C# - Clause Is Used Inside Linq Statement Produces Different Results Than When Used Outside?
Aug 8, 2010
I have the following statement:
List<string> tracks = new List<string> { "ABC", "DEF" };
var items = (from i in Agenda.AgendaSessions
select i).Where(p => p.Tracks.Any(s => tracks.Contains(s.Code)));
this returns all sessions which track contains either ABC or DEF, now when I rewrite the statement like the following, it returns All sessions regardless, as if the clause always yeilds into true,
var items = from i in Agenda.AgendaSessions
where i.Tracks.Any(s=> tracks.Contains(s.Code))
select i;
if there are other clauses within the where, does that affect the results?
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The following is the site code and sql code. -carlos
Site behind code:
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Dim selectedHalls = (From sh In dbHalls.Rooms _
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public IQueryable<string> Dropone()
return (from x in CAT.CatalogueDatas
where x.Parent == null
orderby x.Manufacturer
select x.Manufacturer).Distinct();
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Jul 1, 2010
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