ADO.NET :: The DELETE Statement Conflicted With The REFERENCE Constraint = Occurred In Database
Oct 15, 2010
I am getting the following error The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_Person_Country_CountryID_CountryID". The statement has been terminated. I do not want the user to delete the country if there are any FK contrains. Or a better way will be to ask the user if they want to delete the records referencing this "Country".
The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_EquipmentStatus_MeetEquip". The conflict occurred in database "D:MEETINGROOMAPAPP_DATADATABASE.MDF", table "dbo.EquipmentStatus", column 'Fk_MeetEquip'.
I'm getting this error when i'm trying to delete a listboxitem. It's true that an other table (EquipmentStatus) is using the primary key attached to the listboxitem, but how can i delete all the rows that causes this problem? I've seen an example using stored procedure, but i dont understand it, since i haven't really worked with it before:
My listbox is using MeetEquip table which p-key is MeetEquip.ID, and the fk-key (which generates the problem) is fk_MeetEquip from EquipmentStatus table.
I"m using table adapters here. I tried to use the following in my table adapter:
ALTER TABLE tblAdvanceLInk DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_tblAdvanceLink_tblLink DELETE FROM [tblAdvanceLink] WHERE WebsiteID=@WebsiteID
The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_tblAdvanceLink_tblLink". The conflict occurred in database "LinkExchanger", table "dbo.tblAdvanceLink", column 'LinkID'. The statement has been terminated
I get the same problem every time. So I read you could do this in a sql query. Why doesn't this work in my tableadapter? Do I have this in the right place? Do I also put this into the other table? (tblLInk) Isn't there a way to just relax ALL constraints so I can delete some rows? I'm deleting rows from both tables which have the corresponding websiteID
I cannot get the value from the drop down list and I not sure what's wrong with the declaration and the code.
Dim selectedIntake As String = intakeDropDownList.SelectedItem.Text() Dim selectedSupervisor As String = supervisorDropDownList.SelectedItem.Text() .supervisor_ID = selectedSupervisor(0), _ .semester_No = selectedIntake(0) _
This is the error message I get :
The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_student_Details_lecturer_Details". The conflict occurred in database "SKTM-AAS", table "dbo.lecturer_Details", column 'supervisor_ID'. The statement has been terminated.
The UPDATE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK__Software__Packag__5165187F". The conflict occurred in database "StudentDB", table "dbo.Package", column 'PackageID'. The statement has been terminated.
There is this error troubling me whenever i tried to do something to the ShopCart such as add to cart.
The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_ShopCart_Shopper". The conflict occurred in database "DIYERA", table "dbo.Shopper", column 'ShopperID'. The statement has been terminated.
I checked the database and the foreign key, ShopperID, was set correctly.
I have an old COM+ object that we've used to create AD user accounts with information from our HR system. This process has been broken since a recent upgrade, so I'm attempting to modify the object to point to a new DC and a new inforamtion store during mailbox creation. After modifying the code I am unable to get an account to be crated and the following error appears:error '8007202f' Automation error A constraint violation occurredI am not a developer and I know that this is a long shot but if anyone has any insight into if this is an AD issue or one with VB 6, any help at all would be greatly appreciated. I think this is the relevent code but again, I'm an admin not a developer:
I'm just starting out with C# and ASP.NET and have the following questions. I am working with code adapted from a couple different tutorials playing with Northwind and have gotten this far. The list of acceptable categories is currently hard coded in a string but I would like to look up the CategoryName in the database to verify that it exists.
Obviously the purpose of this is to ensure that users don't just type:
[URL] and return a valid page.
Also does anyone have an tips of how they are dealing with capitalization issues since the routing is case sensitive? For example Categories/beverages should forward to Categories/Beverages ?
Compilation Error Description: An error occurred during the compilation of a resource required to service this request. Please review the following specific error details and modify your source code appropriately. Compiler Error Message: CS0122: 'NovPotniNalog.CustomersGridView_RowDeleting(object, System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewDeleteEventArgs)' is inaccessible due to its protection levelSource Error:
Line 202:<div>Line 203:Line 204: <asp:GridView ID="ViewRelacije" runat="server" Line 205: BorderWidth="0px" Line 206: AutoGenerateColumns="False"
I want to delete a row in a way that it shows, but displays an error.
I'm having problems with creating detele functionality to my page. I have found lots of bits of code indicating parts of how to do it, but not in its entirety. Could someone display it in a more complete version so I could have something to compare and figure out what i am doing wrong?
i have problem about when i try to login it cannot be perform, instead of it gives "A critical error has occurred. Object reference not set to an instance of an object." but user name can accepted but the password cannot be accepted.
I have a GridView and on a row being deleted I trigger the GridView1_RowDeleting sub, but I receive an error "LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.TableCell get_Item(Int32)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression." Code is:
Private Sub GridView1_RowDeleting(sender As Object, e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewDeleteEventArgs) Handles GridView1.RowDeleting ' The deletion of the individual row is automatically handled by the GridView. Dim dbDelete As New pbu_housingEntities ' Remove individual from the bed. Dim remove_bed = From p In dbDelete.Beds _ Where p.occupant = GridView1.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(3).Text _ Where = GridView1.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(6).Text _ Where p.building = GridView1.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(5).Text _ Order By Descending _ Select p remove_bed.First.occupant = "" dbDelete.SaveChanges() ' Increase number of open spaces in room. Dim update_occupancy = From p In dbDelete.Rooms _ Where p.room1 = GridView1.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(6).Text Where p.building = GridView1.Rows(e.RowIndex).Cells(5).Text _ Select p update_occupancy.First.current_occupancy = update_occupancy.First.current_occupancy - 1 dbDelete.SaveChanges() End Sub
The specific line erroring out is: remove_bed.First.occupant = ""
in generate the Stored Procedures when using Create TableAdapter configuration Wizard in can not generate the Stored Procedures for Delete and Update Commands, but it generated for Select and Insert. i tried many times, but still get the same problem.
Edit and Delete functionality works flawlessly in Gridview if all data is pulled ONLY FROM ONE TABLE. But pulling data from one table give you ID's instead of actual values that are stored in other tables.
After creating a usable Select statement that would pull all the correct values, my Edit and Delete functionality no longer work.
I keep getting Object Reference not set to an instance of an object errors when I try to use the ListView delete function. It is a fairly freshly created listview and is very close to the original template so not sure what is going wrong. Some possibly relevant code:
I also put in a breakpoint in the deleting event (only reason I added the deleting event) to look at the status of everything. When I do: Contact delContact = (Contact)e.Entity; and look at the values, the values for almost everything are set to null. It does have the correct value for the ID of the contact object that needs to be deleted. When I continue to step, it jumps to my designer.cs file and appears to break here:
likely because _Case_ID is null. The exact exception I'm encountering is: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. While I could probably re populate the object with correct values, that doesn't seem likely to address the real cause of the problem.
I am making a simple ASP.NET webpage for my school organization using VS2010. When I choose "New Website," I see that Visual Studio already sets up a database for managing memberships. I also have my own database (MyDatabase) that I need to use for the site, which contains information about the members of the organization (for example, email, phone-number, etc.)
I need to have a way to find out who the current logged-in user is, and allow them to edit ONLY their information (email, phone-number).The way I have considered doing it is:
- Add a field in MyDatabase called "UserName" and use it as a sort-of foreign key from the other database.
- Get the username of the logged-in user
- Use this username for my queries For example:
// (PseudoCode) String loggedInUser = MembersDatbase.GetLoggedInUser(); var MemberInfo = SELECT * FROM MyDatabase.Users WHERE UserName=loggedInUser;
-Then the logged-in user will only have access to their information.
I'm not sure about the code yet, but I could probably figure that part out. I'm more interested in hearing if there is a better way of doing this. I do NOT want to merge the two databases into a single database.
I have this code, that i use to get data from a database.
Code: Using connection As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("MyConnStr").ConnectionString) Using command As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand("select * from TableTest", connection) command.Connection.Open() Using reader As OleDbDataReader = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection) While reader.Read()
how can i add 2 sql statsment to that code !?
First of all i need to know is an record is in the db. and if its in the db i need to know if status is activ or notactiv
"select * from TableTest where email = ''" if this is OK, then i need to know if Status is "activ" or "notactiv"
how do i do that and how do i response.write one thing if email is not in the db, and another thing if the email is in the db and the status is activ and a 3. response.write if its in the db and the status is notactiv.
BTW do i need to add a reader.close() between the end.while and end.using !?
anyone know that can we used select statement to called queries table in database or not?usually people used select statement to called common table in database.
My students are working on an VB application for a Web Programming competition and we are having problems with a page where we want an URL string to return all values from our database. Here is the page: [URL] If you use the jobs by category menu on the left side, if you select a job category (ie retail) it will pull up all the jobs from that category. By using a query in the URL like this: [URL] What we need is an option that would pull up all of the records regardless of category. So we made a menu option that passes the value "all". Like this: [URL] We use this information for the dataset we created (we're using Dreamweaver, VB and and Access Dbase). We made a dataset SQL as follows:
SELECT * FROM jobs, businesses WHERE jobs.contactlogin=businesses.contactlogin and jobcategory = ? ORDER BY jobs.dateposted DESC
This works fine if a value is passed. For example if "retail" is picked from the menu it passes the value just fine and returns all jobs that have "retail" as the job category in the database. My problem is, how do I modify the above Select statement to show all jobs in the database if the value "all" is passed for the jobcategory. My first thought was to create an If statement that says something to the effect of:
If jobcategory = all THEN SELECT * FROM jobs, businesses WHERE jobs.contactlogin=businesses.contactlogin ORDER BY jobs.dateposted DESC ELSE SELECT * FROM jobs, businesses WHERE jobs.contactlogin=businesses.contactlogin and jobcategory = ? ORDER BY jobs.dateposted DESC END IF
But I haven't been able to figure out the correct syntax. I also tried making this work by using a query in MS Access:
SELECT * FROM jobs, businesses WHERE jobs.contactlogin=businesses.contactlogin AND (jobcategory = @jobcategory or @jobcategory = 'all') ORDER BY jobs.dateposted DESC;
(which does work within MS Access) and calling the query in the Dreamweaver dataset but apparently MS Access can't do that.This seems like it should be easy but so far this problem is kicking my butt.
I am building a small site for a local charity, it is quite simple and is using an access database.The database is mainly used for a simple poll/survey on the site as well as controlling the values for a couple of dropdown menus on the site.At the moment I have built a couple in the access database to enable to charity to maintain these reference values and survey as they have their own web server and have direct access to the web folder in their office.I was just wondering if anyone thought this was the best way to do this or if anyone else had any good examples of how to maintain a couple of reference values/surveys?
i working on visual studio 2008 with my database in sql server 2005 i have created a chat online apps once the user is online he/she will chat and chat data will go in my message database which has this column
MessageID(pk) RoomID UserID ToUserID Text
after the chatter finish's chat he log's out and the messages send by the "UserID" or say chat data in message table of that USerID must be deleted so i want to delete muliple row from the database at once.