ADO.NET ::calculate A New Column IN In Linq?

Aug 12, 2010

I would like to select some data from multiple tables and calculate a new column IN the query.In SQL it would look like: (select A, B, ((C * D) + (C * E)) as 'calc' from tab1 join tab2 on.join tab3 on.join tab4 on ...);I've tried this in linq, but it didn't work as I believe.


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DataSource Controls :: Linq To Sql - Calculate Shopping Cart Total Amount

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decimal? TotalAmount = (from shopCart in dc.KP_ShoppingCarts

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(SELECT COUNT(Incidentx) AS Expr3
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<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
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gridview row databound code behind


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Data Controls :: Calculate Sum Of TextBox Column In GridView TemplateField On Button Click?

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How to calculate sum of item template rows

<asp:GridView ID="GRDMonthly" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
CellPadding="3" Font-Names="Georgia" ForeColor="#333333"
GridLines="None" Width="400px" CellSpacing="2"


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Forms Data Controls :: Calculate SUM Of Gridview Column Where Template Field Checkbox Is Ticked On Button Click

Nov 9, 2010

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There is a submit button on the page as well.(this is not in a template column in the gridview)

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Calculate The Gridview Column Data

Jan 22, 2011

my gridview data is as follows

id name salary

1 raju 100

2 ramesh 150

3 mahesh 200

4 shyla 120

i need to calculate total amount = (100+150+200+120)

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Forms Data Controls :: Calculate The Dues Fine Amount And Display It In Where Due Type Is "F" Column

Jul 2, 2010

in my gridview i bound Duecode,DueType,DueAmount and Due Fine and also a checkbox.


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Problem is ,how can i calculate the Dues fine amount and display it in where due type is "F" column.

in which event i calculate and display it?


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MVC :: Get Column Of A Table Using Linq?

Feb 2, 2010

In my application i want to compare data of two users from database table using linq.

lets say i have ten columns in UserMaster table.

Now based on the comparision i want to display result.

Like is 10 out of 10 columns matches for those two users result will be 100,if 9 columns matches then result will be 90 and if 0 matches thn result will be 0.

i dont want to write if else for somany time.

I am new to linq.

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C# - Use Linq To Sql To Select One Column From Row?

Dec 18, 2010

I am using this C# with linq to sql:

string currentLabel = from s2f in stream2FieldTypesTable
where s2f.s2fID == item.s2fID
&& (s2f.s2fLabel != item.s2fLabel || s2f.s2fIsRequired != item.s2fIsRequired)
select s2f.s2fLabel;

I am getting a compiler error saying i can't assign type System.Linq.IQueryable<string> to string.

I tried this code:

string currentLabel = from s2f in stream2FieldTypesTable
where s2f.s2fID == item.s2fID
&& (s2f.s2fLabel != item.s2fLabel || s2f.s2fIsRequired != item.s2fIsRequired)
select s2f.s2fLabel.ToString();

And that returns the same error. I'm sure this is a simple thing. what am I missing? I just want the first s2fLabel that matches the where clause.

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C# - SQL Group By Column Value In LINQ?

Jun 25, 2010

I am trying to translate this:

SELECT IDNum, Max(Convert(varchar(20), (TimeOut - TimeIn), 108))
FROM IO_Times Group by IDNum
order by Max(Convert(varchar(20), (TimeOut - TimeIn), 108)) desc";

Into LINQ in C#. The above returns a list of the maximum value of (TimeOut-TimeIn) that corresponds to each unique IDNum (There are multiple TimeOut-TimeIn values for every IDNum).Here is what I am trying now:

from IO_Time in db.IO_Times
orderby SqlMethods.DateDiffMinute(IO_Time.TimeIn, IO_Time.TimeOut) descending
group IO_Time by IO_Time.IDNum into list
select new
ID = list.Key,
Time = list

This returns the correct IDs in the correct order, but the "list" contains everything in the database entry (which makes sense). I have also tried group by IDNum and Time, but then I get unique time entries and multiple IDs returned.I could do a foreach loop and manually sort it all out, but I would really rather not do that.

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ADO.NET :: How To Get Column Names From Linq Datasource

Jan 14, 2011

how to get column names from linq datasource?


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ADO.NET :: Linq - Order By Column That Contains Query?

Aug 19, 2010

I got a sql table and is trying to sort the data by the column that contains the data entered in a search form.

My code is below:


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ADO.NET :: Reading Column Data From Var (using LINQ)?

Feb 2, 2011

I am using Linq to read data from the database, the database has 5 coloumns.Here is the code that I am using to read from the database.


Now, I call this method as : var retrieved_Data = objDataMgrClass.ReadData();Now comes the problem that I am facing how to read each coloumn from this var retrived_Data??? I have tried using foreach loop but i keep getting an error : foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type 'object' because 'object' does not contain a public definition for 'GetEnumerator'.The foreach loop i have used as:


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ADO.NET :: LINQ To Entities - Getting The Value Of The Rows By Column?

Nov 17, 2010

All I am trying to do is query the database, then get the returned values, so that I can do some calculations. But, I don't understand how to get the values from the database row that is returned, so that I can assign it for usage.

I would like to do something where the logic goes: for the index of [1] (which is just column 1), multiply it by 2. For the index of [2] (which is just column 2), multiply it by 3.

Example below:

This does NOT work:


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C# - Encrypt Column Data With LINQ?

May 19, 2010

I was wondering if there is easy solution to this or I'm stuck with following:When updating DB:

dti.Pass = Crypter.Encrypt(dti.Pass);

When selecting from DB:

Data.DbTableItem dti = _db.Single(a=>a.Id == id);
dti.Pass = Crypter.Decrypt(dti.Pass);

Meaning - I am not really into writing repetitive code and this seems like logical thing to be supported by LINQ; so I'm wondering if it is.

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ADO.NET :: Linq To Sql Column Mismatch Using Stored Procedures?

Aug 26, 2010

I'm using Linq to Sql to call some stored procedures for more complex work; is there any way Linq to Sql can tell me when the output columns from the stored procedure do not match the properties of my entity object? It seems that Linq to Sql tries its best to match the columns and ignores any mismatches.

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