data)I want to read this column and then display this image.I got this part:


This is the button to display when clicked.This part:



This part is the server side handler....BUT IT GIVES ME "parameter is not valid." ERROR....

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Chart Not Displaying Data When Run On Server

Mar 30, 2013

I have a website that is written in VB.NET (Visual Web Developer 2010 Express.) One aspx page has a Chart control that accesses a MySQL database on my server Windows Server 2008 R2, IIS 7.

When run on the development machine (my laptop) the Chart displays the data correctly. However, when the website is copied to my server, the chart does not display the data, but the chart is rendered.

My code to load the data:

Do Until MyDayCount = MyDayEnd
Dim Sql As String = "SELECT SUM(DiffWatt) FROM consumptrans WHERE Day='" & MyDayCount & "' AND Month='" & MyPreviousMonth & "' AND Year='" & MyPrevYear & "'AND ClientID='" & UserName & "'"
cmd = New MySqlClient.MySqlCommand(Sql, con)

[Code] ....

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SQL Server :: Displaying Multiple Data In Textbox?

Mar 31, 2011

I have TextBox1, TextBox2, Button search, button delete. Example; When user type value in TextBox1 english language "what is your name", and in TextBox2 should display the translation example in Malay language "siapa nama kamu".

Below is my C# Code and when i try below code it only display one word. What should i add in this code?


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Configuration :: Server Controls Are Not Displaying In Website

Apr 12, 2010

I have done project in ASP.NET2005 Using(VB.NET) But afetr moving files to live the server controls are not displaing in website.

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Web Forms :: User Control Not Displaying In Server?

Jul 9, 2010

i have designed a usercontrol (ascx) and it was ran on local machine, i have uploaded that into the server after that its not displaying on the aspx pages, i have uploaded all the images, scripts, aspx, ascx, dll but i dont know why its not displaying?

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.net - C# - Displaying Server Control Based On How Many Items Are In A Datalist?

Oct 26, 2010

What I'm trying to do is on page load display either of two controls based on how many items are in a datalist. For instance, if the datalist only contains 1 item I want it to display

Literal1.Visible = true;

If there is more than 1 item in the datalist, show

LiteralMulti.Visible = true;

Anyone know how to do this?

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