ADO.NET :: Handling Default Notnull Column In Linq To Sql?

Sep 16, 2010

I have a column called regdate datetime default getdate() , the column is notnull.I am using linq to sql.I have created instance of that table and when i try to insert record into the table, I am getting daterange exception.(range should be 1/1/1753 to 31/12/9999).In that object I am not setting any value to regdate property as that would be taken care by sql server.If i set regdate = then record is inserted successfully.I dont want to set any value from front-ent.I want sql server to do that for me like we do it using stored procedure.

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Column 1: int
Column 2: string
Column 3: int default -1
(Column 1, Column 2, Column 3)
(?, ?, ?)
create paramter (Column 1, 12)
if (x = 0)
{create parameter (Column 2, "test")}
create parameter (Column 3, 24)
create parameter (Column 2, DBNull.Value)

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MVC :: Get Column Of A Table Using Linq?

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Now based on the comparision i want to display result.

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C# - Use Linq To Sql To Select One Column From Row?

Dec 18, 2010

I am using this C# with linq to sql:

string currentLabel = from s2f in stream2FieldTypesTable
where s2f.s2fID == item.s2fID
&& (s2f.s2fLabel != item.s2fLabel || s2f.s2fIsRequired != item.s2fIsRequired)
select s2f.s2fLabel;

I am getting a compiler error saying i can't assign type System.Linq.IQueryable<string> to string.

I tried this code:

string currentLabel = from s2f in stream2FieldTypesTable
where s2f.s2fID == item.s2fID
&& (s2f.s2fLabel != item.s2fLabel || s2f.s2fIsRequired != item.s2fIsRequired)
select s2f.s2fLabel.ToString();

And that returns the same error. I'm sure this is a simple thing. what am I missing? I just want the first s2fLabel that matches the where clause.

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ADO.NET ::calculate A New Column IN In Linq?

Aug 12, 2010

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C# - SQL Group By Column Value In LINQ?

Jun 25, 2010

I am trying to translate this:

SELECT IDNum, Max(Convert(varchar(20), (TimeOut - TimeIn), 108))
FROM IO_Times Group by IDNum
order by Max(Convert(varchar(20), (TimeOut - TimeIn), 108)) desc";

Into LINQ in C#. The above returns a list of the maximum value of (TimeOut-TimeIn) that corresponds to each unique IDNum (There are multiple TimeOut-TimeIn values for every IDNum).Here is what I am trying now:

from IO_Time in db.IO_Times
orderby SqlMethods.DateDiffMinute(IO_Time.TimeIn, IO_Time.TimeOut) descending
group IO_Time by IO_Time.IDNum into list
select new
ID = list.Key,
Time = list

This returns the correct IDs in the correct order, but the "list" contains everything in the database entry (which makes sense). I have also tried group by IDNum and Time, but then I get unique time entries and multiple IDs returned.I could do a foreach loop and manually sort it all out, but I would really rather not do that.

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Feb 2, 2011

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Now, I call this method as : var retrieved_Data = objDataMgrClass.ReadData();Now comes the problem that I am facing how to read each coloumn from this var retrived_Data??? I have tried using foreach loop but i keep getting an error : foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type 'object' because 'object' does not contain a public definition for 'GetEnumerator'.The foreach loop i have used as:


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Example below:

This does NOT work:


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May 19, 2010

I was wondering if there is easy solution to this or I'm stuck with following:When updating DB:

dti.Pass = Crypter.Encrypt(dti.Pass);

When selecting from DB:

Data.DbTableItem dti = _db.Single(a=>a.Id == id);
dti.Pass = Crypter.Decrypt(dti.Pass);

Meaning - I am not really into writing repetitive code and this seems like logical thing to be supported by LINQ; so I'm wondering if it is.

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Jul 9, 2010

I added a DateTime column to a table in my database through the Server Explorer. Because the team lead for this project wasn't savvy on nullable types, one of the requirements was that there be no null values in the database. This requires me to program all sorts of useless code into the system, but that's another story. My problem arises when assigning a default value to this column. I typed the following into the cell for the "Default Value or Binding":

1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM

When I went to inspect the content of the table, I found that all of the dates had been populated with:

1/1/1900 12:00:00 AM

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Jul 28, 2010

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ADO.NET :: Retrieve A Date Time Value From TimeStamp Column Using Linq?

Oct 21, 2010

I have a Timestamp column in my Table. I want to read the date time value and display in UI.

In Linq the Timestamp column is represented as System.Data.Linq.Binary.

I dont know how to retirve date time value in "MM-dd-YYYY" format from this Linq.Binary

- Why I am using Timestamp?.

I want to perform some operations based on the last modified date time of the particular row. Since I am using TimeStamp column in my Table as version column, It will contain the last modified date details, So i want to read the date time value from this time stamp column to do some other operations.

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C# - LINQ Union With BIT Column Causing Specified Cast Is Not Valid Error?

Mar 8, 2011

I have a complicated join between a few tables but I have managed to replicate the error using linqpad and the small tables below. There are references between the COLNAME column and the YAXIS column and also between COLNAME and XAXIS that is not explicitly defined.

The error is "Specified cast is not valid", which originally I wasted time thinking the problem was converting the data returned to my object in VS 2010, but the error also happens in linqpad with no defined object. It seems insane that a bit column would cause this problem. If I change the column type to a VARCHAR it works fine. If I run the generated SQL from linqpad or sql profiler that also returns fine.


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DataSource Controls :: LINQ - Select Column In Data Table?

Feb 9, 2010

Mmy data table has four columns. How can I get only selected columns name?

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