ADO.NET :: LINQ And Changing The Data Definition In DataClass When Sql Server Changes?

Aug 9, 2010

DBA has changed some data definition, in some table of sqlserver 2008, so, i resosed that it was not a problembut when i went to update my table in dataclass and my stored procedure, the DataClass has not changed the datadefinition!!!i must change on hand, and search my hand in the code "dataclass.designer.cs" every occurence of the field!!!!i tried also to delete table and stored, and replace it with newest, but nothing, it continued to show old data typeit was strange!why visual studio does not update dataclass? perhaps i deleted table and stored!!!

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Similar Messages:

SQL Server :: Parsing An Array Read From An MS Database/'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter' Does Not Contain A Definition For 'Rows'...

Mar 23, 2011

I am getting this error:

CS1061: 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter' does not contain a definition for 'Rows' and no extension method 'Rows' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter' could be found.

Here is my code, what am I doing wrong?:


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MVC :: Executing The Command Definition And Error Is Generated Connect With Remote Server?

Oct 21, 2010

In my mvc application,I am getting error in edit function : in given code


I am getting this exception:

Source : System.Data.Entity

Stack Trace : at System.Data.EntityClient.EntityCommandDefinition.ExecuteStoreCommands(EntityCommand
entityCommand, CommandBehavior behavior) at
context, ObjectParameterCollection
parameterValues) at


1 forMergeOption) at System.Data.Objects.ObjectQuery


1 source) at


1 query, Expression queryRoot) at
System.Data.Objects.ELinq.ObjectQueryProvider.System.Linq.IQueryProvider.Execute[S](Expression expression) at System.Linq.Queryable.First[TSource](IQueryable`1
source) at id) in

Message : An error occurred while executing the command definition.See the inner exception for details.This error is generated when I connect with remote server.

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DataSource Controls :: Dynamically Changing Linq To Sql Sproc Names?

May 12, 2010

I have to be able to dynamically change the sproc name that is used in a Linq to SQL query. I see in the dbml designer this:


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C# - Store Dynamically Changing Data Into Server Cache?

Apr 7, 2010

EDIT: Purpose of this Website: Its called It is a third party utility for a game called The site currently has over 12k users to it an I run the site. The game is fully text based and will always remain that. Users copy and paste full pages of text from the game and paste the copied information into my site. I run a series of regular expressions against the pasted data and break it down. I then insert anywhere from 5 values to over 30 values into the DB based on that one paste. I then take those values and run queries against them to display the information back in a VERY simple and easy to understand way. The game is team based and each team has 25 users to it. So each team is a group and each row is ONE users information. The users can update all 25 rows or just one row at a time. I require storing things into cache because the site is very slow doing over 1,000 queries almost every minute.

So here is the deal. Imagine I have an excel EDIT(Excel is just an example of how to imagine it, I don't actually use excel) spreadsheet with 100 columns and 5000 rows. Each row has two unique identifiers. One for the row it self and one to group together 25 rows a piece. There are about 10 columns in the row that will almost never change and the other 90 columns will always be changing. We can say some will even change in a matter of seconds depending on how fast the row is updated. Rows can also be added and deleted from the group, but not from the database. The rows are taken from about 4 queries from the database to show the most recent and updated data from the database. So every time something in the database is updated, I would also like the row to be updated. If a row or a group has not been updated in 12 or so hours, it will be taken out of Cache. Once the user calls the group again via the DB queries. They will be placed into Cache.

The above is what I would like. That is the wish.In Reality, I still have all the rows, but the way I store them in Cache is currently broken. I store each row in a class and the class is stored in the Server Cache via a HUGE list. When I go to update/Delete/Insert items in the list or rows, most the time it works, but sometimes it throws errors because the cache has changed. I want to be able to lock down the cache like the database throws a lock on a row more or less. I have DateTime stamps to remove things after 12 hours, but this almost always breaks because other users are updating the same 25 rows in the group or just the cache has changed.This is an example of how I add items to Cache, this one shows I only pull the 10 or so columns that very rarely change. This example all removes rows not updated after 12 hours:

DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow;
if (HttpContext.Current.Cache["GetRows"] != null)


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SQL Server :: Changing From Ntext To Varchar(max) On Important Live Data?

Mar 23, 2011

So I have a ntext column in a table with a combination of large random data (hence why ntext in the first place) and sometimes contains a uniqueidentifier.

I need to find and delete rows based on the uniqueidentifier.

I can't do the comparison with it being ntext, but I changed it to varchar(max) in my dev enviornment and it let me do it without any warnings and I can now do my comparison like I want to, so all is good.

I just want to make sure I'm not changing any of my large random data by changing the data type.

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Data Controls :: GridViewRowCollection Does Not Contain A Definition For FindControl

May 23, 2012

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); 
cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE M_t1 SET c_name=@c_name WHERE id=@id";     
cmd.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Int).Value = (Label)Convert.ToInt32(grdmsal.Rows.FindControl("Label1").Text);//                //(Label)grdmsal.Rows.FindControls("Label1").Text;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@c_name", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = ((TextBox) grdmsal.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[2].Controls[0]).Text;

I am using above i have a id field based on which i update the records. I dont want to display the id field to user the user just clicks edit against the row to be edited & should be able to edit above I get error nr find control

<asp:CommandField HeaderText="Edit-Update" ShowEditButton="True" />
<asp:Label ID="Label1" Text='<%#Eval("ID")%>' runat="server"></asp:Label>
<asp:BoundField DataField="c_name" HeaderText="Name" /> </asp:TemplateField> </Columns>

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Does Not Contain A Definition For C# Method?

Jul 10, 2010

I am trying to create an event with a gridView and a c# method. So far I am getting this error:

CS1061: 'ASP.contentpage9_aspx' does not contain a definition for 'ImageGridView_OnSelectedIndexChanged' and no extension method 'ImageGridView_OnSelectedIndexChanged' accepting a first argument of type 'ASP.contentpage9_aspx' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Here is the asp markup:

<asp:GridView ID="ImageGridView"

And my c# method:

void ImageGridView_OnSelectedIndexChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e)
ImageDetailsSqlDataSource.SelectParameters["ImgID"].DefaultValue =

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Forms Data Controls :: Error: Does Not Contain A Definition For DeleteMsg_click?

Jun 24, 2010

I'm getting this error: inboxcontrol_ascx does not contain a definition for DeleteMsg and no extension method DeleteMsg_click accepting a first argument of type asp.inboxcontrol could be found (are you missing a using directives or an assembly reference?)example:


How do I fix this error?

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Data Controls :: Details View Does Not Contain A Definition For Cells

Oct 22, 2012

i am refering this link of gridview for my requirment For DetailsView what is the mistake?  Error 18 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.DetailsView' does not contain a definition for 'Cells' and no extension method 'Cells' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.DetailsView' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) 

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)


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Forms Data Controls :: System.Web.UI.Page' Does Not Contain A Definition For 'DataItem'

Jul 2, 2010

I have a problem that is really confusing me.. I'm trying get get info from a database and populate the relevant labels. I've got it working on one page, but not on another. The only difference is that the one that works is in a repeater.

My code is as follows:


The error I am getting is the following:

Compilation Error

Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. review the following specific error details and modify your source code

Compiler Error Message: CS0117: 'System.Web.UI.Page'does not contain a definition for 'DataItem'

Source Error:


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Data Controls :: Both DataSource And DataSourceID Are Defined On GridView1 - Remove One Definition

May 7, 2015

When i click for bug an aplication.

it's always show this a notification

{"Both DataSource and DataSourceID are defined on 'GridView1'.  Remove one definition."}

view on browser application

Line 33: Line 34: GridView1.DataSource = dtLine 35: GridView1.DataBind()Line 36: End SubLine 37:

This is an my vb code

 Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not Me.IsPostBack Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub BindGrid()

[Code] .....

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ADO.NET :: Reading Xml Data From Sql Server By Using LINQ TO XML?

Jan 28, 2011

I'm curious is there any way to read xml from sql server by using LINQ TO XML,,, xml contained in xml field in sql server 2008 and i'm using VS2010.

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Forms Data Controls :: DataSource And DataSourceID Are Defined On 'GridView1'. Remove One Definition?

Jul 23, 2010

I'm working on two gridviews , each one binded to an sqldatasource object,when I want to modify the 2nd gridview (DataSource=DataTable) an error fired !Both DataSource and DataSourceID are defined on 'GridView1'. Remove one definition.

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Using LINQ To Display Data From SQL Server Into Textboxes On Forms

Sep 25, 2013

I am currently using LINQ to try and display data from SQL server in to the relevant text boxes on an form using However when I run my form in Visual Studio the data is NOT appearing in the text boxes. To give you a better understanding of what I'm trying to do the code is displayed below.

Using my entities As New HEALTHENTITIES1

[Code] ....

I would like to see the details for one person to appear and then be able to click a button which would let me to view the next persons details. The version of Visual Studio I am using is 2010.

View 9 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Finding A SQL Server Table From 3.5 Master Page And LINQ To Entities?

Jan 20, 2010

I have placed a textbox, dropdownlist and command button in a section of my master page. The textbox, named txtsearch, will be used to input a search string. The dropdownlist, named ddlsearch, will be used to specify in which field to search in the table, either part name or NSN.


What VB code do I use to save the value entered into txtsearch as a search string? How do I pass that value to my entitydatasource? How do I tell entitydatasource to search in either the part name or NSN field based on the value of ddlsearch?

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Changing The FTP Server For Website?

Mar 22, 2010

I am using Visual Web Developer 2008.

Having built my website in the development environment, I would like to FTP it to my production environment, using Copy Website.

When I click Copy Website, the FTP Log On window opens, but the FTP server address is incorrect.

How do I change the FTP server address?

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C# - Changing A SQL Server Connection String In App

Mar 9, 2011

I'm a web developer and I work primarily in Django -- I've never used ASP.Net or anything like that before, but I'm troubleshooting a problem for a friend's parents / client so I need some advice!

It's pretty simple: I need to change the parameters of their SQL Server database connection because of some server upgrades that happened at their hosting company -- is it ok for me to go in and just edit a .cs file, or does it need to be compiled or some other business?

Literally just need to change the parameters of

mySqlConn = new SqlConnection("server=hostname;database=dbname;uid=username;pwd=password;");

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Web Forms :: Changing Codebehind In The Server?

May 26, 2010

I have a web forms app (3.5) deployed on a stage server (IIS 7).

I made a minor change to one of the pages code-behind. I was hoping that this change will come into effect next time I hit this page.

I closed all the sessions (browser) and reloaded the app, and visited the page I made the change. Still new code does not come into play.

So, I inserted a "throw new Exeption("test")" in page_load, hoping that the page will crash. Still the old code, no crash.

I wonder whether there is some kind of "caching" in IIS?

See here: [URL] (unfortunately no remedy here)

I amended the web.config (by adding an extra space), so that this will trigger a new compilation. Still old code is in effect.

Later, I added a simple text file to "bin" directory, hoping this will trigger a re-compilation. Still nothing.

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State Management :: Session Table Value Also Changing When Changing Any Coloumn Name?

Jan 10, 2011

The problem is when am assigning my session table value to newly created table and if now am changing any coloumn name then the session table value also changing.

But my question is am assigning Session value to newly created table so how should session value should be affected?

for refference in my application


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SQL Server :: Changing Password In Compact Database?

Jul 20, 2010

MSChart created a temp compact database ( ASPNET.MDF ).

This was on my personal laptop. I'm moving the project to another PC for a demo at work. But, my sa password is different now.

How do you login to this database? or can I run a utility to push the tables to sql server instead?

I keep getting the sa password fails message, because the laptop and work have different passwords.

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Iis - Changing The Date On Web Server App Stops From Working

May 18, 2010

I'm trying to write some code that checks the number of days between two dates, when I set the date on my IIS7 server to anytime in the future I get the standard "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" screen. This happens if I comment out all my date checking code, with todays date it loads with any future date it doesn't. I've tried rerunning IISReset which makes no difference.

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SQL Server :: Getting Error When Changing Modes From Windows To Mixed?

Dec 22, 2010

getting error when changing modes from windows to mixed?


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Jquery - Changing Server Side Value In Mvc And Reloading View

Feb 20, 2011

I have a condition in mmy MVC view like this:

if (Profile.visStats == 0)

<img id="image1" alt="" class="statbackground" src="leftblueFolder.png"/>
<img id="image2" alt="" class="statbackground" src="rightblueFolder.png"/>

This works fine.

Now I have two link buttons

<a id="visGamebut" runat="server" >Game</a>
<a id="visSeasonbut" runat="server">Season</a>

1) onclick visGamebut I want to make Profile.visStats = 1 and show image2.

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SQL Server :: Dynamically Changing Text Returned From A Query?

Nov 13, 2010

What would be the best way of going about doing this;

On my website I am putting some short stories in and allowing people to change the name of the characters in the story to match their own. I was going to keep the stories in a SQL DB but not quite sure how I would go about changing the names of the characters dynamically?

Would I be best using say (Name1), (Name2) etc in the stories in the DB then changing it using a string query on the code behind or is there a better / quicker way to acheive this?

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