ADO.NET :: Entity SQL To Select Multiple Table?

Mar 15, 2011

I am using GridView & EntityDataSource w/ eSQL SelectCommand. Assume i am using AdventureWorks Data model, how can i select more than one table? For example (eSQL),


But above code will make error , right now, i only can replace cat.*,sub.* to VALUE ROW(cat.CategoryID...[All Cat column] , sub.SubCategoryID.....[All SubCategory Column]) Which is very long command text.

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Similar Messages:

DataSource Controls :: Unable To Select And Insert Data In Mapping Table Using Entity Framework

Jan 18, 2010

I have three table like above, table C is mapping table which has foreign key of Table A and B.How can i select and insert data in Table C using Entity Frame Work?

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MVC :: Using Data From Multiple Entity Framework4 Model Entity Objects In MVC2 Controller?

Sep 29, 2010

getting data from multiple Entities models into an MVC controller. Most of the examples I have seen for using EF in an MVC2 app only use a single entitiy.

I have just started using MVC2 in C# using the Entity Framework models (CIOps.model) created from an SQL database. I can create the controller and views using single tables of the model in MVC2, but I just cannot get my head around how to get data from multiple entity tables into the controller (similar to joins in T-SQL). I have included an example below of the controller code that works with a single entity table, tbl_tours (tbl_tour in DB).

Could someone please illustrate how this code would be changed to include additional columns from FK tables in addition to tbl_tours columns. E.g. the clients name from the tbl_clients, the coordinators name from the tbl_employees, and costs from tbl_costs entities? Is it possible to do this directly using the EF model entities/classes that are already created and not use LINQ, POCO, Repositories, etc.? The FK relationships are already in the EF models. I have included the whole controller code, but I just need a few examples of how to join the multiple entities, not rewrite every CRUD function function in the controller. I think this will get me over the hump in using EF in an MVC2 App. Also ignore the fact I am using the home controller, this will change in the application.


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SQL Server :: What If Multiple Output Parameters And Input Parameters And Also Want A Select Table

Feb 16, 2011


When I want to get the output values its okay but I also want returning a table as a result data.But Datareader has no it possible if I want a returning query result and multiple output values togather ?I wrote a test above.I can get output values as sqlparameters. But Datareader attached to a Gridview is empty.can you detect whats wrong here and it doesnt return a query result.So stored procedure is not standart or ı am doing something wrong.this doesnt raise any exception.but not returning any data.


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C# - LINQ To Entity Framwework Multiple Joins With Multiple Dynamic Search Criteria?

Jul 2, 2010

The gist of the problem is that we have an alumni table (one record per person) and also a couple of other tables (one to many) that have degree info and interest info. In a search screen in our app you can search for criteria that spans all three tables (there are actually more fields and tables than shown in the example below but I am trying to keep it simple).

The code below works (properly returns people without degrees for example) but still feels a little clunky or over-engineered to me. Are there easier ways to do this? NOTE: I have been through quite a few iterations/approaches to making the correct data be returned.


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C# - Select Width Entity Framework And Linq?

May 17, 2010

i have 2 table missions and missiondays with a relationship 1..n

I want select all missions that has all missiondays with an attribute called "visible" = true

I've tried with:

db.TDP_Missioni.Include("TDP_MissioniDestinazioni").where(p => p.TDP_MissioniDestinazioni.visible == true)

But there is an error. Indeed from p.TDP_MissioniDestinazioni i don't see the table's attributes. I think it's because the relationship is 1..n.

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Select A Specific Entity Object For Update?

Mar 1, 2011

I'm pulling all the objects from an entity in my database

Dim dbConfig as New housingEntities
Dim update_query = (From p in dbConfig.Configs _
Select p)

Then, I want to individually access the rows and perform updates to them...For example, if I just needed the first row I could go like this:

update_query.First.timeValue = txtFRRSD.Text

Now, I don't know how to code this, but here is pseudo what I'd like to do:

update_query.Item("FRRSD").timeValue = txtFRRSD.Text
update_query.Item("FRRCD").timeValue = txtFRRCD.Text
update_query.Item("SORSD").timeValue = txtSORSD.Text
update_query.Item("SORCD").timeValue = txtSORCD.Text

Does anyone know a way to do this or something like this?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Select Multiple Records In A Gridview Over Multiple Pages

Jan 14, 2011

I have an inventory page with a gridview that shows 1 item per record, each item starts with a checkbox in the gridview. Currently users can select multiple records and hit the order button and everything has worked well. Now I have multiple pages in my gridview, and if a user selects a few records from the first page, and then goes to the second page, all the records (checked checkboxes) disappear from the first page.


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DataSource Controls :: Select A Record From A Table And Insert Into B Table Using Linq?

Jun 29, 2010

how can i select a record from A table and insert into B table using linq?

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SQL Server :: Delete Objects From Table Using Another Table To Select Rows?

Sep 14, 2010

I have one table named 'dbo.ac_Products' Within this table there is a column named 'ProductId' There is also another table named 'dbo.ac_CatalogNodes' Within this table there is a column named 'CatalogNodeId' and a column named 'CatalogNodeType'

I need to delete all the rows from 'dbo.ac_Products' and 'dbo.ac_CatalogNodes' where 'ProductId' = 'CatalogNodeId' and 'CatalogNodeType' = 1

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SQL Server :: Get 3 Tables Sql Statement - Select Table C Column By Using Table A?

Mar 25, 2011

i have 3 tables which are Table A(a Id,b Id),

Table B(b Id,a Id,c Id),

Table C(c Id,b Id)

How can i select Table C column by using table A?

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ADO.NET :: Select Stored Procedure Called By LINQ In Entity Framework?

Jan 6, 2011

I have a stored procedure that receives 2 parameters and returns 3 columns.

Here is how I added the SP:

1. Added SP to entity model (.edmx) via update model from DB.

2. Did a Function Import -- selected my SP, clicked "Get Column Information" and then created a new complex type (myStoredProcedureName_Result) which I assigned.

3. My LINQ is the following:


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ADO.NET :: Select Corresponding Row In A Table Based On Selection In A Different Table

Jan 25, 2011

I have 3 tables (ShoppingCart, Data, Temporary) in database (Entities) I have no problems in getting data into ShoppingCart. I also know how to transfer data from columns in table ShoppingCart into columns of table Temporary (like EngName, CartID, Date, Quantity etc. - see code below) But I do not know how to multiply Quantity in table ShoppingCart by Price stored in table Data and save it into table Temporary. I think the problem is that I do not know, how to select coressponding row in table Data (see "var myCart2" in my code below) which holds the Price value for EngName previously selected by ("var myCart" also visible in the code). protected void Submit(object sender, EventArgse)

using (Entities
db = new Entities())
cartId = GetShoppingCartId();
var myCart = (from
cc in db.ShoppingCart
where cc.CartID ==
cartId select
foreach (ShoppingCart
item in
i = 0;
(i < 1)
engname = item.EngName;
var myCart2 = (from
c in db.Data
where c.EngName ==
engname select
Temporary ta =
Data d =

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ADO.NET :: How To Use Stored Procedure For Insert,update,delete,select In Entity Framework 4 With MVC2

Dec 10, 2010

i want to know how to call stored procedure in entity framework. how to do code with controller class and with model.

i mean if i want to call insert,update,select,delete stored procedure for entity framework then what are stps i have to follow.

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ADO.NET :: LINQ To Entity Multiple Rows WCF?

Dec 15, 2010

I am selecting some products from database and would like to show them in client's grid using WCF. Problem is I don't know how to pass selected collection to the client since my method can't return that data type.

My method:

public class Service1 : IService1
public ProductData GetData(int value)
using( NorthwindEntities NWEntities = new NorthwindEntities()){


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ADO.NET :: Could Not Load An Entity When Table Is Existing

Oct 14, 2010

I always get this error when the table is existing in the database:


The inner exception of the error is this:


I checked the following for possible errors.

webconfig (both the values of the SQL connection string and the NHibernate connection string are the same)checked the existence of the tables.

Imagine that there are 4 records to be updated/inserted. The first 3 are successful. However, when the last record is to be inserted/updated, the error is thrown.

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ADO.NET :: Can't Add A Table To Entity Data Model?

Mar 8, 2011

when i create entity data model and I add two tables only one is added to entity data model

none of the tables have any kind of relationship are simple tables.

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MVC :: Entity / Getting An Error Indicating That There Is No Key For A Table?

Jan 20, 2011

I am working through the MVC Music Store example that is listed on this site. I am also trying to create my own MVC application in which I have several tables defined in a very similar way to the music store.

When I am defining my Models and running the application I am getting an error indicating that there is no key for a table that I know has a key. For example

int Id
string fld1
int Table2_id

int Id
string fldxyz

public class Table1
public int Id;
public string fld1;
public int Table2_id;
public Table2 table2;

public class Table2
public int Id;
public string Fldxyz

of course the Id fields on the database are setup as being the key fields and are unique. When I run the application I am getting an error indicating the Table2 doesn't have a key and that it needs to be defined.

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ADO.NET :: Entity Framework Table Mappings?

Oct 28, 2010

I am busy developing an application using EF4 and MVC2. My development database has a few extra fields that is not in my production database. I have removed the fields from the Model, and published my application to my web server. But now I am getting errors that says I have some invalid column names, but I have removed it from my model. If I go to my Mapping Details, I see the fields removed from the Model are still there, but not mapped to anything.

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C# - Selecting Multiple Table Values And Binding The Data Into Multiple Grids?

Oct 5, 2010

i have multiple tables .

I have created one stored procedure where I am selecting the table values.



I am using LINQ to retrieve the Data. So Using Linq I am calling the stored procedure.

So I ll get the table values in the C# Code the table values.

so in my UI i have 4 gridviews.

I want split the output values into four source and bind it to the grid.

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ADO.NET :: Entity Framework With Multiple Database Servers

Feb 7, 2011

We have an IVR product that reads a configuration database for callflow information. I am writing a tool for our implementation team that will allow them to add/delete/update the data in the configuration database. Once the tool is in production, the implementer will use only the production release of the tool to modify the configuration database in all four of the IVR regions (Dev, QA, Cert, and Prod). Each region has its own database with identical schemas. The tool has 'tabs' across the top for each region. If a user is currently working in the Dev region and clicks the QA tab, how do I switch my connection from the Dev db server to the QA db server?

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Forms Data Controls :: Updating Multiple Table / Multiple Row?

Feb 21, 2011

I've scenerio where i've two dropdownlist box (one dependent on other, displays handset brand name and on selection displays the respective model name), two combolistbox which is bounded to their respective datasource(Displays the fault and accessories).

Now i've to update the three tables booking(Handsetid, Brand,model), accessories(handsetId,AcesoriesID) and fault(handsetID,faultID). Ive to update multiple rows in Accessories and fault.

These controls are present in datagridview EditTemplate

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Can Entity Framework Insert Into Lookup Table

Dec 20, 2010

I ahve two tables each with a primary key. There is a lookup table in between the two tables with relationships. Below is a simplified look at the table structure

Table 'Product'
Column ProductPK int (Primary Key)
Table 'County'
Column CountyID int (primary key)
Table Product_County_Lookup
Column ProductPK int (Joint Primary Key)
Column CountyID int (joint primary key)

I already have the ProductPK and CountyID. What is the correct LINQ statement to insert into Product_County_Lookup table ONLY?

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ADO.NET :: Table (Entity Set) From EDMX File Not Deleted

Feb 13, 2011

when i delete Table (Entity Set) from edmx file ... it deleted from design but when i'm trying to add that table again to edmx file it doesn't appear in added table and when i open edmx file by xml i found table and its relation still in edmx xml so how can i delete entity set (table) completely from db note : i don't want that solution ...i want another easy solution [URL]

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Select A Value From One Table And Insert To Another Table?

Jan 5, 2011

I have two tables in a database and I want to select one value from one of that table. For that I want to pass one value and if that value stored in the table I want pick the id representing the value in the next table.

That means the operation is that first I select a row of data from first table by using a user control in that row there is a value (example "apple") and I want pass that value("apple") to the second table. In the second table the value ("apple") having a id (example "australian") and I want that the query search for that id ("australian") and show that in the text box.


Imagine that this is the two tables using a usercontrol I select first a row from first table and I want to pass that value "apple" to second table and find out the id of "australian" (that is equivalent id for apple in the second tabl ) from the second table and show that in a text box.

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