MVC :: Entity / Getting An Error Indicating That There Is No Key For A Table?

Jan 20, 2011

I am working through the MVC Music Store example that is listed on this site. I am also trying to create my own MVC application in which I have several tables defined in a very similar way to the music store.

When I am defining my Models and running the application I am getting an error indicating that there is no key for a table that I know has a key. For example

int Id
string fld1
int Table2_id

int Id
string fldxyz

public class Table1
public int Id;
public string fld1;
public int Table2_id;
public Table2 table2;

public class Table2
public int Id;
public string Fldxyz

of course the Id fields on the database are setup as being the key fields and are unique. When I run the application I am getting an error indicating the Table2 doesn't have a key and that it needs to be defined.

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Table 'Product'
Column ProductPK int (Primary Key)
Table 'County'
Column CountyID int (primary key)
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Feb 8, 2011

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I want to cascade delete a category with all its sub categories but I cant make that reference in the database, not with the option to cascade update or delete. It work fine with pagecontents and all the other I got its just this same table reference. In NHibernate I do the cascade setting hbm or with a better way using the fluent option. How do I go about this task now?

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Offices : a. id
b. Name
Requests: a. rid

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Generating Entity Class Files From Table Schema?

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I am aware of that we can code the class files first and then create the schema manually or programmatically, but i wanted to know if the reverse is possible, may be using some third-party tools. I feel it will be very convenient to use LINQ that way.

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ADO.NET :: Retrieve The Data Form A Table Using Entity Framework?

Oct 23, 2010

i have the following code where I want to retreive the data form a table using entity framework and put it to a list of the same type:

List<ItemDetail> iDets = new List<ItemDetail>();

iDets = (List<ItemDetail>) from l in db.ItemDetails
where l.ItemID == varItemID
select l;

when I run the page, it throws the following error:

Unable to cast object of type 'System.Data.Objects.ObjectQuery`1[LIBRIModel.ItemDetail]' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[LIBRIModel.ItemDetail]'.

why i'm having this problem? or am I missing something here if i'm not wrong it worked once, but now it throws this error

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Cannot Load An Entity In NHibernate Then Timeout Exception When Table Is Existing

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could not load an entity:
[Star.CNPL_BusinessObjects.Entities.CNPL.CNPL_AgencyProduct#48][SQL: SELECT cnpl_agenc0_.Id as Id48_0_, cnpl_agenc0_.AgencyID as AgencyID48_0_, cnpl_agenc0_.ProductID as ProductID48_0_, cnpl_agenc0_.CreatedDate as CreatedD4_48_0_, cnpl_agenc0_.CreatedBy as CreatedBy48_0_, cnpl_agenc0_.UpdatedDate as UpdatedD6_48_0_, cnpl_agenc0_.UpdatedBy as UpdatedBy48_0_ FROM CNPL_AgencyProduct cnpl_agenc0_ WHERE cnpl_agenc0_.Id=?]"

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I have a button click event that adds a record to a table based on the userid and threadid the user is viewing. I am a bit new to entity so I am stumbling around. I have to where conditions

ThreadID == threadid
UserId == userIdPosts

I have this query but do not know how to execute it and if I have it as is I get this in the yellow screen of death Both the theadid and userIdPosts have data in them.

var query = context.TrackLists.First(t => t.ThreadID == threadid);
context.TrackLists.First(t => t.UserId == userIdPosts);

Sequence contains no elements

Line 90: // find is user has already tracked this thread.
Line 91: var query = context.TrackLists.First(t => t.ThreadID == threadid);
Line 92: context.TrackLists.First(t => t.UserId == userIdPosts);

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Generate Enum From Values Present In A Table Using ADO.NET Entity Framework?

Apr 14, 2010

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ADO.NET :: Adding A New Table (entity) To The Already Created Model (edmx) File?

Mar 22, 2011

I am building an application using Asp.Net 4.0 and Entity framework 4.

I have already created the model class (edmx) file using the Database-First method of the Entity framework.

Now I am almost nearning the end of the application. I have realised I need to add one more table to my database.

How do I add the newly created table to the model class (edmx) file.

If I again regenerate the model class, similar to what I did the first time i.e using the Database-First approach, will my current application be affected.

Will the already in use data like tables, relationships and views be affected in anyway.

Do I have to follow this approach everytime I need to add a new table to the entity model class.

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Entity Framework -Update Entity When Another Entity Is Updated

Jun 30, 2010

I have an EDM, it includes the entities extension and history. My goal is to use history to keep track of all the changes made to extension entity. For example, if extension with ID 223 has its property 'Name_Display' changed - I want the history entity to record this.

I'm using ASP.NET with VB.NET. Where in my code do I put the hook to say, "update the history entity" and what should that hook look like?

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ADO.NET :: Entity Data Model And Database View Returning The Same Columns As There Are In A Table?

Aug 19, 2010

When adding a stored procedure into the Entity Data Model I can select whether the procedure returns a scalar, a (new) complex type or one of the entity types I already defined.I mean assuming I have a view like this

CREATE VIEW FilteredFoos as SELECT Foo.* FROM Foo join ... WHERE ...(that is a view that implements some involved filtering, but returns all columns from one table) how do I add it to the project so that I can use the entity set, but get the Foo objects, not some new FilteredFoo objects.

var foos = myDB.FilteredFoos.Include("Bar").ToList();
foreach (Foo foo in foos) { ...

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Entity Framework - Dynamic Data IS Showing Primary Keys For Every Table When Using Entities

Feb 4, 2010

Using a very run-of-the-mill database, with identity int for primary keys, a Dynamic Data Entities Project (EntityFramework) displays the primary key for view and edit. When using Linq to Sql, the primary key fields are not displayed.

I would like to hide the primary keys and use Entity Framework (VS 2008, .Net 3.5 sp1).

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Entity Framework 4 - Update Database Schema From Model. Without Wiping The Table Data?

Jun 29, 2010

I'm working on a new project where I have the luxury of working from a Model to Database approach using Entity Framework 4.

The project I'm working on is taking an agile approach where different phases will be rolled out over time.

Will the Model First approach work in my case? I noticed when you "Generate Database from Model" it recreates the entire schema from scratch which will obviously wipe all the data that is in the db. I was hoping for a more "Update Database from Model" approach where the db would just be altered to reflect the changes rather than recreated

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MVC :: Entity Type Has No Key Defined Error?

Mar 28, 2011

have been trying to get to grips with the entity framework using the music store tutorial as a base reworking it to fit an existing application i havei have a database table called AuthorDetail. I also have AuthorDetail.cs Model, and a View AuthorDetail.cshtml strongly-typed to the Model. It's also declared as DBSet in the Entities class :DbContext under the application Models namespace.

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ADO.NET :: MVC 3 Entity Mapping (MapSingleType) Error

Feb 8, 2011

I hope I am asking this in the right forum as I need an answer quick. I have a table in my database called PersonalData. In my application I have a model for PersonalData that looks like this:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Data.Entity;
using System.Data.Entity.ModelConfiguration;
namespace MyApp.Models
public class PersonalData
public Guid PersonalDateGuid { get; set; }
public Guid fkUserGuid { get; set; }
public int fkProviderId { get; set; }
public int SourceSystem { get; set; }
public int DataType { get; set; }
public int ModifiedDateTime { get; set; }
public int ValTinyInt { get; set; }
public int ValInt { get; set; }
public float ValDec { get; set; }
public string ValStr { get; set; }
public int Sync { get; set; }

When I try to add a new record it tries to automatically pluralize the table name and gets an error that says "{"Invalid object name 'dbo.PersonalDatas'."}"

So I want to do a mapping in my dbcontext class like so:


But I keep getting a design time error:

Error 1 'System.Data.Entity.ModelConfiguration.EntityTypeConfiguration<MyApp.Models.PersonalData>' does not contain a definition for 'MapSingleType' and no extension method 'MapSingleType' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Data.Entity.ModelConfiguration.EntityTypeConfiguration<Myapp.Models.PersonalData>' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)


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DataSource Controls :: Unable To Select And Insert Data In Mapping Table Using Entity Framework

Jan 18, 2010

I have three table like above, table C is mapping table which has foreign key of Table A and B.How can i select and insert data in Table C using Entity Frame Work?

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