i am writing storedprocedure for creating salary table ,but getting error while executing sp.
USE [Crystal.HRM] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[Hrm_Salary] Script Date: 01/19/2011 13:11:02 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Hrm_Salary]( @Pay_Basic char(1), @Pay_Hra char(1) ) AS BEGIN declare @fields nvarchar(max) set @fields='Hrm_Emp_Id [int] not null' if(@Pay_Basic='Y') Begin set @fields=@fields+', Pay_Basic [int] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Hrm_Emp_Salary_Pay_Basic] DEFAULT ((0)),' end if(@Pay_Hra='Y') Begin set @fields=@fields+', Pay_Hra [smallint] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT [DF_Hrm_Emp_Salary_Pay_Hra] DEFAULT ((0)),' End set @fields=substring(@fields,0,len(@fields)-2) declare @sql nvarchar(max) set @sql='CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Salary]('+ @fields+' CONSTRAINT [PK_Payroll] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [Pay_Emp_Id] ASC )WITH (IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO USE [Crystal.HRM] GO ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Hrm_Emp_Salary] WITH CHECK ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_Hrm_Emp_Salary_Hrm_Emp_Tbl] FOREIGN KEY([Pay_Emp_Id]) REFERENCES [dbo].[Hrm_Emp_Tbl] ([Emp_Id])' exec sp_ExecuteSql @sql END
my main intention is that, the exsisting table of sql server database(.dbo) with 1000's of records, that should be import to a new access database table(.mdb).for example if we want to had a new table in db2, of exsisting table in db1 with some conditions by using "select * into New_Tabel from (select * from Exsisting_Table where <Condition>) as objectName". Here the new table is created and records inserted in one execution in db2. The same work should be done for access(sqlserver db --> Access db).Here the new access database table with given name (as string_sysdate) must be created dynamically by clicking a button (multiples time creating new table).Is there any query or c# code for sql server database to access database.
I've built a class that derives from System.Web.UI.WebControl. It basically renders pagination links (same as what you see on top of GridView when enabled) for use above a repeater.I'm creating some anchor tags explicitly inside my nav control obviously, but they don't perform ajax postbacks. My understanding is that ajax requires POSTS to work right? Well, these would be GETs
I have data for the payment system: - Credit card number (Visa, Mastercard, etc ...) - Paypal - Moneybookers - NETeller - Etc ...
how to set the table and columns.
Current proposal: Column AttributeName, in which I have text (credit card number, name on credit, email, etc ...) Column Value, in which I have data about a particular attribute.
I wish that all data is stored in one table.I do not wish for any payment system, use the new table, as for example:
<MyUserControl id="myusercontrol" runat="server" MyUrlProperty="http://myurl.com/" /> which can't be casted from System.String to System.Uri EDIT The control is a sealed class and I don't want to modify it or write an own control. The goal is to set the url-property which is of the type System.Uri and not System.String.
Is there a way to do the following in VB:dim sTableClass as string = <my underlying table class in linq>dim dbTab as system.data.linq.table(<typed class of sTableClass>)I've tried cycling through the table objects of the linq data context and retrieved the following: Dim ddData = pkDB.GetTable(tt.RowType.Type.UnderlyingSystemType)(where tt reflects the row of the table I want to retrieve) But the expression returns and itable and I need the table equivalent but can't get this to work with a stri
I have been google some but I canīt find any solution that have been worked for me. I do use System.Net.mail on my site to send emails to individual employes. Now I would like to be able to email all emplyees. The emplyees email address is stored in a MS SQL table. Is it possible to make a BCC email to all employees in that table?
If I am going to use the asp.net membership and roles, the asp.net database includes an aspnet_Users table that has the userid and email address. If I have custom fields is it best practice to maintain a separate usert table and link on user id or to add fields to the aspnet_Users table?
Basically i deal with two tables.i have a table T1 of the following format:id company_name i need to read this data and create a table T2 as followsi wrote the following code. it worked fine for retrieving data and modification but fails to insert the modified data into the 2nd table.the error is, it does not recognise the value for @token
ArrayList dynarr=new ArrayList(); // global variable protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int row = 1; int i; string strcmd = null; string Connection = "Data Source=...."; SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Connection); string str = "select company_name from T1 where ID=@ID"; [code]...
I have an Access 2010 DB that I have a table of RAW data in. In my scenero when table 'a' has been populated all the rows with the updatedate of Now() get moved to another table... the SQL is like this...
As you can see it is a very simple query but it does NOT return any rows. There are actually 404 rows with todays date in teh Append_Date column.
I am fairly new to ASP.Net and web programming in general and I am having issues trying to add values from a dropdown list in my gridview to another table.
Here is my scenario. I have 2 tables in my SQL Express DB. When editing the values of table2 in a gridview, I would like to show some data from table1 in a dropdown so users can select a value from table 1 and enter that value in table 2.
I have the Gridview setup to show table2 data.
I created a field template and inserted my dropdown list and linked it to my table1 data source.
When I run my web form, I can click to edit one of the fields in the gridview, and my dropdown list correctly displays the data from table 1, but when I try to update the table2 with the dropdown value, it doesn't correctly update. The row in table2 never updates.
posting the dropdown value from table 1 into the appropriate field in table2..
Again, I am new to this and have been following the tutorials etc on this site, but can't find one pertaining to this topic.
I have two tables for storing language translations - tblEN and tblES. They have the same structure which is nvcEnglish and nvcLocal - both nVarChar fields.
In nvcLocal of the Spanish table, I enter the Spanish translations of words and phrases used within my app. Problem is, when I add a bunch of new records to the English table I also have to go in and repeat the data entry into the Spanish table. I am wondering if there is a way to import the newly added records into the Spanish table using Transact SQL?The plain language query would be something like:
If the data in tblEN.nvcEnglish does not exist in tblES.nvcEnglish then insert a new row into tblES with the values from tblEN
I am working on a web app for an online photo album. It is the last project in Scott Mitchell's book: "ASP.Net 2.0 in 24 hours".
I am creating a page where users can enter new photo images. The functionality for uploading an image will come later. I am working on just inserting a new row into the Pictures table with an optional category, a required title and a required description.
I am getting an error when I try to insert a new row.
Here is a screenshot of the page with a shot of the dropdown list.
The Categories are user-specific. I am getting the correct values retrieved.
There are two pretty simple database tables involved here.
NOTE: The CategoryID and PIctureID are both autoincrement integer columns.
The page uses a DetailsView that uses a SqlDataSource that uses the Pictures table. (The DetailsView's Default Mode property is set to "Insert". The "Enable Inserting" checkbox is also checked.)
The dropdown list uses a dropdown control that uses a SqlDataSource that uses the Categories table.
When the "Insert" button is clicked the CategoryID value associated with selected (Category) Name on the dropdown list will be used along with the Title and Description values to insert a row in to the Pictures table. (If no Category value is selected, then a null value will be used for the CategoryID. This is OK because the CategoryID column in the Pictures table allows nulls.)
My problem is that I am getting this error:
Cannot insert explicit value for identity column in table 'Pictures' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to OFF.
(FYI: I have the full version of both Visual Studio and SQL Server.)
I need to write a query to populate a gridview with minimum rates in ascending order for a month from three tables.For example i have three tables A,B,C as follows
TABLE A TABLE B TABLE C Id id id Quote_no Quote_no Quote_ no Name Rate1 Equip_name Rate2 E_rate Date R1_rate R2_rate Date
Now if the data is as follows
I need to get the Name from Table A ,minimum Rate1 and Rate2 values for a month in a dropdownlist from date field from Table B and the corresponding minimum rate(E_rate) for Equipment E1 and E2 only from Table C for the month in ascending order group by Name.
id Quote_no Name 1 101 XYZ
2 102 ABC TABLE B id Quote_no Rate1 Rate2 Date
1 101 105 200 12/11/2010
2 102 90 210 15/11/2010
TABLE C id Quote_no Equip_name E_rate R1_rate R2_Rate Date
Im creating a table dynamically in my codebehind to display some statistics. The table is in a usercontrol. When the page first loads, its created and displayed correctly. If I do something that generates a postback, the table subsequently disappears, this is because its created inside a !IsPostback. How can i ensure that the table, once its been generated, stays visble on the page ? I dont want to generate it each time the page loads as it involves a lot of calculations on the database which will slow the pageload down.
i have a table that has some columns and rows i want this table to have borders that are visible inside it i want every column an row to be closed in borders how can i do that?
[URL]above url contain a html table.I want to save this table value on XML and also want to save this table value on database MS2008.How to save html table values on database