.net - C# - Displaying Server Control Based On How Many Items Are In A Datalist?

Oct 26, 2010

What I'm trying to do is on page load display either of two controls based on how many items are in a datalist. For instance, if the datalist only contains 1 item I want it to display

Literal1.Visible = true;

If there is more than 1 item in the datalist, show

LiteralMulti.Visible = true;

Anyone know how to do this?

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Name: '<%#Eval("ElementName")%>'

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<asp:SiteMapDataSource ID="SiteMapDataSource1" runat="server" ShowStartingNode="false" />
<asp:Menu ID="Menu" runat="server" DataSourceID="SiteMapDataSource1" Orientation="Horizontal"
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[Code] .....

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Code Like

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<h2 style="background-color: #CCC; font-size: 16px; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight: 400;" class="heading">Brand</h2>
<asp:DataList ID="DataList5" runat="server" Style="font-weight: 700; color: #CC33FF; background-color: #66FFCC;" Height="100px" Width="122px">


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Actually I have a datalist in which I am binding product name and product description and there is a hyperlink.

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hyperlink text should be login to view 

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User/server Control With Custom List Items / Create A Simple Menu User Control

Feb 18, 2011

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The attached code results in an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error, but I can't figure out why.

<%@ Master Language="VB" CodeFile="MySite.master.vb" Inherits="MySite" %>
<%@ Register src="Controls/Menu.ascx" tagname="Menu" tagprefix="my" %>
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">......

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Access Items From Datalist?

May 1, 2010

How to access to Label5 from behind page file(default.aspx.cs)?

<asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" />
<asp:HyperLink ID="HyperLink1" CssClass="nav_url_odg" runat="server"><%# Eval("user") %></asp:HyperLink> <span class="odgovorio">je odgovorio:</span><br />
<asp:Label ID="Label5" runat="server" Text=""></asp:Label></div>
<br /></div> </div>

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Sql Server 2008 - Repeater Control For Displaying Images And Associated Names?

Oct 24, 2010

I want to implement an image gallery in asp.net/C#. I am using sql server 2008, visual studio 2010 and .NET 4.0.

I have made a webpage and now want to display 6 images as thumbnails (and their names just below the thumbnails) at the center of the page. The format of the display is something like this:


Basic operation is like this:

I pull images from a database and then display them as above as thumbnails. The 1 2 3 Next> are links depending on whether there are more than 6 images pulled from the DB. So basically the numbering 1 2 3 4 Next> is dynamic depending on how many images exist. Can anyone give me a basic overview of how this an be achieved? Should I be using a asp:Repeater or a asp:DataList for this kind of a display?

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C# - What Are The Possibilities Of Displaying Items In A Listbox

Jan 13, 2011

I've been trying to figure out for a long time now how to create an interface that can allows users to input several rows of data and pass those entries into an SQL server database all in one shot. I could not get any better ideas so I came up with this (see picture below).

What I envisioned is that the user enters values in the textboxes and hits the "add to list" button. The values are then populated in the list box below with the heading "exhibits lists" and when the add exhibit button is pressed, all values from the list box are passed into the database.

Well, I'm left wondering again if it would be possible to tie these values from the textboxes to the list box and whether I'd be able to pass them into the database.

how to go about it otherwise I'd be glad if you could recommend a better way for me to handle the situation otherwise I'd have to resolve to data entry one at a time.

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Jan 25, 2010

Does anyone have a simple / working example of how to add paging to a Datalist control when the data for the Datalist control comes from an SQL database?

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Web Forms :: Displaying A Sql Count On A Datalist?

Dec 29, 2010

i added an independent sql count statement in the code behind and want to display the results of the count in a datalist. the query needs a the parameter value of "courseID" to work except i am having difficulty getting the value to string.

the error i'm getting is "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." referencing:
int index = Convert.ToInt32((sender as DataListItem).ToString());

here is the statement under DataList Load


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AjaxToolkit ComboBox Not Displaying List Items?

Mar 6, 2011

I am using AjaxToolkit ComboBox in my application

<ajaxtoolkit:ComboBox ID="ComboBox1" runat="server" AutoCompleteMode="Suggest"
AutoPostBack="True" DropDownStyle="DropDownList">

On running the application, i see the ComboBox but none of the list items are visible. Clicking on the dropdown button does not show anything also. Accessing the SelectedItem property shows that the first item is selected.

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Web Forms :: Create A Server Control Based On TextBox?

Aug 4, 2010

Using: ASP.NET 3.5, C#

I'd like to create a new server control to use in my project. Basically, it should work and behave in exactly the same way as asp:TextBox except that the type attribute on the HTML input element it generates should not be "text" but a different value (I actually intend to create several controls for several different type attributes).

So (by the way I have very little programming experience), I'm thinking I need to get the source code for the asp:TextBox control and base my new control on that, then modify the source so it outputs with my desired type attribute.

Can anyone steer me in the right direction for this?

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Custom Server Controls :: Composite Control - Design Time Gridview Is Not Displaying?

Apr 19, 2010

I have use composite custome control its contain button and textbox and gridveiw

but design time gridview is not display .

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How To Hide Items Within A Datalist If Values Are NULL

Jan 3, 2011

For example in my datalist if Eval("OptionJ").Tostring = Null I would like the function GetVisible to set visibility of the radio button to false like so:

<input name="Q<%#Eval("ID")%>" type="radio" value="J" visible="<%# GetVisible(Eval("OptionJ").ToString()) %>">
</option><br />

I then have a codebehind function like so:

Protected Function GetVisible(ByVal Evalresult As String) As String
If Evalresult = Nothing Then
Return "False"
Return "True"
End If
End Function

I have also tried checking EvalResult = String.empty

In the outputted html the visible status is being set to false...

<input name="Q3" type="radio" value="J" visible="False">

But it is still displayed on the page!

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Data Controls :: How To Sort DataList Items

May 7, 2015

I have a datalist, this datalist control is bind, when user select control filters,i am looking a way to sort this datalist control for example like asc or desc or price. 

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Web Forms :: Display Binary Image Stored In SQL Server Database In DataList Control

Jul 5, 2012

I use these code to dispalying image from database. [URL]... I use these code for my data list

<asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server" RepeatColumns="4"
<table class="DDLh">


For displaying image we should write this code

 <asp:image ToolTip = "ASP Image Control" ID="Image13" runat="server" ImageUrl ="~/imageH.aspx?ImageID=48" Height="156px" Width="174px"></asp:image>

now here in my data list what should i write instead of this code?untill it show my image from database?

<asp:image ID="img1" runat="server" CssClass="TPH" ImageUrl='<%#Eval("image","image/house/{0}")%>' BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px" BorderColor="#c9c9c7" />

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Web Forms :: Datalist Displaying Duplicate Data?

Jan 27, 2010

Have a look below. I hope its easily understandable.

//ASPX Code
<asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server">
<%#DisplayReceipts(Eval("Date").ToString(),Eval("MemberName").ToString(),Eval("Amt").ToString()) %>

My dataset/datatable/sp returns 8 receipt records for particular accountid. I want to display each receipt (record) as ItemTemplate in DataList (with my desired html layout) hence the code above. But i am getting 36 receipts displayed in datalist with some of them repeated.

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