Configuration :: View .aspx Pages Directly On The Server (localhost)?
Apr 22, 2010
I have hosted my project in the remote server. i pasted all the dlls & all the necessary files into inetpub->wwwroot ->httpdocs->(pasted all files). In the server we have .net framework 3.5 and IIS 6.0
Now I just want to check whether my files are running locally on the server. So I did the following. Just opened the IIS, made the httpdocs folder as a virtual directory. And then I clicked the httpdocs.It displayed all the files it has in the right side pane. Then I right clicked the default.aspx and then I clicked browse. Now the browser opened with the URL http://localhost/httpdocs/default.aspx. But I could not able to see the aspx page.It just shows "The page is not found"
But when I tried the same steps for opening a .html page it works fine (http://localhost/httpdocs/test.html) I can able to view the html pages.
Whether I need to configure anything on the IIS.... What should I do to view the .aspx files
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************** Exception Text **************
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): Не удается найти указанный файл
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Question is how can I view the aspx file in the browser from the website normally without using "View in Browser" in that popup menu in Visual Studio Web Developer? And side note I can't use IIS (don't know if that's important but other places talked about it)
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Jun 10, 2010
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XML Parsing Error: not well-formed Location: file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Desktop/Site/Login.aspx Line Number 1, Column 2:<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Login.aspx.cs" Inherits="_Default" %>
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Jul 21, 2010
I just recently upgraded a site from 3.5 to 4.0. After editing the web.config, creating a new app Pool in IIS, configuring the site to use 4.0 and the new app Pool, I can no longer browse to any default.aspx page without explicitly typing 'default.aspx'. This site was originally written for .NET 2.0, upgraded to 3.5, and finally updated to 4.0 a few days ago.If I try to browse to http://[mysite]/ I see the following error:
Server Error in '/[mysite]' Application.The resource cannot be found. Description:TTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.Requested URL: /Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:4.0.30319; ASP.NET Version:4.0.30319.1However if I browse to http://mysite/default.aspx, everything works fine.
If I undo all the changes made to the web.config, and revert the site back to the app Pool used for 2.0/3.5 the site loads and runs fine. Restarting IIS will solve the problem for an hour to a day, but the issue will always come back. Other sites running on our sever which were not originally made in 2.0, but 3.5, have upgraded to 4.0 without this issue.
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Feb 18, 2010
If I drag a control from the toolbox in Visual Studio (2008+SP1) into an ASPX page I get a proposal for an ID: <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" /> That's nice and helps not to forget to assign an ID. Most of the time I rename the ID like: <asp:Button ID="MySpecialButtonForSpecialTask1" runat="server" Text="Button" />
Now I have a task 2 (3, 4, ..., n) and need a button "MySpecialButtonForSpecialTask2". So I copy and paste the first one with ID="MySpecialButtonForSpecialTask1". That's the result: <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" /> That's not nice since I need to change now "Button1" to "MySpecialButtonForSpecialTask2" but I would prefer to change "MySpecialButtonForSpecialTask1" to "MySpecialButtonForSpecialTask2". Is there any setting or trick in VS to prevent assigning new IDs after copy and paste?
I'm not looking for the option "Tools > Options > Text Editor > HTML> Miscellaneous > Auto ID elements on paste in Source view" since it also turns off creating IDs for controls inserted from the toolbox. I only would like to switch off this when copy & paste.
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Jan 11, 2011
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Jul 29, 2010
I am developing on my local machine, therefore my url is http://localhost/<VirtualDirectory>/ My site is hosted at http://www.<DomainName>.com
For example: my link to css file is <link href="/styles/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
This works fine on on the public site, but breaks on the dev machine because of the addition of the virtual directory level.
I want to add a key to my config file to manage the current location of the site: <add key="CurrentServerLocation" value="http://localhost/<VirtualDirectory>/"/> or
<add key="CurrentServerLocation" value="http://www.<DomainName>.com"/>
Then I want to add the key value to my links, so that I can change the server path in just one location, config file.
For example:
<link href="<#CurrentServerLocation>/styles/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
However, I don't know the correct syntax to add a key value to an aspx page?
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Jun 10, 2010
while i was trying to add my aspx pages(framework2.0) to a precompiled html pages, i get the following error--
The XML page cannot be displayed
Cannot view XML input using XSL style sheet. correct the error and then click the
Refresh button, or try again later.
A name was started with an invalid character. Error processing resource 'file:///D:/Site/Login.aspx'. Line 1, Position 2
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Jun 25, 2013
I have two asp page first is login page. I enter username and password then after submit click goes second page their is a logout option. then thr URL of second page is copy and paste in another browser then it will second page it is not logout,I want to after paste URL it goes Login page.
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Jan 21, 2011
I mean, it's easy to add a Button programmactically to an aspx page, but a server control's event handler probably has to be set early in the page life cycle (maybe before Control.Load event). As a result in reality, are dynamic controls rarely added to apsx pages?I wish there is a way to call postback at the server, so that a event is never too late.
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Jan 8, 2010
this is my first post and you can consider as someone with little knowlage in web development , after stuggling i figured out how to install or activate iis 7 on my vista home primeum , with 3.5 , when i type http://localhost i see the welocme screen of iis 7 , i did this steps inorder to see how a comy for my website look like after i recieved it from the developer by email. i put a copy in a foler in the c://inetpub/wwwroot
in adminstrative tool i opend iis7, under site i right clicked on (default web site) and i clicked (add to virtual directory )where i definded allias and the path for my website folder ( where i stored it in D drive), then i open firefox browser and typed[URL] , nothing showed up in the brower and there was error message, i tried to choose add application instead of add to vitual directoy and defined the allian and path again, guess what i could see my website .
now i recieved the final copy of my website from the developer and i'm so eager to see it after making the impovement , i can not open it , i repeat the same steps as above , i could not open it and i do not know what is wrong or what i missed ,
the error massage i recieved is as follow
Configuration Error Description:
An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request.
Parser Error Message: It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS.
Source Error:
Line 36: ASP.NET to identify an incoming user. Line 37: -->Line 38: <authentication mode="Windows"/>Line 39: <!--Line 40: The <customErrors> section enables configuration
Source File: C:inetpubwwwrootsudan2web.config Line: 38 Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.4200; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.4016
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Jul 15, 2010
I'm trying to make the conversion to Selenium 2, but I seem to have an issue were if I go to, Selenium cant find the elements of my aspx form. I need to have Selenium go directly to This isnt horrible because I can make sure the forms work, but ideally I would like it to complete everything from the users point of view.
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Jan 19, 2010
If I'm writing in-line code on a .aspx page is it possible to override the onLoad of the class that the .aspx is directly inheriting from? Right now if I do the override the base.onLoad inline on the .aspx page it is overriding the "Page" object's onLoad event not the class the .aspx is inheriting from.
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Aug 4, 2010
I Have done one project in asp.net2.0 with and sqlserver 2000.
my website url is coming two times in the addres bar if we click any functionality.
and my website is very very slow why. i have used iframes and ajax extension tools. and 4 usercontrols. waht is the problem. see my project url
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Oct 23, 2010
i a developing a site for my project work.. i wanted to know that can the site hosted on localhost be viewed remotely over internet.
like by giving my current ip address in the place of
"local host/website1/default.aspx.."
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May 7, 2015
after installing ssl for a website (by host admin)
all of pages are https now,
I need one http page? it is related to programming or iis?
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Aug 20, 2010
I created a web application using,c# and My sql.i have to run that application in local host. how can i run in local host.
i have to deploy it
and i want to make it as dll file and i want to configure with iis5.1
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