ADO.NET :: Using Where Clause Before Select In LINQ?
Aug 26, 2010why use where condition before select statement in LINQ
View 2 Replieswhy use where condition before select statement in LINQ
View 2 Repliesi have an problem to use of PATINDEX function in select clause with Linq.
View 1 Replieshow do you convert the WHERE clause of this statement to Linq ?
View 1 RepliesLinq add wildcard in the where clause dynamically I have a query, i.e.
var query = from r in .....
then have some business logic and based on the validation I want to add dynamically a where clause
if(a == "1")
query = query.Where(r=> r.Name = Fullname); //works!!
else if(a == "2)
query = query.Where SqlMethods.Like(r=> r.Name,"%"+Fullname+"%"); //fails to compile , the r.Name is not found..
In the code bdehind && syntax does not work, any ideas?
Entities ctx3 = new Entities();
var uniqueQuote = from quot in ctx3.Quotes.Include("aspnet_Users").Include("Enquiries")
where quot.Enquiries.EnquiryId == selectedEnquiryId && [code]...
Error 2 Delegate 'System.Func' does not take '1' arguments C:LocalGarageFinderLocalGarageFinderEnquiryDetail.aspx.cs 56 33 LocalGarageFinder
I have a select statement:
cmd = new SqlCommand("select lab_key from tblorderwhere", connection);
I would like to add a where statement that pass variable to the select statement. How I can do this?
Where lab_key =ChargeFine( that is my variable)
I am using Linq to SQL. Tables have timestamp columns and I am using regular Linq methodology in ASP.NET MVC.I do use detached entities and always try to do updates without first querying the database for the original entity. To update an entity I use context.Attach(entity, true) followed by context.SubmitChanges() and all is fine. The sql statement that gets executed looks like:
Ive created a new LINQ To SQL class and dragged several tables across from my server, in my code I access them like this
[Code]....this is all ok, however, I have several stored procedures that I want to use as well, but when I drag the stored procedures across I get a compilatiopn error
Error 60 'DB_BL.DB_BLDataContext': type used in a using statement must be implicitly convertible to 'System.IDisposable'
how do I use stored procedures from LINQ with a using clause ?
I have the following statement:
List<string> tracks = new List<string> { "ABC", "DEF" };
var items = (from i in Agenda.AgendaSessions
select i).Where(p => p.Tracks.Any(s => tracks.Contains(s.Code)));
this returns all sessions which track contains either ABC or DEF, now when I rewrite the statement like the following, it returns All sessions regardless, as if the clause always yeilds into true,
var items = from i in Agenda.AgendaSessions
where i.Tracks.Any(s=> tracks.Contains(s.Code))
select i;
if there are other clauses within the where, does that affect the results?
I'm using login on a SQL Database.
I have 12 users in my User tabel - one of the user I don't want to have in my select (the user is an admin).
I tried this:
I also tried:
WHERE (dbo.aspnet_Roles.RoleName <> 'Administrators')
Both time it took the user into the table....
If I instead try this
WHERE (dbo.aspnet_Roles.RoleName = 'Administrators')
I get only one row (as expected).
What is wrong with the above sql statement - why can't I get 11 users and not them all (12 users)?
I'm having trouble writing what should be a simple sub-query using LINQ to Entities. I have two tables: Customers and Orders that have a relation on the CustID field. Not all Customers have a record in the Orders table, while some have mutiple records. In traditional SQL, you could write the query like this: SELECT * FROM Orders where CustID IN (SELECT CustID FROM Customers) I know this could be done as a JOIN in both SQL and L2E, but my actual query is more complex (about 8-9 joins), so I am hoping to find a L2E sub-query equivalent. Something like this:
I know LINQ to Entities does not support the " IN " clause, so I am looking for something that will work in its place.
I am not able to understand what is the problem with My sql same query is run sucessfully while i use SQL Server 2005 whit out any Exception or error.........
Select Count( Date ) From Attendancemaster
Error in SELECT clause: expression near ')'.
Unable to parse query text.
this is very simple query run sucessfully in SQL Server 2005 but not in
MY SQL and giving Error..and the query on which any datetime avar comes in WHERE clause allso generate error always....?
What is difference between select { } and select new {} In Linq Query
View 3 RepliesI have two tables, subscriptions and topics. Each subscription is related to a specific TopicID (PK for topics table). The first query works fine and retrieves the topicID's of all videos that were uploaded today. The problem occurs when I try and then use the results of query1 as a where-in clause for query 2. I keep receiving object reference not set to instance of an object.
Query 1 IQueryable<int> topics = (from t in dataLayer.Videos
where SqlMethods.DateDiffDay(t.DateCreated, DateTime.Today) == 0
select t.TopicID).Distinct(); [code]....
I have looked at some samples around the net and they all seem to be identical to mine.
I am using this C# with linq to sql:
string currentLabel = from s2f in stream2FieldTypesTable
where s2f.s2fID == item.s2fID
&& (s2f.s2fLabel != item.s2fLabel || s2f.s2fIsRequired != item.s2fIsRequired)
select s2f.s2fLabel;
I am getting a compiler error saying i can't assign type System.Linq.IQueryable<string> to string.
I tried this code:
string currentLabel = from s2f in stream2FieldTypesTable
where s2f.s2fID == item.s2fID
&& (s2f.s2fLabel != item.s2fLabel || s2f.s2fIsRequired != item.s2fIsRequired)
select s2f.s2fLabel.ToString();
And that returns the same error. I'm sure this is a simple thing. what am I missing? I just want the first s2fLabel that matches the where clause.
how to indicate which columns I would like returned at run-time from a LINQ To SQL statement?I am allowing the user to select items in a checkboxlist representing the columns they would like displayed in a gridview that is bound to the results of a L2S query.I am able to dynamically generate the WHERE clause but am unable to do the same with the SELECT piece. Here is a sample:
var query = from log in context.Logs select log;
query = query.Where(Log => Log.Timestamp > CustomReport.ReportDateStart);
query = query.Where(Log => Log.Timestamp < CustomReport.ReportDateEnd);
I have to get the maximum of these two select values. The select values are nullable. How do I go about checking if the value is null before calling the Max() method on it? I tried the ?? coalesing operator (example: e.HomeSales.Max() ?? 0M,) but I get the following error:"Operator '??' cannot be applied to operands of type 'decimal' and 'decimal'"
I have several tables to load from depending on a string value using Linq to Sql I currently have
but of course that only gets the specific table DOffices if I wanted to grab tables at runtime what would be the best way to go about it?
i am using stored proc in linq to sql but i have done insert & delete operations but im unable to do the select operation i have tried but no use,whenever i enter the id into the textbox it should display the record?
View 5 RepliesI'm building an ASP.NET MVC site that uses LINQ to SQL. In my search method that has some required and some optional parameters, I want to build a LINQ query while testing for the existence of those optional parameters.
Here's what I'm currently thinking:
using(var db = new DBDataContext())
IQueryable<Listing> query = null;
//Handle required parameter
query = db.Listings.Where(l => l.Lat >= form.bounds.extent1.latitude && l.Lat <= form.bounds.extent2.latitude);
//Handle optional parameter
if (numStars != null)
query = query.Where(l => l.Stars == (int)numStars);
//Other parameters...
//Execute query (does this happen here?)
var result = query.ToList();
//Process query...
Will this implementation "bundle" the where clauses and then execute the bundled query? If not, how should I implement this feature?
If I have a linq statement like:
There may be a lot of data in the Blogs table. What if all I wanted was say BlogID, BlogTitle and BlogAuthor and nothing else, is there a way to do this in an effort to make the sql more efficent?
Along the same lines in my DataContext (.dbml) file I added some associations between some of my tables. This makes coding nice when I do a linq statement that will join those tables automatically for me but my concern is does it do that everytime, thus making all my linq quieries inefficient?
My application includes BUILDING table with columns BUILDING_ID, NAME, TOWN_ID, I run the LINQ query listed below and need to append two letters to buildings.NAME based on TOWN_ID. I assume that I need to place an "if" or "select" statement inside the query but I can not figure out how to do that,
I have the following one-to-many relation between two objects.
--> IList<Child>
Now, I have a List of Parent objects and I want the First Child of each parent in the list.
What is the best way to do this using Linq?
i have 2 table missions and missiondays with a relationship 1..n
I want select all missions that has all missiondays with an attribute called "visible" = true
I've tried with:
db.TDP_Missioni.Include("TDP_MissioniDestinazioni").where(p => p.TDP_MissioniDestinazioni.visible == true)
But there is an error. Indeed from p.TDP_MissioniDestinazioni i don't see the table's attributes. I think it's because the relationship is 1..n.
With linq to entities, how can I delete and update data inside a database without first selecting the complete entity at first?
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