AJAX :: Each AccordionPane With Form Containing Controls With Validation

Sep 30, 2010

I am using Accordion with multiple AccordionPane. Each AccordionPane has a form tag that contains asp controls such as dropdownlist and textboxes and buttons to submit or cancel. Each asp control has a requiredFieldValidator assign to it. However when a i am in a particular AccordionPane to submit the form, the validator for other fields in other fields is highlighted preventing me from submitting.

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AJAX :: For Each AccordionPane As ControlToolkit.AccordionPane In _accordion.Panes?

Jul 22, 2010

I am having a problem setting up the width and height of my textbox inside of my accordion panel. Does not make any sense because my code executes correctly but then does not change the value of the control on client side.I pass a control into this function and iterate through the control to locate more controls.


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AJAX :: Roundedcornerextender With One Ajax Accordionpane In A List Of Accordionpane?

Apr 2, 2010

i have a list of accordionpane as follows:

<cc1:accordion id="accordion1" runat="server">
<cc1:accordionpane id="pane1" runat="server">


now i want to make the top corners round for the pane1 only. can any one please guide me how to do it?? how can it be done by ajaxtoolkit RoundedCornersExtender?

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AJAX :: AccordionPane And UserControl?

Jan 12, 2010

I'm using the Accordion control but i have some troubles while combine it with my custom UserControl.When i'm tring to add my UserControl to the Content property of the AccordionPane, it's not working.Also, it's doesnt throw any exception. It's just not look like doin what im ask for.My custom UserControl (named: "MailAddress.ascx") is pretty empty of value. it's just contain "<p>blabla</p>". I'm sure that it's working (added it manually to my webpage and it's working.The next code is creating the AccordionPane dynamicly:


The first question is that possible to use custom UserControl as a content of AccordionPane?

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AJAX :: Combobox Inside AccordionPane?

May 31, 2010

When I add a combobox inside an accordionpane i cannot see the button and the list except for the pane selected by default.

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AJAX :: Item Repeater With AccordionPane?

Sep 10, 2010

I'm a novice in ASP.NET and AJAX Toolkit but i made some tryes and looks like very nice!I was trying to build an accordion pane fetching data from database and decided to use item repearter.So i wrote this code


<asp:SqlDataSource ID="sqlsedi" runat="server" ConnectionString="$ ConnectionStrings:ConnToRead">

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AJAX :: How To Update The AccordionPane Header

Jan 10, 2011

I have a disabled label, where I stored a record count for each query, and was wondering how to change my code, where it displays the value of the label, instead of the lable name?Example:

<AjaxControlToolkit:AccordionPane ID="AccordionPane1" runat="server">
<a href="" onclick="return false;" class="accordionLink"> Total Records: lbl_RecordCount.Text.Value</a>

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AJAX :: Limit Accordionpane Size?

Jan 27, 2011

What is the best way of limit the size of an Accordion Pane when it contains a lot of data? I have an Accordion defined in the ASP which I'm building dynamically in the code behind,at present I'm just adding Literals to the pane (basically records from the db) The data I'm using generates four panes which contain 86, 4, 500 & 132 rows each. I was wondering if it's feasible to limit the rows being displayed by the Accordion Pane when the rows are greater than 20 but below that number have the size set to auto?


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AJAX :: Add AccordionPane Dynamically Using Javascript?

Nov 16, 2010

I want to add AccordionPane dynamically using Javascript, so that the new panel added would also have the textbox (txtFirstName) in it. The ContentTemplate has more controls than txtFirstName textbox.

The Accordion control is databound.

The following is the code.

<ajaxToolkit:Accordion id="accSingleData" runat="server" fadetransitions="True" selectedindex="0" Width = "500px"

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AJAX ::  designed  Registration Form And Looking For Validation?

Nov 2, 2010

i designed registration form i want validate that form in ajax .

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AJAX :: AccordionPane Add Control With PostBack Event?

May 3, 2010

i want to add imagebutton to the header of the AccordionPane .when i click on the image button the is no event fire of imagebutton Click.

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AJAX :: Disable Multiple AccordionPane In Accordion?

Apr 7, 2010

I change use this java script [URL] to disenable a single AccordionPane in an Accordion, can i get a javscript that disables mutiple accordion panes?

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AJAX :: Datakeys Of A Gridview Inside Accordionpane

Sep 10, 2010

I add a gridview into a accordionpane in a accordion. And I bind data to this gridview and define a column as a datakeyname and make it un-visible. However when I get the datakeys[index] in the behind code, there is an error that "Index was out of range".But I am sure the index is not out of the range, and when i debug i see the count of the datakeys is 0

I don't know why this error happens?

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AJAX :: Javascript Access To Objects In Accordionpane?

Nov 10, 2010

I have a series of controls that I need to get and set the content for inside an accordionpane.how do I get/set these values through javaScript?


For example,how do I get/set the value of the crsZoom TextBox via javaScript?GetElementByID doesn't seem to work as expected inside the panes.

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MVC :: Unobtrusive Validation Not Working On Form Loaded By Ajax

Feb 10, 2011

Is it possible to validate a form that has been loaded dynamically by Ajax? I have two forms that I load on a page with another form and niether of the Ajax forms can be validated.

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Send Ajax Form To Web Service Only After Successful Validation?

Jun 26, 2010

my target is to create form that validated in the client side, and only when it is valid, send ajax call to asmx web service. i manage to do that two separately: client-side validation and ajax send to web service, and i want to combine this two. how?..

i have this form (i simplify everything for simple example):


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AJAX :: Confirm Buttin, ModalPopup, And Form Validation?

Jan 10, 2010

I have one text box with a range validator, and a submit button.I also have a confirmbuttonextender and modalpopup.The popup still displays even if there is a form error!

How does this work with validation, since the popup displays when the button is pressed and not when the form is validated correctly?

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AJAX :: GridView Inside AccordionPane : Control Toolkit?

Feb 23, 2011

I am facing a problem concerning gridview inside AccordionPane:using Visual Studio .Net 2010 designing Asp .Net Web Application (.net 4) using ajax Control toolit (.net 4 and have tried with .net 3.5 version)
When I insert a gridview inside the an accordionpane content everything seems OK. However, changing the SQLDatasource configuration, or even the Griview's colums, no code is written in the aspx web page. That concludes to the fact that: in design mode i can see everything, at runtime nothing appears. In designer's view the gridview renders fine, but when at source view, nothing is written. If I change gridview's and SQLDatasource position outside the Accordion, everything is working perfectly, including the sourceview update in the aspx page.

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Does Ajax Post Supports The Usual Validation Upon Submit Of A Form

Mar 3, 2011

Does Ajax post supports the usual validation upon submit of a form?


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AJAX :: Button Control In AccordionPane Does Not Fire Click Event?

Nov 15, 2010

I am creating nested accordion using the object model and have created buttons in the inner accordion's accordion pane. The buttons look great but issue is that the buttons does not fire thier click event. They just do the postback of the page and ignore the event.

I want to show a pop-upextender on the pre_init event but all my panes are added dynamically so it does not give any rows.

My code


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MVC 2: Make The Ajax.Form To Fire The Client Side Validation With Data Annotation?

Mar 7, 2010

Here is the code I have so far:


When I click submit, It does the validation on the server side, I kinda like it to validate on the Client instead of taking a trip to the server right away.

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MVC :: Validation Fails And Returns Whole Form With Validation Message?

Mar 18, 2011

Can anyone tell me how to re-display a form when validation fails, i'm having a problem in that when i submit an empty form, the whole ascx file is returned with textbox and button etc.


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Submit Form Cause Validation Error In Other Form?

Oct 3, 2010

i have post detail page (asp.net, umbraco cms), with search box and post replay box.the problem is that when user try to search using the search box, it cause validation error in the post replay box.the search is client side form.the post replay is server side form.you can view it live at:[URL]

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AJAX :: Update The Data From The Textbox Using The Update Button At One Of AccordionPane?

Sep 20, 2010

i'm trying to update the data from the textbox using the update button at one of my accordionPane. but when i click the button it won't go to the Accordion1_itemcommand. how to fix my problem??below are code


this is my vb code for the Accordion1_ItemCommand


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Web Forms :: Add Client - Side Javascript Confirmation Dialog To Form With .net Validation Controls?

Dec 9, 2010

Is there any way to add a confirmation dialog to a submit button when the form already has other validation controls and a summary control using "showmessagebox=true"? I tried adding

OnClientClick="return confirm('Are you sure?');" to the submit button, but that seems to block all of the other validation?

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