DataSource Controls :: The DELETE Statement Conflicted With The REFERENCE Constraint "FK_tblAdvanceLink_tblLink"
Oct 3, 2010
I"m using table adapters here. I tried to use the following in my table adapter:
ALTER TABLE tblAdvanceLInk
DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_tblAdvanceLink_tblLink
DELETE FROM [tblAdvanceLink] WHERE WebsiteID=@WebsiteID
The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_tblAdvanceLink_tblLink". The conflict occurred in database "LinkExchanger", table "dbo.tblAdvanceLink", column 'LinkID'. The statement has been terminated
I get the same problem every time. So I read you could do this in a sql query. Why doesn't this work in my tableadapter? Do I have this in the right place? Do I also put this into the other table? (tblLInk) Isn't there a way to just relax ALL constraints so I can delete some rows? I'm deleting rows from both tables which have the corresponding websiteID
The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_EquipmentStatus_MeetEquip". The conflict occurred in database "D:MEETINGROOMAPAPP_DATADATABASE.MDF", table "dbo.EquipmentStatus", column 'Fk_MeetEquip'.
I'm getting this error when i'm trying to delete a listboxitem. It's true that an other table (EquipmentStatus) is using the primary key attached to the listboxitem, but how can i delete all the rows that causes this problem? I've seen an example using stored procedure, but i dont understand it, since i haven't really worked with it before:
My listbox is using MeetEquip table which p-key is MeetEquip.ID, and the fk-key (which generates the problem) is fk_MeetEquip from EquipmentStatus table.
I am getting the following error The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_Person_Country_CountryID_CountryID". The statement has been terminated. I do not want the user to delete the country if there are any FK contrains. Or a better way will be to ask the user if they want to delete the records referencing this "Country".
I cannot get the value from the drop down list and I not sure what's wrong with the declaration and the code.
Dim selectedIntake As String = intakeDropDownList.SelectedItem.Text() Dim selectedSupervisor As String = supervisorDropDownList.SelectedItem.Text() .supervisor_ID = selectedSupervisor(0), _ .semester_No = selectedIntake(0) _
This is the error message I get :
The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_student_Details_lecturer_Details". The conflict occurred in database "SKTM-AAS", table "dbo.lecturer_Details", column 'supervisor_ID'. The statement has been terminated.
There is this error troubling me whenever i tried to do something to the ShopCart such as add to cart.
The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_ShopCart_Shopper". The conflict occurred in database "DIYERA", table "dbo.Shopper", column 'ShopperID'. The statement has been terminated.
I checked the database and the foreign key, ShopperID, was set correctly.
The UPDATE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK__Software__Packag__5165187F". The conflict occurred in database "StudentDB", table "dbo.Package", column 'PackageID'. The statement has been terminated.
in generate the Stored Procedures when using Create TableAdapter configuration Wizard in can not generate the Stored Procedures for Delete and Update Commands, but it generated for Select and Insert. i tried many times, but still get the same problem.
I want to create a constraint for 3 columns (A B and C) where if columns B or C are not null, then A cannot be null. And vice versa (i.e., if A is not null, then either B cannot be null, or C cannot be null).I am not very well versed in SQL and would like to know what is the best way to achieve this (e.,g Check constraint, stored procedure, function, trigger)? I'm leaning towards trigger but I'm not 100% sure if that's right nor of how to implement it.
STUDENT PARENT student_id (PK) parent_id (PK) student_parent (FK) parent_status (the value is either ACTIVE OR INACTIVE)
- parent_id is refer by STUDENT table as a foreign key
- now i want to inactive the status for parent
- i want my system pop out a message something like "The parent you want to inactive is refer by a student, inactive is not allow"
- is it any constraint in SQL Server 2005 to help me check whether parent it is refer by student table? The concept i want to use is something like delete constraint in SQL Server 2005 mean it is not allow to delete a person who is refer by a student in STUDENT table.
I'm new to and I'm building a project in which I send data to a database MSSQL, I've set a constraintname on some fields that I wantto be unique, now how do I catch that error when people insert a duble and handle it with a redirectionto custom error pagehere the code just in case you need it
Dim con As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection con.ConnectionString = "Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=Database1;User ID=user;Password=password;TrustServerCertificate=True" Dim myCommand As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand myCommand.CommandText = "INSERT INTO serves(CategoryID,UserId,vote, Img, link, Description) VALUES('" & DropDownList1.SelectedValue & "','" & UId.Text & " ' ,1,'" & TextBox1.Text & "','" & "<a href=" + TextBox2.Text + ">" + TextBox4.Text + "</a>" & "','" & TextBox3.Text & "')" myCommand.Connection = con con.Open() myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
Edit and Delete functionality works flawlessly in Gridview if all data is pulled ONLY FROM ONE TABLE. But pulling data from one table give you ID's instead of actual values that are stored in other tables.
After creating a usable Select statement that would pull all the correct values, my Edit and Delete functionality no longer work.
I keep getting Object Reference not set to an instance of an object errors when I try to use the ListView delete function. It is a fairly freshly created listview and is very close to the original template so not sure what is going wrong. Some possibly relevant code:
I also put in a breakpoint in the deleting event (only reason I added the deleting event) to look at the status of everything. When I do: Contact delContact = (Contact)e.Entity; and look at the values, the values for almost everything are set to null. It does have the correct value for the ID of the contact object that needs to be deleted. When I continue to step, it jumps to my designer.cs file and appears to break here:
likely because _Case_ID is null. The exact exception I'm encountering is: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. While I could probably re populate the object with correct values, that doesn't seem likely to address the real cause of the problem.
I'm having problems with creating detele functionality to my page. I have found lots of bits of code indicating parts of how to do it, but not in its entirety. Could someone display it in a more complete version so I could have something to compare and figure out what i am doing wrong?
I am writing a simple form that will take in data and insert it into a db if it's a new record and update the existing record if it already exists. The insert works fine, but the update isn't working at all, yet the code looks solid to me and everything I've compared it to in my google searches.
I've done some SSIS package work in the past, but am by no means an expert.
I want to use an SSIS package to do the following:
1. Get the file name of the newest file in a windows folder (using a filename template like his: filename_ *.txt where the * part is always a date in the format of yyyy-mm-dd.
2. Use that file name in later portions of the SSIS package by reading the file and transferring data from it to a SQL table using a Data Flow task.
and use the result (which should be the name of the newest file) to open that file and pull data out of it and into a 2nd SQL table. I admit, I'm not sure how to use the dynamic result of this SELECT query as the file name in a flat file connection manager.
I am rather confused as how or where to declare this variable in
Whenever i put this in my sqldatasource for it is asking me to Define Parameters:
The wizard has detected one or more parameters in your SELECT statement. For each parameter in the Select Statement, choose a source for the parameter's value.
I have SQL Details View insert statement, I need to have a Condition checked for the Insert Query. The condition is, I do have a table by name table1 with the No of Questions (for Eg: 10). The insert statement shud insert data to the table2 (Another table) only if the no of rows is less than or equal to 10 else it shud give me a message (It has exceeded the no of questions).