AJAX :: Enabling Or Disabling Modal Pop-up On Submit?

Sep 8, 2010

I have a page where the user edits information and i want to run a series of checks on the data and then warn the user with options 'Yes' or 'No' and run code accodingly on their choices.

How would i go about doing this?

I am writing if value_changes then modalpop.Show but this does not work if there is other code within the button submit.

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Ajax Code For Enabling And Disabling Dropdown Box?

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How to write an ajax function to disable a dropdown, until its parent dropdown is selected?

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AJAX :: Enabling / Disabling CascadingDropDown Using Jquery?

Aug 22, 2010

I have asp.net dropdownlist control with Ajax CascadingDropDown control.

I also I have asp.net checkbox control. I want to enable/disable CascadingDropDown when the checkbox checked/unchecked using jquery.

I tried diffrent ways but they did not work and if I want to set enable property for the dropdownlist to false it will not work so I have to set the CascadingDropDown enable property to false to disable it but I do not know how.

this is one of the code I tried:


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WCF / ASMX :: Enabling / Disabling HTTPGet For Web Services?

Jan 20, 2010

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However, I would like to allow HTTPGet for just one method in my asmx file. This method will be used by monitoring software to ensure the web services are working and available properly. (My monitoring software does not suppoer web services, however, if I am able to do at HTTPGet on the web web service, the monitor software should be able to pickup the response.)

Is is possible to disable HTTPGets for all web methods but just allow it for one web method?

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Web Forms :: Enabling And Disabling Controls Using Master Pages?

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LoginRegister I want these controls not to be visibled in my UserRegistration.aspx page but should be visible in other pages.How can I solve this problem.

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Web Forms :: Disabling And Enabling Hyperlinks On An Aspx Page?

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JQuery :: Enabling/disabling Input Controls In A Form?

Aug 26, 2010

I am writing a ASP.NET UserControl and I am trying to incorporate JQuery into this.

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Web Forms :: Enabling And Disabling Controls On Button Click

Oct 30, 2012

i have a doubt regarding in my project...actually in my web form i have a submit button,cancel button,edit button...all are work fine but only one is not properly working ...if i click the edit button submit button will be disabled and dropdown box  and update button will be enabled..in that dropdown list i displayed the employee code which is stored in the database..when the user select the dropdownlist employee code,the particular record will be displayed in the same page...but when i click the edit button submit will be disabled and update and dropdownlist will be enabled..when i select the employee code in the dropdownlist the particular record will be displayed and update button and dropdownlist will be disabled.i want both the controls should be enabled

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Forms Data Controls :: Enabling And Disabling Gridview Rows?

Dec 18, 2010

I have a gridview with Templatefields checkbox, equipname,rate1,rate2 ,rate3,rate4.The equipname name field is a dropdownlist templaefield and I am populating it with data from datatable.

The equipname are A,B,C,D.

When I check the checkbox the corresponding equipname field of the checked row will be active and I select a equipname from the dropdownlist.

Rate1 is for Equipname 'A'
Rate2 is for Equipname 'B'
Rate3 is for equipname 'C'
Rate4 is for equipname 'D'

Now what I need is when I check the first row and select equipname 'A' only the
rate1 column of the first row should be active.

When I check the secondrow and selected equipname only the rate1 column of the second row should be active
and that of row1 should be inactive and so on.

I was able to do everything except that when I check a particular row and selected equipname 'A' allother fields (ie,rate2,rate3,rate4 ) becomes inactive but all otherrows of rate1 irrespective of the checked row becomes also active.how can I do this

I s there any way for getting that particular checked rowindex so as to compare it with

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C# - After Disabling A Submit Button With JS, Re-enable After File Download?

Nov 11, 2010

I'm working on an ASP.NET application. Currently when the user clicks "Save" on an item, we disable the Save button, change its text to "Saving..." and so on. This works fine, because the button causes a postback which results in a new page being loaded, on which the Save button is no longer disabled.

We now want to apply this to other actions: Publish (not much different from Save), Import (again, much like Save, but based on data the user has uploaded in a previous step), Export (downloads an XML file to the user) etc.

Export is causing me problems - the button stays disabled. I think this is because the server sends back an XML file rather than a new web page, and so the browser just displays the same page.

The server-side code is along the lines of

Response.BufferOutput = true;
Response.ContentType = "text/xml";
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + whatever);
[push file contents into Response.OutputStream]

a way of making the server send a fresh page back in the response as well as the XML, thus re-enablnig the button in the same manner that the other pages do, ora way of getting the browser/JS to re-enable the button once the file has been sent.

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MVC :: Disabling Client Side Validation On Submit Button?

Feb 9, 2010

For the release of Microsoft MVC 2.0 RC2, can someone go into further detail on the following BUG/FIX: You can now programmatically disable client validation for a submit button (an input elements whose type attribute is set to "submit") even if the button does not have its name attribute set, whereas before it required the name attribute.Does this apply to the HTML Helper Submit Button or the input submit button? How would I disable client validation for a submit button? I tried using the htmlAttribute causesvalidation="false" on a HTML Helper Submit button and it did not work.

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Disabling Submit Button In Web Application With JavaScript Breaks BlackBerry Submission?

Apr 12, 2010

The following code is being used to disable a Submit button once it has been clicked. This works great on desktop browsers and most BlackBerry mobile browsers.

Submit.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:this.disabled=true;" +
ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(Submit, null));

when using a BlackBerry Storm clicking the submit button causes the device to just reload the page. If I remove this code the Storm browser submits the page just fine. I need to disable the button when the browser is capable of doing so but do not want to affect browsers that are not JavaScript capable.

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AJAX :: When Submit The Page Which Has Modal Popup Extender,popup Extender Becomes Visible?

Oct 29, 2010

When i try to submit the page which has modal popup extender,popup extender becomes visible! How can i avoid this?

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Web Forms :: Display A Modal On Submit But Only If A Dropdownlist Equals?

Nov 11, 2010

I have a form that on submits displays a modal-popup window, but I only want to display this modal if a particualr choice has been made within a Drop Down List (DDLTermination)

I'm not sure how link it up, into the submit button

so far I've got the following within the submit button but this isn't working how I want:


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AJAX :: Get A Modal Popup Inside A Modal Popup / Fire The Modal Popup On A Condition In A Text Change Event Of A Textbox?

Jan 17, 2010

I am trying to get a modal popup inside a modal popup?, also i want to fire the modal popup on a condition in a text change event of a textbox?...is this possible and can anyone give me directon on this

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AJAX :: Modal User Control On Top Of A Modal Popup + Javascript Causes Page Flash

Jul 29, 2010

Modal Popup user control (its a message box) on top of a modal popup with javascript that maintains postback on a scrollable div all inside of an update panel causes my page to flash on postback of the user control. If any one of the peices (user control, modal popup, javascript) are missing everything works fine. The javascript is maintaing scrollback on a scrollable listview on the page. A modalpopup is shown on top of this main page that is for report parameters. The user control is used for validation and is displayed if a parameter is invalid. I know this may not be the best design, but it can't really change unless its a minor change. Heres the js if anyone wants to see popup or styles let me know.

//Begin methods to maintain or reset scroll position during postback.
var controlIds = [];
var scrollTops = [];
//Register a control to maintain its scroll position on postbacks.
function MaintainPostback(controlId) {
//Find the div/control id in the controlIds array and set its scroll position to 0.
function ResetControlScrollTop(controlId) {
var index = 0;
while (index < controlIds.length) {
if (controlId == controlIds[index]) {
scrollTops[index] = 0;

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AJAX :: Enabling Javascript Debugging?

Apr 2, 2010

I'm trying to debug some problems I have with Javascript code in the Ajax Control Toolkit. I tried setting debug=true in Web.config and adding ScriptMode=Debug in the script manager; but when the error occurs I still get the compressed JS files. Is there any way to get the uncompressed JS files to the browser? Does anyone have a simple self contained example of this working?

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AJAX :: Modal Popup Using Modal Disappear In Postback

Jan 24, 2013

I look for a good way for arrangement Admin pages Items

for example Admin Upload Page consists of these sections:

* make a new folder

* delete folder

* upload file in folder

* show folders information (in a gridview)

* download test

so I think one way is showing this sections in modal

but when I tried make a new folder in modal after clicking in create folder button modal disappeared.

Is there any way that  modal doesnt disappear until user click close button?

I mean I want modal to behave like a page.

If there isn't a way what to do for classification sections?

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AJAX :: Get One Modal Popup To Trigger A Second Modal?

Aug 19, 2010

How can I get one modal popup to trigger a second modal? And in between each modal, I need to execute server code.

Page load, check if question needs answering -> Modal 1 -> User answers -> run server code to check if question two needs answering -> Modal 2 -> show page.

I could do this using a series of asp:Views if there is not a clean way, the management just really likes the modals

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AJAX :: Enabling AJAX ComboBox ?

Aug 11, 2010

How do i enable Combobox when disabled?

with codebehind:


When i press the enable button it gets enabled. (But y twice?)

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AJAX :: Disabling Checkboxes In Popupextender Control?

Mar 24, 2011

I have a popup extender that shows when an edit button in a grid is clicked. I am disabling the checkbox and submit button when a particular row is clicked with sone validation. When I close the popup and show again by pressing button on another row the controls are still disabled. Why are these controls properties set permanently on entering the if condition ?

button click event for button on the panel that pops up on a button press in grid


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