ADO.NET :: How To Update Some Value In Object

Nov 30, 2010

I have a class array ofwhich I need to update one property, based on value of other property. And specially, I need to know which RowNumber in array I updated because I have to use that row furthur.

Here is my class array object. My class name is "ObjectComponent", it has two properties defined, and let's say I have 10 records in this array after I fill up data. Now, I need to update a specific property value "Quantity" to something if "SKU" = "SKU 3", and also, I NEED TO KNOW WHICH ROW NUMBER OF MY ARRAY OBJECT IS UPDTAED. For example, if in my array, this was ObjectComponent[2] element which is updated, I need to know this number 2.


so at present, I am looping through the array to find a particular value of "SKU" and updating it and while I am looping through, I can store row number when its found. But I want to make this code little efficient so in the above array, i am looking to update "Quantity" to 30 where "SKU"="SKU 3" must know the row number 2 of array. And value should be update in above array, I mean once I update "Quantity" for this "SKU", it should immediately reflect in my original Array object.

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ADO.NET :: Update Single Item With EntityFramework - How To Update Object

Oct 27, 2010

I want to update object via entity framework

For example I have to changed object:


I want to save change to the Obj1 Only


I try to Save with ApplyPropertyChanges but the data didn't saved

How can I update object?

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C# - Session Object Is Null After Update?

Mar 27, 2011

I'm populating an object model with a linq query. The model looks like this:

DateTime AppointDate {get; set;}
int TotalAppoints {get; set;}
int AppointDuration {get; set;}

The linq-to-sql query looks like that:

public static GetAppointsFromDB(params){
var MyQuery = from....where...
select new MyModel{
AppointDate = ...,
TotalAppoints = ...,
AppointDuration =...};
return MyQuery as MyModel;}

In the master page, I'm looking to load the result of this query in the session like this:

if (Session["Appoints"] == null) {Session["Appoints"] = GetAppointsFromDB(...);}

When I run with the code, the session is always null. I added this line a second time, just right after, and the query runs again. When I'm looking to use the session at some other point in the code, it is null too there too. The query works because when I put a breakpoint on the return statement, I see the object properly filled.

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State Management :: Can't Update Progress Object?

Oct 26, 2010

Anyway, I currently have a ajax based progressbar, which works like this: my long-task stores progress in session. Async callback retrieves progress from session, progressbar is updated. Everybody is happy... not! This only works when the "main loop" of the time-consuming task runs in either codebehind or a class with httpcontext. But all my businnes objects cannot do such thing. So, the next natural spet would be to say "move it to a static class" ProgressHelper or something, but since static classes are shared across all appDomain, I would bump into concurrence problems. So, can i have say a "static list progress" say progress["session1_progress"], progress["session2_progress"], progress["sessionN_progress"]? I cannot really see a way to update progress from inside a task in a business object, which i might want to use also in other plattforms like a desktop app?

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ADO.NET :: Update Value Directly In Class Object Using Linq?

Sep 30, 2010

I have a class object which is basically kind of hierarchy and looks like this when I convert that to XML.


So you can see that I have "objectComponent" which is kind of hierarchy and that hierarchy can be upto any level.

Now I need to update <quantity> value where <sku> = "SKU 2", remember this <sku> can be anywhere in hierarchy, so I need to update its <quantity> value where <sku> = "SKU 2".

So my question is how can I update that value using Linq query and specifically, I need that value to be updated in the actual object itself because I need to pass that updated object for furthur process.

In my c# code, there is only one class named "ObjectComponent" and that has all of these properties and "objectBundle" as array and the whole hierarchy starts from there.

how can I update value in this object directly?

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Select A Specific Entity Object For Update?

Mar 1, 2011

I'm pulling all the objects from an entity in my database

Dim dbConfig as New housingEntities
Dim update_query = (From p in dbConfig.Configs _
Select p)

Then, I want to individually access the rows and perform updates to them...For example, if I just needed the first row I could go like this:

update_query.First.timeValue = txtFRRSD.Text

Now, I don't know how to code this, but here is pseudo what I'd like to do:

update_query.Item("FRRSD").timeValue = txtFRRSD.Text
update_query.Item("FRRCD").timeValue = txtFRRCD.Text
update_query.Item("SORSD").timeValue = txtSORSD.Text
update_query.Item("SORCD").timeValue = txtSORCD.Text

Does anyone know a way to do this or something like this?

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C# - Cached Objects Update Automatically With The Object Updating?

Jul 2, 2010

I found some code on the web and it threw me off. Look at the code below. You will notice only when the Hits == 1, does the cache get added. After that, the cache object isn't updated. It begs the question, does the object when updated, update the cache as well automatically? The answer here would make me remove some code in some of my classes.

public static bool IsValid( ActionTypeEnum actionType )
HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
if( context.Request.Browser.Crawler ) return false;
string key = actionType.ToString() + context.Request.UserHostAddress;
var hit = (HitInfo)(context.Cache[key] ?? new HitInfo());
if( hit.Hits > (int)actionType ) return false;
else hit.Hits ++;
if( hit.Hits == 1 )
context.Cache.Add(key, hit, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(DURATION),
System.Web.Caching.CacheItemPriority.Normal, null);
return true;

I would only guess that I would need to add the lines after the if statement:

if( hit.Hits == 1 )
context.Cache.Add(key, hit, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10),
System.Web.Caching.CacheItemPriority.Normal, null);
else if (hit.Hits > 1)
context.Cache.Add(key, hit, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10),
System.Web.Caching.CacheItemPriority.Normal, null);
Found the code at the bottom of the page here:

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SQL Server :: Update Multiple Rows - Loop Through Each Object

Feb 8, 2011

I have several rows in my database like this

ID Status Type Count Event
291 0 0 2 1
523 1 2 0 4

and so on. When my user performs some basic actions on my website, some values are passed through JSON to the server and are then converted into custom objects with 5 int properties(so they match the table). These objects that the server receives are the rows to be updated(based on ID) and the values for each column. How can I do this in one SQL statement without the need to loop through each object and update them all seperately? Is there a way? Preferably compatible with SQLServer 2005.

View 8 Replies

How To Configure Update Method For Object Data Source

Jun 26, 2010

I have a gridview with all columns read only except one. I want to configure the update method for the object data source to update only one column. The code i have written works when i make all columns editable but fails when i try to make only one column editable.

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C# - Update Only 1 Field Of A Big Business Object Inside A Transaction (Best Approach)?

Aug 19, 2010

I am in a situation where I have to perform a transaction master detail record (Drop prev details, insert new details, Update Master status) Master Business Object has 20 fields Details Business Object has 4 fields only. Now I have to update only 1 field in master table and 4 fields in details table for insert.

If I initialize a new master object, 19 fields are being wasted for a simple update. What do I do to efficiently handle this situation? Can I make a new object and inherit only one field from my master business object?

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C# - Linq To Sql Dynamic Data Modify Object Before Insert And Update?

Jun 18, 2010

I'm using Dynamic Data and LINQ to SQL for some admin pages on a .NET 3.5 web app. All my admin tables have a CreatedBy, CreatedDate, UpdatedBy, and UpdatedDate.I'm looking for a way to inject the setting of these properties before the objects are inserted and updated.

I've seen an object_inserting hook if you have a linq to sql datasource in the web form, but I'm using dynamic there an easy way to generically set that? And I've also looked at modifying each of the partial classes for my admin objects, but the closest hook I see is to implement the OnValidate method with the Insert action.

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ADO.NET :: Manually Update Entity Object In .edmx To Reflect A New Column In The DB?

Oct 11, 2010

Is there a way to manually update a single edmx entity to reflect a new column in a SQL db table? If yes, what would be the proper step- by-step procedure?

I prefer not to use the "update model from db" template because this will update all the tables and wipe out all the customizations and name changes I have already made in the EF objects. This seems a bit overkill for a single column change. I went down this route once, and I prefer not to do it again. I do not see any way to actually update a single table from the DB using VS2010 "update from db".

What I have tried to do so far is manually add a new scalar property to the appropriate entity using the edmx designer, and this seems to work OK, but I cannot seem to find a way to map the new property back to the db through the mapping window. Do I have to do this directly through the XML file? Also is this sufficient to ensure the new column is correctly reflected in the edmx, or are there other steps that need to be done?

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Forms Data Controls :: Update A List Object With Gridview?

Oct 23, 2010

How do you Update a List(of Product) object with Gridview. i wish to either increase/decrease the item field named Quantity.

GridView3.DataSource = Product

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AJAX :: Cannot Select Object In Update Panel After A Number Of Async PostBacks

Jan 9, 2011

I am trying to create a simple web application that uses a barcode scanner to read the barcode and then insert the information into a database. I have been able to get the barcode scanner to read the barcode and place the information into a textbox.

Then using javascript when the enter key is triggered on the scanner it then clicks the button to do a AsyncPostBack on the updatepanel then using scriptManager.RegisterStartupScript I then focus on the text box and then select the text in it ready for a new barcode to be entered.

The problem that I am having is that I can get it to post back 26 times then it will go to error (with no information). If I then add additional controls to the page I can only get it to post back 10 times. Below is my code... I have been pulling my hair out for the last two days.




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Forms Data Controls :: Compare Sortedlist Object Property Changes And Update Value?

Oct 30, 2010

i have a sortedlist who values contain a Product objects. i wish to set the Quantity property of a selected Product object ( from gridview) when the Quantity field changes?

how do i compare whether the product row Quantity field in the gridview is the same as the Product Quantity property in the sortedlist and update accordingly?

note. i have converted to a list(of product) to bind to gridview. then update the sortedlist values

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Javascript - Response Object Not Returning Excel Stream In Update Panel?

Oct 11, 2010

I am generating an Excel file upon a click of a button in an update panel. It is throwing a parsing error.

If I keep the button outside the update panel it is working fine. Why isn't it working in the update Panel?

Response.ContentType = "application/"
String.Format("attachment;filename={0}", filename))
Private Function WriteToStream() As MemoryStream
'Write the stream data of workbook to the root directory
Dim file As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream
Return file
End Function

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Forms Data Controls :: Bulk Update/Delete Gridview Without Object/SQLDataSource?

Oct 26, 2010

I'm having a gridview in my aspx page with checkbox, User can select one or more than one record(s) at a time and clicks on delete button, Then i'm constructing an object of my DTO and adding all the checked row's Primary Key (DataKeyNames - GUID's in my case) to a serializable class and generating an XML and sending it as parameter to the Stored Procedure.

My Doubt is, can i bulk delete all the rows from database table those are present in my XML document??

If it works, I can do bulk update with XML only, i already did bulk insertion by generating an XML..

My Another Question is, Will it affect the performance? Each time when i construct an DTO object and adding it to the Generic List?

Which one is better, I mean ObjectDataSource or SQLDataSource or my XML method?


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AJAX :: Page Inside Update Panel Doesn't Refresh The Session Object After Postback Of Any Control

Oct 1, 2010

I have many controls like dropdown, radiobuttonlist, etc on my page and I put all these controls inside the update panel so that the page doesn't look to be posting back when something is selected. Now the working on the page is very smooth. But the session object isn't getting refreshed even if I postback to the server and as a result even if the users are working on the page they are being sent to the login screen after 20 mins.

Is there anyway where I could put all the controls in update panel and still refresh the session after any postback(dropdown selection)

View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView BoundFields Auto Binding Not Updating Business Object On Update

Feb 18, 2010

I have a DetailsView (DV) control, an ObjectDataSource (ODS) control, and a button on a page. I have 2 classes in the App_Code directory (Customer and CustomerDAO). The DAO class provides static methods for the ODS control and simply hack values in ( real database selects/updates). The Customer class has 2 properties (Id and Name) and a default constructor. The page takes an ID on the querystring and determines if the DV control is in insert or edit mode. If in edit mode, it sets the SelectParameter on the ODS (id field), calls ODS.Select(), and then calls DV.DataBind(). The existing (although fake) customer is loaded and display properly when this happens. I then change the name of the Customer in the DV and click the Button to save the new data.

Everything seems to be wired up correctly as the UpdateMethod that is specified in the ODS control is called and succeeds (even in my real example with my database). The problem is that the BoundFields in the DV control have not been updated with the new values and therefore the existing values are updated in the database and my changes are lost. I have handled the OnUpdating event of the ODS and the values are still the old values. I have also handled the OnItemUpdating event of the DV control and the NewValues IOrderedDictionary still has the old values in it also. In looking at the MSDN article for the UpdateMethod, it states the following:

Parameter Merging
Parameters are added to the UpdateParameters collection from three sources:

From the data-bound control, at run time.
From the UpdateParameters element, declaratively.
From the Updating event handler, programmatically.

I am using the BoundField classes in my DV control so I would have assumed that the first bullet above would have handled the updating of values, but it doesn't appear to work with the way I am doing it. If I set the values explicitly in the OnUpdating event that is fired by the ODS control (the 3rd bullet) the right values are updated (again...even in my real database situation). It seems like my only issue is that the automatic binding that I expect from the DV control isn't working as I would expect it to. Here is the code that I have in my fake example:


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Update Not Working / Giving Null Object Reference Error?

Jan 14, 2010

I have a gridview,when i do it is giving me null object reference error.

I am posting my code for your reference -


My gridview code is -


View 8 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Update DetailsView Data By Updating Object?

Mar 23, 2010

I'm using a DetailsView object to present a record from a database in table format. I'm actually using and ObjectSource object as the data source for the details view. In the object I am using as the source for the ObjectSource, I have paired properties that hold decimals. This is, I have a property called Year1 and another property called Year1Change. This for years 1 to six. The values from the Year1 properties are in a cell, whereas the change values are bound to texboxes. The code for the frontend is the following:


Now, as you can see in the tbYr2RtCh textbox, I have an OnTextChanged property to call an event handler. This is because I want to do two things when the text changes. The first one is to make the font in the textbox bold if the value it holds is different from the Year2 property. The second one is to change the text on tbYr2RevCh to adjust the revenue for the percentage increase in the rate. The problem I have is that I cannot access the object that is the source for the data and make those changes directly in the object, instead of having to update the database. I don't want to update the database until the client says so, but the changes should be calculated immediately. I thought about creating an method in the object that I could specify in the ObjectDataSource as the update method, but I'm still not sure how to go about it.

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Configuration - Multiple SMTP Servers Or Update The SMTP Object Server Information At Runtime?

Nov 5, 2010

The question: Is it possible to configure multiple SMTP servers or update the SMTP object server information at runtime?

Description of problem: The site I'm working on has a few pages which send emails. Our site is using Gmail so even though it's a custom domain our email is sent out though Gmail SMTP servers.

Some emails come from the system and some emails come from users in certain groups. I have an SMTP server configured with the admin email for the system e.g. This works fine and when I get the email it shows from admin@mysite.comOne of our user groups let's call it "groupA" has an email configured on our domain i.e. When I send the email and specify a from address for the MailMessage object as it still shows up in my outlook as coming from I did a little further testing and if I specify both the from address and the ReplyTo as it will show as but when I choose reply in outlook it shows My best guess is that Gmail is overwriting the From address with the SMTP user to prevent email spoofing.

I found this: but it won't work for me since group A, B, and C all need to send emails from the same page.

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Access :: "System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Cannot Update. Database Or Object Is Read-only."

May 6, 2010

I migrated my asp application to . When i run I got an error like this.

"System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Cannot update. Database or object is read-only." I am using access db. I can't find out the solution .

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Create A Copy Of An Object In Session To Update Without Updating Session?

Jul 20, 2010

I am confused about how to reference objects in session, how to update, and copy.

if I create
MyObject obj = new Object ();
Session["object"] = obj;
MyObject temp = (MyObject)Session["object"];

If i change something on temp, will the object in session be updated? do i need to follow changes with Session["object"] = temp?

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Forms Data Controls :: Detailsview Row Update / Creating Dataset, Getting Data From Sql With Adaptor And Filling Into Dataset Object

Dec 21, 2010

I have a detailsview, template as follows:


Codebehind: creating dataset, getting data from sql with adaptor and filling into dataset object, then setting detailsview's datasource.
I add 2 button to above template to able to edit data at asp page, and added event handlers:buttons:


My question is, what to do inside the detailsview update event function to able to edit and update data. My method can be wrong too.

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