ADO.NET :: Table (Entity Set) From EDMX File Not Deleted

Feb 13, 2011

when i delete Table (Entity Set) from edmx file ... it deleted from design but when i'm trying to add that table again to edmx file it doesn't appear in added table and when i open edmx file by xml i found table and its relation still in edmx xml so how can i delete entity set (table) completely from db note : i don't want that solution ...i want another easy solution [URL]

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ADO.NET :: Bring Back The Table Deleted From Edmx File?

Dec 29, 2010

I need to add a table to a .edmx file. Earlier I had added that table, say, Table A to the edmx file. Since keys were not set, I had to delete it. Then in order to bring back the altered Table A to the file, I right clicked the file and clicked the option 'Update Model from Database'. But I couldn't find the table I deleted from the edmx file. It is there in the database. how can I bring the table back to the edmx file.

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ADO.NET :: Adding A New Table (entity) To The Already Created Model (edmx) File?

Mar 22, 2011

I am building an application using Asp.Net 4.0 and Entity framework 4.

I have already created the model class (edmx) file using the Database-First method of the Entity framework.

Now I am almost nearning the end of the application. I have realised I need to add one more table to my database.

How do I add the newly created table to the model class (edmx) file.

If I again regenerate the model class, similar to what I did the first time i.e using the Database-First approach, will my current application be affected.

Will the already in use data like tables, relationships and views be affected in anyway.

Do I have to follow this approach everytime I need to add a new table to the entity model class.

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Entity Framework 4 - Extending Context Of One Edmx File To A Context Of Another Edmx File?

Oct 14, 2010

My Question is can we extend one context to another in Entity Framework 4. Following is the problem background.

I am using EF4 for developing a Web-Application. My Web Application has 3 projects.

One project is for storing candidate CV information.

Another project is for storing customer information.

Final project is called CORE. this CORE contains a edmx file that should be extended by CV and CRM.

As an example email address table can be shared by both customer (CRM) and CV. To share one table with another, we should be able to extend one context (CV context) with other context (customer context). Could some one having experience using Entity Framework share your experience with me to find whether this is possible.

We have 3 edmx files in three class libraries:

Person class library(Core) with core.edmx-Basic details related to a person(name, email) CV Class library with CV.edmx wich have CV related data(Experiance,skills) Customer Relationship management system(CRM) which have customer data(sales data...)

Then we want to use core class library edmx file(Core.edmx) with cv.edmx (basically cv tables should be able to use tables from core tables) . Same way we want to use the core.edmx with CRM.edmx for the 3 rd project

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Transforming Entity Framework EDMX File With XSLT?

Aug 30, 2010

I would like to make some changes to my EF4 edmx file without modifying the file itself, mainly so I don't loose all my changes if I regenerate the model from the database. I'm familiar with XSL and have seen references made to using it in conjunction with the edmx file. This sounds like a great solution, however I can't seem to find any documentation on how to actually set this up. Do you reference the style sheet from the edmx file or do you configure it to look at the template and then load the edmx file in somehow?


Specifically what I'm trying to do is modify the model so that several of the views act as tables with relations within the model, see here:

The issue I'll have in using that method is if I need to update the database and regenerate the model I'll have to go back and make all of those changes again, I was hoping there was a way to use xslt to make those changes to the views so they would not be removed when the model is regenerated.

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ADO.NET :: Update A Single Table In Edmx File?

Sep 23, 2010

I'm working on the big project who has edmx file with lots of table. I want to update a table from DB. But when I update the edmx file, it also refresh the other tables from DB. How do I update single table?

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ADO.NET :: Manually Update Entity Object In .edmx To Reflect A New Column In The DB?

Oct 11, 2010

Is there a way to manually update a single edmx entity to reflect a new column in a SQL db table? If yes, what would be the proper step- by-step procedure?

I prefer not to use the "update model from db" template because this will update all the tables and wipe out all the customizations and name changes I have already made in the EF objects. This seems a bit overkill for a single column change. I went down this route once, and I prefer not to do it again. I do not see any way to actually update a single table from the DB using VS2010 "update from db".

What I have tried to do so far is manually add a new scalar property to the appropriate entity using the edmx designer, and this seems to work OK, but I cannot seem to find a way to map the new property back to the db through the mapping window. Do I have to do this directly through the XML file? Also is this sufficient to ensure the new column is correctly reflected in the edmx, or are there other steps that need to be done?

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MVC :: Can Include Multiple Edmx Or Single Edmx When Designing The Model

Oct 22, 2010

I recently started explore MVC and just tried some samples around, i.e. MvcMusicStore.

As the sample DB in MvcMusicStore is quite small, I am wondering how should I design the edmx/entity for a bigger database, let say for an enterprise application, which has more than 20 tables as in AdventureWorks?

Thus, the question is should I include all in one edmx/entity or I should include multiple edmx/entities when I designing the model?

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C# - Difference Between .edmx File And Creating An Entities.cs File?

Mar 15, 2011

I have looked at two of Microsoft's tutorials for MVC. In one tutorial they are creating a .edmx file to handle the Entity Framework in order to execute Linq queries. In another tutorial they made a class called "MusicStoreEntities.cs" here is the code:

using System.Data.Entity;
namespace MvcMusicStore.Models
public class MusicStoreEntities : DbContext
public DbSet<Album> Albums { get; set; }
public DbSet<Genre> Genres { get; set; }
public DbSet<Artist> Artists { get; set; }
public DbSet<Cart> Carts { get; set; }
public DbSet<Order> Orders { get; set; }
public DbSet<OrderDetail> OrderDetails { get; set; }

And the tutorial creates an instance of this class and starts doing Linq queries as well. What are the differences between these 2 methods? and how can I make DbSet objects in a .edmx file?

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ADO.NET :: Cannot Add Function To EDMX File

Jan 5, 2011

When I try to add a new stored procedure to an EDMX file, I try to get the column information for a complex type, I get the following error and can not register the stored procedure:

An exception of type Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.sdk.sfc.EnumeratorException occured while attempting to get column information. The Exception is:

ExecuteScalar requires an open and available connection. The connection's current state is closed. The inner exception caught was of type System.InvalidOperationException withthis message: Execute scalr required an open and ready connection.

I cann ot add the new stored procedure but everything compiles fine.

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ADO.NET :: Extend A Project With New Edmx File?

Oct 13, 2010

We are using entity framework and we have two projects with two different edmx files. We need to keep both tables in same database and we want to extend funtionalities of one project by the other one. Is there a way to extend edmx files or is there a better solution for this?

we have 3 edmx files in three class libraries.

1.person class library(Core) with core.edmx-Basic details related to a person(name,email ...)

2.CV Claas library with CV.edmx wich have CV related data(Experiance,skills... )

3.Customer Relationship management system(CRM) which have customer data(sales data...)

Then we want to use core class library edmx file(Core.edmx) with cv.edmx (basically cv tables should be able to use tables from core tables) . Same way we want to use the core.edmx with CRM.edmx for the 3 rd project

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ADO.NET :: Delete Tables From Edmx File?

Dec 21, 2010

How can i delete tables or procedures from ADO.Net Entity Framework3.5 data model?

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ADO.NET :: See The Meta Data Files Of Edmx File?

Dec 22, 2010

I want to see the meta data files of edmx. mean to say that i want to see the .csdl and ssdl file while using vs2008.

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How To Specify Metadata Location In Connection String When Using An Edmx File

Jan 29, 2010

I have a web project with a data model defined in an edmx file. The connection string starts like this:


This has worked fine for a while. But somebody else working on the project created a dll that also uses the entity framework and added it to the bin folder. Now when I try to create my connection there is an error loading the metadata.

Aside from totally changing the way one or both of us is doing things, I wonder if the problem can be fixed if my connection string can be changed to only look for the metadata defined in my edmx file. The problem is, for the life of me I can't find the right syntax to do this. The metadata is embedded in the output assembly, so there are no physical metadata files to point to. How exactly should I specify the metadata location in the connection string?

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ADO.NET :: Adding Or Removing Result Columns From Edmx File?

Nov 29, 2010

I have a stroed procedure which is mapped in myEDMX file under EntityContainer >>Function Imports. When I add or remove a column from the stored procedure, I am not able to remove the old columns from the model. I right click on the stored procedure in Model browser and got to Edit Function Import. The return type is complex.

I select "get column information" and get the updated return fields but can not update the collection. It will work if I click on "Create New Complex Type" but it will generate a new name for the collection and the old collection is still in the mode. I even tried deleting and adding the stored procedures and can not get it to work. I can only edit the edmx.cs and the XML to remove it but there is got to be a better way.

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Data Controls :: How To Save GridView Deleted Rows To Separate Table

Nov 11, 2013

I have made a call logging application in which i have authorised a normal user to edit update and delete from the gridview.But i want to give the admin person rights to see all the complaints deleted updated edited..i have thought a lot but all in vain havent found.

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TFS: Can't Rename To Deleted File

Jul 21, 2010

I want to delete one file, e.g. Foo1.aspx, then rename another, Foo2.aspx, as Foo1.aspx. However, even after the deletion, I can't rename Foo2.aspx, presumably because TFS keeps around the original for recovery purposes.

Is there a way to do this, other than selecting the contents of Foo2. aspx and pasting it into Foo1.aspx?

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File Is Deleted But Exception Is Thrown. How It Is Possible

Oct 13, 2010

I am passing a file name via query string. When I am trying to delete the file it is throwing a FileNotFoundException. But the file practically deleted from the server. Both of the following codes of file delete :


are throwing that exception.Can any one please tell me what is the reason behind this behavior or what I am doing wrong?

View 7 Replies

How To Get Path Of The File To Be Deleted From The Server

Feb 10, 2010

i want to delete a file present in directory on the server. I have tried following code but code inside the file.exist never runs. It always skips it showing me that file does not exist. But file is present.

string filename = "Template\copy.jpg";

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VS 2005 - Deleted File Still Shows Up?

Mar 13, 2012

I have a website where I have PDFs as div controls using the code below:-

SuperPanel.AddControl(New LiteralControl("<div class='SuperPanelDiv' onclick=" & Chr(34) & "'" & dbRead("LK_URL").ToString.ToLower & "','')" & Chr(34) & ">"))

Where LK_URL is pointing to a file in the PDFs folder. In this case I have connected to the server and removed a particular PDF but the link still works. I have deleted all my cache (internet tools - temp files delete all) but it still works. This has come about because someone made a change to a PDF, I uploaded it overriding the original. I see the new one on my PC but he still see's the original.

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ADO.NET :: Entity SQL To Select Multiple Table?

Mar 15, 2011

I am using GridView & EntityDataSource w/ eSQL SelectCommand. Assume i am using AdventureWorks Data model, how can i select more than one table? For example (eSQL),


But above code will make error , right now, i only can replace cat.*,sub.* to VALUE ROW(cat.CategoryID...[All Cat column] , sub.SubCategoryID.....[All SubCategory Column]) Which is very long command text.

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ADO.NET :: Could Not Load An Entity When Table Is Existing

Oct 14, 2010

I always get this error when the table is existing in the database:


The inner exception of the error is this:


I checked the following for possible errors.

webconfig (both the values of the SQL connection string and the NHibernate connection string are the same)checked the existence of the tables.

Imagine that there are 4 records to be updated/inserted. The first 3 are successful. However, when the last record is to be inserted/updated, the error is thrown.

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ADO.NET :: Can't Add A Table To Entity Data Model?

Mar 8, 2011

when i create entity data model and I add two tables only one is added to entity data model

none of the tables have any kind of relationship are simple tables.

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MVC :: Entity / Getting An Error Indicating That There Is No Key For A Table?

Jan 20, 2011

I am working through the MVC Music Store example that is listed on this site. I am also trying to create my own MVC application in which I have several tables defined in a very similar way to the music store.

When I am defining my Models and running the application I am getting an error indicating that there is no key for a table that I know has a key. For example

int Id
string fld1
int Table2_id

int Id
string fldxyz

public class Table1
public int Id;
public string fld1;
public int Table2_id;
public Table2 table2;

public class Table2
public int Id;
public string Fldxyz

of course the Id fields on the database are setup as being the key fields and are unique. When I run the application I am getting an error indicating the Table2 doesn't have a key and that it needs to be defined.

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ADO.NET :: Entity Framework Table Mappings?

Oct 28, 2010

I am busy developing an application using EF4 and MVC2. My development database has a few extra fields that is not in my production database. I have removed the fields from the Model, and published my application to my web server. But now I am getting errors that says I have some invalid column names, but I have removed it from my model. If I go to my Mapping Details, I see the fields removed from the Model are still there, but not mapped to anything.

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